The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 239 Cunning villains

Chapter 239 Cunning villains
Beastman, as one of the superpowers of the four major empires in the Muya Continent, even though it is not a good existence in the eyes of many races in the entire Muya Continent, especially in the eyes of humans, but his dignity as a super empire is still No provocation.

Orcs, as the most powerful war race in the world, their ancestors played an irreplaceable role in facing the attack of the demons.

But after that, everything changed a lot. I don't know which generation of orc emperors started, they began to regress more and more.

This kind of regression is actually relative to the entire continent, and it is actually a kind of progress for themselves.

Just like Song Dynasty, the peak of feudal society in Josh's memory, his national system construction is progress for the country, but it is indeed regressive compared with the whole world, because those European countries have begun to sprout capitalism and colonized it. regressive.

The orc empire began to develop more cruel slavery, it can be said that they developed slavery to a peak.

It can be said that they have polarized the entire empire to an extreme, and there are almost only three ethnic groups left-slave owners, slaves, and soldiers.

There is no doubt that there are basically only these three kinds of existence.Natural-born slave owners and natural-born slaves, as well as ordinary people who are not slaves in order to survive, these ordinary people have only one choice in order to survive, and that is to join the army.

The most ridiculous thing is that the actual soldiers of the Orc Empire are already the largest number of soldiers in the entire continent. It is conceivable how unbalanced the economic development of the entire empire is.

In addition, this empire is not good at agriculture and animal husbandry, so they will carry out some plundering of neighboring countries.

Josh Shadow Guardian is such a story, but this is for a big country like Augustus, if you dare to come here and cause trouble, I will bury you all here, and even throw your heads on the border. what can you do
But for those small countries, they can only dare not speak out, because the power gap between the countries is too great, they are not as confident as the Augustus Empire, they dare not retaliate and even fear of being retaliated.

Therefore, the ferocious image of the orcs is becoming more and more popular. In addition, the orcs' civil strife has led to more and more border orc soldiers trying to invade and plunder. This has also caused countless neighboring countries to suffer. They hate and fear the orcs. .

As soon as the Shadow Guardian appeared, most people didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, but the authentic style and the atmosphere of the battle aroused countless people's obsession as if they were present at the scene.

Especially the content inside, attracted the people and nobles of the small country who were stubbled by countless orcs to cheer.

But they never expected that the conversation they were chatting in the bar would be overheard by an orc!

What scares them even more is that this damned orc is still a prince!Although some of them didn't have an arena to watch the game, but he was an orc!

Immediately, there was no sound in the whole bar. The turbulent aura of these three orcs made them terrified, and even the fighting spirit surging in those orcs made them dare not act rashly.

Are these orcs strong?Not strong, at least in Josh's eyes, they are really not strong, because including the prince, these three guys are only around the fifth level.

Judging from their age, Josh knew that these players were probably sent by the orc empire to compete. Otherwise, the one who protected the orc prince was only around the fifth level, which would be too weak.And Josh, the two guys who followed the orc prince, had seen it before, during the qualifying round.

"Why don't you talk now? Didn't you guys yell just now, orcs should be damned? Talk!"

Seeing that the whole bar fell silent, the orc prince was not only dissatisfied, but even continued to ask with a growl.

These damned humans were yelling some very unfriendly words towards orcs just now, especially that damned phantom made him even more angry!
That phantom was created by the Augustus Empire. Although he hadn’t read the contents, he had been hearing it mentioned by others in the past half a month. Even if he didn’t know it, he knew that the impossibility of acting in it was to kill the orcs. Such a show made him extremely annoyed.

But he couldn't do anything, not only him, but even his father didn't have any way.

Because the thing called Specter is protected by the other three empires. Just looking at the troops maintaining order at the entrance of the theater, they understand that there must be no trouble here.

Although the current orc emperor has temporarily secured this position, he is sitting on it by virtue of his own blood. His own strength is only at the peak of the eighth rank. It can be said that based on this, when the orc empire faces the other three empires, It has no right to speak at all.

Moreover, the civil strife in the Orc Empire continued, and it could not be resolved by his father sitting in that position. The conflicts between slave owners and slaves, as well as the conflicts between slave owners, nobles and soldiers, were unresolved issues. The chaos and low international reputation have caused the Orc Empire to continue to weaken.

But an empire is an empire, I dare not take revenge on your other three empires, can't I take revenge on these small countries?

What's more, these guys are still yelling 'orcs should die'. This is an insult to orcs. The orc prince feels that even if he takes revenge, there is no problem!
With a glance, the two young orcs next to the orc prince understood. They burst into battle and took out their weapons at the same time. They wanted to kill these nonsense guys directly under the eyes of everyone!

Especially those who have seen that damned guy named Guardian Specter!

Seeing the actions of these orcs, everyone in this bar was dumbfounded!

Orcs are worthy of being orcs. It is not for nothing that these guys are hated by most humans on the mainland. The fifth-order orcs are indeed not very strong for Josh, but they are simply impossible for these ordinary people and mercenaries. The existence of victory!

Desperate, these people were really desperate, even the maids who delivered the wine screamed unconsciously, and then covered their eyes with their hands, they didn't dare to watch the bloody scene that followed.

And those mercenaries, they want to resist, but the power gap is too big, they are not opponents at all.

