The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 231 Is also a younger brother

Chapter 231 Is also a younger brother

Josh didn't feel good about being stared at by a hideous orc, but he couldn't help it.

In fact, it wasn't just the young orc. After his identity became known to more and more people, almost all the orcs looked at Josh with deep malice, which made Josh helpless.

What the fuck are you staring at me for?
Of course, Josh knew the reason for the orcs' displeasure. The influence of the guardian's phantom was no joke.

It has been a while since the orcs came to Kars. Even if none of them would go to see the ghost of the guardian, they don't know how many people have heard these things.

Needless to say, what they heard alone was enough for them to fight in the bar with the guy who talked about it.

They are not unaware of the story of the Guardians of Augustus. The heroic brigade who ran to the Augustus Empire to plunder was finally besieged by the local lords and all their heads were cut off and piled up on the border.

Who can bear this kind of thing?
When they came to the stage, many of them heard that almost everyone present shouted at Josh, Your Excellency. These orcs were naturally very displeased with Josh. If it wasn't for Black sitting there, I'm afraid they couldn't help but look for him. trouble.

Josh doesn't know what these orcs think, even if he knows, he doesn't care.

And he also guessed something himself, needless to say, he knew that the eighth floor was the reason for the phantom, which made Josh feel abnormally painful, this group of orcs are still fucking dissatisfied?

I don't even look at how good I am in the whole continent. To put it bluntly, in the Augustus Empire, some bars and restaurants in big cities politely reject orcs. Josh himself is considering whether to go back or not. Make a warning sign that orcs and XX are not allowed to enter.

Josh really doesn't like the orc's style of putting all power first and relying on robbing for everything he likes.

It's not that there are no rational people among the orcs. Valdina in Josh's Shadow is a relatively rational and intelligent orc, but the environment of the orc empire is not suitable for these people to survive.

"Josh, that orc prince seems to be staring at you all the time. He may have some bad thoughts about your teammates."

Not only Josh could feel the orc's strong malice towards Josh, but even the three brothers sitting beside him could feel it very clearly.Kane looked at the guy and frowned to remind Josh that he seemed to know that guy.

"The orc prince? Do you know him?"

"Yes, it's an old opponent. I lost to him once, but won him three times. He's a pretty good guy."

"I know Kane, I will be careful."

Josh nodded to express his gratitude to Kane for his concern, and he didn't bother to talk about the orc prince. To be honest, Josh is really not afraid of him, especially when these guys don't know how strong they are. Josh has a hundred What a way to kill such an idiot.

What's more, Josh felt that he really should stick to his previous thinking about this phantom. Anyway, these orcs wouldn't go to see it, so he wouldn't provide him with a silver coin, and he had to follow the historical facts of a ghost and directly Heihei's past and present lives are over.

"It's really a waste of face for you, the feelings are all the wolves of the Hinata family."

Too lazy to pay attention to the group of orcs, Josh continued to chat with his brothers while watching the show.

Josh really didn't pay attention to the orc prince. Kane and the others knew Josh's level of strength, so they didn't pay attention to the orc.

"Josh, do you think it's difficult to manage a territory?" Liszt hesitated for a long time, then asked suddenly.

"Why are you asking this?"

"Because I also want to go out and rule a territory by myself, and you are doing so well."

"It depends on luck."

Regarding Liszt also leaving the imperial capital to become a lord, Josh didn't know what to say.

He has been a lord for a year just like playing house, and he is still the kind of lord who basically doesn't take care of things and relies on his subordinates to do things, and he just arranges a rough policy. Josh doesn't think his brother can be like him.

But after thinking about it for a while, Josh still said, "Well, if you want, you can come to Rivendell. You know Frank and you can study with him for a while."

"Learn from Frank?" Liszt froze for a moment: "Shouldn't I learn from you?"

"Please, I don't have much time to manage the territory. I just set a direction for the development of the territory, and then the specific implementation depends on Frank and those people. Well, there is no future in learning from me. If you want to learn, learn from Frank."

"I didn't expect you to be such a person. Your territory is still developing so well. God bless you!"

"Shut up, do you want to or not?"

"Of course!"

The reason why Josh agreed with Liszt to go to his territory was mainly because he felt that sometimes when he was not around, it would be better to have at least one person who could hold the scene.And Josh's territory is so big, he can definitely let Liszt go to a place that is not open up wasteland and help him manage the work.

