The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 242 Genius-Like Magic

Chapter 242 Genius-Like Magic
"Josh, I didn't expect you to be very powerful."

"Aren't you bad, Dennis?"

Dennis looked at Josh in surprise. He really didn't expect Josh to do so well. Whether it was the magic shield that he suddenly cast when resisting his attack, or the ice pick used to counterattack afterwards, it all reflected Josh's excellent deeds. The literacy of a magician and his control over magic power.

Dennis really didn't expect this, and it's not that he hasn't heard some inexplicable conspiracy theories, such as Josh hiding himself on purpose.

Of course, he thinks these remarks are very funny, why hide himself?
Being treated as a fool and trash for decades?What kind of idiot can do such a thing?
Although Dennis has heard of such characters appearing in the history of mankind, although some of those people gained rights in the end, to be honest, Dennis feels that they are not considered happy. Some people directly failed and became waste for a lifetime. Dennis took it for granted.

After all, Dennis is a dwarf, and dwarves are a heroic race. They seldom think of things too complicated.

But fortunately, he guessed correctly, Josh has indeed been a waste for so long, otherwise how could he be treated as a waste according to Josh's personality and still be so safe?
While marveling at Josh's genius, he also raised his vigilance.

Although he and Josh were young and friends, even brothers in the arena must fight to the end. This is the creed of the dwarves, and the other thing to fight to the end is on the battlefield.

Fighting spirit surged, Dennis launched an attack again.

Although Josh's defense is good so far, he doesn't believe that he can continue to defend like this, and once a magician can use magic to attack unscrupulously, it means that a warrior has failed.

Dennis naturally knew that he wanted Josh, not to mention that he was a magician.

However, Dennis' attack really caught Josh by surprise. It's not that he was caught off guard, but he was a little uncomfortable. The main reason was that Dennis was too short and his style of play was too wretched.

This is the first time for Josh to deal with a short guy. Although this guy is full of strength, although his speed is not fast, his strong explosive power also makes Josh feel a little uncomfortable, and Josh sometimes casts the magician in parallel. , It turned out that this guy was too short to hit!


Josh sighed, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful, short and dexterous person attacking around Josh.He couldn't help but feel depressed about the novels he had read before. It was said that dwarves are easy to bully because he is short?
Who else said that full strength and speed are not enough?

Powerful speed is not enough, but it is long-distance running and continuous small-scale dexterous movement.

If it's just short-distance explosive power, the powerful person still has a slight advantage.If it's just dealing with pure dexterity and speed guys, Josh really taught him how to be a man with a ring of frost.

But for a guy like Dennis, it's still a little troublesome for you to directly control him.This is an empty arena, not the narrow bar eight days ago, and the orcs are so big that Josh can catch them no matter what.

"What a flea."

Josh shook his head. He now controls his magic power to around the fifth level, which means it is almost on par with Dennis.

Josh didn't want to let others know his specific strength as soon as he came up, even if he couldn't fool the Elf King and the Dwarf King, but looking at Dennis, Josh knew that the Dwarf King probably didn't tell him.

Although Dennis was a little difficult to deal with, Josh was still doing what he should do step by step.

After all, Josh just used the ice element transformed by water element magic. The defense of the ice element is still very reliable, and Josh is slowly looking for opportunities.

Once again dodging Dennis' sharp ax with fighting spirit, the powerful ax directly split a deep crack in the arena floor, and Josh felt a toothache just looking at it.

But Josh would not remain silent, the surge of magic power immediately gushed out pale silver magic power, and a silver ice bird appeared in Josh's hand with the rune flashing.

With a light wave of his right hand, the ice bird immediately flew towards Dennis. The strong chill made Dennis' movements a little slower, but with the help of his fighting spirit, he recovered quickly, and he immediately raised his head. Leaping up, the whole body is covered with light yellow fighting spirit.

Sure enough, the ice bird exploded quickly, and ice thorns covered the place where Dennis was standing before. Although Dennis was not injured, Josh noticed the consumption of this guy.

This made Josh a little embarrassed. Is his relationship going to kill him again?
While holding Dennis up for breath, Josh felt that this was a good opportunity for himself. He immediately condensed his magic power, and the light silver magic power surged wildly in exchange for overwhelming ice cones with deep chills. The effect of this scene depends on It sounds very shocking.

It's just a pity that Dennis dodged all these ice picks, and those who couldn't dodge directly carried them with fighting spirit. In the end, this guy actually rushed in front of Josh.

If Josh hadn't reacted quickly enough to directly cast a ring of frost, he might have been attacked by him.

"Blake, why is Josh's magic over and over again just these few?"

As a ninth-level magician at the half-length stage, Elf King Ilka naturally discovered Josh's problem.

