The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 237 The Cultured Reckless Man

Chapter 237 The Cultured Reckless Man
Josh's victory was taken for granted, but it also scared a lot of people.

Just imagine the guy who had always treated him as a waste at that time, and suddenly found that this guy was so powerful that a fourth-tier fighter was easily solved by him as if he was playing a game, so how strong is he?

During the competition, it was not that the kings of these other countries did not detect Josh's true level, but it was a pity that his strength could not reach Black's level, and basically no one could directly detect Josh's true strength.

Josh is a magician with void elements anyway, and unless he is willing, these kings have no way of discovering Josh's specific strength.

But they are not fools, Josh's magic fluctuations and his performance in battle with Kevilia, these kings quickly classified him as a magician at the same level as Kane.

How strong is Kane? The fifth-order peak in his 30s is almost one of the most shining geniuses on this continent.

The kings of these small countries, some of their strength may only be at the fifth level, but their age is not much older than Kane.

This is very realistic, not everyone is Josh, nor does he have such an incredible adventure like Josh.

Tier [-] and Tier [-] are already high-level professionals, and they are top-notch professionals. This is almost the pinnacle of professionals.

And those great emperors are all ninth-level, and there are many titles of ninth-level, such as sanctuary professionals and even magic creators, but they also have a very powerful title, that is, demigod!

Ninth level is already the beginning of a life form evolving towards another more advanced life form.

Therefore, reaching the fifth level of strength can be regarded as very remarkable. Kane, who is in his thirties, is the peak of the fifth level. This is one of the most talented existences among human beings except elves.

But today, they discovered an even more incredible guy.

This guy was considered a waste by everyone before, but now he is at least a fifth-level magician, and he is probably the youngest fifth-level magician in the history of this continent!
You must know that Josh is only 17 years old in Muya Continent until now!
"God is really partial to the Augustus Empire!"

After the game, many rulers of the kingdom unconsciously thought of this sentence.

Yes, it is indeed too partial to the largest empire of mankind. Kane is at the peak of the fifth level, and now there is another fifth-level magician with the youngest grade, and Black's other two sons, Liszt and William, are also fourth-level and fourth-level magicians. Around the peak of the order.

They are all very young now, and it is basically certain that they will be the ones who will dominate the continent in the future. All such people in an empire will only make the empire stronger and stronger, and it may become more and more difficult for these small countries. Survive.

This is not a joke. Although the mainland has long had an agreement not to start wars at will, if the ruler of a country does not even have a sense of crisis, then the country will end sooner or later, and they are not sure about Josh. The attitude of these princes.

If they are not so friendly to these small countries, it is not impossible to wait hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of years to wipe out all of you!
Crisis awareness is an essential survival skill for the ruler of every small kingdom.

"Damn it, I thought it was a free promotion quota, but now it seems that whoever meets it is finished."

Many kings suddenly thought of one thing, that is, while Josh was eye-popping, it also meant that those who were less than level five would be doomed when they met him!
Although it is less likely that there will be low-level ones as you go to the back, but Kevilia's strength is not good.

This guy met Josh directly through a small means, so it should be stable. At that time, many people were thinking that if they were lucky enough to meet this guy, they would have a high chance of advancing to the next round.

But now no one thinks about Kevilla anymore, and even Josh is treated as a plague god, whoever meets this guy will be unlucky!
Who would have thought that the guy everyone wanted to meet at the beginning would now be with a guy no one wanted to meet.

Anyway, Josh, this guy, has taught members of all countries a lesson, that is, don't underestimate anyone, because the ghost knows what this guy will become in the future.

Regardless of what these guys were thinking, Josh left the arena and walked to the stands after the game anyway.

What others say and think is other people's business. Anyway, he has finished the fight, and now it is time to see the performance of other contestants.

"That's it, just collect the data. If I knew it, I would bring the Red Queen here so that it would be easier to analyze the intelligence."

Sitting next to Natasha, Josh muttered in a low voice. To be honest, analyzing intelligence is better for ninjas and computers, and there are some front-line agents. Josh has nothing to do with these things, but he You can try to do it with a computer.

Thinking of the computer, he suddenly felt that the network construction in his territory was a bit slow.

Before he participated in the four-nation invitation, it was Howard and the Red Queen who were in charge of these.But Howard's responsibility is to use too much, so he doesn't have so much energy to continue looking at the network.

Rivendell wants to catch up with some ancient civilizations, so it needs too much infrastructure.

Even if Howard has the ability to produce some high-end gadgets, he doesn't have the time to spare. How can high-end things be accepted faster and make money faster than these low-end products?

