The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 243 Is a money-greedy salted fish

Chapter 243 Is a money-greedy salted fish
Josh won the game this time, which is not as incredible as the previous one. After all, Josh had the feat of three-on-one and counter-killed two. He defeated the Dwarf Empire one-on-one. The prince seemed so natural.

You must know that the two guys who were killed by Josh before were both rank-[-] fighters, and this dwarf prince is also rank-[-], so it is normal for His Royal Highness Josh to defeat him.

The reason why it took so long is probably because the two of them are friends.

Many older nobles have the impression that Josh and Dennis made trouble when they were young. At that time, there was also an elf prince Ian who made trouble together. As a result, all three of them were arrested and taught a lesson.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, they became rivals to each other, and their performances were so wonderful.

However, although Josh's performance was amazing, especially the magic that was called a "genius" by the Elf King Ilka really stunned many people, but Josh's playing style of ice picks and ice spikes also left many opponents Thoughtful.

It seems that although His Majesty the prince is powerful, his attack methods are too few.

Especially some members of the royal family and the royal family, they are basically sure of one thing, that is, His Highness Josh does seem to have no magic elements to use before.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to use such a little method after studying magic for more than ten years?
Of course, the more this happened, the more they recognized Josh's genius level, and at the same time, they became more cautious. Although they didn't know exactly what Josh's strength was, this didn't prevent them from finding ways to deal with Josh.

At least what Josh has exposed so far is worthy of their research. In their eyes, Josh is just a turtle shell, and his defensive ability makes them uncomfortable.

The strength of the dwarf is not bad, even compared with the orc, but Josh actually stubbornly resisted Dennis' attack.

However, Josh's attack power was a little weak, and they could all see it clearly. Except for the ice thorns and ice picks, the only thing that worried them was the large-scale magic, which was really not something people of the same level could bear.

While the opponents were studying Josh, Josh was also thinking about how he would play in the future.

If he wins one more game, he will be able to enter the quarterfinals, and entering the quarterfinals means that the promise between him and Natasha is basically fulfilled, and few of them who can enter the quarterfinals are really weak.

Josh is also thinking about whether he should continue to move forward after entering the quarterfinals. Maybe it is not worth considering for others. Why not fight for a higher name?

But Josh didn't care that much, and his purpose of participating in the four-nation invitation was almost completed.

The specter's performance beyond expectations has already attracted Rivendell's attention. Josh can basically conclude that after the four-nation invitation is over, a lot of people will definitely appear in his territory.

These people may be mercenaries or nobles, but for Josh, these people are an important part of promoting the development of his territory.

As for the promotion of Howard's goods and the promotion of Berbice's construction team, Josh felt that he had also vaguely shown it through the phantom.

The phantom itself is the product of alchemy created by Howard, and the scenery of Rivendell was even revealed before the opening of the film. Josh himself doesn't know how many people are attracted here.

However, Josh also heard those who talked about Rivendell praise the scenery there and the appearance of a new thing, the phantom, after watching the movie.

This made him more optimistic about the prospects of Rivendell. He felt that with the arrival of those people, Rivendell would have a new development.

Even if these people are just tourists or something, they can still bring good results to Rivendell's economy. The most important thing is that after these guys go back, if they make a big publicity, it may bring even more unexpected effects to Rivendell.

There is no such thing as the media in this world. Even the newspaper that Josh created was not fully popularized in the Augustus Empire. The publicity of this thing can only be spread by word of mouth, which makes Josh rather depressed. .

If it's my previous world, just learn from the media and get some information and it's over.

"I hope these people go to my place, and when they come back, they can give me more publicity."

Josh sat in a forest and yawned boredly. After the game, he didn't continue to watch the next game because there was nothing to pay attention to.

As for the bar, he doesn't want to go to the bar for the time being. After all, there are too many people who know him, and sometimes it will cause him some distress, so Josh simply took Natasha and others to a forest to bask in the sun or something.

"Instead of waiting for others to help you promote it, why do you think of a way by yourself?"

Just when Josh was sighing, Akatosh suddenly appeared, but this time he was not turning into a living creature, there was only a few of them here, there was no need for that.

"Find out your own way? What do you mean, haven't I been working hard to promote it?"

"No, what I mean is that you can definitely increase your own reputation to attract others."

"Improve my reputation? Do you want me to fight for this championship?"

"why not?"

Akatosh's proposal really made Josh think about it. Although Josh was not very interested in the champion, his purpose of coming here was just to prove that he was not a waste, and to make his territory more vulnerable. Big attention.

After all, the championship is not so easy to win, although Josh feels that if he can use his full firepower, then it should not be a big problem.

But the key point is that he dare not and cannot use full firepower at all, not to mention void magic, even he can only use two elemental magic.

