The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 234 Give points baby?

Chapter 234 Give points baby?

Josh had expected the specter to come out a long time ago, and if it succeeded, it would definitely attract a lot of people from the original drama and song and dance troupe.

Once successful, as long as you are not stupid, you will know how terrifying this thing is. Now that Josh has succeeded and the terrifying effect can be seen by everyone, it is only natural that they want to join or cooperate.

As for the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe moving so fast, Josh didn't find it strange at all. A song and dance troupe that was invited to perform at the opening ceremony must have already seen Josh's The Specter.

If they didn't respond at all, then Josh would be surprised.

How could such a song and dance troupe become the oldest one?
It is not ruled out that they may stick to the last glory first, but if the Phantom has succeeded in this way, they have not taken action to think about changing, so it is inevitable that they will be thrown into the garbage dump of history.

But from now on, it seems that their reaction speed is still very fast, but it's a pity that Josh is not in the mood to talk to them now.

To put it bluntly, the Phantom cake is very big and it is something that has never appeared before. If it is just a musical group participating in Josh, he feels a bit at a loss.

After the invitation from the four countries is over, he can completely let them go to his own territory to talk with Frank slowly, and Josh, who is successful, can let them stay and participate in his phantom plan in the future.

It's okay to fail. It's not that there will be no opportunities for cooperation in the future. Josh can let them help him promote his territory.

Anyway, Josh made so many things, to put it bluntly, for the improvement of his territory, he will not forget his original idea to make his territory a holy place for the entire Muya Continent!
No matter which aspect it is, Josh wishes him the best!

After dismissing the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe, Josh thought that the Song and Dance Troupe would tell some of her thoughts to other song and dance troupes, so that she would not be disturbed too much.

However, in fact, this song and dance troupe has absolutely no meaning in this regard. As a result, in the next half month, Josh will be visited by almost every song and dance troupe from all over the world.

This made Josh so depressed to death. What was even more nonsense was that there were some small song and dance troupes, and they even bluntly said that as long as Josh wanted, all the girls in the troupe could become Josh's bed partners.

What the hell!If you want to talk about such trouble, can you say it when there are only two of them?

Seeing Galen's stomach hurting from laughing and Natasha's face full of black lines, Josh decisively kicked this guy out, just kidding, it's not like this to hurt people, okay?

As for the other song and dance troupes, at least they can be regarded as honest.

Whether it was a large human singing and dancing troupe or an elf singing and dancing troupe, they all showed their due demeanor, but they all expressed their eagerness to join or cooperate with Josh.

It's a pity that Josh still said that, after the invitation from the four countries is over, let's all go to his territory Rivendell to talk.

"Hey? There are so many people in these song and dance troupes? Can Rivendell pretend?"

After driving away all these song and dance troupes, Josh just breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately thought of something.

Who knows if Bobbies and the others got enough hotels and the like when they helped Josh build Rivendell? If there were too many people but few rooms, then Josh would be ashamed.

"Forget it, anyway, there are quite a lot of houses built in the education area, so we can't let them live there!"

Shaking his head, Josh didn't bother to worry about these problems. Anyway, the problem will always be solved. It's useless for him to think about it.

What's more, half a month has passed, and now it has reached the knockout stage, which means that Josh, a super bastard, will also go online.

No, it's a competition.

Mixing is just a state of mind. Before playing games, he always wanted to be crazy about Kerry, but his mentality has changed a lot when he came to this world. Now he thinks that even if he can mix and win, it can be regarded as a skill. to what extent?
Josh thinks that Natasha's request is almost enough. If it can be better, it will be very good. If he mixes and finds that no one else is an opponent and wins a championship, Josh will be happy too. Can't find North.

Of course, this is just his thinking, and the specific operation depends on his on-the-spot performance, besides, Josh doesn't care much about this championship.

Everyone likes honor, and so does Josh, otherwise he wouldn't participate, but if he has to work hard for honor, and really desperately, Josh is not willing.

After half a month of competition, there are only 64 people left in the singles event. Excluding their group of contestants who belong to the royal families of the four empires, there are still 49 people who have played all the way from the finalists to the present, including Joe The elf ranger that Xi saw last time, this powerful player whose strength has reached the fifth level.

As for who is Josh’s opponent?Josh himself didn't know this, and he could only find out when he went to the scene to draw lots.

