The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 236 The Ring of Frost

Chapter 236 The Ring of Frost
People have dreams, but this dream is also in line with reality.

Josh has never put Kvilia in his eyes. Josh doesn't care what he thinks. The reason why he didn't attack when the idiot hit the wall just now is because he planned to have a good time with this idiot. If he Knowing what this guy thinks, I'm afraid his nose will be crooked.

If I let go of my feelings, is it because I am inexperienced?

Fortunately, Josh didn't know, otherwise he might be sent to heaven with the grip of Hades. At this time, Josh just gathered his magic power silently.

He didn't intend to take the initiative to attack. The sixth level bullying the fourth level is already disgusting. If he takes the initiative, his opponent may lose Josh and play a fart.

Kvilia found that Josh did not take the initiative to attack him, and this time he was more confident.

An inexperienced magician faced a warrior with decent combat experience. To be honest, Kevilla didn't know how to lose!
Even if you have the favor of magic elements, so what?Not a rookie-level magician yet, no big deal.

Gathering his fighting spirit silently, Kvilia was a lot more careful, at least he wasn't thinking about killing Josh with a single move like just now.

After adjusting his breath for a while, Kvilia moved out again. This time he was a lot more careful. He held his sword and circled around Josh, intending to look for a loophole first, but the funny thing is that Josh didn't seem to bother to talk to him at all. Still standing in the same place, which made him look like a fool.

"Damn it!"

Kvilia was a little annoyed. He knew that going on like this was not an option, so he immediately found an opportunity to go around behind Josh and stab him in the back. The light yellow fighting spirit was attached to the long sword. , piercing the sky.

Josh stood there and didn't bother to move at all. It really wasn't a question of whether he pretended or not. Of course, there was another factor in it.

The most important thing was that the threat he felt from this guy's fighting spirit was too small, and he didn't need to do anything at all.

To put it simply, even if this guy hits his magic shield with all his strength, even if he doesn't use the void shield, he can't break through this water elemental magic shield alone, which makes Josh feel that this guy is really worthless He didn't bother to move all the things he paid attention to.

The long sword with light yellow fighting spirit draped fiercely on Josh's magic shield, as expected, there was no problem at all.

Quvilia's sword is very powerful, but it's a pity that the thickness of Josh's magic shield is completely beyond his imagination. Not to mention breaking the shield, it doesn't even cause ripples on the magic shield!

"How is this possible!"

Dumbfounded, Kevilia was dumbfounded, all the audience present were dumbfounded, even the royal nobles in the VIP seats were also dumbfounded.

What the hell is this?Quvilia, a fourth-tier warrior, didn't even break the magician's shield with a single strike?
At this moment, someone finally realized that the prince named Josh might not be that simple!

Some powerful guys immediately began to perceive Josh's magic fluctuations, but they were stunned by this perception. They all looked at Josh in disbelief and then looked at Black one by one.

At this moment, Black was smiling. These guys were looking at him for the second time, and they were more and more surprised each time, so Black felt particularly interesting.

Especially when he was stunned by Josh back then, looking at these guys, he seemed to see himself back then.

"Your Majesty Black, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince."

"What's up with him?"

"He is actually a fifth-level high-level magician?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"How is this possible?"

"How is it impossible? He is just keeping a low profile, and he has encountered some things."

Black said lightly that he would not tell what Josh's real situation was. Besides, Josh had only used the fifth level of magic power, so it was no problem to say that he was at the fifth level.

As for some things that Josh encountered, this is not something that cannot be said, isn't it just a problem that the academy found him?

He could have waited until it was almost over, and then said that two mutually exclusive elements of Josh made him like this.

This kind of thing can't be hidden at all. Black knows that as long as someone wants to know such a thing, they can start from all aspects.

Instead of waiting for others to investigate, Black felt that it would be better to tell them about Josh's experience directly. Josh's legendary experience is an honor!
Blake doesn't care what other people think, he continues to watch the game, even if in his eyes this game is no different from children who have played it before, but one of the people fighting on the field is his son, then it is boring him It will also be interesting.

At this time, Josh felt very ordinary, because he felt too boring.

Kvilia seemed to be stimulated by the sword just now, and began to attack Josh with all his strength, but the difference in individual strength was too great, even though Josh pretended to play with him back and forth, but this It also couldn't hide Josh's relaxed and freehand look.

This kind of appearance may be felt by the audience, because every time Josh deals with it, it is too simple and rude.

In the face of Kevilla's attack, Josh basically didn't have much trouble defending. He either used the simplest way to dodge, or simply stood there and attacked him.

After going back and forth like this for a long time, anyone who is not a fool can tell that this prince who plays the role of the lord in the guardian is extremely powerful.

The prince from the Kingdom of Kars, no matter how he attacked His Highness Josh, the final result was failure. No one would think that Kevilia was too weak, they would only think that Josh was too strong.

"It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Attacking again, Kvelia jumped up and slashed at Josh's head, but it was a pity that Josh had already prepared a magic spell waiting for him. Layers of thin ice appeared around his feet.

