Chapter 228 Premiere ([-])

As the elf king of this generation of Star Empire, Ilka has been exposed to too many art-related things, but none of them can give him such an amazing feeling like now.

As an elf, he was amazed by the things made by humans, which he never thought of.

Looking at the picture presented on the huge screen in front of him, Ilka's heart was turbulent, and he couldn't tell whether it was true or false.Because all of this is too real, even he can't find any reason to refute it.

And the artistry of this story is something he has never experienced before. There is no singing, no laughter, and even a special depression and heaviness, but it can narrow the distance between the plot and the viewers in a plain way.

This is not something that ordinary theater can do, and even the best performers can give people a very obvious sense of distance.

"Is it realistic?"

Ilka smiled. To be honest, he doesn't like this kind of real and somewhat bloody art, but the emotion of war in this story and the reflection on war are reflected all the time, especially the part where he said to himself in the air. The slang-like responses are his favorite.

This genius style of expression is also the most amazing to him.

Everyone was very involved in the wonderful plot. At this time, almost an hour and a half had passed unknowingly, but no one noticed that they were still watching intently.

At this time, the picture came to the place that made them feel so beautiful. At this time, Digas was pale and led the villager who was a little mentally disturbed back to the lord's castle.

"Are you... a member of the patrol team this time? What's wrong with you?"

The lord played by Josh was hugging the maid played by Natasha at this time. He looked at Digas with a strange face and asked, and his impatient look directly made everyone in the theater explode.

When the hell is this, are you fucking having fun with a woman in your arms?

Of course, no one dared to really shout out, because this guy is the prince of the Augustus Empire, a real lord and prince!

And they also knew that at this moment, the lord didn't know what happened, so they could only be angry.

"Your Excellency, we have encountered an orc," Digas said with a pale and weak face, and he had almost reached his limit after so many days of non-stop driving.

"If you encounter orcs, give them to them." Josh said casually while hugging Natasha at this time, and his hands were still touching Natasha's body, which made all the movie viewers angrier and angrier.

But soon he seemed to realize something, and those salty pig hands also stopped.

"What did you just say? Orcs?"

"Yes, a brigade of orcs, more than 1000 people!"

Digas seems to have gotten used to their lord's style, and his tone is not too turbulent, but everyone thinks that he is too tired and doesn't have much energy to care about anything.

"Are they crazy! A thousand orcs? Regular army? You swear?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, it's just a mixture of the slave army and the regular army. They have slaughtered the residents of a village and burned their bodies. The person next to me is the only survivor and witness."

"Damn things!"

The lord played by Josh stood up directly, his face was full of disbelief and anger, he took two steps back and forth, muttering whether the orcs were crazy, but soon he stopped hesitating and went straight to the door. He roared: "Guards! Bring me your chief Andre, immediately! Let him go to the playground!"

After the lord roared, he immediately planned to go outside, but halfway through, he immediately went back and kissed the maid fiercely: "When I come back, the damned orcs actually ran to our home, I'm going to kill them!" Get rid of it and avenge my compatriots!"

Until this moment, all the audience present cheered. Now it seems that this lord is still very good.

Although she is a bit lustful, she is unequivocal when facing serious matters. This is in line with the usual style of Augustus nobles. How the daily life is is my business, and none of your business.

But in the face of matters about the country and the territory, it must be taken seriously!

Soon, under the leadership of Chief Andre played by Galen, an absolute soldier, their group set off quickly.And Digas was originally left here by the lord, but he expressed that he wanted to be with his brothers. In the end, the lord had no choice but to give him a horse to let him go together.

And at the front line, there are only five people left in Berthia. He has already killed four brothers, and they also killed more than 800 orc slave soldiers!

In the bloody and fast-paced scenes that were cut one after another, everyone knew how difficult and dangerous their battle was.

But they are still doing what they need to do - try their best to hold back the orcs' footsteps and prevent the orcs from attacking the next village!The good news is that they were finally surrounded by orc troops after persisting for seven days.

"Brothers, are you afraid of death?" Bethelia stood on a branch of a sycamore tree with scars all over his body, asking his only remaining brothers with a resolute face.

"Captain, we are all soldiers." Although a team member was covered in scars and his voice was a little tired, he said indifferently.

"Very good, Kenan. What you said is absolutely right, we are all soldiers!" Bethelia smiled appreciatively.

"But brothers, now I want you to have one more thought. I need everyone to put aside life and death. Death? We are already dead, and now we are just struggling with the belief of revenge to bring more orcs It's just a dead soul buried with him."

"There is no need to be afraid, brothers. Remember, we are all a group of undead! We only need to raise the butcher knife to face the orcs, we only need to charge!"

"Behind us is a village. If the orcs easily step over us, they can slaughter our people recklessly. We need to charge! And charging only requires courage!"

"Tell me, do you have the courage!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Under Bethelia's high-spirited speech, all the members of his team were full of fighting spirit!
Not only the people in the giant screen were yelling, but even the people off the field were yelling too!The emotions of all the viewers were mobilized, and everyone felt their blood boiling. Even the gentle elves became a little crazy at this time.

They all know that the decisive battle is about to begin!

Sure enough, in the following time, everyone witnessed an unprecedented and extremely tragic war.Blood seems to be waste water that doesn't need money at all, life is like ants, if you trample on it at will, you will die.

