The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 221 Little Bastard and Old Bastard

Chapter 221 Little Bastard and Old Bastard

It only took one day for Josh and others to go from the Empire of Augustus to the Kingdom of Kars.

In fact, the distance between the two places is very far. If you really walk or take a carriage, it may happen that you walk for several years.

However, magic, a magical thing, solved these troubles very well, so that it would not be necessary to start a few years in advance to participate in a four-nation invitation.

Space magic, this magic that only gods can master, has even more incredible things appear in their improvement, such as the teleportation magic circle.

This thing largely solves the problem of long-distance migration. Of course, the cost of using this magic circle is also extremely high.

If it wasn't for Josh's status as Prince Josh, and he did have the right to participate in the four-nation invitation, this fee alone would be enough for him.

Although he really took out the money, Josh didn't want to experience the time of instant noodles for a month after it was used up.

As for those who went to watch, they were basically nobles, children of aristocratic families, or rich people. Even Josh felt greedy for their money.

Josh made such a thing in Rivendell, and his purpose was not lacking in stealing money from the pockets of these rich people.

"Anyway, they have money, and if the plan goes well and succeeds, then they are probably willing to invest money in Rivendell."

Strolling on the streets of Karens Kingdom, Josh found a lot of representative teams, like a few sweaty guys from the Orc Empire, dwarves drinking alcohol at the entrance of the bar, and Several picturesque elves.

Of course, Josh is not sure which country they belong to. After all, the Grand Alliance is a federation formed by the union of many races that can resist the aggression of the super empire.But Josh still found it interesting to see so many races at once.

"The name of this city is Kars, it is the capital of this kingdom, and the history of this city is long enough, it looks very good."

Strolling along the way, Josh led a group of people to look left and right. This completely different style from the Augustus Empire really made Josh feel good.

Of course, if compared with Rivendell, Josh still thinks it is a little worse. After all, the architectural style of Rivendell is the most in line with Josh's aesthetics, but the population of Rivendell is not as good as here.

"It's really not bad. By the way, when is your movie going to be released? Oh, it's called Phantom now." Galen also watched while walking. Everything here was even more unfamiliar to him, but he still cared about Josh. The phantom that came out.

"Well, in the near future anyway, O'Brien, I may need to trouble you with something. It would be better for you to help me see the big theater, we may need to come then."

Josh thought about it for a while, and finally decided that he should simply book a theater.

As the capital of the Kingdom of Kars, the city of Kars must have such things. Even Josh's Rivendell has built a theater that can not only perform operas, but also hold concerts and movies.

"I understand, Your Highness. I will meet you at the camp of the Augustus Empire."

O'Brien nodded, and then left the team alone to fulfill Josh's entrustment.

O'Brien, the lead actor in Josh's Phantom, is also the actor who played Bethelia, and it was only later that Josh discovered that this guy was actually a descendant of the Delanke family.

Generally speaking, he is a trustworthy person, and the reason why this guy came to the eighth floor of his territory was also arranged by Black, so Josh has nothing to ask about it.

If you come, you will come, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to, anyway, just do what you have to do.

After walking around, Josh didn't think it was interesting, so he ran to Augustus' camp decisively.

Every country will have a suitable place of residence, especially the four empires will basically be arranged in a very good location.

Of course, it is called a camp mainly because there was an organizer, and because there are not enough hotels, many countries can only set up camps outside the city, so there is this stalk.

This time was actually pretty good, at least Augustus's camp was close to the arena, and Josh and the others lived in the hotel.

After a simple investigation, Josh easily entered here, but then she regretted it a bit. It just so happened that he happened to meet Black who was taking Kane and his group out, and then Josh and the others immediately talked with him. They collided.

"." Josh looked constipated.

"What's that look on your face, Josh? Are you happy to see me?"

"Well, I'm very happy."

Facing Black's questioning, Josh could only bite the bullet and answer.

There was no way that Josh wouldn't panic when he saw Black. Even though he had prepared himself for a long time, his scalp still felt numb for no reason when he saw him. You must know that Black had annoyed him for several months.

That is to say, after Josh asked Frank to bring the flash mob to Black, Josh would receive letters from Black every now and then.

Anyway, the content is the same. From time to time, I ask how the musicians are treated, just to ask how the production of the phantom film I shot is going well.

Oh my God, the filming of the phantom hadn't finished yet.

