Chapter 232
It's not the first time that Josh's focus is on Qi Kane. Although he rolled his eyes, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Kane can guess the reason why Josh is like this, the guy on the eighth floor, Josh, never thought that he would perform so well.

No matter who the opponent is, he doesn't care. This guy never thought that he would enter the finals. As for who the opponent is in the finals, he doesn't care at all how powerful this guy is.

Regarding his brother's attitude, Kane was really dumbfounded.

It's true that Josh's mentality is very good, because such countless wins and losses won't cause too much trouble for Josh.But in such a national competition, it is really difficult to win with Josh's mentality.

"What a waste of talent."

It is impossible for Kane not to be envious of Josh being one step ahead of him and directly reaching the sixth level.

Although he wanted to know what Josh had figured out so that they were on the same starting line, but the gap was widened in an instant, but it was a pity that Black didn't intend to let Josh say it, it was for him to understand it himself, and Kane could only accepted.

The four-nation invitation this time is the one that Kane finds most difficult.

Leaving aside the elf who was the last champion, he really stood out from thousands of contestants and fought from beginning to end, and the legendary elf princess also came.

"How do you feel that this guy Josh is like a disaster star, and when he comes, all kinds of monsters and ghosts will appear?"

Kane will inevitably have such thoughts. Although the contestants were strong when Josh didn't participate, they were not as exaggerated as they are now. Kane has been in the ranks of the championship all year round, and he even had to pass once.

But this year, he feels that his chances are really slim.

Not to mention that Josh, the bastard, has actually reached the sixth level. The guy who won the championship last year, Wesson, is a sixth-level elf, and the princess he is pursuing is said to be quite terrifying.

No matter how you look at it, Tier [-] is inevitable, which makes Kane a little uncomfortable.

"This year, it seems that we can only fight for one of the top four places. Moreover, Josh must be persuaded, Augustus can't be ashamed."

Kane was there thinking about how this year's game should be, while Josh had already pulled Natasha away from them and ran to watch the game.

He participated in it more than ten years ago. At that time, he was not very used to this kind of competition, but now he is interested.

Whether it was the team competition in the morning or the individual competition in the afternoon, Josh found it quite interesting.

He is even thinking about whether he should create such a famous game in his own territory, such as the Academy Cup or something?

"You mean, refer to Hogwoods to come up with an annual college grand prix?"

Akatosh, who had been holding back for a long time, finally slipped out to move around quietly. In order not to be so conspicuous, he turned into an eagle-like thing and stood on Josh's shoulder. He guessed the key to what Josh was thinking. What is the point.

But this thing is not difficult to guess at all, Josh's expression has already revealed a lot of information, this guy always likes to come up with some interesting things, and he still comes up with unique tricks.

"Why not? There are a lot of Rhine University colleges that I got. There are eight colleges in total. Why don't they fight against it? It can make them more teamwork and make them more active in improving themselves."

Confrontation is a way of improvement, and only with competition can there be improvement. Josh has heard a lot about this in his previous life, and now he plans to use it.

His industrial chain and territory are too big, and he must need enough high-quality talents.

"Academic confrontation? Can't you be a little innovative and play all the leftovers of others."

"Who told you I'm going to play college confrontation?"

"Is that a one-on-one confrontation? Striving to be the one-on-one king?"

"It's too low, I'm going to play squad mode."

Josh gave Akatosh a disdainful look, not to mention that it's really good that this guy has turned into a hawk.

However, Josh felt that it seemed a bit ostentatious. Many scenes in Phantom that run through the sky are expressed by eagles, and Josh himself played a character in it, which is quite popular.

The result of this is that Josh is recognized immediately wherever he goes, but Josh basically ignores these guys.

He is seriously thinking about his school's confrontation. Whether it is a point-based confrontation between colleges or a one-on-one challenge, it is really being played badly by others.

Although this is really a gimmick, Josh really doesn't want to do such a thing anymore.

If you want to come up with something novel, the team mode appeared in Josh's mind. Don't say that he thought about it carefully, it seemed that he was really crazy.

The squad mode is actually not too novel, but it is still relatively rare. The most classic squad mode is actually the world of Lord Madara, whether it is the squad led by the fourth generation of sunshine men, or the later white-haired dead fish-eye The team he led was a classic among the classics.

