The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 251 The Contest Between Magicians

Chapter 251 The Contest Between Magicians
When he was a spectator in the past, Josh didn't feel anything strange about the four-nation invitation schedule.

After all, whether it is a single event or an individual event, Josh also finds it extremely exciting to play one game a day in the later stage, even if he has only come here once before.

But as a contestant, for the first time, Josh felt that such a competition system was really nerve-wracking.

For the strong, this kind of competition system is not a big deal, on the contrary, it is of great help to their continuous performance, but for the average players, it is no different from torture.

I just finished the fight today, and I may still be injured, but I still have to fight the next day, and there is no chance of recovery.However, the invitation of the four countries is to eliminate these weak people and let the strongest people go to the end for a strong showdown, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Josh is considered a strong man, at least there are only a few people who are stronger than him on the surface. For example, Dennis' elder brother, the first prince of the Dwarf Empire, Modesa, is a mid-sixth-order dwarf.

This is the last four-nation invitation game for this guy. He is 49 years old this year.

What's more, there are Wesen from the Elven Empire and Elvira, the eldest princess of the Elven Empire. Josh has seen the battles of these two people.Wesson was held back by Kane because of his own carelessness, but after all, it was the sixth level and he still won in the end.

As for Elvira Princess Elvira, Josh hasn't noticed anything yet. After all, her battles are too simple.

But her fighting style is enough to give Josh a headache. Who knows why this eldest princess is actually a ranger, and her father Ilka is a magician!
Her opponent was the orc prince that Josh knew—Bumred. As the orc prince, Bumred had defeated Kane, but he couldn't last even a minute under the eldest princess's hands. past!

Except for a little resistance at the beginning, after that, she was completely led by the nose by the eldest princess.

In the end, when he was dizzy, the eldest princess appeared behind him like a ghost, and the dagger full of fighting spirit was already on his neck.

Not even 1 minute!This fifth-level high-ranking orc prince just failed!
It is conceivable how shocking it was at that time and now, even though it is not the first time to see this mysterious elf princess who wears a hood to hide her face, but there are still countless audiences. Shock.

Josh was also in the stands at the time, and to be honest, he himself was shocked.

With that incomparable speed, that impeccable way of attack, and that sharp and fierce shot, Josh himself didn't know if he could resist it.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Josh didn't bother to think about it anymore. He had to play this thing before he knew it.

And Josh could still feel that the elf princess didn't have all her strength at all, but she didn't hide her strength like Josh, but simply didn't make a full shot.

As an elf, they have their pride. The eldest princess will not deliberately hide herself in order to win future victories. In their eyes, Josh's behavior can be regarded as despicable.

Of course, there is nothing to say about this, just like what Josh said, the arena is meant to do everything in order to win.

Moreover, Josh's opponent in the eight-to-four competition is not the eldest princess. The opponent of the eldest princess is Modesa, the eldest prince of the dwarf empire.Then Josh's opponent is naturally the one who defeated his brother, the previous champion Wesson.

Although Josh is not a strong man on the surface, he is indeed a slacker, and he has to fight after a long rest, which makes Josh depressed to death.

To be honest, he would rather spend more time with Natasha and the others than fight with this group of honor-minded guys.

Hmm. It seems that Josh's opponent this time seems to have come to pursue a woman, and there is not much difference from Josh in essence.

But Josh is also quite annoying, fighting or something might as well sit down and play a game of Gwent, but it seems that there is no such thing in this world.

Stretching his waist, he listened to the host's impassioned speech——Josh really felt that there was nothing to be passionate about, and the host finally finished what he wanted to say.

The atmosphere in the audience was warm and roaring with cheers. After all, no one who made it to the semi-finals was a simple existence. All of them were the focus of everyone's attention!
Especially this guy, Josh, as a role player in Shadow Guardian, and he is the only human being who has survived until now, he has received more attention.

Although the Kingdom of Kars is a country in the Grand Alliance with a wide variety of races, after all, the rulers of this place are humans, and the majority of people in this country are humans.

Shaking his head, Josh walked directly into the arena. Anyway, he has been like this since the knockout round as the first contestant, and this time he is no exception.Josh, who was used to it for a long time, walked directly towards the arena, although this arena was not the one he played in before.

The previous arena was already in a half-waste state, and in the final analysis it was Josh's good deed.

Of course, he is not the culprit alone, but he did too many things in that arena, such as the large-scale magic used against Dennis, the large-scale magic used against the orc prince, and when he was fighting Jonas. , It directly collapsed the arena.

This also forced the Kingdom of Kars to move the venue of the game to the current place. Of course, they had planned to move here a long time ago.

