Chapter 226 Premiere ([-])
The story set by Spielberg is divided into two lines, and of course the most important line is Bethelia.

Because Josh did not stipulate how long he needs to use, and this is the first time that this world has a movie-like performance, so Spielberg made the story as complete as possible.

Of course, in order not to be boring, Spielberg cleverly interspersed many small stories in the plot that can resonate with the viewers. What ordinary people see may be the background and environment of their own lives, while soldiers can see their own past. figure.

At least so far it is still very good, there are cheers and laughter, both humans and dwarves feel that such soldiers are their own microcosm, and it is easy to shorten the distance between them.

The elves are very curious about this new mode of performance, and at the same time, they are also attracted by the soundtrack and various light changes that appear on this occasion.

The story progressed in an orderly manner, and soon it was time for Bethia and the others to take turns on duty.

At this time, the lord played by Josh also officially appeared on the stage, and all moviegoers are familiar with it now. Even Emperor Augustus appeared here. It is so strange for a prince to play a lord.

And they all find the lord played by Josh very interesting, funny and humorous without losing the aristocratic demeanor. Of course, they can only laugh at the lustful aspect. I have to say that Natasha's appearance in it is too amazing Yes, unconsciously, many human soldiers secretly exclaimed.

After meeting the lord and handing over the team of the previous patrol mission, Bethelia set off with his team members.

Although the Rivendell in Josh's cottage is not as beautiful as the original Rivendell in Middle-earth, the scenery and environment here in Josh are more in line with everything about Augustus.

What's more, Josh deliberately asked the director team to add some special effects to all these landscapes and environments to make the light brighter and the scenery more pleasant. Although it is not as picturesque as a poem, it is also fascinating. See You can tell by the fascinated expressions of those elves.

"This is the Augustus Empire? God! This place should belong to the Star Empire!"

"What are you talking about, idiot?"

"Sorry, I mean, such a beautiful landscape, even beyond our country, is so beautiful!"

There were so many elves who sighed like this, and even Ilka, who was sitting next to Black, showed an obsessed expression. After a long time, he asked in a low voice: "Black, what is this place? It's in your empire."

"Rivendell, it should be. But I haven't been here, I have visited other places, isn't it beautiful?" Black said with a smile, although there were some deviations from when he went before, but he also won't say it.

"Rivendell? It's such a beautiful name. Can you tell me who the lord is? I hope I can visit it when I have time."

"That's my son, Josh's territory."


Black was being questioned by the Elf King, and Josh was naturally annoyed by Ian. The main thing was that the scene was too amazing, just like Josh was watching The Hobbit in the movie theater at that time. Wen Dale caused the whole theater to exclaim.

"Josh, you made this show, tell me where is this place?"

"I've already said whether I can read it before I can talk about it."

"No! I must go and take a good look! This cannot be destroyed by the local lord!"

"Ass, am I going to destroy my territory?"

"What? Your territory?"

"Nonsense, shut up now and watch!"

No matter how emotional the people below are, the plot in the screen is still moving forward, and the Bethelia team, which seemed relatively relaxed at the beginning, has not encountered any troubles along the way.

Perhaps the biggest trouble is that they searched for traces of wild boars and planned to hunt them, but finally found a second-tier monster.

Fortunately, they are not ordinary people. The captains who had to accept this kind of mission in the Augustus Empire were all Tier [-], so they easily solved these troubles, and even had a good meal.

The soldiers who watched couldn't help but chuckled, it was so real, and they had used many details in the film themselves, making them feel as if they were also following along to complete this border patrol mission.

However, this relaxed and relaxed atmosphere did not last long. Spielberg and the others are film masters, and they all know how to mobilize the audience's emotions.

Although the rhythm seemed slow at the beginning, it successfully resonated with everyone and let their emotions enter the film, and then the climax began.

In a dark night, in a smoky small village, a pair of eyes were full of fear, while the huge black shadow outside, the howling of the warg, and the bloody smell that could be felt through the giant screen made everyone feel scared. The soldiers were refreshed, and even unconsciously their bodies tensed up.

But this scene didn't last long, and soon turned to Bethia and his group again.

They are still the same, but they seem to be more vigilant, because they are about to reach the border, and at this time, Casal's character Digas suddenly discovered some problems.