The only pity is that such a classic team seems to have disbanded after a short time, which makes Josh feel quite a pity.

However, this mode makes Josh feel very interesting. There is also a classic representative of the team challenge, which is a few online games.

Whether it is Yamaguchi-san or Tongqingyuansan, they are all classic representatives of the challenge in the team mode.

Josh was also a mage in Rogue Mage, War Mage, and War Mage, as well as Zangjian and Jianchun in Cezangxiu and Jianqihua, so he still likes the three-on-three mode very much.

Of course, if there are too many people, it would be better to have a five-on-five model.

Just like the League of Legends, the fun of the five-person black car is really a lot of fun, which can not only get rid of the boring heads-up, but also enhance the friendship and cooperation ability among students.

"Team mode? Three, three, five, five?" Akatosh responded immediately.

"Yes! It's very interesting, isn't it? For example, a warrior hunter with a mage, three assassins, etc. Isn't it more interesting?"

"Why do I have a sense of déjà vu of an online game arena in your mind?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right, you're really right!"

Josh wasn't surprised at all that Akatosh was able to guess his own thoughts, and the more Josh thought about this idea, the more he felt that it was a mess.

There will definitely be more and more students in the future, so it would be a waste of time to single out such things, and there is another very important problem in singles, that is, it is easy to cause conflicts.

Josh didn't expect the students from his school to be so harmonious and friendly, but at least there should be no serious internal fighting in the school, let alone killing each other when they left the school.

When Josh read novels before, he saw a lot of similar plots, and he would be murdered if he left the academy.

Or they would simply find a way to kill the enemy in the academy. They completely forgot that even the opponent is also their classmate. What's more ridiculous is that in some novels, the school actually supports it. This is the last thing Josh can accept. of.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it is based on the points system or the tour system. In the end, the finals will still be the kind that people can watch. The winners will be rewarded with money and other things, and the losers will also be given half of the winners. Such rewards, such a double harvest of honor and material, will definitely attract a lot of students."

"Hehe, don't forget that you haven't found all your teachers, such as the mercenary teacher, and you are still delaying the director's salary. What are you going to do?"

"Small, to put it bluntly, we only need to get in touch with Alexios or Cassandra. If we can, we can use the resurrected people to attract his attention. This is not discussed earlier. As for the longevity issue, Cui Isn't the staff of Smogitis the perfect material?"

Facing this question, Josh felt that it was really not too difficult. Perhaps the only troublesome thing was the resurrection.

But this Josh is not impossible to solve, there are two solutions, one is to find a way to go directly to the world of mummy, and then use the method there to resurrect a dead person, but there may be sequelae.

After all, a dead person was summoned from the hands of the god of death. The god of death was never a kind and kind guy. Maybe there was a mark on that soul or something, but as long as he came back to life, Josh really didn't want to think too much about these things.

The second way is to simply go to a world with cloning technology and let them clone his relatives and friends directly.

Of course, this also has a disadvantage, that is, the cloned guy has no previous memory at all, and can be regarded as an independent new individual, but there is absolutely no sequelae.

"The world of mummy, and the world of biochemistry, anyway, choose one of the two."

"Why don't you summon the soul back, put it into the cloned body, and finally take these souls away, so as to avoid the death contract of the wishing world. The most important thing is that the assassin's world probably doesn't have such a thing as death at all. "


Akatosh's words directly stunned Josh. It is true that his two plans are not perfect, but why not combine them?

Use the original gene to clone the body, then use the Sun Bible to summon the souls, and finally take them away?

As for whether there is a god of death in the world of assassins, Josh disagrees.

Bayek's River Styx and the reed field gave Josh a very deep impression. Even if the strength of the world of assassins is not high, once it has something to do with death, Josh will not dare to be careless.

However, Akatosh's proposal did give Josh a lot of inspiration. Dr. Wu is studying the viruses brought by the chemical world, but this guy is a top biologist, so it is no problem to make a clone.

And after I got the Bible, I left directly, and ran away immediately after summoning the soul in the world of assassins, wouldn't that be the end of it?

What's more, Akatosh said that there might really be no such thing as a god of death in that world, as long as he was careful, there would be no problem.

Even if there is, in a world with such a low upper limit of strength, Josh is really not afraid of seeing it.

"Okay, it's decided, let's do it like this! However, we still have to find out what the legendary mercenary has to say first."

(End of this chapter)

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