Chapter 250 Choice
"Go to develop in your territory?"

Both Jonas and his father had very strange expressions on their faces. Jonas' father never thought that the prince of Augustus was looking for his son for such a thing.

And Jonas looked embarrassed, he didn't expect Josh to actually come to discuss this matter with him after the game.

What he originally said after the game was over was an excuse, and it was also a kind of euphemistic decision.

After all, no matter which one wins after the game, the other will naturally not be in a good mood.If he had won, then Josh must not be in the mood to talk about these things.

He has watched Josh's previous games, and he feels that although Josh's attack methods are lacking, Josh's strength is still very strong. However, as an elf ranger, he still feels that he has a chance. The most important thing is that he didn't go to Josh at all. It may be a sixth-level magician thinking in that direction.

And even if he lost by accident, then he would definitely feel very depressed. At the time when Jonas wanted to come, he would probably not come to "add insult to injury" for the prince.

But Jonas never expected that the prince didn't have any such thoughts at all, instead he directly came over and asked himself again.

Jonas was almost wondering what kind of education this prince received?

However, he also became a little curious. He thought that maybe the prince had encountered some problems and needed to help himself, or was he really optimistic about himself?
Jonas found a place to sit down and at the same time picked up the magic crystal for healing that his father handed him, and input the remaining combat energy to make the magic crystal work. Suddenly, a wave of light blue magic power began to emerge. This is the magic wave of the water element, which has a healing effect.

After doing all this, Jonas' face became a little better, and he slowly asked: "Your Highness Josh, I'm sorry that I can't answer your question directly. But I can ask, why do you want me to Go to your territory and develop."

Jonas really wants to know why, as to why they're different races or something is total bullshit.

In the Muya Continent, the degree of integration between no races is actually very high, which can be regarded as a relatively harmonious living environment.

Even the orcs who are hated by humans can still be seen in some human cities.

After all, what humans hate and hate are those orcs in the orc empire who plundered and killed other border countries. These guys who have left the orc empire long ago to work as mercenaries in other countries and use their own lives to make money, humans still give a comparison. Big forgiving.

So it's not surprising that an elf went to serve in a human city.

Even in a country like the Elven Empire, there are quite a few humans working in the public sector, and some humans even became minor nobles in the Elven Empire.

So it’s not surprising that Jonas really went there. In addition, the relationship between the Augustus Empire and the Elf Empire is relatively friendly, and the status of the two empires is basically the same. Jonas went to the Augustus Empire. It's totally acceptable, but it's important for him to know why, right?

"Well, how should I put it, I actually need an excellent ranger to be a teacher for a group of people."

"be a teacher?"


Seeing Jonas' puzzled look, Josh shrugged and explained.

Jonas's level is indeed very good, and he is completely qualified for the role of Ranger Teacher. Jonas can even contribute to his territory in many ways, but after hearing Josh's affirmative answer, his face turned pale. Not so pretty anymore.

To be a teacher?God, what are you kidding?
Jonas really wanted to refuse directly, but the elf's demeanor still made him patient and not so eager to refuse. He was a little surprised that His Highness Josh wanted to be a teacher to someone.

"What kind of student is it that you, a prince of the empire, come out to find a teacher in person?"

"Well, you should know my territory, right?"

"Yes, Rivendell. A poetic and picturesque name, and I have seen your phantom, it is perfect. Except for some blood, but whether it is music or scenery, as well as thinking about war and peace, it is perfect. of."

The phantom has indeed gained a huge favor from the elves, which is not surprising to Josh at all. He is very happy that one of his goals has been achieved.

That is to use the phantom to let people from other countries know his territory and Rivendell, at least it seems to be good for now.

"I built a lot of things in Rivendell, among them is a huge school, which I call the Rhine University."

"Rhine University?"

"Don't worry about the name, my school is divided into two colleges, one is the Warrior Academy and the other is the Magician Academy. The Magician Academy has four small branches, corresponding to the four elements, and the Warrior Academy is the same, except for knights and warriors. Assassins and Rangers."

"You mean, you want me to serve in the Ranger Academy?"

After Josh briefly introduced his school, Jonas understood immediately.

Josh nodded, but soon he shook his head again. If it's just a job, Josh can just find some powerful rangers and it's over. Why bother to find an elf.

"Half guessed right."