When Kevilla's sword was about to touch Josh's magic shield, Kevilla had been frozen in place by Josh!

I didn't know when his floating feet had been frozen, and this layer of ice spread to his entire lower body, and the most frightening thing was that Kevilia was directly frozen in mid-air!
No matter how he moved, even hitting the layer of frozen ice with fighting spirit had no effect, he became furious but there was nothing he could do.

He couldn't believe why this trash was like this, he couldn't believe it was true at all.

"Nothing is impossible, idiot, do you really think I'm giving away a baby?"

Josh didn't bother with his rant, you think it's impossible, is it really impossible?Are you really self righteous?
Facing such a self-righteous guy, Josh was not interested in paying attention at all, but he took a closer look at the magic he created, and then nodded in satisfaction.

To be honest, in the battle with Kvilia, Josh really had nothing to do. If he wanted to, he could just send him an ice pick on the road, just when he hit Josh's ice wall with his iron head skill.

It's a pity that this guy Josh holds a grudge, he decided to 'play' with you, so that the game won't end so quickly.

But later he regretted it a little, because this guy is really too weak.

This weakness is only relative, but Josh felt that even when he was at the fourth level, he was not as unbearable as he acted!At that time, I learned many magics of Hogwoods, and how to put the void element in it.

And this guy, except for a set of sword skills and a very good quality of fighting spirit, nothing else at all.

Even if Josh was fighting him at the time, Josh felt that his chances of winning were about 50.00%. Fortunately, he was still the same age as his big brother Kane.

So Josh, who had been dodging and defending for a long time, felt tired of playing, as a saying goes, with his body twitching and then feeling that everything was boring.

Josh really feels boring now, so he is thinking about trying to come up with some new tricks?

The so-called new trick actually means that Josh wants to try a new magic.

This magic was just conceived by him. The main reason is that he failed in trying to convert magic elements to use rune imprisonment. He felt that his control magic was too little.

Although Hogwood's control magic works well, Josh really doesn't think it can really control magicians and warriors with strong magic power and fighting spirit. It's okay to delay for a while, but it can't reach Joe desired effect.

Hesitating that Josh was using the ice-attribute magic produced by the solidification of water elements, he suddenly thought that he had already copied Anivia anyway, so why not another Lissandra?

In Josh's memory, Lissandra has two very terrifying magics, one is the Frost Ring, and the other is the Frozen Tomb.

Josh didn't think about the Frozen Mausoleum for the time being, because Josh felt that if he really wanted to use this magic, the caster would probably be killed by Josh directly, which was not what Josh hoped for.

So the Ring of Frost naturally became Josh's first choice.

"It looks like it works well."

Josh looked up and down, completely ignoring Kevilla's angry and distorted face.

To put it bluntly, the ring of frost means that Josh uses magic power and magic elements to cooperate, and at the same time let this magic power explode instantly after touching the surrounding targets, freezing people, which requires the caster to have very high requirements for magic power control.

Although Josh is not a magician who plays fine genres, Josh can still do a good job of controlling magic power. Even if there is some waste, it is still not worth mentioning for his magic power.

This magic is not the large-scale destructive magic he created before, those two magics are the real mana consumption.

"Why, are you still not convinced?"

After watching his own magic, Josh turned his attention to Kvilia, but what left Josh speechless was the guy's distorted face and eyes that could almost shoot out fire, which really shocked Josh.

With this kind of virtue, can't you afford to lose?
"You bloody bastard! Your Empire of Augustus is full of liars!"

Kevilia became furious, and he didn't care what he said!

When he yelled this sentence, King Kars in the stands turned pale. Is it really possible to say such words?Is this damn guy really suitable to be my heir?
"A liar? That's better than a piece of shit like you."

Josh didn't bother to care about him so much, and he condensed a magical smile in his hand: "When you draw me out of the lottery, don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Are you going to step on me to advance? Okay, This is understandable, after all, you are such a waste, of course you have to use some illegal means."

Kvilia didn't pay attention to Josh at all, but Josh didn't care either. The magic in his hand had condensed into an ice cone floating in the air.

"However, thank you very much for letting me advance. Now you have two choices. One is to surrender and you survive. Two, you keep silent, and I will kill you directly."

Although it is stipulated that no murder is allowed, it is not an enemy of life and death, so don't kill people at will.

But to put it bluntly, these rules are prepared for the princes of those small countries to face the heirs of big countries or even empires. Josh's status is naturally at the top of the food chain, so he can completely ignore these.

The king of the Kingdom of Kars looked at this scene with a bitter expression on his face. He knew that Kevilla would never admit defeat, and that His Highness Josh was being used as a stepping stone, and he was probably ready to kill.

If he doesn't do something, his son may be dead, although he is very disappointed in this son.

Sighing, he stood up: "Our Kingdom of Kars, let us lose!"

"Congratulations to the prince from the Augustus Empire, Your Highness Josh! He is the winner of the first match!"

(End of this chapter)

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