Chapter 229

Shikoku Invitation is a large-scale event held every four years in the Muya Continent. It has infinite charm, and the people it can attract are even more unimaginable!
There are a lot of rich people in Muya Continent. These people may be professionals or dignitaries, or they may be businessmen or tourists.

They are all eager for invitations from the Four Kingdoms, because they can always witness something here, and the dignitaries can also think about some future judgments from these things.

As for businessmen, they come here to sell their products, and tourists come here to enjoy the time.

Because of the arrival of a large number of various rich people, it naturally also attracted a lot of people from other industries, the most typical ones being musical theater groups.

Song and dance troupes are not very rare groups in Muya Continent, because there are quite a few of these troupes, which also led to many small troupes having to do some pimping work.

Of course, this is just for survival, and the big theater troupes don't need to consider these things at all, they are stars everywhere in Muya Continent!
This time the four countries invited, according to incomplete statistics, there were at least twenty song and dance troupes.

Although there are only four major empires in the Muya Continent, each of the four major empires sent a team of 300 people and some entourage, which means that there are only five to six hundred people in one country.

But how many countries are there in the Super League?
Josh knew this number, there were at least 80 countries, and each of these 80 countries sent 500 people, plus the population of the host country, one can imagine how big the need is.

This can be said to be the most anticipated day for these musical troupes, but this time there seems to be some accidents.

The Tulip Song and Dance Troupe can be regarded as a large-scale song and dance troupe with a long history in Muya Continent and has attracted much attention. It is also one of the three major song and dance troupes of human beings. It is an existence comparable to the song and dance troupes created by elves.

In order to seize the opportunity, the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe came to the Kingdom of Kars, the host country invited by the four countries, very early on, and in the city of Kars they were even received by the king.

This is actually not surprising to the members of these musical troupes, but they are still very respectful.

However, when their leader, Ms. Konis, asked King Kars if he could rent the largest theater in the area, there were some minor accidents.

At that time, the king promised that there was no problem, and he could help persuade the owner of the theater, because he knew that the theater was only used for performances, and there was no opera troupe of its own.

But when the owner of the theater came over, they were very disappointed by the result, or they didn't expect it at all.

Because the theater has already been rented out, and it was already rented out yesterday. Konis and the others, who originally only rented it for two days, still had hope, but they went to renew the lease this morning.

"Can you give me a refund? You know, this is the head of the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe." King Kars asked with a stiff face, but it was more of a request than an inquiry.

"This, His Majesty, I can't do anything about it. They...they have too much background, I dare not do this."

The owner of the theater also had a bitter look on his face. He didn't know what happened last night?He could hear the noise made by the group of soldiers clearly, and he knew who the person renting his theater was today.

It's really incomparable.

"Who? Such a big background?"

"It's the prince of the Augustus Empire!"


King Kars' complexion changed, and even Ms. Konis's complexion beside him became a little ugly.

A prince of an empire rents a theater, so who would dare to compete with him?Don't look at King Kars as the king of this country, but in terms of status, he may not be as good as a great nobleman of an empire!

But Ms. Konis thought more. As the head of a famous song and dance troupe, she wondered if any female performers from the song and dance troupe caught the prince's attention, so she rented one specially for their song and dance troupe. theater.

If this is the case, I'm afraid she has nothing to do. It's not like she hasn't seen such a thing before, but it's all done by princes of some small kingdoms.But this is nothing, after all, the prince of a small country can't make much waves.

But if it is a prince of an empire, then everything may change. The influence of a prince of an empire can directly make a mediocre song and dance troupe reach the first-class level!

"What the hell."

Even though Ms. Konis left the palace with the song and dance troupe, her face was still very ugly.

She now wants to think about this possible opponent in the future. Although she doesn't know who the opponent is, she already has some ideas.

"Maybe it would be much easier if we pulled this woman into our song and dance troupe."

The struggle between song and dance troupes is actually a kind of commercial competition. Ms. Koenis knows these things well. The reason why she can become the troupe leader is not only because of her beauty.

She felt that relying on the name of the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe should not have too many problems, first of all, she had to determine the goal!

Back at the hotel rented by the song and dance troupe, Ms. Konis thought about it all afternoon, and finally decided to go out in a low-key way at night.Being high-profile has its benefits. Traveling on a high-profile trip can increase the popularity of the troupe she guesses, which will also make it easier for her to poach people in the future.

