The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 240 Unsolved Mysteries

Chapter 240 Unsolved Mysteries
There is an agreement in the Muya Continent, which is an important agreement for the entire Muya Continent to maintain the current peaceful trend.

The name of this agreement is the Silver Agreement, which was named after the City of Silver in the Elf Empire, and among the key figures who signed this agreement were the great emperors of the four great empires at that time and the kings of some relatively large kingdoms that were the prototype of the alliance at that time.

This agreement not only stipulates that the four empires cannot launch aggression against weak kings at will, and that professionals higher than the sixth level cannot appear in the war. There are also some very interesting clauses.

That is, noble members of any kingdom should not easily attack ordinary people in other countries.

This is very interesting. What you want in your own country is your own business, but if you attack the people of other countries, then you will be out of luck.

The reason why the orc prince dared to do that was because these ordinary people did say something that shouldn't be said.What he did was actually quite reasonable.

It's a pity that he was unlucky, and he happened to meet Josh who was also hiding in this bar. As a human being, Josh naturally wouldn't watch this guy kill people in front of him, and these ordinary people and mercenaries were just talking about their own demons. It's just a shadow, and Josh won't let him do whatever he wants.

Since he wanted to save people and at the same time teach the orc prince a lesson, his two men who did it were naturally Josh's target.

Killing two orc contestants is not too troublesome for Josh, but killing an orc prince outside the competition is naturally out of luck for Josh.

He was not that stupid, and in order not to get himself into any trouble, Josh even bewitched some of the mercenaries and citizens present at the first time.

Facts proved that his choice was very good. Although these people were a little worried about being retaliated by the orcs, the feeling of being on the verge of death before made them feel more angry and aggrieved.

Moreover, these ordinary people and mercenaries are not fools. If Josh, the prince of the Augustus Empire, intervenes, these orcs will not make any further moves anyway.

What could be more reassuring than this, with Josh, the prince, pulling hatred?

The prince induced them, probably because he simply didn't want to cause any trouble for killing two orc contestants. They naturally chose to get close to the human prince when they were protected. As for the orcs, go to hell!
The orc prince was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

He called Josh a cunning villain himself, but this bastard accepted such a title happily, so what else could he say?
Especially as he calmed down, he could even feel a biting chill!

"One person controlled two fifth-tier fighters, and even killed them both in an instant?"

Although the orcs like to act recklessly, but not everyone is brainless.

The orc commander Valdina among the guardians is a thinking orc, and the orc prince is naturally not a fool. He was stunned by anger before, but now he has calmed down, and now he has noticed everything that he didn't notice before.

It was so scary, the orc prince even wondered if this guy named Josh was just pretending before?Otherwise, how could it have suddenly reached such a level?
It seems that these human beings are similar to their own country, because the throne is really omnipotent.

"Human beings are a bunch of cunning villains!"

Cursing secretly, the orc prince resolutely chose to leave. It was meaningless for him to stay here.

The two orc contestants were directly killed by another prince because of a conflict. This alone was not easy to explain. He had to go back and tell his father about these things.

Seeing the orc prince leave, the whole bar breathed a sigh of relief, but Josh looked at his leaving back thoughtfully, and just as he was about to go out, Josh spoke: "I don't know you If you have any misunderstandings about my phantom, if you really want to judge me better than me, please go and see it before you talk about it.”

"Look at your phantom, can you see how you insult us orcs?" The orc prince replied angrily.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you, but you will know who is the most fair only after you have seen it."

"Hmph, I will go and see. I will let everyone remember this hatred and your insult to us!"

"Whatever you want, and don't forget to pay for your meals. Don't you think it's rumored in the streets that orc princes don't pay for their meals?"


The orc prince swore in his heart that he really didn't want to meet this guy again!

If I really meet him in the arena, as long as I have a slight chance, I will never hesitate, and I must kill this cunning villain!With a face full of resentment, he took out a gold coin and threw it on the ground, and the orc prince slammed the door and came out.

After the orc prince left, there were cheers from the whole bar, which was a feeling of survival after a catastrophe.

Of course, they will never forget the person who saved them. This prince of the Augustus Empire is really like a savior, whether in reality or in the shadows, he is the nemesis of orcs!

"It would be great if he had the current strength in the phantom, maybe Bethlia and the others wouldn't have to die."

"Shut up, idiot! In Specter, His Royal Highness is playing a lord, and the lord of the border territory is of course not as powerful as His Royal Highness Josh, but that lord is also following his own obligations, okay?"

