Chapter 220 Departure
Rainy Palm Moon, in Josh's perception, it is April. This is a season with frequent rainy seasons, but it is also a season of vitality.

Every four years in this season, the Muya Continent will hold a grand event, a grand event that is invited by the four great empires and the entire continent will participate together.

In the Muya Continent, peace has basically become a main tone, but the competition between each country has never stopped.

But in this environment of mutual fear, I am afraid that when fighting, you must always be careful whether you will suddenly be attacked by the enemy when attacking others.

Even if this world does not form a tripod-type country that checks and balances each other, it is not so easy to fight because of the special existence of professionals.

In this case, I can't fight again, but I want to tell you that I am very strong, so the Four Kingdoms invitation, which in Josh's eyes, is no different from the Olympic Games, was born.

Well, Josh thinks it would be better to call him Scarlet Olympiad.

The type of four-country invitation is actually quite like an arena. His competitive events are divided into two types, one is team type and the other is individual type.

The personal type is easier to understand. To put it bluntly, it is a competition of talents from all countries in the Muya continent. At the end of the battle, the person will be the strongest of the younger generation.

Although Josh didn't care about this thing at all, he even felt very secondary.

But there is no way, young people are competitive, especially when it comes to the country and the participants also include the descendants of the imperial family, so one can imagine how fierce it is.

Of course, the final champion of the individual competition was basically taken over by the four great empires, especially the elf empire.

In Josh's memory, if there were no natural or man-made disasters, the No. 1 would have been taken away by the contestants of the Elven Empire.

There is no way to think about it, after all, others are too strong.

It is so strong that almost all countries are a little desperate. Fortunately, the elves have a stronger desire for peace than other races. Otherwise, Josh felt that the Muya Continent would have been renamed the Elf Continent long ago.

As for the team competition, to put it bluntly, it is a confrontation in the small army mode of each country.

Josh watched it once when he was a child, and it turned out that watching it made Josh truly realize the cruelty of this world. It was almost a confrontation that completely imitated actual combat, and Josh vomited directly.

At that time, a kingdom in the big league was very unlucky and got the Orc Empire. As a result, the [-] soldiers who participated in the competition were almost slaughtered by the elite warriors composed of orcs!

But even so, they did not choose to surrender. The final score was 300 to 20, and [-] people were replaced by [-] orcs.

It was only later that Josh learned that this country had been invaded by orcs, and their hatred for orcs was so deep that they still chose to fight even though they knew they were not their opponents.

Josh didn't know how to evaluate this, but Josh remembered this kind of tragedy in his heart.

"To be honest, what's the point of fighting and killing people? It's better to hold some real sports games."

Sitting in the carriage of Karens Kingdom, which was going to participate in the major league where the Four Nations invited to host, Josh complained a little bored.

The super alliance is located in the very center of the continent, and every year the venues invited by the four countries will be born in the alliance. This time it is the turn of the Kingdom of Karens.

The contestants in Josh's group naturally had to set off too, but he didn't choose to go with his father and the others, but set off with some guards and friends.

Dealing with those nobles, Josh thinks it's better to forget it.

If I don't bring them to see them, they don't like to see me very much.

Josh is very clear about this, so it's better to be comfortable than to look uncomfortable.He was also low-key enough to travel this time, and he didn't worry about being recognized by others at all.

In fact, Josh didn't even want to bring the accompanying guards, but considering that it was inconvenient for him to deal with many things, he had no choice but to bring the guards who played in the movie.

Just like that, a team of less than 20 people set off with Josh.

As for the territory, Josh naturally handed it over to Frank.

This guy never planned to go to the Four Kingdoms to invite him from the beginning. In his words, if I leave too, who will manage this territory?In this case, Josh had no choice but to keep him, and his territory really needed someone to watch.

"Also, why don't you take the right to host it into your own hands. I'm also convinced that I don't know how to grasp such a good opportunity to make money."

"Then you go and complain to your father and the others, and tell me there's a fart."

Akatosh stepped on Josh's head and said indifferently, holding a four-nation invitation is very troublesome, but the benefits will definitely not be small, especially when it brings countless other outside spectators, these people can't bear it ?
With a little thought, you can earn a lot of gold coins from it.