But what if the lady that the prince of the Augustus empire liked was just beautiful?So wouldn't it be embarrassing to be too high-profile?
So Ms. Konis decided to keep a low profile, at least first to determine whether the prince of the empire was attracted by his appearance or was attracted by all aspects.

As dusk fell, Ms. Konis took Isabella, the leading actor of their troupe, changed into a costume, and then walked towards the theater along the crowd.

Isabella is a young girl. She not only has a beautiful face but also has this kind of classical temperament, which is why she can become the leading role of the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe.

Of course, she is also very smart. After learning about Ms. Konis' plan, she offered to go and see it together.

Before this, no prince of the empire would do such a thing. She was very curious about what kind of woman would arouse the interest of a prince of the empire.

When the two of them came to the entrance of the theater, they were indeed frightened by the lineup at the scene, because they found that soldiers of three races were taking turns to maintain order.

This is simply unimaginable. You must know that they will be rivals in a few days, but they are so harmonious now?

"It seems that the opponent is more difficult than we thought."

Ms. Konis frowned. She wondered if it was because the performance was so perfect that these soldiers were also fascinated?Or, simply, even the emperors are fascinated, otherwise such a scene would not have happened!

Isabella also watched the scene in silence, it was really hard to believe what happened.

And Ms. Konis also noticed that the people who exited in an orderly manner were the previous spectators.

They have one thing in common, that is, they all exude an aura of boiling blood, but their emotions are quite different, some are sad, some are angry, and some are even more angry, which makes Konis very puzzled.

The two of them were lucky, and bought tickets for admission at the last moment.

The price of five silver coins is indeed not low, but it is not a problem for the two of them at all, but to their surprise, the person who let them pass after paying the money actually gave them a strange look.

"Ladies, I must forewarn you that this show is not all that lady-friendly."

"It's okay, art is for appreciation, isn't it?" Before the releaser finished speaking, Isabella smiled and directly interrupted the releaser.

"Well, I hope you can take it. Of course, if you can't take it and leave early, we won't refund your money."

"of course."

Entering the theater, Isabella and Ms. Cornis found that it was already full of people, and they found that many of the people present were soldiers, and the other spectators were also men, and almost no women.

When they contacted the releaser, both of them came up with some bad ideas.

"Could it be that this is public pimping?"

With doubts, after listening to some on-site rules from the narrator, the whole theater was soon plunged into darkness, and projections began to appear on the huge white canvas.

Isabella and Konis were puzzled, what kind of show is this?

But then they were attracted by this kind of performance, because not only Blake appeared in the screen, but also revealed what the royal family is like, which made them both laugh unconsciously, and everyone present laughed out.

As time went on, the two of them had long forgotten that this was a performance, and even they, like other spectators at the scene, thought it was a real thing!
They were fascinated by the beautiful scenery in the picture, and because the slaughtered village in the picture made their stomachs roll!
"No wonder, the person told us earlier that it is not suitable for ladies to watch, so it is so!"

This is not an ordinary drama at all, this is a completely new idea that can be written into history!
Even though Konis and Isabella felt a little sick to their stomachs, they still watched obsessively. The only woman who appeared in the whole play was indeed beautiful, but she only appeared for less than 1 minute and was not considered a leading role at all!
This is purely a man's play, this is purely a soldier's play!
Women are more sensitive than men. Both of them accurately felt the anti-war and peace-loving thoughts in this play. These things hidden under the killings made them even more memorable!
Finally, after two hours had passed without knowing it, the whole drama came to the exchange of two pairs of pupils. This magic-like technique fascinated them even more, which revealed a kind of thought transmission!
Especially Kane's last sentence sublimated the whole play.

The two of them sat on the seats weakly, their eyes were already red from crying.There are many people like them, and more people have a hoarse voice because they yell for too long and too loudly. This drama is so perfect!
After a long delay, Konis and Isabella walked out of the theater together, and they can now understand why the people who left before had such emotions.In comparison, they feel that they are even more broken.

"It's perfect, isn't it?" Isabella said with a hoarse voice in the cold wind blowing at night.

"It's perfect, it's unbelievably perfect!" Ms. Konis nodded, her voice was equally hoarse.

"It seems that we have wrongly blamed the prince."

"Yes, not only was it wrong, I even thought we should be eliminated! This is the real performance!"

With the cold wind blowing, Koenis sighed slightly, she couldn't calm down and think about what she should do next.

Whenever she closes her eyes, the picture just now will appear in her mind unconsciously, it is so memorable!

"Forget it, don't think about it too much. Anyway, I won't be the only one who will have a headache in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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