The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 248 It's not over yet

Chapter 248 It's not over yet

These brothers of his wanted to come to his own territory, but Josh really didn't want to accept them to be honest.

But Josh has already opened Liszt's head, so Kane's request must be seriously considered by Josh.

The reasons why they want to come and are willing to come are actually very simple. First of all, they have stayed in the imperial capital Kaiseras for too long and want to visit other places.

The second reason is that people are watching everything they do in Kaiserras, and they have to regulate their own style and behavior, so life is really uncomfortable.Of course, there is no shortage of ideas that want to learn something.

Also, like Kane, everything will be taken care of inexplicably, which is different from his philosophy.

The last point is that they found that Josh seemed to be living better after leaving Kaiserras.

No matter what he wants to do, he can put his ideas into practice, and Josh's strength has improved very quickly, which makes them very envious. They also want to go to Josh's territory to see or learn something .

Although it was impossible for them to understand why Josh improved so fast, this did not hinder their enthusiasm for coming to Rivendell.

It's really boring. They can go back, and Josh won't stop them.

In the end, after Josh and Kane negotiated, it was basically confirmed that as long as he persuaded Black to establish a portal, then he could work in Rivendell.

The autonomy of a territory is not a joke. No one can intervene except the emperor, and the prince has no right to intervene in theory.

Of course, this is a theoretical matter. In fact, the convenience and rights given by the status of the prince are too great, and the nobles in some places cannot stand the pressure from this aspect at all.

But where and what is Rivendell?That's Josh's territory, and Josh is also a prince!

As for William, he didn't express any opinions, because this guy knew that even if he said eight layers, Black would not agree.

Kane and Liszt are old enough to go out and make their own choices, while Josh went out a year ago, so Black couldn't get him back.

So William can only stay in Kaiseras honestly, not to mention that his strength is also the weakest among the brothers, and Black will not rest assured that he will run out.

Now that he knew it, William didn't bother to say anything. Anyway, Rivendell wanted to build a teleportation array, and he could still go there to play when the time came.

After chatting about these things, they had some drinks and Kane announced that the game was over.

Although it was still very early, Kane used the reason that Josh had a game tomorrow, and asked Josh to go back to rest quickly, while the few of them decided to go to see the Guardian.

Josh was really helpless about this, but he nodded honestly.

Speaking of which, Josh really looks like "the last hope of mankind", because in the list of the quarterfinals, there are three elves, two dwarves and two orcs, and only Josh is human.

Although this kind of situation has long been commonplace, even decades ago, there were no human beings at the top of the sixteenth. After all, the development cycle of human beings is really not as good as the other three races.

But now there is only one left, even Josh, who was not favored from the beginning, has become the target supported by all human beings.

"Why does it feel like a savior again? Although it seems that no one cares even if I lose."

For this result, Josh was really speechless.Compared with elves, the speed of human growth is not as fast as that of elves. Compared with dwarves, although others are not as good as elves, they are also much stronger than humans.

Although human progress may be much faster than orcs, the problem is that others are born with great strength, and sometimes you really have nothing to do.

However, the advantages of human beings are also very obvious, that is, the large population base and although the progress is not so fast, it is sustainable and stable enough.

This is also the reason why human beings can also become one of the protagonists in Muya Continent. Of course, it is also inseparable from the efforts of human ancestors.

Following Kane's words, Josh took Natasha and Galen back to the residence after drinking. Although he was not sleepy and meditation didn't have any good effect--meditation needs to be continued, but he is still old. I meditated honestly all night.

At noon on the second day, he ate something casually and ran to the arena, because he was always the first to participate in this dog-day schedule. Thinking, Josh walked straight out of the arena after listening to the host's long-winded words.

Josh's opponent was an elf, but it wasn't the elf princess and Kane's opponent Wesson yesterday, let alone Ian - Ian was unfortunately eliminated by Dennis' brother in the previous game.

Josh's opponent was the elf ranger he had accidentally seen before.

To be honest, the main reason why Josh noticed this guy was that Josh suddenly thought of the school in his territory, which seemed to need such a guy.

Most of the elves from Middle-earth are rangers and warriors, and Josh's ranger has too few teachers. It's hard for this guy not to attract Josh's attention.

But it's a pity that Josh doesn't have enough information except that he is a son of a noble family from the Elven Empire.

I didn't expect that this time Josh would directly confront this guy, which made Josh a little funny.

"Your name is Jonas, right? Are you a member of that family in the Elven Empire?"

While the referee was reading out the content that Josh had been listening to, Josh asked directly to Jonas, the elf.

He knew the elf's name was Jonas, but he really didn't know which family he belonged to, and Josh's sudden move made the referee stop unconsciously.

"Gaiefeng, Your Highness Josh. I am from the Elf Empire, the Gaefeng family."

Although Jonas was also baffled that Josh would ask himself this question at this moment, he still answered it honestly.

Although Josh was not a member of the Elven Empire, the status of the princes of the other three empires was the same except for the Orc Empire.

"Gale? I'm sorry, please forgive my ignorance. I haven't heard of this guy."

