Chapter 227 Premiere (V)
This plot can be said to be a small climax of the whole play, and there will be more climaxes after that.

It is unimaginable to be shocked by countless charred corpses piled up together, and no one has dared to do this before.

At this moment, no one thinks this is going to be a drama anymore, but that it is, they are watching a true story!

Both elves and dwarves were shocked by such a picture.

They can even feel the anger from the soldiers of the Augustus Empire, and they can also feel the anger of the civilians who died in the giant screen. In a sad background music, Albert found the previous pair of dark night The owner of eyes full of fear.

He is an innocent villager, and Bethelia and others also know that the person who attacked this village is actually an orc!
The news stunned them, but they were all fighters, and they calmed down quickly.It's not that the orc invasion didn't happen before, it's just that they never encountered it.

"How many are they?"

"I don't know! I don't know! They're endless! They're hideous! They kill as soon as they come in! My friends! My kin! My children! They're all demons!"

Seeing the man in front of him who was obviously emotionally broken, Bethia had no choice but luckily Digas found their traces.

This made Bethelia very satisfied, and they finally decided to investigate together before making a decision.

Although the villager had a mental breakdown, Bethelia decided to take him with him. They are all professionals. Staying with an ordinary person will not affect their speed. According to the description, there are a lot of orcs, so they still have a good chance catch up with them.

Sure enough, after spending the whole night tracking them, they finally met the orc brigade. Bethlia swallowed when he saw the team of more than 1000 people.

Not only him, but all the audience unconsciously began to worry about him, such a disparity in the ratio is completely impossible to fight!

And the worst thing happened just now. When they chose to retreat first, they accidentally touched the anti-tracking trap set up by the orcs. Although no one was injured, they attracted a professional orc with more than [-] slave soldiers. Attention!

What followed was a real fight, yes, a real fight in front of all eyes!

The patrol team of ten people cooperated very well, and they killed all the orcs who came to investigate, including the professional.Of course, Digas was unfortunately injured.

All the viewers were stunned, this is the real fucking battle!

It is completely different from dramas and dramas. They have never thought of this kind of tactical and combative performance before. Even the scene of blood splattered after being cut by a knife is so real, and Digas was chopped off his arm. The blood flowed profusely, and it made them feel like everything was real.

"God, don't they really go to the battlefield to fight the orcs?"

"Idiot, you can tell just by looking at it! Of course it's true, the blood, and the head of the orc's slave soldier was chopped off, do you think it's fake?"

It's hard to imagine a scene where a human asks a dwarf if it's true, but the dwarf tells him it's true, but in this theater, such a scene actually appears, and Not just one place!
The dwarves hate those dramas that look fake and die the most. They feel that these things have no nutrition at all, and they are even reluctant to come tonight.

But now, although they have been told that this is a show, none of them think it will be a show!

"My God, this"

"This is not like a drama at all. Although I said before that this is all a performance, why does it look so real!"

"Although such a bloody picture makes me sad, I have to say that everything is perfect. I only hope that this is really just a drama, not real!"

The elves were similar. Bethia and the others were very cruel and bloody when they dealt with the orcs, which made the elves feel very uncomfortable.

But they didn't want to leave early, they were completely brought in by the story, and they even wondered what would happen if they encountered such a situation?
I'm afraid my feelings won't be any better than Bethlia's. Although it may be more elegant when killing these orcs, I still let these orcs who harmed civilians die!
Many elves even felt that what Bethlia and the others did made people excited!

The story continues. After escaping to a safe area, Bethelia, who had already determined the number of orcs, immediately decided to let someone take the villager back to deliver the letter, while he would continue to track them down, and even intercept them if necessary. them!

"Digas, you are injured, and your arm is not conducive to your next battle, so this task is entrusted to you."

"No, I refuse"

"Shut up, Digas! My brother, don't be brave, one of us must go back to deliver the letter, these damned orcs must all die here to avenge those who died innocently!"


"No but, this task must be completed by you!"

"Okay, I understand the captain. You must wait for me to come back!"

"Don't worry, my baby will be born in a few months, I have to wait for him to call me daddy!"

As if it was a final farewell, Bethelia made a vow that was tantamount to death.

Everyone present at this time was very moved. Whether they knew the ending or not, they all admired this ordinary patrol captain, because he could go back and deliver the letter by himself, but he gave up this option that would definitely survive. .

The subsequent plot made everyone present feel excited.

First, Bethia led the team to follow them all the way. In order to delay their progress, Bethia even led the team to the front of the orc brigade. This decision was crazy, almost an unimaginable decision!

