The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 238 Orcs Desperate?

Chapter 238 Orcs Desperate?

Charles Francis Xavier is actually Professor X. The attention Galen gave Josh didn't think about it. He had long thought about using magic and spiritual power to build a wireless network environment, but he didn't expect Galen to think of it with him. went.

If Josh is the only one who thinks this way, maybe Josh will think more about the feasibility of this plan.

But now someone wants to go with him, so no matter what the plan is, he will choose to try it. Anyway, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work, doesn't it?

At worst, it would be over if Tony was brought over to help out or something, and Josh had already had some ideas, that is, to get Professor Charles into this Marvel universe.

This idea was there when he first went to the Marvel Universe, but he has been waiting for the time of the Marvel Universe.

The Marvel universe that Josh went to is a movie universe, which means that there are no mutants in it, and there will be no X-Men, and even the Illuminati will not appear.

But now that Josh is in that world, and he's fully capable of that, why not try to make a 'complete' Marvel Universe?

"And these mutants are all talents, maybe they will be some good help for me in the future."

The abilities of mutants are indeed various, but their abilities are not very good in Josh's eyes, but if these abilities are applied to life, especially in a magical world like Muya Continent, then everything will be become different.

And they are all excluded groups in the original world, so if Josh has the opportunity to accept them all, no matter how you think about it, it will be better than Charles building a college.

You must know that academy, but it has been harassed all day long, and it has always been regarded as the center of anti-humanity by governments of all walks of life.

Touching his chin, Josh felt that he was doing a good deed.

Josh felt that as long as he told Charles with emotion and reason, it would be impossible for you to go on like this sooner or later, or Josh simply went to Charles and the others when they were still weak and took them away, and it was over, or simply went to a mutant The world that is basically hung up will be fine.

As for Aiden Pierce, Josh actually thinks this guy is easier to deal with. Compared with Charles, his individual strength is not obvious, and he has his own independent thinking. He is also a spiritual master. Josh can't use strong methods.

Pierce is much easier to deal with. He is a man who loves his family. As long as he threatens his family, he will basically not be soft.

His niece was retaliated against after one of his actions failed, and she died unexpectedly. For this reason, Pierce has been tracking down the murderer and taking revenge.

Josh felt that if he could resurrect his niece, wouldn't it be reasonable to take this guy away?

Of course, if he had any other ideas, Josh would simply kill his enemies one by one, and promise that his sister and his nephew would be fine.

Stretching his waist, Josh felt that he had done one more thing. As for the next game, Josh just looked at it casually. He continued to think about some territorial construction issues.

It's not that he looks down on these opponents, but that there is really nothing to pay attention to.

To put it bluntly, the opponent is too weak, and the opponents worthy of attention are basically solved easily, and there is no content at all. Even Josh is still thinking about going to the world of the X-Men and bringing Charles over. ?
This is worth considering, because if you go to a new world and don't leave a fixed void gate, the flow rate of time will not change. Even if it changes, it will be seven days. Josh is not worried at all.

But what he needs to worry about is how to explain a person, or even a group of people, who appears out of nowhere.

"Forget it, it's better to wait until everything is over and take your time. Now let's enjoy the atmosphere of this game."

The game was quite boring, and the four games took different times. Some games were as easy as Josh vs. Kvelia, and they were done in a few minutes.

Some games are not like that. They basically played for more than half an hour and then grinded the opponent to death. Anyway, the afternoon game was over after almost three hours.

With Natasha and Galen, Josh found a decent bar and ran in.

To be honest, it was the first time for Josh to come to such a bar. He had no chance to come into contact with such a place in the imperial capital when he was a child. When he grew up, he came to Constantinople before, but the living standard there was not good. The bar is not lively either.

What's more, Josh was not familiar with the territory at the time, and Frank was watching and talking about noble etiquette all day long, so Josh didn't have much chance to go.

But now, Josh feels that he can go and have fun, and he really wants to experience it.

Instead of calling this bar a bar, Josh thinks it might as well be called a food stall. Of course, this is his personal feeling, because not only drinks but also a variety of food are served here. A place for various inns to inquire about news.

Finding a corner to sit down, Josh asked for two glasses of malt wine and a glass of juice and began to look through the menu. I have to say that it was established in a bar in the capital of a kingdom. There are indeed many types of food in the menu. Xi found that there were many things in it that he was not very familiar with.