"It's okay Your Highness, my family is just a small family."

"I have a question for you, are you interested in coming to my territory?"


Jonas and the referee were all fooled by Josh. Please, do you say this is really appropriate during the game?

Jonas looked at Josh speechlessly. He really didn't understand what the human prince was thinking, but he still said it sincerely and tactfully.

"Let's wait until the game is over, Your Highness Josh, I don't think this is a good time to talk about these things."

"Okay, let's talk after the game."

Josh nodded, and then focused on the elf ranger.

Because the rules of the game prevent magicians from preparing before the start of the game, Josh cannot use any magic. This is actually a way to pursue fairness.

Just imagine if you are a fighter facing a magician, and he has already arranged a bunch of defensive magics waiting for you before the game starts, so what the fuck?Just admit defeat and go home to farm!
So this slightly unfair rule for magicians was introduced.

Although the magicians are not very satisfied with this thing, but considering that even if the magician and the magician confront each other, the two sides will have a violent storm before the start, and the lightning and thunder are really not good, so the magicians are very reluctant to agree. this decision.


As the referee's voice fell, Josh immediately condensed his magic power and put a magic shield on himself.

A ranger's speed is very fast, especially an elf ranger's speed is no better than an assassin's tea, and even faster, this can be regarded as a racial talent.

Sure enough, when Josh's magic shield just appeared, a phantom appeared directly behind Josh, and the dagger with a faint green fighting spirit pierced Josh's back fiercely!

There were ripples on the silver magic shield, but fortunately, this couldn't break Josh's magic shield.

Josh wouldn't stand still and be beaten by others, the ring of frost would spread out quickly, otherwise it would only exist for a second and Josh would cancel it, because there is no Jonah behind Josh at this time Was it the figure of Adams? Jonas, who missed a hit, had already left the spot quickly.

And this guy has no intention of stopping at all, and the method of attacking magicians has been fully utilized here.

Taking off the longbow on his back, Jonas quickly pulled the bowstring with surging fighting spirit, and arrow feathers completely condensed by fighting spirit struck towards Josh.

Such an offensive method may cause a lot of trouble if it is used against soldiers, but it is not a trouble for Josh at all.

The frost storm condensed around itself, and the arrow feathers with fighting spirit turned into ice sculptures without even touching Josh, and then fell to the ground one by one and became shattered.

Josh glanced at Jonas' position, and the silver magic power with frosty breath surged again like a cold wave, and ice thorns rose from the ground one by one, which made Jonas have to dodge once again.

Josh's icicles cover a large area, and this guy doesn't focus on ground strikes. He casts a lot of icicles that fall from the sky.

Chasing the direction where Jonas was moving, he smashed down hard, such a large-scale attack directly caused everyone present to exclaim, but it is a pity that Jonas is not a fuel-efficient lamp, his speed is too fast and caused Josh barely touched him.

Finally, some weak ice particles fell on his body, and he melted them immediately with his fighting spirit. Josh's battle against the orc prince made everyone have to be extremely careful with Josh, who knows Whenever there is a small mistake, just bury yourself directly.

And while Jonas was dodging, he was still looking for opportunities.

Although Josh is the prince of an empire, there is no such thing as identity in the arena.Josh is indeed terrifying, even that guy from Wesson said that Josh's strength may not be as simple as the fifth level, but no one would think that Josh has reached the sixth level!
Slowly, after adapting to the speed of Josh's magic attack, Jonas decided to fight back.Although the match had only started not long ago, one-third of his fighting spirit had already been consumed.

This is not a joke, Josh's total coverage area is too large, and he must be careful of Josh's tricks, this is because he has to use all his fighting spirit, and if he drags it on, he will definitely be exhausted!
Jonas's whole body's battle aura broke out in the gap between the falling of magic. When Josh was concentrating on controlling the magic, this guy slipped directly behind Josh like a ghost, and the violent battle aura with wind elements was completely integrated into the dagger. , he stabbed at Josh's back fiercely!

The moment the powerful fighting spirit came into contact with the magic shield, a violent explosion happened!
The collision of the two forces directly cracked the ground, and even the walls around the arena were shattered. Josh's position in the center of the arena was billowing with thick smoke, and Jonas was directly hit by the impact of this force. thrown out.

Although Jonas stood up quickly, anyone with a discerning eye could see how embarrassed this guy was.The scars left by the explosion on his body seemed to be telling the power of the violent explosion just now!


Jonas muttered to himself, but he believed in his heart that it was over. With such an impact, his whole body was wrapped in fighting spirit.

Although Josh had a magic shield, he was a sneak attack. He was sure that he had pierced through the magic shield. He was just worried that the prince of Augustus would not die, and he would be in big trouble.

"Hey, referee! Why don't you go in with the ambulance team! This prince may be seriously injured!"

Looking at the referee who was stunned aside, Jonas couldn't help reminding him, but what he didn't expect, the referee didn't answer, but a voice came out from the thick smoke:
"No, the game isn't over yet, Jonas."

(End of this chapter)

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