"Captain, look here." Digas looked serious.

"What's the matter, Digas?"

"Captain, something may have happened. There are some traces here. Although the people who made these traces managed to bury the scene, either they were not careful enough, or the traces they caused were too large to be cleaned up. clean."

As the camera shifted, everyone present clearly found some traces, as if someone had walked past.At this time, the dwarves and orcs who didn't know this history immediately thought of the orcs before. Are they going to meet?
The human soldiers of Augustus clenched their fists, they all knew what would happen next.

Many soldiers even yelled not to follow such words, which caused dissatisfaction among many people, and they themselves knew that it was useless, but they had already unconsciously put themselves in it.

"Who is it?" Bethlia's face became serious.

"I don't know, it's impossible for other regular troops to pass by here. If it's just some robbers."

"Like a robber."

Bertlia interrupted Digas, and he stood up and said loudly: "We may have encountered a group of robbers, but there are a lot of them, everyone should be careful. Be careful. ?"

"Yes! Captain!" All the team members replied loudly.

Bertia nodded in satisfaction before continuing to ask, "Which direction are they heading?"

"I don't know." Digas shook his head, it was all too messy. "But the nearest village is to the north."

"It happens to be our route, so let's go there and have a look." Bethelia stood up and made a decision directly.

He is the captain, so he naturally has the right to decide what they are going to do.

What's more, these things were originally their tasks, and naturally no one refuted his decision, and soon they set off again, but this time they were more vigilant, and even the previous noise was gone.

But at this moment, the scene suddenly returned to the palace, back to Black and the young Josh and others.

And Black's expression seemed to be recalling something, he seemed a little distracted, and the sudden pause of the story also made a group of little princes feel baffled.

"What's the matter, old man? What's next?" As a little troublemaker, Josh naturally interrupted Black's memory.

"Josh, I swear I will beat you up! I swear!"

"Well, you didn't miss me anyway. What's next?"

Blake, whose thoughts were interrupted, was naturally extremely dissatisfied. He gave Josh a hard look, then sighed slowly and continued, "It took them about half a day to reach the small village in the north."

This paragraph was deliberately put in by Spielberg and the others, the purpose is to soothe the atmosphere, and the effect is obviously very good.

The tense soldiers just now were relieved a lot, and many of them even laughed out loud. The relationship between the Fourth Prince and the Great Emperor was even more harmonious than the relationship between themselves and their children.

The screen changed again, and the angle of view once again fell on Bethelia following Black's voice.

The sky was slowly getting dark, and it seemed that the middle of the night was exactly what Black said. They walked in silence all the way and soon they came to the outskirts of the border village.

The village looked extraordinarily cold and silent from the outside, and there was even some thick smoke billowing, which gave Bethia and the others some bad premonitions.

However, they did not stop, and still walked towards the dead village.

"Be wary of some of you, if you find those guys, first confirm the number and then think of a solution."

"Yes, Captain!"

After a brief explanation, they walked in quickly, but the further they walked, the more frustrated they became!
Looking around, there is almost no living person's breath, and the closer you go to the center of the village, the more you will smell a burnt smell, and even such a burnt smell can be transmitted to everyone's nose through the giant screen.

Sure enough, in the center of the village, they saw charred corpses all over the ground!

Bursts of stench also seemed to hit their faces, making Bethelia and the others a little unbearable. At this moment, all the audience were shocked. What the hell is this?Did it really burn so many people to death?

"Damn! What is this... what is this?"

"God! Why did acting really bring so many corpses?"

"My God! Why do I feel like I smell this?"

At this moment, the whole theater is boiling!To be honest, they have seen the cruelty of war more or less, but they have never seen such a scene!

If those who were burned to death were soldiers, I'm afraid they didn't react that much, but they knew after watching the previous plot that these were civilians!

"Damn orc!"

Many soldiers of Augustus roared out in a low voice, as if they could feel those dead civilians through the giant screen, their helplessness, their grievances, and their anger!Damn orcs, I must teach you a lesson in the game!

At this moment, all Augustus soldiers had only this thought in their hearts.

 Thanks to the book friends who said that if the nickname is less than twelve characters, they will lose their reward~ Well, because it is the first rudder owner (actually, I don’t know it very well), let’s add it specially~
(End of this chapter)

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