Closing their eyes in desperation, many people have simply given up resistance. They waited silently for the arrival of death with anger towards the orcs in their hearts but powerless.

They are just the people of some small countries and some mercenaries, even if their countries or mercenary groups are killed, they will not do anything.

One second, two seconds, time passed quietly, and they could still hear the angry roar of the orc, but they found themselves, as if they were not dead yet?
At the same time, they also felt a bone-chilling chill suddenly flowing through the entire bar, and that icy feeling was even more icy than that of the winter.

Quietly eyes, one by one, those people who were silently waiting to die in the two bars opened their eyes one by one, and those angry orcs were still in sight, but at this moment, these orcs were covered with a single layer of coldness. Ice, and there is a strong magic power flowing in these ice, even an ordinary person can feel it.

"Who is it! Who is against our orc empire?"

The orc prince was not frozen because he didn't make a move, but he immediately took out his long knife at this time.

He was very angry at this time, someone dared to stop their revenge from the orc empire, but he was also very nervous at this time, freezing two fifth-level fighters at once without knowing it, this is not something to provoke Role.

"It's me, are you planning to take revenge on me?"

Just when the orc prince was looking around to find out which guy was doing the wrong thing, a man's voice came out from a certain corner of the bar. This voice was familiar to everyone present. His lazy voice sounded familiar to them. It seems to have been heard somewhere.

"Who are you? Are you sure you want to make trouble with our orc empire?"

"The Orc Empire? Sorry, in my memory, aren't the orcs all a bunch of idiots who can fight and never talk nonsense with you? Why did you become a prince like you?"

The man in the magician's robe walked over slowly, and he took off the hood on his head as he walked.When he fully revealed his face, everyone present was stunned, and after a while, the whole bar erupted!

"Oh my god! It's actually the lord!"

"My God! It's him! Your Excellency, my God! Are you here to save us?"

"Idiot! This is the prince! The prince of the Augustus Empire!"

"God, it's actually His Royal Highness Augustus!"

Listening to these words, Josh smiled slightly. Although he said that he might be reimbursed for the idea of ​​hiding in this bar and drinking a little wine, he still thought it was pretty good.Turning his head to look at the orc prince, with his face full of anger, Josh suddenly thought of a sentence, that is, if eyes could kill Josh, he would probably die thousands of times.

However, you are not from the red-eyed family in the ninja world.

If it's those guys, I'm afraid Josh might be in danger with just one look at him. What kind of Amaterasu, Moonlight, and Kamui? good way.

"Is that you? The prince of Augustus?"

"It's me, don't you know me? Didn't you stare at me very aggressively in the morning. "

"Do you want to start a war?"

"Oh? You can try."

war?It's really naive, don't you know what virtues are inside your orc empire now?

Josh looked at this orc prince with disdain, threatening a prince from another empire with war, probably only people from the orc empire could do it.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. Anyway, you are also a member of the Four Great Empires. Don't lose your demeanor. Although, I have always felt that you orcs have no demeanor at all, but on this occasion and at this time, you also Pay attention to me, don't forget that there are three great emperors staring at you."

Josh's disdainful words made the orc prince even more angry, but he couldn't say a word of rebuttal. He stared at Josh, as if he wanted to attack.

But he didn't dare, because he knew that if he did so, the consequences would be very serious.

As for whether he could beat Josh, he hadn't considered it at all.

"You want to fight me?"

Josh can naturally see his state, which makes Josh a little upset. Does everyone think I'm easy to bully?Didn't you see that I controlled two fifth-order orcs at once?

But Josh didn't bother to talk to him about these things, there was no need for that at all.

"Save your strength and go back. Our battlefield is not here, and these innocent people should not be involved. I will wait for you in the knockout round."

"I should be the one who said this to you. I hope you won't be eliminated in advance!"

After saying this, the orc prince directly planned to turn around and leave, but he found that Josh didn't seem to want to let go of the other two orcs.

Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly saw Josh's magic power surge, and the terrifying magic power poured directly into the thin ice, and the two orcs were directly frozen into ice cubes!
The worst thing was that Josh finally pushed it with his hand, and the two orcs who had been frozen into ice sculptures fell to the ground immediately, falling into pieces of scattered ice and snow!
The orc prince was furious. He tightly grasped his hands and looked at Josh. He needed an explanation!
But Josh didn't care about his eyes at all, and waved his hand slowly before saying: "In my country, whoever provokes troubles must bear the responsibility. These orcs are going to kill people in front of me, you think I will let it go so easily Are you?"

"What's more, the two of them provoked me just now, right?"

The people in the bar, especially the mercenaries, reacted very quickly. At this time, they said in unison: "Yes! They provoked His Highness Josh just now, and we all heard it!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"His Royal Highness Josh is not those orcs, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately! But these orcs provoke him, and they are all to blame for this!"

"Two ordinary orcs dare to provoke a prince of an empire! They are looking for death!"

The others also reacted one by one, this is the best time to take revenge on the orcs!

If they missed it, they might never have any chance to retaliate against these orcs. Although they would also worry about revenge from these orcs, the threat of death made them hate these orcs abnormally, and they would not miss this opportunity.

"You heard it too, these people are all witnesses!"

" all deserve to die!"

"You try? If one of them dies, then I have enough reason to trouble you."

"You human beings are all a group of cunning villains!"

"Thank you for the compliment."


(End of this chapter)

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