Chapter 225 Premiere ([-])
The stories of the guardians were no strangers to the soldiers of Augustus, and many of them even grew up listening to these stories.

But they didn't care at all. After Black's praise just now, they looked forward to this story even more.

It was as if a great emperor was telling them a story, a feeling they had never experienced before.

The elves and dwarves are also looking forward to it. They don't know the story of the guardian, but this does not prevent them from continuing to appreciate it.

Black's two long lines directly touched their hearts.

They are also soldiers. Although they come from different countries, they are also very happy with Blake's praise. They suddenly have more respect and curiosity for this human king.

Imagine a ruler who loves his family but is also very responsible for what he needs to do, and he has a lot of respect for ordinary soldiers.

Who doesn't like such a ruler?Who doesn't love such a ruler?
The three great emperors naturally also felt the changes in the emotions of all the soldiers in the theater. Blake himself did not expect that he was just showing another side of himself, and at the same time expressed his admiration for ordinary soldiers. The effect he received was actually like this good?
Not only the morale of his own soldiers is high, but they also respect themselves even more.

Even the soldiers of the other two countries have a sharp increase in their senses, which makes Blake feel very interesting. At the same time, he thinks that Josh’s phantom is really incredible. If you take Augustus Empire to play , one can imagine what the effect will be!
"Blake, your conduct is really noble." Ilka stared at the giant screen intently, and finally couldn't help but said to Black beside her after listening to Black's lines.

"Black, you are ahead of us. It seems that I need to go back and comfort my soldiers." Borut also said to Black with a smile.

The two emperors naturally also felt the change in the atmosphere in the theater. I have to say that Blake is really great. The performance of this scene is very natural and real, without any pretentious meaning.

It took their evaluation of Black to another level, and of course they remembered the way it was played, which was incredible.

"Thank you both, let's see."

"Of course, we are also very interested in hearing a story told by an emperor."

In the screen, as the word "Guardian" of Blake fell, everything seemed unreal. After the screen resumed, the eagle was soaring in the sky. Accompanied by singing, the eagle slowly flew over a small town.

On the central tower of this small town, a man was lying on it and humming this song softly. Unlike the previous female voice, this man's voice was tougher and rougher.

For this accompaniment, Josh specially put in the accompaniment of a game he once played. Josh likes that song very much, and the name is - Legend of the Eagle Trainer.

And this song also made all the soldiers watching the movie feel like a breeze, the melodious and grand style of music is the favorite of these soldiers.

Especially the elves, they like it even more. Although they can't understand a word of the lyrics (Josh uses the original language), this can't stop their love.

"Excellent tune!"

"Yeah, although I can't understand what is being sung, it's very nice. Could it be another language?"

"Who knows? Well, watch the show quietly!"

The elves whispered, but they were soon stopped by looking around.

They are also very unhappy and are not discussing. If there is anything to discuss, we will wait until the end. This is the first time this performance mode has appeared. They don't want to miss even a second, and they still have a feeling of witnessing history.

"It's another harvest season." The man lay lazily on the clock tower and said with a smile looking at the busy crowd below.

This man was Bethia, an ordinary soldier on the border of the Augustus Empire.

Just like other ordinary soldiers, there is no big difference. Although the training will not be lazy, after the training, it will use various methods to rest itself.

It was just the beginning on the clock tower, and then I gambled with my teammates, bickered with foreign mercenaries in the bar, and even fought with others later.

The daily life of these scenes is narrated. This guy named Bethelia is just an ordinary soldier.

All the watching soldiers laughed unconsciously. They seemed to see their own shadows, or the shadows of their subordinates.

Back then, they also came here like this, which directly resonated with them.Even elegant elves, there will be times when they are tired and lazy. Of course, they will not fight mercenaries in bars.

The joy of the harvest and the friendship between teammates made the soldiers enjoy watching it with relish. All of these are so real, as if they were experiencing it themselves.

However, such a picture did not last long, as if inadvertently, the picture appeared in a dilapidated fortress.

It's not that this fortress looks precarious, but that all the orcs in this fortress look extremely weak.