So the network is still the same as before. Relying on the network cables made by Josh from the liquid metal dug from the Terminator world to achieve some simple small-scale network interactions, this seems to be enough for Rivendell, but It was obviously not enough for Josh.

"I was still thinking that publishing a random product theory can make a product succeed or die. Even in Rivendell, this thing is not popular now. It seems that we must find some more talents like this. "

Josh stroked his chin and whispered, although his business was small, he did not hide it from the people around him. Natasha and Galen could naturally hear it clearly.

Natasha wasn't interested in caring about this, but Galen touched his chin.

"You want to find some networking talent?"

"Yes, it is best to master the construction and use of the network proficiently, and then you can cooperate with the red queen to build a network environment."

"When you say it like this, it seems that Howard's son, Tony, can't do it?"


Josh thought about it. Tony is indeed a very powerful genius. To be precise, this guy is an all-rounder in technology. It seems that in Josh's cognition, this guy seems to have nothing he can't get.

This is very similar to Howard, Tony's only advantage is that he is more advanced than Howard.

And Tony is born now, and the time ratio of the Marvel world runs very fast under Josh's control. Howard also had to spend more time in his original world because of Tony's birth, so Josh He generously gave him a vacation. Anyway, Josh felt that he might be back in a few months.

"Tony is really good, but I think he should be involved in some more important things like Howard, not limited to the network."

"Same as Howard? Let him study whatever he wants?"


Josh nodded. He really wasn't too harsh on Howard's use. Basically, Josh didn't stop Howard from doing whatever he wanted, but of course it was limited to research.

And Howard is also very powerful. He really helped Josh Rivendell's infrastructure construction.

Josh's plan for Tony is the same as Howard's. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't violate Rivendell's rules and at the same time bring good benefits to Rivendell, then I won't care so much about you.

And Josh is looking forward to this guy Tony learning magic.

"Maybe, under our training, a Supreme Mage Iron Man can be born."

"Who knows about this kind of thing, if you are really interested, then send him to Hogwarts to study. Anyway, Hogwarts is almost a primary school because of you. I heard that some of their graduates Go to the Marvel universe to manage your alliance, and there is another one waiting to come to you as a teacher."

"Really? That's good. When everything is almost over, I will find Howard and ask him to send Tony to Hogwoods to study. Maybe we can see Iron Man wearing a wizard robe and holding a magic wand."

The more the two guys talked, the more they got more and more involved. Imagining the scene, Josh and Galen laughed unconsciously. It was so joyful.

They were so engrossed in their conversation that they almost forgot that Josh actually wanted to find someone who was good at the Internet. Fortunately, Natasha reminded them, and the two guys came back to their senses.

"Ahem, the one who controls the computer is powerful. In fact, I think there are quite a few, but the guy who has the most profound influence on me should be a guy from Aiden Pierce."

"Huh? Shrunken dog?"

"Yes, that's him. This guy can do things that others can't do with a computer just by using a mobile phone."

Aiden Pierce?Josh touched his chin, this tragic baby seems to be a very powerful and good choice indeed.

Although the French Potato Farm often produces some inexplicable things, such as buying bugs to get games, such as shrinkage events, such as servers for stewing potatoes, but the game characters of this potato farm are very popular.

This guy is a super hacker, and the impairment of the use of the network has reached a level that makes people dumbfounded.

Although I'm not sure if this guy is familiar with network construction, but Josh feels that if he can play the network to this extent, he probably doesn't have any relevant knowledge that he doesn't know.

"What's more, didn't you always want to do some kind of wireless network? I think we can use spiritual power instead. Isn't the mixture of magic and spiritual power very suitable for the values ​​​​of your world?"

Speaking of which, Galen paused for a moment, because he saw Josh looking at him with a strange look, that kind of eyes that seemed to be looking at someone made Galen feel very awkward, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore. asked.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at you M, no, no, no! Are you Galen?"

"Of course! Otherwise!"

"But why are you so smart? Aren't you a fool?"

"Farting brat! I usually don't bother to say these things when there are guys like Frank and Howard around, but I'm learning all the time! You idiot! Stupid ass!"

Well, Josh withdrew his gaze embarrassingly, but he suddenly felt that the big reckless man in his impression had really changed a lot, and this time it really gave him a surprise.

He wouldn't be surprised if Howard, the Red Queen, or even Frank said these things, but it was Galen who really surprised him.

"Sorry, to continue the previous topic, you just said that there is magic and spiritual power to build a wireless network?"

"Yes, this fits the world well, doesn't it?"

"But in this way, we can't find any suitable people to help."

"Of course, you idiot, this person is in your head."


"Charles Francis Xavier."

(End of this chapter)

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