On the first day, Bethia's team set up a large number of traps, and Bethiah also used himself as a bait to attract them. He was very successful in attracting the attention of this group of orcs.

After the orcs found this human soldier, they recalled the people they had disappeared before, and immediately understood something—they had been found!
In order to avoid more troubles and to continue the looting, Valdina, the commander of this looting, decisively dispatched a slave team of almost 100 people and two professionals to lead the team.

The last time these humans killed their own slaves, including a regular army, he didn't want to have any more trouble.

But to their complete surprise, the pursuing orcs soon got into trouble.

When they were less than 300 meters away, they were miserable by the trap set by the Bethia team!

Many slaves even died tragically under these traps. No one at the scene felt disgusted by the ferocious expression, but there was a sense of revenge!

Next, the Bethia team fought together, and even before the orc army could react, they brutally killed the hundred-man team!
And when the orc army reacted and planned to chase after them, Bethia directly set fire to them, as if in revenge for the last time they attacked the village, and burned all the corpses directly.

This fire was very fierce, it directly blocked the path of the orc army, and it also gave the Bethia team enough time to evacuate.

When a section ended, almost everyone in the theater cheered loudly, it was so enjoyable!So exciting!So real!

This is the real battle scene!This is the real battle!
Everyone in the theater now doesn't care if it's real, or a real show, they don't care at all, they'll know when it's over anyway, they just have to enjoy it now!
However, this drama called Phantom did not change in any way because of their cheers. On the second and third day, the Bethia squad has been trying to stop these orc soldiers from moving forward, but They also can't be the same every time as the first day.

Their numbers also began to decrease continuously, and every time a companion died, Bethia's expression didn't seem to change much, but in fact, everyone could see the sadness in his eyes.

Especially when he secretly buried the body alone during his rest time, sitting alone on the grave and drinking low-quality spirits, the moviegoers had red eyes even though they were strong and strong.

"What a strong man! He is a qualified soldier!"

"Of course, he is a soldier, our soldier of Augustus!"

On the other side, the same is true for the commander of the orcs. His deputy Carlo Joel was also killed by Bethia during a siege operation. Even though they killed two members of the Bethia team that time, they paid The price is too great.

"What is war?"

"Why is there a war?"

Two people in completely different places, two people of completely different races, both asking the same question at this very moment.

And this war also made everyone present think, what is war?Why is there a war?is a very difficult question to decide.

"Even if it's not a war right now." Bethlia sipped his spirits lightly and said to himself.

"But everything we do now may lead to war." In the distance, Valdina was also talking to himself, but his words just answered Bethlia's question.

"Damn orcs, why did you do this! Are they really planning to go to war?" Bethelia lay flat on the tombstones, as if talking to his brother, but there were only graves beside him.

"To survive! If we don't do this, we won't even be able to survive autumn, let alone winter." Valdina leaned on his own wolf, looked at the orc soldiers who were eating food not far away, and revealed smiled.

"Wars shouldn't involve civilians." Bethelia sighed.

"Victims of war are always those who live at the bottom, whether they are ordinary people or us!" Valdina also sighed.

"The orcs will be punished!" Bethelia sat up with a firm face.

"In order to survive, I must do this, even if the empire abandons me!" Valdina stroked his own wolf, and his face was full of determination.

These two people, who had never met before, seemed to have a debate under the quick camera cut, and their words also made everyone present deep in thought.Who is right and who is wrong?
Valdina is doing these cruel things for the survival of his troops.

But Bethia and the others kept hunting orcs in order to avenge their people and defend their homeland.

From a real moral point of view, it is the fault of the orcs, because they invaded other people's lands and killed other people's people.But as Valdina said, if they didn't, they wouldn't survive!
These soldiers are not stupid. After thinking about it, they immediately realized that it was the orc rulers who caused all these tragedies!

If it weren't for the constant civil strife like them, Valdina is so intelligent, obviously different from other orcs who only know how to do it, would they do such a thing?
Of course, their hatred for Valdina has not subsided, but they suddenly have some respect for the orc commander.

And right in front of the stage, where the viewing angle is the best, the dwarf king Borut and the elf king Ilka looked at Black at the same time. How could they fail to see the meaning of this conversation?
Especially Ilka smiled at Black with boundless approval:

"Blake, I have to say, this phantom is really interesting."

 PS1: I would like to thank the book friends who said that if the nickname is less than twelve characters, they will lose their rewards. Well, this time, just add two more rewards.

  PS: I just saw that someone said to find a song, Kugou searched for FannyPerrierRochasOdyssey, basically every space before the capital came out, which is pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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