The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 252 Do You Really Think I Have No Temper?

Chapter 252 Do You Really Think I Have No Temper?

"Game start!"

Following the referee's order, magic shields of different colors appeared on Josh and Wesson at the same time.

For a magician, the most basic magic should not be an attack type of magic, but a magic shield.Don't underestimate the magic shield, because this thing can always save your life at the most critical moment!
Although Josh is a wild way, compared to orthodox magicians like Wesson, there may be a huge difference in fighting methods, but Josh can do better than orthodox magicians in terms of protecting himself Josh is very clear about the so-called output only when he is alive!
As soon as the magic shield was condensed, Josh suddenly found that he was surrounded by wind elements. The sharp and cutting wind elements immediately made Josh realize that this was Weisen's attack!
Josh immediately deployed a few simple magic spells around him, and sure enough, the wind blades that looked like ice cubes fell to the ground repeatedly after Josh's magic was done.

"It's really ruthless."

Josh sighed. This fellow Wesson's attack is really fast. Fortunately, Josh has learned enough magic, otherwise he will definitely be hit a few times. Although the magic shield may not be broken, it may be It will have a small impact on the next battle.

Josh used a little trick he learned in the wizarding world - there are many obstacles, although this thing is a small trick, but if it is equipped with magic elements, this thing will have a qualitative change immediately.

Although the things Josh learned in the wizarding world are not commonly used, these things that don't require too complicated operations are indeed of good value at critical moments.

Resisting Wesen's first attack, Josh directly counterattacked Wesen.

It's not Josh's habit to stand and be beaten, and it's Josh's habit to return whoever makes trouble for him directly!The magic power surged, and the icicles with a bone-piercing chill rose from the ground and pierced directly towards Wesen!

The most important thing is that Josh's ice pick is not that simple. After a period of study, it is not known whether Akatosh is deeply influenced by Josh or Josh is influenced by Akatosh. There are some small hands and feet in an ice pick.

For example, no matter whether these ice picks poke someone or not, they will explode into countless sharp ice spikes after touching any object!

Think about it, if this thing really pokes someone, I'm afraid that unlucky guy will be stabbed into a honeycomb immediately.

If it doesn't poke someone, it won't have much impact, because if the opponent doesn't pay attention to the ice thorns that erupt from that thing, it may be stabbed into a hornet's nest!
What this magic requires is the change and control of magic power, which is not a problem for Josh, who has four magic elements, so this very sinister magic was quietly born.

Sure enough, although Wesson was strong, he didn't expect Josh's magic to be so insidious. He randomly used a few wind element magic to cut Josh's ice pick, but the next moment Weison felt a terrible malice.

He immediately filled his magic shield with his magic power, and sure enough, those ice cones burst open!
Glancing at the ice thorns on his magic shield, Wei Sen's expression was very ugly. If Wei Sen knew that there was a creature called a hedgehog, his expression would be even more ugly.

If it wasn't because he believed in his intuition, the magic shield might have been pierced by now.

Weisen's face was ugly, and the faces of the spectators in the stands were also very strange.

Why is this His Royal Highness so vicious?Of course, many people actually think of despicableness, but thinking about it, it seems that everything is normal, but it is just the use of magic, and Josh's approach can only be regarded as a little bit harsher.

The expressions of the three great emperors sitting together were different, especially Blake's face was full of embarrassment. He himself didn't expect Josh to use such a method, but he thought it was okay.

Both Boruote and Ilka felt that Josh seemed to be really despicable.

Boruo Te may be slightly better, anyway, there are no dwarves on both sides of the battle, so he is a bit strange.

But Ilka is different. Josh is fighting an elf. This kind of fighting is really hard to guard against.

Just imagine, you just escaped a seemingly very dangerous magic, but in a blink of an eye, you find that this magic is just a cover, and the real danger is yet to come.

Who can stand this?There is no sense of justice in this at all.

Of course, there is also the reason why Ilka is an elf. As an elf, it is difficult for them to accept such an approach, otherwise their rangers will not be different from assassins and will not always hide themselves in the shadows.

Especially the opponent Josh faced was an elf, which made Ilka even more upset.

"Blake, who is the teacher of this little guy, Josh? Why did he do such an obscene magic?"

"Josh's teacher was found by himself. Although I have never met him, I can feel from his description that his strength will definitely not lag behind ours. Moreover, he is also the one who helped Josh solve his own troubles."

"Not behind us? Are you sure? And what is the trouble with Josh? What caused him to be unable to obtain magic elements for more than ten years."

Ilka felt incredible after listening to Black's words. Doesn't it mean that he is also a powerhouse of at least ninth rank if he is not behind them?Josh's teacher is such a character?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that only such a character can solve Josh's troubles, but he also wonders what Josh's troubles are.

"Forget it, let me tell you slowly. After all, this kind of thing will be known sooner or later."

