Chapter 223 Premiere ([-])

As night fell, the busy Karens City gradually quieted down.

This is not Josh's Rivendell. If it was Josh's place, it might still be very lively at this point in time.

This can be regarded as Josh's deliberate intention. Sometimes the prosperity of a city can be seen from the frequency of night activities.

Rivendell's activity rate at night is not bad, at least some of them are very good in the business district, but compared with the imperial capital, it is far worse.But no matter what, it's better than here, I don't know how much.

In a large theater in the center of Karens City, this place has unexpectedly become the busiest place in Karens City now, because the theater is already full of people, and these people are divided into three races—human , elves and dwarves.

They were sitting in three areas, but they were in order, as if they were in a phalanx. Of course, it might look better if they didn't communicate in private.

However, none of their commanders paid attention to these details, because the commanders themselves were very confused.

All of this is due to Black. In the morning, Black promised Josh to fill the theater, so when the leaders who participated in the invitation met in the afternoon, Black directly invited the dwarf king Borut and the elf king Ilka to bring his subordinates at night Go to a party together.

As for the specific content of the party, Black simply said that he was watching a performance, which made the two kings a little curious.

Although neither the elves nor the dwarves are actually very interested, the dwarves prefer the company of spirits and furnaces, and the elves are the origin of art, but the two of them still said that there is no problem.

After all, as the rulers of the strongest countries outside the Land of the Gods, who are at the same level as them, Black's invitation carries a lot of weight.

Even if they are not very interested, they will participate and even bring all their subordinates with them.

However, when night fell and they came to the theatre, they found that this big theater was quite different from the theater they usually watched. The most typical thing is that the performance stage here disappeared, replaced by A large white canvas that is pinned down.

When they were all seated, the dwarf Wang Boruote looked around with some doubts, because it was really different from the stage he used to watch comedy or opera in his impression, and finally asked aloud: "Blake, what is this going to be?" What are you doing?"

"Well, you will know the specific content after watching it. But I can tell you that this story is a traditional Augustus story, but we use a different way of performing it. You will know it after reading it."

"A different way of acting?"

The elf king Ilka was very curious when he heard what Black said. The different way of expression is equivalent to launching a new model. As an elf, he suddenly felt very interested.

He was very curious whether this huge white canvas is a new performance model?

Black smiled: "Well, it's really different from before, you'll know after reading it."

Ilka also smiled: "Then I am really looking forward to it."

Boruo Te rolled his eyes: "I really don't understand why this kind of fake and deadly thing is so popular. To be honest, we dwarves really don't understand what is so attractive about these stage plays, maybe we don't understand Art, but we understand spirits."

In the Muya Continent, the relationship between the three emperors has always been good. The dwarves have a good nature, and although they are a bit rude, they treat others sincerely.Elves love peace and love art, which can be synonymous with elegance for every elf.

As for the orcs, perhaps the entire continent would evaluate them as cruel, brutal, and war-crazed.

Of course, this is not absolute. The races in the orcs are too messy. Some are as peace-loving as elves, and some are as enthusiastic and heroic as dwarves. Of course, their rulers are like that, so the orcs have a bad reputation on the road.

And humans, as the race with the largest population base in the Muya Continent, are mixed with good and bad. Humans can be said to be the most complicated race, and there is no such thing as one.

And the rulers of the Augustus Empire, the largest empire of mankind, are relatively qualified in every aspect, so they can have an exceptionally good relationship with the other two races.

While the three great emperors were chatting, Josh and the others sitting beside them could only wait boredly. In fact, Josh should be waiting in the background at this moment, but this guy didn't do that. I want to know clearly how these audiences evaluate the film, so I simply made it above the audience.

As for the backstage, it is handed over to the guards who know how to do it.

Anyway, those guards have already received training in this area, there is no need for Josh to continue standing there, maybe they have made it more professional than himself, Josh might as well just be a spectator honestly.

"Really, what and what is this? There is no stage, just a white cloth? What is this for? Hey, Dennis, do you know what they are going to do?"

"How do I know, Ian. I'm not interested in these things at all, the stage plays are too fake!"

