The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 235 Are you a fool?

Chapter 235 Are you a fool?
Josh was actually quite helpless for others to treat him as a gift-giving baby, but he didn't bother to explain anything to these stupid asses: Since I appeared here, I must be sure of myself.

There's no need for that, Josh is too lazy. Since you think I'm easy to bully, let's see who bullies whom in the end!

In Josh's heart, the prince of the Kingdom of Kars has basically been targeted by Josh to be 'tortured', just like playing League of Legends before.

You met someone you were very unhappy with, and then he happened to be opposite you, and it turned out that your side had a crazy advantage, and the spring was blocked in 4 minutes, wouldn't you abuse the spring?
Josh is now planning to fix this prince of the Kingdom of Kars, and let you know who the f*ck is the gift-giving baby.

Josh's gesture just fell into Kane's eyes, which made Kane amused.

He wasn't worried that Josh would lose. The prince of Kars was not as strong as William, that is, a kid of the fourth rank, and he was about the same age as himself. King Kars took great pains to get this kid to advance.

In the end, he probably never dreamed that he manipulated the secret box in the hope of being able to fish into the next game, but what he encountered was not a salted fish, but a Tam. No, it was a shark!

The current state of this shark seems to be very unhappy. I am afraid that the prince has nothing good to eat.

As for the fact that Josh abused others so badly that the relationship between the two countries became tense?

Don't be kidding, the diplomatic relations between countries in this world are very simple and direct, that is to see whose fist is bigger and whose sword is stronger. It is obvious that the Augustus Empire crushed the Kingdom of Kars, otherwise It doesn't even deserve to be called an empire.

A prince of an empire beating up a prince of a kingdom is not a big deal even in normal times. If you are not happy, you can initiate a duel, which is a life-and-death thing. Of course, whether others accept it is one thing.

Now it's a stage invited by the Four Kingdoms, a stage of one-on-one fair competition. If you are beaten up, you are surrendering, and no one is forcing you.

"It seems that there will be a good show in the first scene." Kane quietly said to his other younger brother.

"What do you say? Is Josh upset?"

"Of course, no matter who is used as a stepping stone to advance, he will be unhappy, especially Josh is now a sixth-level senior magician!"

"That guy named Kevilla is finished."

Kane, Liszt, and William tuned down without any scruples. The Kingdom of Kars actually used this method to advance its contestants. Although this kind of problem can be big or small, it also made them brothers I don't like the country very much, especially that Kvelia.

Kvilia is the son of King Kars, the boss like Kane, and it has basically been determined that the future Kingdom of Kars will be inherited by this guy.

There is nothing wrong with letting this future heir gain some prestige at this grand event, but you are so worthless and aiming at Josh, this is what you shouldn't do.

Even if Josh is still the useless mage with only magic power and no magic elements, Josh's identity is the prince of the Augustus Empire!
What do you mean by doing this?Look down on our empire?Grasping this from the beginning to the big, there is no problem at all!

As for the grouping of the three of them, it is relatively easy, and I don’t know if it is because of the different treatment. The opponents of Kane and the three of them are also contestants from some small countries, but they are all placed in the next few days. Compared with Josh's first performance, he doesn't know how much more comfortable he is.

"Okay, now let's invite our first group of contestants to enter the arena!"

Finally, after waiting for a long time, the supporters finally announced that the competition of the first group of contestants was about to start, and Josh walked directly into this place similar to an arena.

To be honest, the venue of this game made Josh feel like he was watching Spartacus, but he changed from a person watching to a dueling person.

Prince Kars also walked in. The two of them came in through different doors, so there was a feeling of confrontation.

As the two of them entered the arena, cheers erupted from the entire stadium. Perhaps it was the main city advantage that Josh heard them cheering mainly on this guy named Kevilia.

As for Josh, there were indeed cheers, but his cheers were all 'Your Excellency, come on', 'Your Excellency.', 'Your Excellency.'.

Please, although I am indeed a lord, are you sure that the lord you call is me?
"It's strange, isn't it all actors who are too involved in the drama? Why are these movie fans in this world more involved in the drama than actors?"

"Idiot, that's because they've never seen it."

Josh complained secretly, but Akatosh said something directly to Josh through his mental power.

This made Josh roll his eyes. It was the first time he had heard that watching a movie could bring him in by himself, but it didn't matter. Josh quickly adjusted his emotions.

"Remember the two respected highnesses, no matter which side admits defeat, it must stop. Also, there is no grievance or enmity between the two sides. I hope that the two highnesses can restrain themselves and never do things that make them regret for the rest of their lives."



