The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 233 Let's talk after the end

Chapter 233 Let's talk after the end
In fact, Josh thinks that the soul thing is similar in every world, but because there is no such thing as death or hell, the soul cannot be kept for a long time.

Whether it's Hades' Underworld in Eastern mythology, or Heaven and Hell in Western mythology, these things are basically the destination of a person or a creature after death.

To put it bluntly, it is to let the soul have a place to lodge after leaving the body, so Josh thinks it is still feasible to summon the soul through an artifact like the Sun Bible.

Of course, there are many ways to summon souls. For example, the most typical one is a high-level necromancer, which can be easily done. Unfortunately, Josh has not seen a necromancer so far, and he has never met a necromancer in other worlds.

There is also an anime that Josh once watched, in which the fiancée of the protagonist can summon back the soul going to the world of bliss through the rosary. At that time, Josh had been chasing that anime for a long time, but it was unfinished later. Josh was very depressed.

So Josh decided not to enter that world even if he had the ability. Of course, there is another main reason, that is, when he watched this anime, he was just a kid. I think it's okay, but now I feel really bad.

Shaking his head, Josh was too lazy to think about these inexplicable things, and he couldn't watch that anime now anyway.

And he was wondering whether to try to find Alexios or Cassandra now, or wait until the game is all over?

"When will the competition you participate in start?"

"Well, it will take about half a month. Before that, it was all team competitions and individual play-in competitions. It will be our turn after all these are completed."

"Is there anything else that needs to be concerned about the theater?"

"It seems that apart from collecting money, I don't need to take care of anything else. Soldiers from the three empires will maintain order and the like, and O'Bayern and the others will pay the rent. It's nothing to do with me."

"Then why don't you just go there?"

Akatosh rolled his eyes straight away, why are you still hanging around when you have nothing to do here?Get the things you want to get done early or you're done.

Of course, the most important thing is that Akatosh really doesn't look like a hawk. It's not that he can't stand this image, but that he feels that he looks like a pet like this.

"But the time in the world of Assassins is not fixed. I'm not sure how long it will take to find Alexios and the others. If it takes more than half a month, it will be a big trouble. Europe is so big, I want to find a hidden one." People are still more troublesome."

Josh is indeed a little moved, but as he said, Europe is indeed very big. Although there is a big gap compared with his previous homeland, Josh does not have the ability to cover the world with mental power, so he will soon Find someone to lock up.

"What are you going to do?"

"Why don't you go directly to this world, issue this mission to Ezio and the others, and ask them to find this legendary mercenary?"

"Let my son go, I'm lucky this guy may be a little uncomfortable."

What Josh said was true, Akatosh could only roll his eyes and let it go.

As for letting him run errands, don't even think about it!
Hosdner, the dragon cub, has been locked in Galen's mark since he came back. This made Hosdner, who had been crazy in Middle-earth for a long time, complained, so Akatosh simply let him pass never mind.

Josh glanced at Galen behind him, and after Galen shrugged to express his indifference, Josh nodded and made up his mind.

One month in Muya Continent is equivalent to half a year in Assassin's World. Although Josh doesn't know how things are going there, Josh feels that after so many years there, it should be no problem to find someone in Europe. .

Thinking about these things clearly, Josh also spent all his experience on watching the game. After watching the team game in the morning, Josh didn't have much interest.

After returning to the room at noon and sending Hosdner there, the individual competition in the afternoon made Josh a little interested in writing.

Although the strength of the contestants is uneven, there are still surprises.

For example, Josh noticed an elf whose strength was about the peak of the fifth rank, and his fighting style attracted Josh's attention.A typical ranger-style elf, it can be said to be dizzying in terms of movement speed.

Moreover, this guy is also very good at using daggers, bows and arrows. He was fighting against a genius from a small country, who was also a Tier [-] fighter, but in the end he beat that genius so hard that he couldn't find his way.

To put it simply, he kept causing small-scale trauma to that genius, but the genius of that small country had never encountered this guy at all.

The final result is naturally self-evident. The unilateral massacre directly made the genius of this small country face the tragedy of leaving the arena in the finalists.

If I have to say it, I can only say that this guy is really too unlucky. Even if the strength of the fifth level is in the knockout round, he is a very strong character, but he faces a powerful elf in the play-in round.

"Luck is really a part of strength."

After watching this game, it is difficult to arouse Josh's interest in other games.

The main reason is that it is too weak. Think about the battles of Tier [-] and Tier [-]. Josh, who is Tier [-], can be overwhelmed by simply using magic power. Why is he interested in watching it?
Josh took Natasha and the others directly to the theater. Before that, Josh thought that with the start of the four-nation invitation competition, fewer and fewer people would watch his phantom.