"A dwarf who doesn't understand art, hey."

"I just don't understand, what's wrong, you long-eared guy!"

Josh didn't pay attention at first, but when he suddenly heard a conversation coming from beside him, Josh couldn't help turning his head.

He is the youngest of the Augustus family, and his brothers are all on his left, and Galen and Natasha cannot sit with Josh because of status issues, but can only sit behind him, so he He doesn't know who is on the right hand side.

But at this sight, he suddenly found it very funny. It was an elf and a dwarf who were bickering.

And when he heard their names, Josh knew who these two guys were. Dennis was the son of the dwarf king Borut, and Ian was the son of the elf king. Josh had met these two guys when he was very young. up.

"I said, why are you two bastards still so noisy."

"Who are you?" Suddenly hearing someone on the left talking, the two guys immediately stopped and turned their heads to look at each other and asked at the same time.

"Josh, long time no see you two."


Ian froze for a moment, and then suddenly laughed: "Wow, Josh? You guys, finally come to participate in this event again? I haven't seen you for more than ten years!"

"God, you are actually Josh? You were about the same height as me before, why are you getting closer and closer to the long ears now! Also, how have you been these years? Has the trouble been solved?" Dennis also asked in surprise He said a word, but he could see that he was very happy.

Josh met Ian and Dennis once when they were children, and they had a good relationship because they were about the same age.

Especially Dennis, as a dwarf, he has a very heroic personality even at a young age, while Ian was relatively shy at the time, but this guy's personality is not like that of an elf.

If they really looked like ordinary elves, I'm afraid the three of them wouldn't be able to play together.

At the beginning, the three of them sneaked out to play together. Although these three guys were taught a severe lesson later, this did not affect their friendship, and they agreed to meet again in the future.

But it's a pity that since that four-nation invitation, the three of them have never played before.

The main thing was Josh, his affairs made him have no chance to participate in the Four Kingdoms invitation, and his affairs were not a secret among the nobles, which also led to the knowledge of these two little guys who were very close to him.

Josh spread his hands: "Well, the trouble is solved. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here, would I?"

Ian was very happy: "The problem is solved, congratulations Josh!"

Dennis was also very excited: "Congratulations, I didn't expect us to meet again after so many years. Or, let's stop watching this boring show and go out for a drink?"

Hearing that Dennis actually asked himself to go out for a drink, Josh was really angry and funny, please, I asked Blake to lure you here, how could I let you leave so easily?
To be honest, he didn't expect to meet these two guys, or he almost forgot about it, but he didn't expect that both of them still remembered him.

"No, this is something I made, how could I leave?"

"You made it?" Ian and Dennis were taken aback for a moment, then looked at Josh blankly, and Josh smiled, as if waiting to be praised, but
"Not even a stage, are you sure this thing can be called a performance?"


"Stage plays are all deceptive fairy tales. Josh, why did you start doing this? It's the same as this long ear."


Josh shrugged helplessly. It is true that the thing he created is really not a traditional drama. It is not unheard of for everyone present to question Josh, but it is normal for the appearance of this new thing to be questioned.

Josh didn't know how to explain it. Anyway, this thing is really not a stage play.

Spreading his hands, Josh said helplessly: "I think instead of making a conclusion so early, why don't you watch it first. Actually, this is another way of acting. Well, I think it should satisfy most of you. "

Josh really didn't want to please everyone, at least he might not be very popular with the orcs.

Even though Josh didn't have black orcs, and basically filmed according to the actual situation of orcs, the orcs in the problematic movie were really losers, a group of helpless and extremely despicable guys.

In addition, in Josh's movie, many scenes are based on real situations, such as the degree of bloodiness. You should know that elves don't like this kind of thing very much.

But Josh Spielberg added some artistry to it. After all, thinking about war and hatred, etc., it is a hodgepodge of war commercial films anyway.

"Well, since you made it, as childhood partners, we will take a good look at it. I hope it will look better."

"I just hope I don't fall asleep."

While the few people were chatting, a person suddenly walked out in the center of the stage, that is, in front of the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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