Chapter 222
Blake was too curious about what Josh had gone through to make him improve so fast.

According to his calculations, even if Josh advances faster than Kane, it will take at least two years, which is similar to Akatosh's guess, but how long?
And in terms of time, it has indeed been only half a year since he left Rivendell, but Josh's aura clearly told him that I am not the guy who was just promoted.

Josh's magic power is controlled very well, which is simply not something that those who have just been promoted can do.

"Well, to put it simply, not long after you left, I figured out some things, and then I was promoted smoothly." Josh shrugged and said simply, he really didn't lie about this, he It is true that I have figured out some things before I was promoted.

However, his words made Kane and others look puzzled and confused, but it was Black who asked the question with a pensive look.

"What do you mean Josh, have you reached the sixth level after you figured out something?"

"Yes, indeed. Because of some experiences in my past, leading to"

"do not talk."

Josh was about to explain something but was interrupted by Black, which made Josh, Kane and others look at Black with some doubts.

I saw that Black was looking at Josh alternately with joy and seriousness at this time. In his eyes, he could naturally see Josh's confidence and calmness, and he also knew what Josh had figured out.

I have to admire that Black's brain is really big enough, of course, the main reason is that he is really very smart.Josh didn't intend to tell them that he was promoted because of Natasha, and it was perfectly fine for him to use his previous experience instead.

Even though he was interrupted by Black after only one sentence, Black could guess what he was going to say next.

Because of the previous setbacks, he lost his confidence, but now he has figured it out, knowing that a professional must never live without this thing, and mentality is a very important factor.

Josh's realization made Blake very happy. Although Josh will continue to move forward if he understands it clearly or not. It may be many years before he understands this truth, but why not understand it earlier?

He already knew the reason why Josh was promoted, but he didn't intend to let Josh say it.

"I know what you want to say. You are so good that you understood this truth so early. But this is your personal perception. Don't say these things. This is what every professional must experience. Do you understand? "

"ok, I get it."

Josh shrugged indifferently, he knew what Black meant.

Every person, regardless of their identity or background, has an inferiority complex that he may not be able to discover. This thing needs to be discovered and experienced by himself. It is a personal perception. It is for the sake of Kane's future that Josh is not allowed to say it. .

Glancing at Kane, although his oldest brother seemed a little disappointed, he didn't dare to talk back to Black like Josh, so Kane could only nod helplessly.

He felt a little uncomfortable, and he was completely surpassed by his youngest brother.

William and Liszt looked at each other, looking at Josh with some admiration.

Their feelings were similar to Kane's. Josh was the youngest and also the one with the most difficult fate, but they didn't expect this little brother to surpass everyone in one step. He was really a genius.

There seemed to be some silence in the room, Black was thinking about something and the three of Kane didn't know what to say.As for Josh, he seemed a little embarrassed, because the silence appeared entirely because of him, but at this moment a guard walked in and broke the silence.

"Your Majesty, princes, there is a person who claims to be His Highness Josh's bodyguard, and wishes to see His Highness Josh."

"Looking for me? Is it O'Brien?"

"Indeed, he said he was from the Deranke family."

"You let him in."

Since it was O'Brien, it should be his own task that he completed.

It just so happens that Blake and the others are here too, so he might as well tell him everything in person, so that he will not have to report to Blake alone when the time comes, which is too troublesome.

The guard glanced at Black, then went out and called O'Brien in after Black nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

Soon O'Brien came in, glanced at Josh, Black and the others and immediately saluted them. These people were the most powerful family members of the Augustus Empire.

"I have seen His Majesty, and the four Highnesses."

"O'Brien, how's the situation? How's the theater I asked you to find?"

"I've found it." O'Brien glanced at Black, and found that Black was also acting like you just said it, so he didn't hesitate any more.

"However, their rent is a bit high. After all, that theater is the largest theater in the entire city."

"The biggest theater? How big is it? And what's the rent they want?"

"Yes, the largest theater can accommodate more than 1000 people at one time. The commission depends on the time. Five gold coins a day."

Josh rubbed his chin, hardware coins are indeed a little expensive a day, and the biggest theater made Josh smile disdainfully.

Is it too big to accommodate more than 1000 people at a time?He has a football club in the wizarding world, and that stadium can hold 5 to [-] people at a time.

Of course, the theater is really big enough if you want to take into account the actual productivity of the world and the actual number of people who have time to see these performances.