In such an extremely bloody and violent scene, the audience kept cheering for the Bethelia team!
They cheered when they killed the enemy, lamented when they were injured, and even cried when someone died, as if they were their comrades-in-arms, but there was nothing they could do to help them.

At this time, the whole theater exploded into the loudest shouts amidst the passionate and somewhat sad soundtrack in the film, but no one cared anymore, they had already forgotten the rules set by Josh.

Josh, who was sitting in the front row, could only shrug his shoulders helplessly, because the two guys beside him were as crazy as the others.

I have to say that the first time this movie appears in this world, the effect is really good.

Of course, if it wasn't for Josh's hard work in making this movie, adding a lot of special effects and various elements, Josh thinks that the audience's performance might not be as strong as it is now.

But this kind of noise didn't last long, because in almost the final duel, the only Bethelia who survived to the end was seriously injured, and he finally lost to the orc commander Valdina.

The surviving orcs rushed up angrily, and they tore Bethlia's hands and feet apart!

This cruel scene made the whole theater silent, and such silence made Josh even feel an inexplicable chill on his back.This kind of anger that seemed to be brewing made him feel that he shouldn't get these things out.

At this moment, Valdina came up. He looked at Bethelia coldly, but everyone could see the appreciation in his eyes: "Human soldier, you are very powerful."

"You will definitely die, all of you will die here!" Although Bethlia was dying, he still stared at the orc with his head raised.

"Perhaps. But, you can't see."

Valdina didn't pay attention to his words, but pulled out his weapon and cut off Bethlia's head directly, and at the same time raised his head high with one hand, the orcs let out bursts of shouts, and the scene like this The silence was even more serious, and Josh even felt the traces of the outbreak of fighting spirit.

"Am I going to run away first?"

Josh secretly thought, although these are historical facts, but Josh did not expect these people's psychological endurance to be so unbearable.

But fortunately, an arrow feather appeared in the picture at an unknown time. This arrow feather seemed to be an eagle piercing through the sky, stabbing fiercely at Valdina who was holding Bethelia's head high. .

At this time, the scene changed, and I saw that Andre, played by Galen on a hill, was holding a bow, and there were faint traces of fighting spirit in his hand.

Next to him was the lord played by Josh. At this moment, Josh was sitting on a horse and staring at the front. Suddenly, a huge army appeared behind him.

After a long time, Josh sighed slightly, and said with a stern expression and without any emotion: "Andre, they all killed them. Of course, it would be great if you could catch them alive. I want them to understand The pain they have never experienced! I want it! They! Go to hell!"

"Yes! My lord!"

Andre rode his horse and shouted, and then led all Augustus soldiers to charge towards the orcs.

Shouts, exclamations, and screams came and went, but the picture didn't go away. Everyone could only hear the sound. At this moment, there was only one pair of eyes on the giant screen, and a pair of young, light blue eyes with Eyes of hatred and remorse.

Those were Josh's eyes.

As if by magic, the pupils of these eyes soon underwent some changes, from immature to vicissitudes visible to the naked eye, except that the color of the pupils remained unchanged, everything else gave off a different feeling.

When the camera began to pull, everyone discovered that this person was Black, not the lord who came a little late.

At this moment, Blake looked a little absent-minded, and he seemed to be lost in memory again.But this time, even the most mischievous Josh didn't speak anymore, and these young princes fell into silence one by one.

"Sorry, I was distracted." After a long time, Blake came back to his senses, and said to his children with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, what's next?" Josh's tone seemed choked up.

"Next, under the leadership of their lord, they paid some price to capture all the remaining orc regular army alive. The lord fulfilled his promise, he killed all the orcs in the most cruel way, and put Their heads are piled on the dividing line between Augustus and the Orc Empire."

"And Bethelia and all his team members were buried by the lord in the place where Bethelia buried his other teammates. And Digas chose to be buried there after his death."

When Black finished all this, he rubbed Josh's head fiercely and smiled: "Children, remember. They are the real soldiers of our Augustus, a group of nameless and insignificant, But a great and memorable one! Enjoy the story, children."

After saying all this, Black stood up straight and turned around to leave the room. As he walked, there was a piece of low-pitched music and the voice of a middle-aged man. The whole theater fell silent, and they were all listening carefully.

Until the end, when the entire giant screen was dark, a voice suddenly came from inside.

"I have decided, I, Kane Augustus, must join the army!"

Finally, everyone knew that it was completely over now, and there were only some singing voices from the huge black screen, as if they were singing about these soldiers who gave their lives for the country.

Although the audience didn't see the final battle, they had learned the final outcome from Black's mouth, and they felt some regrets in their hearts, because they didn't really see the lord leading the army to kill the enemy.

But the words of Kane, the eldest son of the Augustus Empire, completely detonated the audience!
At this moment, the soldiers of Augustus finally knew the "real reason" for Kane to join the army, and the other races felt sincerely happy because a royal family had completely agreed with them as an example. At this moment, there was thunderous applause.

The three great emperors sat at the front, and they also applauded with smiles on their faces.

Whether it's Borut or Ilka, they can see their unusual surprise and enthusiasm, especially Ilka, the elf king who has always been polite and personable, this is a completely different posture from his usual attitude!
"Great! Really great! Blake! I'm bringing in this drama! Tell me what you need, and I'm going to bring it in!"

Blake smiled slightly, and he said very proudly: "Well, you need to have a good talk with my son, Josh."

(End of this chapter)

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