Chapter 249 Scary Josh
When the smoke cleared, a huge grave-like ice sculpture appeared in everyone's eyes, and there was a person inside this ice sculpture, and that person was Josh!

The ice slowly melted, and Josh walked out of the grave-like ice sculpture.

His face looked calm, but his heart was not so peaceful. Sure enough, none of these guys could be underestimated, and the elf ranger really restrained the magician.

There are generally only two enemies of a magician, one is an elf ranger and the other is an assassin.

Needless to say, the assassin, with his super high burst of fighting spirit combined with his silent sneak attack, is the most troublesome existence for all mages, because they may be killed by the assassin without any preparation at all.

After all, there is no magician who will wear an eggshell all day long, and the magician is not Chunyang who uses an eggshell like a magic shield to play cool.So once the magician is targeted by the assassin without knowing it, basically few of them survive, and of course they basically die from a sneak attack.

The elf ranger is a more troublesome existence than the assassin. Although the elf ranger will not try to attack you, their attacks are often omens.

However, the elf ranger's speed and soul level are not inferior to the assassin's, which makes it difficult for the magicians to face them even if they fight head-on.

Josh felt such a headache at this moment. Jonas was really too fast. This guy actually stuck in the speed interval of his magic attack and launched a violent attack towards him in an instant.

The moment just now was frightening to be honest, the magic shield of the fifth-level magic strength used by Josh has been completely broken!
If it wasn't for Josh's concentration, he immediately used the Frost Mausoleum to wrap himself up after discovering all this, otherwise Josh would really be injured!
It's not that Josh doesn't want Seraphim, but that he is surrounded by the magic power of ice elements, which is the fastest and most convenient way to use it. He still has a high degree of flexibility in using magic.

Sighing, Josh helplessly looked at the shocked Jonas. Josh knew that his unexplained strength was completely exposed, although this kind of exposure might not be considered to be the rulers of the four empires at all. What, they have already discovered it, but it is different for the contestants.

As the prince of the dwarf empire, Dennis didn't know Josh's strength, because it was originally allowed to hide part of his strength during the competition for the sake of the championship.

And other people will not say these things, which can be regarded as a relatively tacit rule.

But just now, in order to resist the explosion of the two forces colliding together, Josh had to increase his magic power, otherwise Josh would not be able to resist the fifth level of magic power alone.

That explosion has surpassed the fifth level and reached the sixth level of power. Look at the huge deep pit where Josh is and the surrounding walls that are almost broken.

If it weren't for the Elf King Ilka who took the initiative to cast magic to protect the spectators present at the critical moment, I am afraid that a tragedy would have been born.

So if Josh with such power doesn't increase his magic strength, I'm afraid that he will end up in the center of the explosion of his ability, and his fate will definitely not be much better.

Look at Jonas, this guy was protecting himself with fighting spirit all over his body before, but in the end he was extremely embarrassed by the impact of the two forces. His whole body was covered with scars and his fighting spirit was basically exhausted. It is conceivable that if it were Josh instead, he might not be far from death.

"you you."

Jonas looked at Josh with a face full of shock. It was a power that surpassed the fifth level and reached the sixth level. His whole body was covered with fighting spirit and he was made like this by the impact, but this one standing in the center The guy actually has nothing to do, not to mention being injured, even the fluctuation of magic power is the same as before, or even stronger!

Now even if Jonas is an idiot, he knows how terrifying Josh is, not to mention that he is still very smart.

The more terrifying magic fluctuations than before, and the still calm expression as if everything that happened just now did not exist, directly told Jonas and the so-called spectators that Josh was not a fifth-level magician at all!

"Hey, I didn't expect you to find out like this."

"Are you really you have reached the sixth level?"

"Um, probably."

Josh shrugged indifferently, if he knew it, he would know it.

Although Josh intends to keep some reservations and slander others at the critical moment, none of the opponents in the arena invited by the Four Kingdoms is easy to deal with, and it is no good for him to be forced to use the sixth-level magic power by Jonas Strange.

See if Kane's fifth-level strength is the same, forcing Weisen, a sixth-level magician, to be helpless. If Kane's fighting spirit has not been exhausted, Josh feels that this guy will continue to consume eighth-level.

Although Tier [-] crushes Tier [-], if Tier [-] professionals use their brains, it's not impossible to make Tier [-] professionals feel uncomfortable.

Although it felt a little pity, Josh didn't care too much. After all, he had only used some frost magic evolved from water elemental magic so far. Josh had never used fire elemental magic, let alone elemental magic. Such big moves as Light Wing and Seraphim.

Jonas' face became a little ugly. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly found that it is not surprising that this human prince seems to have reached the sixth level!

In the battle with his beloved prince Dennis, although he was pinned down by Dennis, but in the end Dennis was drained of fighting spirit, but this guy was still full of magic power.