After thinking about it, Josh also felt that the price was okay, but he decided to rent it for two days to be on the safe side.

"O'Brien, go and tell them to rent it for two days first, and I'll give you the money. Then you stay in Casal and the others to decorate it. I think Steve and the others should have taught them, right?"

"Okay, Your Highness, then I'll go first."

As a result, Josh handed him the gold coin, and O'Brien nodded and turned to leave again.

Spielberg and the others have indeed taught them about setting up the set, and none of this is difficult for them, and O'Brien is also looking forward to it.

As the absolute protagonist of this phantom, he participated in the production of the show from the beginning to the end, but he did not participate in anything other than the director's questions during filming, which he answered.

That is to say, he himself, the leading actor, has not seen what was filmed until now.

He has seen the flash mob that Josh made before. To be honest, the music and singing in it are very moving, and he likes it very much.

He was even more surprised when he learned that these were all captured without most people knowing.

Without any hints, without any script, there is such an effect. Even though he doesn't know much about movies, he feels that his participation in the filming will definitely be better than this!
I'm afraid that the only people in the world who have seen this spectacle are the director, staff, and His Royal Highness Josh.

"Only rent for two days? Your ambition is not big enough, I thought you planned to rent until the end of the four-nation invitation."

Seeing O'Brien leave, Black said to Josh jokingly.

Josh rolled his eyes immediately after hearing this: "Please, you don't seem to mean to fund me this time, do you? Five gold coins a day, I have to consider whether such a new thing can be accepted by these people, okay?"

"What if it fails here?"

"It's very simple. Anyway, you participated in the performance. When I return to the Augustus Empire, I will publicize it through the newspapers. There will still be a lot of nobles paying for it. Do you believe it?"

"You're such an asshole!"

Blake was really annoyed and funny by Josh, and Josh's method was really fine.

The movie I participated in, and not only him, but all his sons are in it. Such a gimmick may be regarded as rubbish by the nobles, and they will endure it and eat it with a smile.

Although Blake usually doesn't seem to care about who his sons associate with, he secretly observes a lot.

He knew that there were a lot of nobles who didn't understand the actual situation of their families, and each of them seemed to be betting on someone to follow.

What kind of people do you follow?Of course, someone who can inherit his position in the future.

Black is very disdainful of the actions of these nobles, but these are their ways of life, and Black will not say anything. Of course, he always pays attention to these children of his, whether they will make him hate them because of the influence of these nobles. change.

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen. Although the brothers were fighting and fighting, they still did a good job in inheriting the Augustus family.

A family not only needs competition to survive forever, but when all members of a family are mythical existences, then these competitions are not as important as getting along in harmony.

The Augustus family has always been harmonious, although there have been some bewitched idiots.

But the fate of these idiots is basically not good, as for the group of guys who bewitched them?Sorry, I'm afraid that in the long river of history, their descendants no longer exist.

But Kane and the others have a harmonious relationship. These nobles don't know what to do or how to do it. This has led to the possibility that every prince has a large number of followers, except Josh, who is unlucky. Josh At that time, as long as I put the names of my brothers on it, I can imagine how much I can earn.

"Um, haven't we talked about this topic before? In terms of bloodlines"



"To shut up."


Black rubbed his eyebrows with some headaches. Now he really wondered if he had done some bad things before, which caused this guy to be born and then came to revenge himself?
Although I feel very comfortable with this little guy, only with him can I experience the joy of an ordinary father, but this guy's mouth really makes him depressed.

"Are you going to show it tonight?"

Josh gave Black a strange look. Didn't he tell me to shut up before, but he won't really shut up: "Yes, didn't I say that before."

Black thought for a while and said, "The theater is so big that our people can't fill it together. I might as well invite a few other emperors to come and see it tonight."

"How many other emperors?" Josh was stunned, but soon he realized that there were only three others who could be on the same level as Black!

"You mean, the king of elves, the king of dwarves?"

"Otherwise, the Beastman King probably wouldn't come, and I didn't intend to invite him, after all, this story. Hehe. Anyway, the theater will be full by then."

If all these emperors come, then their accompanying troops will follow compared to some nobles. By then, the theater will definitely be filled, and there may even be no room for them to sit!

But for Josh, this is simply a perfect opportunity. He was still thinking about how to attract these alien creatures to watch the movie, but Black directly helped him solve it.

"Don't worry, I will definitely prepare well!"

(End of this chapter)

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