After the filming was over, Josh thought his hard life was over, but he didn't expect this to be the beginning!Because of post-production reasons, Blake would send a letter almost every day to inquire about the progress, and he almost ran over by himself!
It is conceivable how much the previous flash mob shocked him, so much so that he even proposed to let him watch it after all the work was completed.

This request Josh is really extremely depressed, how could he show you first if he didn't read it himself?So Josh replied without hesitation and refused, and he didn't read any of the letters that Black sent after that.

That's why this guy was so constipated and guilty when he saw Black.

"Very good, as long as you are happy. Have you finished all the work of the phantom?"

"Um, yes, it's done."

"Then why don't you show it to me?"

"This, don't you want it?"

"Say it again!?"

"This, don't you want it?"


Josh honestly followed Black's request and said it again. As a result, Black almost kicked his ass to greet him.

Fortunately, Josh reacted quickly enough, and Blake didn't make a real move, otherwise Josh would definitely perform a dog-eating gesture now.

"Let me tell you, old man, there is really no need to be anxious. And for better results, I plan to show it tonight for free. Well, the target is all contestants, including you!"

"What did you just call me?"

"Great Father!"

Blake glared at Josh. Only Josh dared to call himself the word old man. Others either didn't have the guts at all, or he killed him when he called it out.

Only the little bastard Josh was still alive and well, but he was also used to Josh's style and didn't care too much.

"You mean, all the contestants? That's huge."

"Uh, what I mean is, just invite us warriors of the Augustus Empire to take a look?"

Josh originally planned to let all the contestants go to see it, but considering that the city doesn't seem to have such a big theater, Josh had to give up.Now he hasn't seen O'Brien, and he doesn't know the specific situation.

And this guy Josh has other plans—why should I book the theater and show you movies for free?You didn't give me an award!

What is a movie?In addition to being used for appreciation, its actual purpose is actually for money. Josh has never denied that he is a layman.

He intends to invite the contestants from the Augustus Empire for free, including the nobles who came over to watch it first, and treat it as a free premiere.

Then, by charging a fee, let contestants from other countries and other races watch the movie, and at the same time, Josh can also learn some more real information from the first batch of moviegoers.

Team events have always had the largest number of people, especially in the event of actual combat. Each team has 300 people. Even if no one Josh only charges one silver coin, and a team of people come to watch, then Josh will have three gold coins!

It is conceivable how high the income this is!One or two hours is three gold coins. If the theater is bigger and can accommodate more people at the same time, then Josh's income will be even greater!There is absolutely no doubt about this.

"Is the scene too small? After all, I appear in it. By the way, what kind of character am I? I always feel like I haven't filmed much."

"Well, you are the initiator, the guide, and the person who ends the whole story. It is very important!"

"is it?"

Blake smiled, he guessed that Josh was probably flattering him, but it's only natural for a son to flatter Lao Tzu.

He knew very well in his heart that he did not take a few shots. Although it took him a lot of time, it did not affect his enthusiasm at all.

"Have you found your theater yet?"

"I asked O'Brien to look for him. He should be back soon."

"O'Brien? The one from the Delanke family?"


O'Brien was arranged by Black, so he naturally knew, "How is this kid doing?"

"Well, I'm a little dissatisfied at the moment, but it doesn't matter. Let's talk about it later."

"what ever."

Black waved his hand indifferently, leaving the children's affairs to the children to solve by themselves.

It's not clear that O'Brien is dissatisfied with following Josh Black, but he doesn't care.After taking a closer look at Josh, Blake suddenly felt something was wrong.

Then he looked at Josh carefully several times, until Josh felt a little hairy before Black was sure of one thing.

He looked at Josh with doubts and some surprise on his face, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times. Josh naturally saw his expression.

"What's the matter? What's the situation with your weird eyes?"

"Are you at the sixth level?"

"Yes." Josh nodded indifferently. Anyway, it's better to admit it than to hide it.

"During Ye Xingyue's time, he broke through the last bottleneck and reached the current state."


Josh's attitude of eating and drinking as a matter of course made Black speechless, and Kane and the three behind Black looked at Josh as if they had seen a ghost. God knows how this kid broke through so quickly!

It took a long time for Black to come back to his senses, and then grabbed Josh and led him directly into the room.

"Come in, and you, Josh, tell me what you've done recently."

"I can tell you, but can you put me down first."

"No, little bastard."

"I'm a little bastard. In terms of blood, aren't you an old bastard?"

"Thank you."


 Thank you book friends Lilith and Merlin for your reward~Thank you~Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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