Because this arena is a brand-new gladiator venue, the Kingdom of Kars intends to use it as the venue for the finals. Unfortunately, the previous arena was destroyed and had to be used in advance.

The match between Elvira and Bumred was held here before, and Josh didn't know the problem. I'm afraid that even if he knew, he would just smile politely in embarrassment and let it go.

lose money?That's impossible, not to mention that Josh wouldn't pay attention to them at all, and people in the Kingdom of Kells didn't dare to ask Josh for it.

"It's really troublesome."

Standing in the center of the arena, Josh looked at Wesson who was walking towards him, tilted his head, and Josh's expression slowly became serious.

Wesson Silver Moon can be regarded as the most powerful opponent Josh has encountered so far. Before that, Kane was the strongest fighter against him.

"Are you His Royal Highness Josh? Nice to meet you, my name is Wesson." It seemed that he found that Josh was a little serious, or he felt that Josh was a little nervous, so he smiled slightly, as if he wanted to ease the atmosphere.

"I know you, after all you defeated my brother Kane."

"Of course, Kane is an excellent opponent and a very good friend. I am honored to know him."

"You guys are friends?"

"Didn't he tell you?"

"It really doesn't exist."

Josh touched his head, and Kane really didn't tell himself that Wesson and him were friends.

And according to Josh's feeling, Kane has always regarded Wesson as his own opponent, the most dangerous one, so Josh never thought that the two of them would become friends.

But now listening to Wesen, Josh felt as if he had misunderstood the relationship between the two of them.

Of course, it's not clear to Josh whether Kane was upset with Wesson, but he acted more modestly for the sake of face, making Wesson think it was kindness from Kane.

"It seems that Kane is still very upset about losing to me all the time. I can understand, after all, after losing to me so many times, anyone would be uncomfortable."

"Are you familiar with it? As a member of the non-royal family, shouldn't you sign up to play from the play-in round?"

"Of course, but I've known Kane for more than ten years, and we were about the same age as you are now. I couldn't play at the time, but I did have him as his partner."

"Are you his partner?"

"Hmm, is it weird?"

Of course it's strange!As a child of the Yinyue family, one of the three major families of the elves, although it makes sense for you to be a training partner for a prince, it is really strange that you are serving as a training partner for an opponent from your country.

But Josh didn't bother to say anything anymore. After the fight, he would go back and ask Kane if it was clear.

Josh guessed why Wesson would leave Kane with some doubts in his heart. A former friend who had been acting as a training partner suddenly participated in a competition one day, and then beat himself up. Xi will also doubt life.

But this is not what Josh should care about, because the referee has finished explaining those rules and started to ask whether the two sides are ready.

Josh naturally understood what such an inquiry meant, so he quickly concentrated his energy and was always ready for the start of the battle.

"Don't be nervous Josh, I won't hurt you." Wesen smiled slightly seeing Josh's state.

"You make it sound like you're sure to beat me, don't forget that you were forced to do nothing by that guy Kane."

"Indeed, you are very strong and Kane is also very strong. Kane's tactical play is to learn from the way of the prince of the dwarf empire. To be honest, he still uses it against you. These are actually fine for me. As long as you adapt It's fine, but his ability to fly blew my mind."

"It means that you will not be so embarrassed when you meet Kane?"

"Of course, it's not really embarrassing. Kane is my friend, and I won't hurt him. He uses flying and is very fast, so I followed him up. But I didn't expect this guy to hide here First hand, if I had known earlier, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been fooled, causing my magic power to be wasted, but I didn't give it my all."

"I'm looking forward to it."

Josh smiled, you didn't give it your all, so did I give it my all?

Although this guy Weisen gave people a feeling of being in the spring breeze, after Josh met Elon and the others, Josh always felt that this guy was not mature at all, and he had only learned some superficial advantages of elves.

A proud elf will never directly say how powerful they are, but they will show their strength in other ways, such as their pride.

But it doesn't matter, everyone is at the sixth level, and Josh suddenly has some expectations.

"In the future, I will go to some powerful worlds sooner or later, and the enemies I encounter will probably become more and more disgusting, so it is also a very good choice to adapt in advance."

With a slight smile, Josh ignored Wesson, and Wesson also became a little serious.

He had heard about Josh's story, and he had specifically confirmed it with Kane, so he was completely sure of Josh's talent.Of course, he didn't think he would lose. Although Josh was talented, Josh had only studied for a year. He was different!

Both sides are concentrating and guarding each other, which also indicates that a big battle is coming.

This is a contest between magicians!
(End of this chapter)

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