"Yes, I do want you to serve in my academy, but the main thing is that I have a special group of students, which is why I found you. Of course, you are not the only ranger teacher. I recruited a group of people, and neither are you The only one I'm interested in is because I also have my eye on a guy, and I will wait until the four-nation invitation is over to invite him."

Josh shrugged, but emphasized: "Of course, there is no such position as dean in these small branches. If you are interested, you can try to compete."

"I haven't promised you yet, Your Highness Josh. Can you tell me about the special group of students you mentioned?"

"Hmm, no problem. During a territory exploration, I accidentally found a group of elves, and they live in my territory."

"Elf? Are you sure?"

"Of course, I tried to negotiate with them, and the result was very satisfactory. They knew that they were in the Augustus Empire, but because their location was a bit remote, the previous lords didn't want to develop that territory, so no one found them. They, but now they have agreed to join Rivendell."

Josh's reason made Jonas full of doubts. How could you discover something that no one had discovered before?

Although Jonas doesn't know how big Josh's territory is, it's impossible for Josh's previous lord to be careless enough not to check his own territory, right?
So he really didn't believe what Josh said, but he really couldn't think of the use of an empire prince lying to himself.

After hesitating for a long time, he asked, "Why don't these elves choose to join the Star Empire?"

"That's because the journey is a bit far away, and there is no teleportation magic circle in my territory."

"But the speed of the elves, even if they are young, as long as they are willing to spend time, they can go to some cities with magic teleportation arrays."

"Probably, the scenery there is so beautiful, they are reluctant to leave?"

Jonas rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe a single letter of what Josh said. After all, Josh, the prince, always wanted to pretend to be a fifth-level strength, and was ready to go to hell at any time!
But as His Royal Highness, he dared to say these things in front of other people, and he was not in doubt.

Although there may be some problems with the origin of those elves, His Royal Highness does not want to say anything.

But Jonas can be sure of one thing, that is, there may really be elves in His Royal Highness's territory, otherwise he would not come to him, and the best choice to teach the elves is naturally elves.

There is no doubt about this. Elves are different from humans in many aspects. Only elves understand the characteristics of elves best, and only elves themselves can better teach elves to grow.

Of course, this is basic education. After reaching the third level, how to take it and what kind of route to take is still selected by them personally.

After thinking for a long time, Jonas really couldn't decide to pay attention.

Personally speaking, he is indeed not very willing to go to the Augustus Empire, especially the prince who he thinks is very cunning and treacherous. If he hadn't deliberately concealed his strength, Jonas might not have suffered so badly. hurt.

Jonas really wanted to prove himself and seek better development for his family, so he signed up for the four-nation invitational competition. His luck was good and he went all the way from the finalists to the knockout rounds.

The final result was that he actually met an imperial prince who had hidden strength and reached the sixth level.

If Jonas had known that the prince had the strength of the sixth level, he would not have worked so hard at all.It must not be the opponent's business, this elf ranger will not do such a stupid thing.

In the course of the elf ranger, the first lesson is very clear, unless it is a national war, a living ranger can create more value than a dead ranger.

Rangers are not fighters. Although they can also play a good role on the frontal battlefield, rangers are even more terrifying behind enemy lines, and they can even do a lot of intelligence work.

Although everything in the arena is for victory, but knowing that it is not an opponent's battle, the ranger will never go all out regardless of the cost.

After hesitating for a long time, Jonas finally looked at his father.

Although his father said that his strength is really not that good, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be about the same level as when he was young, only at the sixth level, but Jonas has always listened to his father. If there is any problem, he will always Refer to his father's opinion.

"You need to make your own decision, Jonas. You have grown up, you have to have your own ideas and judgments, but no matter what you do, I will support you." As if guessing what Jonas was thinking, As Jonas' eyes turned to his father, his father spoke with a smile.

"However, I'd rather have your opinion."

"My opinion? Actually, I don't want you to leave Star Empire, after all, she is so beautiful, and you have lived here for more than 20 years."

Jonas' father sighed, but he continued: "But for your future, I think it would be better for you to go to His Royal Highness Josh's territory. If I remember correctly, His Royal Highness Josh, you went there in the spring of last year. Rivendell right?"

"Yes sir." Josh nodded. "And it wasn't called Rivendell back then, it was called Constantinople."

"His Royal Highness's territory is under development. As long as you can seize the opportunity, you can have a better development. In this way, the Liefeng family will also have a better development. Of course, it all depends on you, Jonah S. You have grown up, my boy, and you are my pride."

"I see, Father. I know what I have to do."

(End of this chapter)

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