Indeed, Josh's magic uses ice thorns and ice cones. After finally creating a phoenix-shaped magic, the final effect is still ice thorns. You must know that these things are the most basic magic.

What is the most basic magic?
It is written in the book, for those students who have just entered the magic academy. He feels that Josh is a sixth-level magician, but why is the magic he uses good, but it is so serious that it is so different from his level of strength? Big?

It's not that he hasn't considered whether Josh has learned magic systematically. After all, he knows that Josh has the magic element just after recovering.

He didn't think that a child could use such a deep city, not to mention that he knew the traditions of the Augustus family, and he didn't think it was beneficial for a kid to do so.

"Well, Josh's water elemental magic is really not very good."

After watching it for a long time, Blake also felt that it was embarrassing enough. Josh’s ice elemental magic was almost the same as when he was dueling with Kane in Rivendell. Nowhere to go.

"Then why do you still let him participate in the four-nation invitation?"

"This is what he asked for."

"You should actually refuse him. Participating at his level will only dampen his confidence, even if he is now."

Speaking of which, Ilka shook his head and stopped talking. He didn't know how terrifying Josh's strength was at his age. Since Josh didn't intend to show it, he wouldn't say much.

It's just that he blamed Black a little bit. Why did such a genius come here not long after he recovered? You must know that none of the guys participating in the competition are easy to deal with.

Glancing at Black, who was hesitating to speak, Ilka looked at the field again, but the next scene surprised him!
Not only him, but even the dwarf Wang Boruote was very surprised. He naturally saw the problem of Josh casting magic, but he didn't think Josh would lose, but he didn't expect Josh to come up with such a trick.

Josh in the arena suddenly surged with magic power and controlled the ice thorns and ice cones scattered throughout the arena again, and then a strange rune filled the entire arena.

At this time, Dennis felt the crisis, and he immediately raised his ax to gather his fighting spirit and attacked Josh.

But the entire arena is already filled with cold wind!The endless ice elements seem to have found an ocean of catharsis, spreading madly towards this arena!
Dennis started to slow down, getting slower and slower, the closer he got to Josh, the more unusually cold he felt.

The cold was so terrible that even his fighting spirit was beginning to be irresistible!


Following Josh's low moan, Dennis could no longer move, his feet were already covered with ice, and his hands slowly began to condense ice cubes with terrifying magic power, even his mustache slowly It slowly became hard, and every time he breathed the air in his lungs, there was a sharp chill.

He raised his head abnormally slowly. In his eyes, Josh is now like a huge whirlpool. The terrifying and piercing cold surrounds him, and he knows that at this moment he has been captured by Josh. The magic is under control.

"It's so cold!"

"Damn! Isn't winter already over? Why do we have to experience it again?"

"What terrible magic, I feel like I'm going to freeze to death!"

The people watching the game in the arena felt similar to Dennis at this time. Although they were not frozen, Josh's magic power was still transmitted to them.

But Josh has nothing to do, after all, he really can't control this magic.

Glacier Storm, the magic that Josh didn't use in actual combat before, he finally used it at this moment. Although the lethality is not as strong as Flame Storm, the control effect of this magic is very good, at least Josh saw Dennis It's almost frozen to ice now.

"It's the same as the disadvantage of the flame storm, it needs too much control and magic support."

Looking at Dennis, who was already unable to move, Josh decisively revoked the magic.

In fact, he didn't plan to use it at all, but it's a pity that Dennis, a dwarf, is really like a flea, and he is very sensitive. Every time Josh was about to attack, he would run away in a flash, which made Josh really angry.

In the stands, Ilka stared blankly at Josh's magic. After a long time, he suddenly smiled and said, "Genius-like imagination, very powerful magic. Blake, I understand why you let him compete. "

"Really, probably."

Black smiled embarrassingly, you know the hell, I have never seen this magic before in Genius.

But Black would not tell him that Josh still has other magics, and the magic element magic he is best at has not been used yet.

"What a genius magic, but Blake, this kid won't kill Dennis?"

"How is it possible? They have known each other since they were young, and they played well. I don't think Josh would do such a thing."

The great emperors were chatting, while Josh randomly condensed an ice pick, he walked directly in front of Dennis, and then symbolically pointed to Dennis' neck.

At this time, under the influence of Josh's withdrawal of magic power and Dennis's own fighting spirit, he had already begun to thaw, and he looked a little funny, his whole body was wet.

"You lost, Dennis."

"I know, hell, Josh, your magic is too despicable! You actually have such a large range!"

"Otherwise how can I catch you? It's really uncomfortable like fleas."

"Why do you call me a flea like that guy with long ears?"

"Probably, this is the truth?"


"Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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