"Probably because of political considerations. After all, the Four Great Empires are too terrifying. It might not be a good thing if these alliances are not considered." Galen thought for a while and said.

Josh sighed, and said with a regretful face: "I know this too, but it's just really uncomfortable. It's really uncomfortable to see a lot of money but can't get it."

"You money slave!" Akatosh rolled his eyes at Josh.

"By the way, your speed to the sixth level is really beyond my imagination. What happened? According to my estimation, it should take you two years to reach the sixth level, but how did you advance directly?"

"Secret." Speaking of this, Josh couldn't help but look at Natasha.

Josh didn't intend to publicize this matter. In fact, it wouldn't be a shame to say it. After all, Josh's progress is there, but Josh hoped that he would share this matter with Natasha.

"It's up to you, by the way, what did you do after you were promoted?"

Since Josh doesn’t want to say it, Akatosh doesn’t bother to ask any more. If he’s really curious, he can just look at his memory. Of course, if Josh really refuses, then forget it. Akatosh doesn’t have much time during this period. He has been helping Galen perfected some interesting skills.

"Well, after evolving Seraphim, everything else will grow naturally."

Josh scratched his ears and briefly talked about some things he had done recently.

With his promotion, Josh immediately evolved his Seraphim. To put it bluntly, his promotion made his magic quality to a higher level, so he immediately improved his Seraph.

At the fourth level, Josh's Seraph was just a skeleton, similar to Fengyue.

But when he reached the fifth level, his Seraphim immediately changed, and with the support of full magic power, he began to have a blurry face, and now Josh directly let Chitian use it so that he can clearly see the end Who is it.

From the very beginning, Josh Seraphim's face was his own, and now he could see it as soon as he used it, instead of having to distinguish it a little bit like before.

Of course, not only that, Josh is not that boring, just let this thing see who it is.

When Josh evolved Seraph, he also emphasized its offensiveness.

In Josh's eyes, the Seraphim's defense is enough, but the offensive ability may be somewhat lacking. Like Master Madara, Josh can also cast spells with Seraphim?This Josh has tried a long time ago, but the consumption is too high.

In this case, Josh thinks he should try the physical route?

Just do it when you think about it, Josh Seraphim's idea actually comes from Mr. Madara and his family, they can do it, why can't they do it?

Although Josh's melee strength is really not that good, he has also learned some swordsmanship from Galen, and he has read many martial arts novels before, and the melee level that Seraphim burst out without fighting spirit also scared Josh jump!
To put it simply, strength alone has reached the sixth level!
And after more than two months of trying in Josh, he finally figured out a way to replace fighting spirit with magic power, so Josh's Seraphim can be regarded as an extremely powerful existence in close combat.

But it's a pity, it seems to be because of Josh himself, or because Seraphim's power is too strong, which makes Seraph's speed really slow to death.

Seraphim's defensive power has almost reached the seventh level, and his melee strength has reached the sixth level. Josh really has no way to solve the shortcoming of slow speed.

"It means, an iron bastard with full strength and amazing defense?"

"You really can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth. Do you expect a semi-finished skill to run fast, and can also defend against amazing power?"

"I don't expect it, I always feel that this thing looks like a dog's head."

"What is that?"



Josh touched the back of his head, not to mention it was really interesting.

In the later period, Nasus has a strong defense, and the stacked soul blows are also amazingly powerful, but it is a pity that he has short legs and is easy to be kited by others.Now Josh's Seraph is really as good as he has.

"Hey? Since this is the case, should I also create a sun wither? Such a magic?"

"Don't you have a rune to imprison you? Just lock the person, and then hack him to death."


Josh clapped his hands, let alone a very good idea!

Although the Rune Imprisonment Josh was cast using void magic, that doesn't mean he couldn't modify it, just like he specially imitated the Void Blade when he transformed Seraphim.

The water element condenses into ice and wraps the fire element, and the extremely subtle void origin is hidden in the fire element. Josh simulated the void blade. Although it does not have the characteristics of the void blade at all, its power is still good. .

Josh can refer to this and use the fire element or water element to replace the magic power of the void element to perform rune imprisonment.

Although it feels very difficult, Josh, who has experienced it once, feels that he only needs to spend a few days.

Even if it doesn't come out, it's not a problem. Josh doesn't have to use it in this four-nation invitation, he is preparing for him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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