Chapter 224 Premiere (Part [-])
"Gentlemen and ladies, fearless warriors, welcome to this great theater, I am Cassar, from Rivendell."

"Now we are bringing you a performance that you have never seen before, but before that, there are a few small requirements that must be explained to you."

"First point, please keep quiet, because loud noise will have a bad influence on other viewers. Second point, if you need to leave, please line up in an orderly manner and leave through the back door. Last point, I hope everyone will not Use any skill for lighting."

"Thank you."

Casal awkwardly introduced the movie-watching rules in the simplest language. To be honest, he didn't want to come up, but he couldn't help but lose in the boxing game in their team, so he had no choice but to come up. Although it was embarrassing, he still finished his commentary anyway.

Although these people in the audience were a little noisy before, they calmed down after Casar took the stage and listened carefully to what he said.

This also makes these soldiers even more strange. They are the elite of every empire, so even if they feel strange, they will still abide by these rules.

As for the words of leaving, they felt that it was completely needless to say.

They are elite not only in terms of combat, but there are not many professionals who are really out of their minds, especially the elite soldiers who can be selected to participate in the four-nation invitation. They know that before their emperor leaves, if they choose Leave, I'm afraid his days are over.

So they all kept quiet and began to wait. Even if they were bored and had no appetite, they would watch it honestly.

It’s a big deal to close your eyes and sleep for a while. Anyway, there is no rule that you can’t sleep, isn’t it?
With all kinds of thoughts in mind, the three soldiers of different races sat quietly in their seats and began to wait, not thinking about what they were like before, and there was not even a little noise.

Soon, in such a quiet atmosphere, all lighting equipment in the entire theater was turned off.

As Kasar said before, they didn't react too much. Although darkness is something that all creatures will be careful and avoid, these soldiers are indeed elite, and they have various methods to deal with it. Emergencies.

With a wave of magic, all the soldiers found that the white thing that looked like a canvas in front of them actually started to project a picture!
The most incredible thing is that these pictures are actually moving, as if an eagle has been soaring in the sky overlooking the lower part, and there is a beautiful city below.

As the eagle kept flying, when the vision finally fell on a castle with a very strange shape and a style clearly different from that of the Muya continent, a huge subtitle appeared—produced by Rivendell.

Rivendell?Didn't the commentary just say that he is from Rivendell?

"Rivendell? Why does it read as the territory of the elves?"

"Idiot, didn't you see that the commentary just now was a human being? This is the territory of our Augustus Empire, and this time our great emperor invited other races to watch it."

"Shut up, you two humans, keep your voice down!"

This kind of picture that has never appeared before really shocked all moviegoers, even if it was only the beginning of less than ten seconds.

But they swear that they have never seen these, it is almost the same as peeping magic, but it doesn't seem like peeping magic, because peeping magic doesn't have sound.

As the screen rotated and accompanied by the warm soundtrack, they soon saw a few little ghosts making trouble in a gorgeous room, especially the youngest guy who made one of his elder brothers want to cry without tears, which directly made him cry. Many people laughed, as if they saw their little ghost.

But when a burly man walked into the room, almost everyone in the audience exclaimed in disbelief!
Because this man is Blake Augustus!The great emperor of the Augustus Empire, Augustus IV!

And now he himself is sitting in this theater!
"Aren't you sitting here? Why are you up there?" The dwarf Wang Boruote looked at Blake who was sitting next to him and looked at the giant screen seriously.

"This is what you said. A new way of performing?" Elf King Ilka was not much better, he was thinking about what kind of performance this was, and the actors were by his side!
"Take it easy, and I'll tell you the answer when you finish reading it."

Blake smiled. They looked very similar to the nobles in his Government Council, but he paid more attention to himself in the picture.

In the picture, Blake is serious and gentle, as if he is a real father and not an emperor, which makes Blake very satisfied.

Josh said that Moying pursues reality and his appearance on the screen is also the most authentic scene of himself. Of course he feels that he has performed very well.

As for his unknown scene being known by these people, or even being known by more people in the future, he doesn't care. To be honest, who said that the emperor can't have the feelings he should have?
I am not only the ruler of an empire, but also a father!To be an outsider is to be an outsider, and to treat one's wife and children is to treat one's family. This is the most reasonable person!

