The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 247 Kane's Dream

Chapter 247 Kane's Dream

"Then, you advanced?"

"Yes, Josh. I finally understand what you were trying to say at the time. I have to say that this thing really requires personal understanding. Anyway, I am now a sixth-level fighter."

The night is charming, after a day of competition, it is naturally time to rest at night.

At night, the tourists and residents of Kars City basically only have three choices, one is to go to the bar for a nice drink, or go home and sleep.

Of course, if you have a little money, you will still choose to go to the Grand Theater to watch the Phantom. Although the Phantom has been played here for almost a month, the popularity has not diminished. There is a new feeling.

The ghost knows how they felt, anyway, after watching it twice, Josh lost interest in watching it again.

But for people in this world, it is very novel. As long as they have money, they are willing to watch it again. Even those orcs have started queuing up to buy tickets to watch it. It has to be said that it is not a big miracle.

Kane and the others followed Josh and the others to the bar and drank.

Especially Kane, he is in a very good mood now, and he can't tell that he lost the game before, and it is obvious that he looks very energetic now.

Because after the game, after affirming himself in his heart, he actually had a special feeling. He immediately went back to his room to feel it. Not surprisingly, this guy was directly promoted. He was from the original fifth-order peak Straight into the sixth step in one step!

After the promotion, he also recalled his previous thoughts carefully, and he immediately understood something, that is, because he lost to Wesen four years ago, he had always had some hard-to-understand stalks in his heart. And now he has solved these problems, so he almost completed the promotion in an instant.

Kane, who was in a very happy mood, immediately invited his younger brothers William, Liszt, and of course Josh and Josh's friends after finishing his own affairs. He planned to celebrate his ancestors.

And Josh and the others naturally agreed to him, and they made good preparations at night and ran to the bar together.

At first they thought that Kane lost to Wesson again and felt depressed, but when Josh saw Kane, he obviously felt that this guy was not in the right mood, and then he felt Kane's fluctuating fighting spirit At that moment, he immediately understood everything.

"Congratulations Kane."

"Thank you, to be honest, I really want to thank you. If it weren't for your flying method that allowed me to fight Wesen inextricably, I might not have found myself so quickly, and the sixth level can only rely on time To pile up."

"I didn't come up with that thing. The theoretical knowledge is that guy Howard. If you want to thank him, thank him. Also, it's a little pity. If you figured it out earlier, you might be able to defeat that Wesson."

"If I don't fight him, how can I think about it?"

Kane didn't think so much, he knew that even if Josh told him what you should do to be confident, but he didn't know how to be confident, so how could he really improve?
Only after fighting Wesen and admitting that he was sure of himself did he make it this far.

So Kane is not entangled at all. If you really want to entangle this issue, it is the same as whether the dragon or the dragon egg came first. No matter how you think about it, you can't figure it out.

Well, of course, if it was the bastard Akatosh, he might be able to tell why.

"What are you talking about? Also, Kane, have you really advanced?"

William and Liszt listened to the conversation between Kane and Josh with confused faces. They really didn't know what the two guys were talking about, but the only thing they understood was that their elder brother caught up with their younger brother. Step by step, he became the second sixth-level professional of the younger generation of the Augustus family.

"Of course, don't you realize that I'm in a good mood?"

"I found out. At the beginning, I thought you were out of your mind."

"Can you bastard not be like Josh, and William, what does your expression of approval mean?"

Kane touched the center of his brow helplessly. None of his younger brothers are worry-free, and one Josh is enough to give them a headache.

Now it seems that William and Liszt still have the tendency to get closer like Josh, which makes him very helpless.

"By the way, Liszt, are you going to Rivendell after the game?"

"That's right, Josh's territory is huge, and he also needs manpower there. I've been in Kaiseras long enough, and it's time to go out and experience it. Although I'm also looking for a place to be a The lord or something, but I think I should learn from experience first, Josh has been very successful, so I might as well go to him to learn."

Liszt smiled indifferently, although it felt weird to go to his brother's territory to learn how to be a lord.

You must know that once you go to work in that territory, you will have a boss. Even if you are a prince, you must do your job well.

It's better to be subordinate to one's younger brother than to be subordinate to some nobles, right?

Although Liszt could go to study in a noble territory that took refuge in him, others would definitely not have such an idea.But he really wanted to learn something, and Josh was better than some outsiders anyway.

"The idea is great. To be honest, I also want to go out. I don't think I have any chance in Kaiserras. I might as well go outside to learn more."

"Aren't you a soldier? You are the same everywhere."