What's more, His Royal Highness Josh once killed two fifth-order orcs in one fell swoop. Although there is a suspicion of sneak attack, if the strength is insufficient, the two orc warriors may not be frozen into ice sculptures.

Especially when His Royal Highness Josh was fighting another prince of the Orc Empire, he quickly dealt with his opponent!
Is it strange that Josh has a sixth order?

Not surprising, Jonas can be sure that Josh's sixth-level strength is absolutely solid and there is no fluke, otherwise Josh would not be able to get to this point, even if he has been using it all the time. The fifth level of magic power.

But if you really want to say that Josh has reached the sixth order, wouldn't it be strange?

It's so weird, so fucking incredible!How old is His Highness Josh? 17 years old!Even elves at this age rarely reach the sixth level at this age!

Among the talents of the generation of the Elf Empire, Wesson Yinyue can be regarded as a very powerful member of the younger generation of the Elf Empire, but he is more than five years older than Josh!
The most mysterious princess in their elf empire is about the same as Josh, and her strength is said to be close to the peak of the sixth order, only three years older than Josh.

But she is the eldest princess of the royal family!

Looking at Prince Ian, who is the same age as Josh, he is only at the middle stage of the fifth order now. One can imagine how exaggerated this Prince Josh's talent is!Of course, it's because Jonas didn't know what happened to Josh, or he might have fainted from fright!

Jonas didn't know, but the kings and rulers in the stands knew a little bit, and they couldn't hide their ghost-like expressions.

This kid is actually the sixth rank?This fucking is really the sixth order?How could this be the sixth order?
They really can't understand what's wrong with this world?How could there be such a terrifying person?Could it be that his trash performance is really a faux pas?
These people all set their sights on Black, but they could only give up seeing Black's expression that seemed to know everything a long time ago, but they were still more amazed by Josh's genius.

"Why...why do you hide your strength? Isn't this an honor?"

Jonas' face was a little stiff. He hadn't asked to admit defeat, but he had given up all his defenses. He couldn't understand why Josh didn't show his strength earlier. Superb strength is an honor.

He is really seriously injured now, but he wants to know why.

"How should I put it, I actually planned to smear my opponent after a wave. But I didn't expect to be killed by you, so I can only deal with it as much as possible."

"Just for the Yin people? You are such a cunning fellow!"

"Isn't the arena just for winning? To win, I will do anything, so what if I'm a badass? Also, thank you, an orc once said that I'm a cunning villain."

"." Is it an honor to be called a cunning villain by an orc?Jonas sighed weakly, and then decisively said to admit defeat.

Josh shrugged and turned his head to look at the referee. At this time, the referee hurriedly ran off the stage, and he was also stunned by what happened before.

But fortunately, he didn't forget his duty. Jonas seemed to have no resistance at all, so the winner was naturally Josh!
Amidst the cheers and exclamations of the audience, Josh left the arena very calmly, but he was still a little helpless.

The best opportunity for insidiousness is to make others think that your level is lower than him, so that the opponent's chances of being careless can also be increased, and Josh can find an opportunity to suddenly exert force and viciously. Unfortunately, there is no way now.

"Forget it, anyway, there is still fire elemental magic. At that time, when others think that I only know water elemental magic, I will suddenly switch elements, and I can still teach my opponent a hard lesson."

Slowly walking towards the stands, it happened that Josh saw Jonas walking up with the support of a middle-aged elf. After the two looked at each other, Josh suddenly remembered their conversation before the start of the game.

After thinking about it for a while, Josh felt that it would be better to just ask directly, if he wanted to, he would come if he didn't want to be pushed down.

So Josh walked over with a slight smile, and asked with a little concern: "Is it better, Jonas?"

Although Jonas and the middle-aged elf were a little puzzled when they saw Josh approaching, they still said respectfully: "It's much better, thank you for your relationship, Your Highness Josh. Oh, by the way, this is my father, he I came here to watch my game, but it’s a pity.”

"Don't talk about Jonas, I'm proud of you! You've always been my pride." Jonas' father interrupted Jonas directly. Although he looked slightly regretful, he was more proud .

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and bowed slightly to Josh: "Hello, Your Highness Josh, thank you for your mercy."

"You're welcome, Your Excellency. And I would like to apologize, because my behavior may have delayed Jonas' treatment, but I do have a question to ask Jonas."

"If you have any questions, please ask Your Highness Josh, I will definitely answer you truthfully." Jonas was a little puzzled, but he replied quickly, it seemed that he didn't take what Josh said earlier to heart.

But fortunately, Josh didn't care, he nodded and then the application became a little serious: "I want to ask you again, Mr. Jonas, are you willing to come to my territory to develop?"

(End of this chapter)

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