"I'm listening, tell me old man."

Black thought for a while and told Ilka directly about Josh, while Borut was also listening. They were really curious about what happened to Josh.

But when Black told these stories, Josh in the middle of the field was not so happy.

It may be that Josh's previous actions directly pissed Wesson off.

It's too despicable, if it wasn't for Wesson's sharper sense, I'm afraid Josh would have succeeded by now!
This made Wesson very angry and at the same time extremely vigilant. He no longer dared to regard Josh as an 'easy to deal with' opponent.

Before that, no matter who he was, he thought it was relatively easy to deal with. Maybe he felt that the one who was really difficult to deal with was even unsure. Only Elvira, the eldest princess of the elf empire, the most perfect goddess in his dream, His ultimate goal in coming here.

He was even extremely embarrassed by Kane. After the game, he carefully reviewed the game. He knew that if he had been serious at the time, he would not have let Kane drag him to that point. He only needed to see Kane again in the future. Just be careful.

But what he didn't expect was that Kane's younger brother Josh, who was said to have been a waste for so many years, was so talented and didn't show much inexperience in actual combat.

This guy is really terrible, even if Josh is really just a wild way.

How can an orthodox mage do such insidious magic?

There are other things contained in a magic, so that the opponent will be tricked if he is a little careless?

Anyway, Weisen has never seen it before, but he thinks these are not orthodox, but he also has to admit that this approach is really great!
Just imagine, if it was a real battle, who would be more dominant with his magic or Josh's magic and who would survive to the end?
In fact, he knew without thinking about it, it must be Josh Neng who came from this wild way!
The real battle is nothing more than just defeating the opponent in the arena, but trying every means to kill the enemy!

So Wei Sen didn't dare to be careless anymore, and he didn't dare to treat Josh as a "easy to deal with" opponent anymore. He began to become extremely serious. This was his recognition of Josh. It is a respect for this opponent.

Josh didn't know what Wei Sen was thinking, knowing that he would definitely regret it.

How hard is Wei Sen fully firing?Josh didn't know it before, but now he knows it. Fortunately, he chose the frost magic converted from water elements, and he has four magic elements.

Frost Magic's attack may be weaker, at least after Josh was injured, the offense was really weak, but the defense is really high, at least until now it has been able to resist Wesson's attack.

And with four magic elements, Josh's perception of magic elements is also very keen.

This is also the main reason why he has been able to use Weisen to no avail. Just imagine that whenever you launch an attack, the opponent seems to predict it and come up with various ways to counterattack. Can you bear it?
Josh is like this now, the wind element Josh uses generally, but he has no problem with the perception of wind element fluctuations at all.

Very sharp, so sharp that every time Wesson wanted to do something, Josh could guess it.

Because Josh is too familiar with the fluctuation of the wind element, it might not be so easy for other magicians to feel it, but Josh himself also has the wind element, how could he ignore it?

"I didn't expect to have four elements, and there is such a function?"

As a result, the fight became very hot in the current scene. Although it seemed that Josh was pressed and beaten by Wesson, in fact, neither of them suffered any injuries.

Although Josh was pressed and beaten, he was not without the ability to fight back, and Wesson showed the demeanor of the last champion, and wave after wave of magic kept hitting Josh.

"It's really wonderful!"

"Yeah! Both of them are amazing! Especially Prince Josh, he really keeps refreshing people's perception of him!"

"At the beginning, I thought he was at the fourth level at most. After all, he was so young and it was his first time participating in the competition. The result was surprising. He was actually a fifth-level magician! Just when we thought that the fifth-level magician was his limit, he But he told us that he is actually the sixth rank!"

"Yeah, they are all so young! His Highness Josh is only 17 years old!"

"I'm 17 years old, I didn't expect His Royal Highness Josh to stand at such a height at such a young age. When we were 17 years old, we were still studying and picking up girls in the academy!"

"That's why His Royal Highness Josh is there, and you are here."


In the auditorium, all the spectators were extremely excited around the contest between the two. It was so strong that they could feel the power of those magics even if they were sitting in the auditorium!
But fortunately, because of Josh's masterpiece last time, some protective barriers were specially added to the arena this time to prevent the overflow of magical energy from harming the spectators.


Once again using frost to slow down Wesen's magic and avoid it, Josh really couldn't stand it.

The effect of his own counterattack is mediocre, but the opponent's attack is extremely annoying. Although he has not yet broken through his magic shield, Josh knows that it will be a matter of time.

Although Josh's magic power is still full, Josh will definitely not be able to hold it if it is consumed like this.

The consumption of defense and offense is greater. Even if Josh has the energy consumption of the elemental light wings, he was really beaten like a bastard for more than ten minutes.

"Damn, do you really think I'm a temperless person? Do you really think I can only defend?"

(End of this chapter)

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