"But I am basically a civilian in the army. I want to really fight instead of recording inexplicable things all day long."

Kane shook his head depressedly, saying that he is really not very satisfied with his current job.

Because of his status, no one in Kaiseras dared to ask him to do tasks such as standing guard, let alone maintaining law and order, which made him very uncomfortable.

"What I really hope is to serve the country like Bethelia and the others in Guardians."

"Then you will definitely be complained by the three empires. Don't forget that each of us has more or less guys following him."

Josh shrugged, what he said was really true.

These princes basically have people following them. Once there is danger, these guys will come out to protect them. These people will not interfere with the lives of the princes, nor will they be interested in their private lives. They will only guard silently.

"So, Josh, have you finished suppressing bandits there?"


"Don't make such an expression, what if I ask you?"

"But you're embarrassing me."

Josh, who was holding Natasha's slender hand while drinking malt wine, almost choked when he heard Kane's words.

He's not stupid, so of course he knew what Kane meant by asking this question. To put it bluntly, he didn't want to stay in the imperial capital any more like Liszt, and planned to come to Josh to do it.

This made Josh look confused, wouldn't it be good to enjoy life? Do you have to run out and suffer?

Josh really couldn't understand their thoughts. If Josh had a choice, he would prefer to stay in Kaiserras. Anyway, the food is delicious and he doesn't have to worry about all kinds of inexplicable things. What's wrong.

But looking at Kane's eyes, Josh thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

It's best to break Kane's mind once and for all. Although Josh's territory is very large, there are many places that have not been developed except for the city of Rivendell, but he really doesn't want to come to a bunch of princes.

"Well, the work of suppressing bandits has been going on, but I don't plan to let my soldiers there do these things anymore."


"Don't forget about that college. If their students want to enter my territory, of course I have to give them something to do. Especially for those little devils who are still studying. Of course, seeing blood is much better than knowing nothing."

"What about security work?"

"It's okay, at least Rivendell's people are simple and honest. Anyway, with O'Brien and the others watching, there is no problem."

Well, after all, I'm actually telling Kane, don't think about it, man, I have nothing to do with you.

This made Kane take a sip of wine depressed, but suddenly his eyes lit up as if thinking of something, which made Josh feel a little headache.

"O'Brien, is that Bethelia actor?"

"Yes, that's him, what's the matter?"

"I know this guy, and I'm quite familiar with his family. In the army, there will always be a person with good strength as an instructor. Do you have an instructor?"


Josh touched his head, he really didn't have an instructor there, but Josh didn't care about this issue, after all he still had Galen in his hand.

When Galen broke through to the fifth level, Josh had considered letting him take up some positions in Rivendell's army. Although Josh's army was small in number, it was at least better than he had no official status now. powerful.

"I plan to let Galen be the instructor after I go back. He is my good friend and my trustworthy partner, so I believe he can do it."

"It's really good, the strength of the fifth level and so young. But, what if I give you a sixth-level instructor?"

Alright, this can be regarded as completely talking about the topic.

Josh is really powerless. Of course, a sixth-level instructor is good, but I am the fourth child. You, the eldest and the second child, all go to work with me. What will others think?

And Josh really can't understand Kane's thoughts, what's wrong with taking it easy?
"Why is this? Kaiserus is really good."

"Because I'm trying a different life, and I don't want to be involved in something slightly dangerous like being treated as a prince. I can't even fulfill the duty of a real soldier. This is not what I want. "

"Then why come to me? Aren't other places pretty good too?"

"Because we are brothers, you are the only one who doesn't treat us differently because of our identities. Is there any difference between my going to other nobles' territories and my being in Kaiseras?"


Josh sighed helplessly, Kane was right.

Indeed, if Kane goes to the eighth floor of other people's territory, he will be offered by His Royal Highness as a prince, and Josh has a small number of people, so he won't care about you so much, not to mention that they are brothers with the same status, there is no difference in status Josh will use their abilities more thoroughly.

Touching his head helplessly, Josh thought for a while and said, "Okay, I can promise you. But you must do a few things before I promise."

Kane smiled slightly: "You say."

"First, you will be the first instructor there, and Galen is the second instructor. If you have nothing to do, teach him."

"no problem."

"Second, even as an instructor, you have tasks. For example, maintaining order, such as patrolling and standing guard, and even recruiting personnel. I will not let you do those things just because you are my elder brother and the first prince. 'Low-level' work."

"Fine, that's what I'm looking forward to!"

"Third, if you can convince Black to help us install the portal, then there will be no problem at all."

"Don't worry, I'll convince him!"

(End of this chapter)

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