He didn't pay much attention to what he ate before. In the imperial capital, they basically ate whatever Blake ate, as long as it was delicious.

In the end, Josh had no choice but to order three Wilderness Wild Pork Steaks and some desserts before asking the waitress to go down.

This bar is quite noisy. Even though it hasn't ushered in the peak hours of business, there are still a lot of people here, and many of them have just come out of the arena.

Fortunately, Josh smartly put on the hood that is necessary for magic robes, otherwise he would definitely be recognized.

"It's really bad luck. Prince Kvilia actually met His Highness Josh in the first round, and he was easily dealt with in the end."

"Of course, His Royal Highness Josh is the prince of an empire. His strength may prove to be poor? But it seems that it is his first time to participate in the four-nation invitation as an adult."

"What's so strange about this, isn't Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess of the Star Empire the same? Is this her first time participating in an invitation from the Four Kingdoms?"

Many spectators who just came in started chatting after ordering a glass of malt wine. What they chatted about was the game they watched just now, which also aroused the curiosity of many other people who could not buy tickets to watch the game. , especially some natives of the Kingdom of Kars are even more curious.

However, what they were talking about made Josh frowned. What is bad luck?

That's why this guy named Kevilla deliberately drew himself, but these ordinary people don't know their previous experience at all, so they think it's a matter of course for them to beat Kevilla, and it's strange that he lost Woolen cloth.

Josh just rolled his eyes annoyed at this, but he was even more displeased with this country.

If he loses, those members of the royal family are in the same situation, so there may not be any problems, but the reaction of these ordinary people may be another extreme.

At that time, Josh's reputation may become a shameful sign on this big road, which makes Josh very upset, especially when he thinks that Kevilla doesn't even act, and plans to solve himself directly , Josh suddenly felt that he should kill him on the spot!
"It's really cheap for them, and are they all idiots? Since I dare to participate in this state, it means that I should have my own cards, and dare to play like this? Hmph!"

Josh was very upset, but there was nothing he could do. The competition was over and all the contestants in the Kingdom of Kars were basically wiped out.

This also means that Josh has no chance of revenge, which really makes Josh extremely painful.

But fortunately, such discussions have gradually begun to change trends.These ordinary people and the mercenaries talked about Josh, and they all took Josh's victory for granted, and then the content of their discussion turned to the phantom Josh made.

It has to be said that no matter which country, no matter what status people come to the Kingdom of Kars to participate in or watch the four-nation invitation, they cannot avoid the specter of Josh.

After all, this thing has become an unsurpassed masterpiece in the entire art circle.

Many song and dance troupes even publicly stated that they couldn't make such a phantom, and they also revealed that if they could, they would be willing to join or cooperate with Josh. Such a statement undoubtedly pushes the phantom of the guardian Reached a peak!
"Speaking of which, I never get tired of watching this guardian. I suddenly felt that the performances I had watched before were really fake. The battles were not even stable with a knife, and there was even no blood after watching it. What kind of battle is it?"

"Yeah, there are some performances that are even more nonsense. It's unbelievable that you can still sing and dance there after being pierced through the chest, and then die in the end. The real battle is pierced by a sword in the chest, just like the orc in the guardian. To die directly is the most real thing!"

"Yes! Those orcs really deserve to die!"

They talked loudly, and more and more people participated. Josh, who was hiding in the corner, suddenly found it very interesting. After all, it was very cool to hear others praise Josh.

Although he couldn't completely forget the depression caused by the king of the Kingdom of Kars and the bastard Kevilia, at least it eased a lot.

But what Josh didn't expect was that when the group of guys were chatting with gusto, three tall figures suddenly walked out of a private room in the bar.

Their bodies are extremely strong, and their auras are very terrifying, especially their veined wrists seem to show their anger.

Josh also noticed these people, and he raised his head slightly to look over, but what he didn't expect was that these three guys were actually orcs, and the leader was actually the orc prince who had been staring at him before.

At this time, his fighting spirit was spreading, which gave Josh a bad feeling.

"Just now, it was you bastards. Besides, orcs deserve to die? Isn't it?!"

(End of this chapter)

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