This is too restrictive for Josh. Even if Josh uses fire elemental magic well, Josh himself is not sure how strong the enemy is.

The previous champion, Josh, heard from Kane that he was already at the sixth level four years ago, and Josh is also confused about what kind of strength he is now.

What's more, there is also Ian's sister. The last champion came here to pursue this woman. Although she is not sure whether beauty and strength coexist, Josh dare not be careless.

Especially the way Ian trembled when he talked about his sister, Josh could never forget.

"The championship is indeed a good idea. But I don't think I can beat the problem."

"Don't you still have Elemental Light Wings and Seraphim?"

"I'll let it go if I can enter the finals. After all, it's the bottom of the box. I'm too lacking in output means now."

"I can teach you."

Seeing Akatosh's courteousness, Josh looked at this guy very puzzled. He couldn't understand why Yilong paid so much attention to this ghost game.Could it be that the rewards given at the end of this competition are very powerful?
"Do you have any purpose?"

"Nonsense, otherwise the devil will care about you."

"Tell me?"

"Competition rewards! Idiots! Competition rewards!"

"Competition rewards?"

Josh touched his head, he was really not very clear about the game rewards.

Because when he came here, his attention has always been on the Specter. At most, he only watched the game of the Augustus Empire Legion. Josh didn't watch Kane's game, because he thought they would not lose. .

Therefore, what is the reward for the final championship? Josh is really not very clear, but Josh suddenly felt when he saw Akatosh caring so much, did the Four Great Empires come up with something good this time, which made Akatosh Katosh so attractive?
Just like the name of the event, the Four Kingdoms invitations are naturally rewarded by the four super empires, because the things that those small countries put forward may really not be able to attract anyone.

Of course, even if the Four Great Empires don’t show anything, they can still allow a large number of noble children to participate. After all, it’s a competition for young people, who wouldn’t want to be No.1!
"A gemstone, a gemstone that contains strange energy but no one can use it. Otherwise, do you think the elves will take it out as a reward?"

"The elf took it out?"

"Idiot, besides counting money all day long, what else have you been doing?"

Facing Akatosh's roar, Josh scratched his ears in disdain, what are you really doing shouting so loudly?

Moreover, it is useless for Josh to take the gems containing strange energy that no other elves can use. Could it be that he used void energy to guide those energies out?
Of course, Josh is not stupid. Akatosh cares so much, it can only show that he knows what that thing is: "You know that thing?"


"Can you tell me?"

"That. Because that thing used to be mine."


Josh looked at Akatosh very speechlessly, was this thing yours before?
No wonder Akatosh was so interested, because this thing belonged to him in the first place, so it was understandable that the energy inside also belonged to him, which made Josh suddenly a little curious.

"What are those energies for?"

"How should I put it? It's a trace of energy left over when I was bored doing experiments before, but at that time I was the level of the main god in your mouth. Although that trace of energy is useless to me, I still like that gem , so I kept it.”

"The energy at the level of the main god? How could the elves not feel it? Why did they take this thing out, wouldn't it be good to study it more?"

"You stupid ass, other elves don't think they will let this gem go out at all, okay?"

Josh pondered for a moment, as if that was indeed the case.

The last champion, together with His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, the prestige of the last champion alone is enough to stop others. I am afraid that the Elf King really feels that this thing cannot be leaked, so he took it out to stimulate everyone's motivation.

"You want this stone? But I don't think I can beat it."

"So I want to train you."

"Cramming is a useless option."

"Hehe, no dream is just a salted fish!"

"Then I'd rather hold Natasha and be a salted fish for the rest of my life!"

Although Josh also felt that he could compete for the championship, he didn't have such a strong desire.

Shamelessly hugging Natasha, Josh kissed her on the cheek without hesitation. Sometimes it is better to hug a beauty than to be a champion. The biggest goal Josh hides in his heart is actually wanting to be a White hair scar face.

Well, it's the guy nicknamed the Sorceress Piledriver.

It's just that Josh was too cowardly before, and Josh didn't know so many female sorceresses. As for Josh, he is no longer cowardly, but it's a pity that he temporarily put all his targets on Natasha.

"Hey, forget it, it seems that I can only steal it myself."

"Be careful, buddy, if you get caught, don't say we know each other."

"Of course, it's also said that the elf gave the final champion [-] gold coins. Ten thousand, my God."


Josh was stunned, and immediately grabbed Akatosh, and asked regardless of his objection, "How much did you just say?"

"Ten thousand gold coins! Are you deaf? I've said it twice!"

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Of course! I lied to you that Hosdner has no asshole!"

"Then, please, Master Akatosh! Please train me well!"


(End of this chapter)

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