Do something that you regret for the rest of your life?

When Josh heard this sentence, he knew that the cliff was speaking to Kevilla, which made Josh angry and funny, but he still agreed to the referee, and then began to wait silently for the start, and glanced at Kevilla Leah still looked indifferent, which made Josh really not know what to say.

"Okay, then the first game, now begins!"

With the voice of the referee suddenly becoming high, the first match of the Four Nations Invitational Elimination Tournament officially began.

And Josh and Kvilia also entered the state at the same time. Unlike Josh, who is a magician, Kvilia is a fighter. When the referee announced the start, he directly gathered his fighting spirit.

A light yellow fighting spirit floated on his weapon, and then this guy rushed straight towards Josh.

He needs a win, a nice and quick win!

This is something he discussed with his father, and he has also heard about what happened to Josh. This is a great opportunity!
Four years ago, he also entered the knockout round invited by the Four Nations, but that time his luck was very bad, he actually drew Kane, the eldest prince of the Augustus Empire!
As a result, during the game, Kane didn't give him any face at all, he was knocked out just by touching him!
From then on, he hated the Augustus Empire. Not only he but also his father thought that the Augustus Empire was too much.

This time, knowing that Josh would participate in this competition, he immediately persuaded his father and used some means, which not only allowed him to advance smoothly, but also avenged his humiliation by Kane!

Of course, he felt humiliated but he felt that way, and honestly Kane would have almost forgotten him if he hadn't seen this guy again.

Josh didn't know the twists and turns. If he knew, he would definitely learn from Kane and give him a hard blow, so that he would be hit and humiliated further.

"This guy, want to get rid of me all at once?"

Seeing Kevilia's actions and his disdainful expression, Josh immediately guessed what this guy wanted to do.

This made Josh almost laugh angrily, what an idiot, I have never hidden my magic power fluctuations, none of you paid attention to it but instead used a preconceived idea, taking it for granted that I am a waste?

The magic power surged, and Josh casually arranged an ice wall in front of Kevilla, just like Anivia's ice barrier, the moment Kevilla was about to touch him, the wall was thick. A thick wall of ice appeared directly in front of him.

Kvilia didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, and it was too late to brake, and the whole person was like a wild horse that had run loose, and crashed into the thick ice wall in a daze!
This scene stunned the royal family and the royal family who didn't know Josh's situation!
What the hell is this?Isn't this kid a waste without magical elements?how can that be?

At this moment, they suddenly felt unreal. Could it be that they have been deceived before?Their eyes looked unnaturally at Black sitting in the stands.

"Actually, Josh has recovered a long time ago, but his situation is a bit special. And I didn't tell this matter, I'm sorry."

Blake naturally saw their eyes, and he explained something to the people around him very 'sorry', but everyone could see that his apology was completely insincere!
Especially that kind of self-satisfied look makes people crazy. To be honest, if they can't really beat them, these guys really want to get up and ask Black to argue. How can they play like this?
Especially the king of the Kingdom of Kells, his expression was extremely ugly!
I was persuaded by my son, and I planned to arrange Josh and his son together at the risk of being attacked by the Great Emperor Blake, but now it seems that I have been tricked!

What he is most worried about now is his son, and the strength of the prince named Josh.

"How could you"

"How can there be magic elements? Are you a fool? How can I be a magician without magic elements?"

After all, Kevilia is also a Tier [-] fighter, and such an impact is not a big problem for him at all.

But he was stunned by Josh, what about the good-for-nothing?What about the waste that was agreed to only have magic power but no magic elements?What about giving away the baby?
Staring blankly at the silver magic shield emerging from Josh's body and the ice wall blocking his way forward, he knew he was definitely being tricked!

This is not a waste, this is a fucking magician!A magician of the water element!

"Damn you!"

Kevilia clenched his weapon tightly, and he slowly calmed down after taking a few deep breaths.

It's not that he has never seen a magician, nor has he never fought a magician. Although he can't feel what stage Josh is a magician, he doesn't take it too seriously.

Now that the situation has become like this, it's useless for him to be depressed and uncomfortable. It's better to find a way to get rid of this guy.

And he didn't believe that this guy would be as strong as Kane. If Josh was really as strong as Kane, he would have dealt with him as early as when he hit the ice wall.

"It seems that I am an inexperienced magician, and I still have a chance. Hmph! So what if you have magic elements, at most it is similar to Liszt and William. I will not lose to you people from the Augustus Empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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