Probably because of some fairness or something else, the ceremony of drawing lots will look very solemn, but Josh thinks that's the case.

After all, to be fair, the princes and princesses of the four empires should start playing in the play-in round, so that a few unlucky guys will probably be eliminated.

However, this may be unfair to most of the big finalists, after all, their talented talents are really only a minority.

To be fair, no one can tell. Anyway, Josh doesn't bother to think about it so much. He has already gone to the game with several of his fraternities.

The knockout round can be said to be the main match, and every game actually has a reference value, because the guy who wins is likely to be your future opponent.

"Josh, are you confident?"

Standing on the high platform, Josh looked at the passionate host in front of him. He suddenly felt a little sleepy. He really couldn't figure out why they could talk for so long without getting tired.

Kane is actually the same. Even though his patience is already very strong, he couldn't help but want to yawn. He glanced at Josh, who was also bored, and asked casually.

"Confidence? It's not something you say out loud, you'll know it after you've played it."

"That's right, at your level, if you're lucky, you should be able to try to compete for the championship."

"Tsk tsk, I'm asking you something."


"Is it necessary to fight desperately for the championship?"

"Of course it is."

"But I don't want to die."


Kane looked at Josh very speechlessly. Doesn't this idiot know that if he didn't meet any life and death enemies, generally speaking, he wouldn't kill him!
He opened his mouth slightly to explain, but he understood immediately after seeing Josh's indifferent expression.

In fact, this guy knew it, but he didn't take this championship seriously at all, which made Kane extremely angry and helpless.

God!Why did you give such an excellent talent to such a guy!
Kane shook his head, thinking about what happened to his younger brother more than ten years ago, he suddenly wondered if he could bear it?
After thinking for a long time, Kane didn't know what the result would be. In the end, he could only sigh and pat Josh on the shoulder.

Josh glanced at Kane inexplicably, he didn't understand what happened to his big brother.

Not only did he not understand, even Liszt and William beside them were also puzzled, but soon they all turned their attention to the rostrum, and at this time the host had already begun to announce the places for the competition.

Because it takes half a month to finish 64 games, the first round is the top 32 and it takes a total of eight days to play, which means that we have to play four games a day.

In the second round, there will be a total of four days in the top sixteen, which means that there are four games every day.The third round is the quarterfinals, and the same four games are played in one day.

The last two days are the semi-finals and finals. The winners of the semi-finals will compete in the finals to compete for the championship of this four-nation invitational individual competition, while the losers will compete for the third place.

It can be said that every day is a very motivating game, and there is no stopping at all.

However, this competition system basically depends on luck if you want to have time to rest.

Of course, whether to rest or not is not a big problem for the royal families of the four empires, because they have enough essential medicines that can make a person recover quickly.

This might be unfair to the players from those small countries, but there is no way, the time is set like this.

Unless you are lucky enough to draw lots and your participation time is long enough, otherwise you can only hope that there are some good things in your home for you to restore yourself.

It took more than half an hour, and the result of the lottery came out. To be honest, Josh didn't know what to say when he saw the result of the lottery.

Because he was actually the contestant on the first day, and the most important thing was that he was in the first match. His opponent was the prince of the Kingdom of Kars!
When Josh saw the result, his face turned black, and he could even hear the sighs of some other contestants.

This made Josh very upset, do you all regard me as a gift-giving baby?Please, even if I don't care, I'm not here to give away points!

The spread of Josh's story is not very wide, but it refers to all the creatures living in Muya Continent.

For the rulers of these countries, everyone knows about Josh's stupidity. It's incredible to think about an imperial prince who has magic power but no magic elements.

What's even more unbelievable is that this prince actually survived to become an adult and became a lord!In the cognition of the rulers of these small countries, such waste should have been traded for political interests long ago, instead of being kept in such a waste of resources.

What surprised them the most was that Emperor Augustus seemed to like this former useless prince.

Look at the phantom he created, Emperor Augustus actually participated in it with his family, and now he is bringing this useless prince to the Four Kingdoms invitation?
However, they also guessed that maybe Emperor Augustus didn't have any hope, and just let this useless prince learn a lot, so that he can be a lord in the Augustus Empire in the future.

So they all thought at the same time, if the contestants from their own country can meet him, then the promotion will be basically guaranteed!

The ruler of the Kingdom of Kars thought so too, so he did the same.

(End of this chapter)

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