But he found that he seemed to be wrong.

At least so far, even if it is the first day of the official competition of the opening ceremony, the theater is still full.

The most important thing is that although there are many faces here that Josh has an impression of, but according to the guards here, there are more new viewers.

This surprised Josh, especially when Josh stayed here until night, he found that many princes from small countries also ran over.

The most interesting thing is that after two hours, when the first broadcast was over, they rushed out and bought tickets for the first and second viewings.

Of course, there are also some self-righteous guys who plan to take the phantom back directly, but when they hear that the Augustus Empire is behind this phantom, they are all as honest as quails.

This made Josh very funny. Looking at the princes of these small countries, especially the princes of several countries who obviously had conflicts with the orcs, they watched the most times. Even after get off work, they wanted to continue to buy tickets, but This is impossible.

After dinner, there will be three consecutive broadcasts, which means that it will end at about 11:30.

Josh won't procrastinate for a midnight show, it doesn't make any sense at all.What's more, Josh's guards and those soldiers who volunteered to maintain order also have to rest. Josh is not an evil capitalist.

But to Josh's surprise, when he left the theater with Natasha—Galen went back, and he found a very luxurious carriage parked at the entrance of the theater.

To Josh, this was not worthy of his attention at all, but when he came out, the owner of the carriage also came out and walked towards Josh, which made Josh a little confused?
"Who are you?"

After looking at the two beautiful women, one big and one small in front of him, Josh asked with some doubts. Although they looked familiar, Josh didn't know these two at all.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Josh, to bother you so late, please forgive our presumptuousness, but we."

"Speak the key."

Josh rolled his eyes and interrupted their words directly. He wouldn't act extraordinarily graceful just because the other party was two beauties.

Although this is a necessary element for a gentleman who is self-confident, it still has to wait until Josh is alone, and he is accompanied by a girl who he has not completely settled down with himself.

Josh's impatient attitude really stunned the two women for a while. Leaving aside their identities, the two of them would rarely receive such treatment just by looking at their looks.

There are only three situations where you will encounter such treatment. One is that you are not interested in them at all, the second is a guy who has no manners at all, and the third is a guy with a problematic orientation.

As a prince, Josh couldn't be without grace, and he was accompanied by a beautiful woman, so it seemed that the second and third were basically untenable.

As the prince of an empire, he must have seen countless beauties. The two immediately believed that Josh Balou was not interested in them, which made them a little helpless.

"Alright, Your Highness Josh, we are from the Tulip Musical Theater Troupe. I am the head of the troupe, Konis, and this is the leading actress of our troupe, Isabella."

"Tulip Song and Dance Troupe? Oh, it's the song and dance troupe that performed at the opening ceremony in the morning."

Josh nodded knowingly, no wonder he was a little familiar with him and met him in the morning, it was just because he was chatting with Kane and the others while watching the performance, so he was really not very focused, although he remembered the content of the performance He is not very familiar with who the performer is.

"Your opera is great, I like it very much."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Then why are you looking for me?"

After a little flattery, Josh asked directly.

Josh is really not that familiar with the singing and dancing troupe in Muya mainland. Although he has heard of the Tulip singing and dancing troupe before, his knowledge of them is just a singing and dancing troupe with a long history.

"It's like this, Your Highness Josh. After watching the phantom you created, we seem to have seen a god, so."

"So, you came to me and plan to cooperate with me?"

Looking at the expressions of the two of them and what they said, Josh was not a fool to guess what they were thinking all at once.

Of course, Josh didn't know if they would have more excessive ideas, after all, there are too many ignorant people, but Josh is not used to treating everyone as that kind of ignorant idiot.

"Yes, Your Highness Josh."

Konis seemed relieved, although she knew this was just the beginning, and this kind of thing couldn't be settled overnight.

The charm of the phantom is too terrifying. It can be said that once His Royal Highness Josh spreads the phantom to the entire Muya continent, I am afraid that all performances will be ruled by him at that time!
Being able to cooperate with them in advance, even to put it badly, this Highness treats them as pimps, and it is not a problem to get anything from them.

Rather than being slowly replaced in the future, it is better to join it. The name of the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe cannot just disappear into the long river of history, especially in her hands!

"If you cooperate, I actually welcome it."

Josh smiled slightly and said something that surprised both Konis and Isabella, but turned around and Josh added:
"However, let's wait until the four-nation invitation is over. I don't know any of you who want to cooperate, I guess. At that time, you go to my territory Rivendell, and we will talk slowly at that time."

 Thank you book friend Old Fish for your reward~ Thank you, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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