"Hey! Look, isn't that the most beloved maid of General Andre and the lord?"

"Wow! My God, it's actually true! My God, tell me, it's all true!"

"Of course it is true! God, I seem to have returned to a hundred years ago! No wonder both His Royal Highness and His Excellency love her, she is so beautiful!"


Seeing that the crisis was over, these ordinary people and mercenaries were very happy, but they showed respect for Josh all the time in their chats, which made Josh feel a little funny.

Shaking his head, Josh walked back to his place, while Galen and the others were still sitting there.

"Did you hear Natasha, they are all praising you."

"You still have the nerve to say it? If you didn't design this character, how could I be scolded together with you?"

Josh sat back and began to tease Natasha very naturally. The voices of these people did not suppress Natasha and she could hear it naturally, but she rolled her eyes and smiled and choked Josh.

What woman doesn't like being told she's beautiful?Natasha naturally did the same.

Josh also smiled, and held Natasha's hand very naturally. The little girl figured it out when she grew up. Although Josh didn't do it because of the promise, both of them knew that it was just A matter of time.

Natasha, who is originally a European and American, is not shy about this. There is nothing wrong with liking you and being with you, and even if she returns to the Marvel world to find someone she likes again, it may be very difficult. .

Because she has been with Josh for too long, she will unconsciously compare anyone she finds with him.

Whether it's character, ability or anything else, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find something that satisfies her.

He has a better personality than Josh, but his strength may not be as good as him. Those who are stronger than Josh may not have the same personality as Josh. Moreover, the two of them are too familiar with each other, and everything develops so naturally.

The two of them are tired of being together, so naturally other people in the bar will not come to disturb, but will silently bless this pair who performed very well on the giant screen.

But neither Natasha nor Josh noticed, Galen looked at the two of them and their faces turned pale.

"I said, it doesn't matter how you two mess around in the house, but can you think about me?"

"Oh, sorry. But aren't you used to it?"

"Fart! I used to think that you were a bit of an adulterer, but now I feel that you are going too far. Please consider that I am a bachelor."

"Single dog?"

**What is it?Josh also had a dazed look on his face, please stop talking about these disgusting topics.

Although I did make similar jokes with Natasha at the time, it was a type of whisper between the two of them after all, and Josh couldn't stand being said like this, no matter how thick-skinned he was.

"Speak, what are your plans when we find your world?"

As for the topic he didn't want to talk about, Josh decisively diverted him away. Galen rolled his eyes, but he still cooperated with Josh's answer: "Of course, to see if I can find my lost soldiers, and to see Let's see if I can get the title that belongs to me."

"Demacian force?"

"Of course!"

"And yelling cunning villain like that idiot orc?"


Galen's desire to get the title of Power of Demacia did not exceed Josh's expectations at all. The only difference may be that the former Galen did not know about this, but kept gaining honors in battle after battle, and finally Just got this title.

And now Galen already knew about the future, that thing belonged to him, so he naturally wanted to get it.

However, Galen's answer obviously didn't satisfy Josh. Even though the book was eaten by his fist, Josh still cared more about Galen's private life.

"Don't you have any other ideas?"

"what idea?"


"Please! How could her father, Du Kecao, agree to such a thing, and the trouble this female assassin has caused me is already big enough. I kill her more than I want to get her Much more."

Josh touched his chin, as if that was indeed the case.

There are many plots in the fist-eating book. It turns out that the two people love each other, but in the new version, this mutual love emotion is directly deleted. Katerina is still the cold-blooded assassin, and Galen is still a fool.

"But why don't you try it?"

"Why should I try?"

"Think about it, if you can get her into bed, it would be an unbelievable thing for you Demacias. This will not only ruin the reputation of her family, but also allow you to get more honor. .”

"Then I have to be on guard against her killing me one day, and I have to tell my family to be careful. Does this female assassin still have her original intentions?"


All right, Josh is too lazy to talk so much with this guy, after all, finding the way to Valoran is endless, and Josh has nothing to do.

Moreover, Josh was still a little puzzled. If it was according to the setting of Fist, it seems that Zhanzheng Academy had been deleted long ago, and what happened in Galen's memory when he ran from Zhanzheng Academy to Icacia?

There are too many unknowns here, and Josh always feels that something is not right, but he really doesn't know what he has overlooked.

"Forget it, why do you think so much? When you can go to that world, won't everything be clear at a glance?"

(End of this chapter)

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