Riverdale has come out, so will Shire be far behind?
Josh intends to get the place of Shire out in this new year.Unlike a city like Rivendell, Josh intends that the new Shire is a place responsible for tourism, so it is just right for Liszt to go to such a place.

He doesn't need to think so much, just follow his own series of policy frameworks, use his imagination there and build well, and it's over.

Josh felt that Liszt would accept such an easy thing, and it was his first contact, so wouldn't it be better to start with an easy one?

Several people kept talking nonsense, even if Black glared at them, these guys just whispered a little.

And their every move has been under the watchful eyes of other current viewers. It has to be said that because of the phantom, these people who watched have always looked towards this family unconsciously.

As a result, they found that the family was really harmonious.

In particular, the Great Black stared at them. The lord was wrong, so His Highness Josh just rolled his eyes and restrained himself, which made them laugh inexplicably.

Even Isabella, the heroine of the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe performing on stage, looked towards Josh and the others from time to time. She was really curious, what kind of person would make such a leap A product of the times, now it looks like a handsome prince.

They have all heard about Josh's story. Although they don't know whether it is true or not, even if he achieves nothing, he is still the prince of an empire, and he is also a future nobleman. His status will never be comparable to that of ordinary people!
As for those nobles who chose to stand in line, what they would think after watching this phantom was not what Josh and the others considered.

After all, they were not asked to make a choice.

Soon, the performance of the opening ceremony finally came to an end. The applause given by the audience was not warm, or it was too far compared to the past, but the members of the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe still bowed respectfully and gracefully Bow before stepping down.

At this moment, everyone knew that the four-nation invitation battle was about to begin!

The four-nation invitation usually takes about a month. It is divided into two competitive modes—individual competition and team competition. One is to show the strength of the army, and the other is to show the talent reserve of the empire.

So to be honest, the main event is the individual competition which is more attractive. The four great empires provide a lot of talents, and there are also many talents in other small countries.

However, the royal families of the four empires do not need to participate in those cumbersome play-in competitions, and they will have a stable place in the knockout competition.

For example, the Augustus Empire, if there are four princes participating this time, they will directly get four places in the knockout round.The same goes for other empires, the Elf Empire has two quotas, the Dwarf Empire has four quotas, and the Orc Empire has five quotas.

"Orcs can really give birth."

"Hey, it is said that although the current orc emperor has a headache because of the civil strife in the country, he can have a lot of women."

Josh and William didn't care so much at all, and continued to talk nonsense.

William's strength is at the fourth level. Although his pressure is greater, he is only here to participate in the experience. Simply put, he is just for fun. Anyway, he has four places for the competition.

And Josh doesn't care at all, he is a sixth-order person anyway, and he really doesn't care about the nobles in small countries.

The first knockout round is a 64-player one-on-one knockout match, and the winner advances to a 32-player one-on-one match.

To put it simply, in the end, only two people will be left to compete for the championship. Basically, in the first round or even with luck in the second round, none of the royal families from the Four Great Empires will meet the same royal family from the Four Great Empires. player.

Since this is the case, Josh is still worried, but what puzzles him is that there are two places in the Elf Empire, but he only sees Ian, which makes him feel very strange.

When he met Ian and Dennis when he was a child, he knew that Dennis was like himself and had three older brothers.

But Ian was not so clear. The last champion was indeed from the Elf Empire, but the champion was not from the royal family, but a guy from one of the three noble families of the Elf Empire.

Because he is not a royal family, he had to participate in the play-in competition from the very beginning, and it was a big surprise that he finally won the championship.

And this guy seems to be here this time too. It was originally allowed and supported by the last champion to continue to participate, but this time it is said that the elf royal family basically participated, which made Josh know that Ian may also be a younger brother. what.

"Elf Empire also has two places, that guy doesn't seem to be here, do you know him, Kane?"

"Of course I don't, but I know I know something. For example, I have to correct you. It's her and not him."

"Her? Female?" Kane's answer stunned Josh for a moment. "You mean, a princess?"

"Yes, a princess with very strong strength. As for what is going on now, no one knows. The last champion, Wesson Yinyue, participated in the competition just to pursue this princess."

Josh didn't care whether the previous champion competed in order to pursue this princess. He suddenly asked, "Is she Ian's sister?"

"Yes, sister. Elvira Elvira Chasing Sun, you are so ignorant, Josh."

"Whatever, at least I know that Ian is also a younger brother!"


(End of this chapter)

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