As the film continued, Blake first gave a verbal lesson to the youngest child. At this time, everyone who watched the movie knew that these little ghosts were the sons of Emperor Augustus, especially the young man next to Blake. Kane.

Afterwards, Josh retorted to Black, "You don't have much time to accompany us", which made Black speechless. In the end, Black called all his children together with some helplessness and sincerely apologized:

"I'm very sorry, children. I am the ruler of a country. When we enjoy the rights of a ruler, we also have to pay corresponding obligations. Otherwise, how can we be worthy of the efforts of our ancestors? How can we be worthy of the nobles and people who trust us? How can we be worthy of it?" What about the soldiers who guard the border and work hard to defend the country?"

I have to say that Black's performance is very real, and it's not even a performance at all, it's a true expression of emotion.

The father and the children apologized. Few people could do this, but Blake did it in the picture. Thinking about his identity, it is even more incredible.

And his lines were also carefully designed. When he said these words, the whole theater suddenly burst into applause, and even many soldiers stood up and shouted some words such as greatness and long live, which also made Blake couldn't help laughed.

Of course, he did not forget the rules that Casal said before, coughed lightly, and with the help of his fighting spirit, all Augustus soldiers heard it, and they immediately recalled the rules of watching movies and then all were quiet Now they are even more looking forward to the follow-up of this performance.

"Hey, Josh, is this kid really you?" Dennis asked curiously.

"Of course it's me, it's just that I've become smaller with magic."

"But why are you sitting here?" Ian also asked strangely.

"Quiet idiot, let's talk after reading!"

The screen continued to play, probably because he felt that he really didn't have much time to spend with his children. In the screen, Blake thought for a while and then smiled and said, "Although my time is a little tight, I think I can tell you a story."

"What story? It can't be the kind of thing that deceives children, right? If it is, forget it, because you can't even deceive children." Josh rolled his eyes.

"Boy, believe it or not, I'll beat you up! And you're not like a child! If you want to hear it, don't stop, go out and play in the mud!"

"Speak, we are listening."

This was a chuckle from the entire audience. No one expected that the real emperor's family would be so different from their imagination. They originally thought that in the emperor's family, there should be a serious relationship between superiority and inferiority. It is also a hostile state.

But Blake's family is more humane, just like their own family.

A humane emperor deserves their respect and love even more, and even many dwarves and elves showed a smile.

All this is too interesting, not boring, and they like the warmth of the family and the interaction between father and son very much.

"Well, let me tell you a story that has been passed down in our Augustus Empire for a long time. Of course, it is not a story, but a real event."

"Father, what did you say?"

"Kane, if you know it, don't talk. It's the gathering time for fathers and sons. If you have heard it, please listen to me. Don't interrupt!"


Blake took a deep breath, glanced at his four sons, and then said slowly with seriousness and admiration: "Now, what I'm telling you is a real event that happened more than 100 years ago."

"Always remember that although the Muya Continent is peaceful, all of this has not come easily. It relies on a group of silently dedicated people to have our current living environment."

"They are small, but they are exceptionally great. They are unknown, but they are worth remembering by all of us."

"It is they who used their own lives to change the current life with their own actions. Children, always remember that they are the most respectable people in our Augustus, and they are the peace of our Augustus Empire. The cornerstone of stability!"

"Even now, with the potential for conflict every day, they are the ones who keep our peace."

"They are our soldiers of Augustus, a group of unknown and insignificant people, but they are great and worth remembering!"

After Black finished speaking in a low tone, more than 300 soldiers of Augustus in the theater suddenly felt excited!

This is their ruler's greatest compliment to them!

It is true that they are small, and it is true that they can be described as nameless in the Augustus Empire, but at this moment they know what kind of existence they are in Black's eyes!

These soldiers had tears in their eyes, they didn't dare to shout loudly because it was the theater's rule, they could only suppress the excitement in their hearts.But what they didn't expect, the soldiers of the elf kingdom and dwarf kingdom around them applauded directly, which made them even more excited.

"Then, the story you want to tell is..."

"The story I want to tell is about a group of soldiers. The name of the story is:"


(End of this chapter)

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