If the light and colors looked so lively and bright before, then everyone present feels a depressing atmosphere.

It's a strange feeling, and they don't know why.

Perhaps only the elves can accurately grasp the principle, but they have never experienced this change in light, as if everything is very natural.

At this point, there are two orcs in the picture, one looks like the commander and the other looks like his second-in-command.

The names of the two of them also quickly surfaced around them—the commander of the fortress, Commander Valdina, and his deputy, Carlo Joel.Both orcs are characters from real history.

"Commander, we are seriously short of food now. Autumn is the harvest season, but we basically have no crops. The best hunting grounds are also occupied by nobles. We are now"

"Why is this happening, Carlo Joel? Haven't I already reduced my food quota and distributed it to these soldiers?"

"Yes, but unfortunately it's not enough."

In the picture, Carlo Joel looks helpless. The biggest worry of an army is that there is not enough food. It is obvious that they have encountered such a problem.

Valdina frowned. This was not the news he wanted to get. If so, they might not be able to hold on.

"Support of the Empire"

"Your Excellency, the situation in the imperial capital is very tense. I'm afraid they won't be able to take care of us."

"What the hell!"

Valdina slapped the wall fiercely, causing cracks in the wall covering.

After the previous generation of Lion King surpassed the ninth level, the Beastman Empire fell into endless power struggles. The fortress they were in was just a frontier fortress, and it was normal for no one to care about them.

"What should we do now, Your Excellency Commander?" Seeing Valdina lost in thought, Carlo Joel could only remind him aloud.


Valdina hesitated for a moment and was about to say something, but at this moment he suddenly saw a soldier patrolling not far in front of him fell to the ground, and he ran over immediately.After some inspection, he found that the orc soldier was dead, and he was starved to death most painfully!
"Damn! Why is this happening!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, if we don't do something, I'm afraid all of us here will starve to death. This is the most shameful way to die. We would rather die on the battlefield!"

Because a soldier died, it caused many orcs to watch.

Carlo Joel's words also resonated deeply with the onlookers. They are now in the borderlands and no one pays attention to them.They are Orcs, a fighting race who would rather die in battle than starve!
'Are we, are we going to start a war? '

Looking at the soldiers around him and the young orc who died, Valdina monologues, but at this moment he has to make a choice.

He is the commander of the empire, he is not a reckless man who only knows how to charge, he has many things to consider.

The living environment of the Beastman Empire has never been related to agriculture and animal husbandry. These reasons include that everyone on the field understands that the law of the jungle is part of the reason, and part of the reason is that the rulers don’t pay attention, or don’t care about these low-level people at all. caused by orcs.

The rulers let these bottom layers destroy themselves, so they have nothing to do, and naturally there will be many disgusting actions.

The camera stays on Valdina's face, especially his dark gray eyes, it seems that everyone can see its entanglement and helplessness.

After a long time, Valdina's face became extremely determined. He stood up and said to the soldiers beside him: "Bury this child, other crows will eat his body."

Then he asked Carlo Joel in front of all the soldiers: "How many orc soldiers do we have now!"

"Report to the commander, we still have three hundred healthy soldiers."

"Where are the war slaves?"

"There are a lot of war slaves, nearly 1000 of them."

"Take them all! This time, we're going to survive. This time, we're going to do our best!"

Valdina looked serious, even though he was an orc, his boldness and determination moved all the soldiers present.

Yes, I have to work hard, if I don't work hard, low-level soldiers like them may not be able to survive this autumn, let alone the cold winter!

The soldiers of Augustus were more or less prejudiced against the orcs. Although this phenomenon could not be changed, in just a few minutes, the soldiers of Augustus had some admiration for these low-level orcs.

Even if they have hatred, they should admire what is worthy of admiration. This is a soldier.

In the picture, Carlo Joel took a deep breath and asked solemnly: "Where is our goal?"

Valdina turned his head and stared at the west. At this moment, all the orc soldiers also looked at the west. He said slowly under a low soundtrack:


(End of this chapter)

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