Chapter 253 If You Like It

Josh's temper is very gentle, refined and easy-going.

Of course, these words that are not suitable for this world must be expressed together with some quotation marks to complete the meaning.

Although Josh can't compare to some irascible old men with a honey mouth, as a League of Legends player, the player's characteristics are still very obvious.

You've been beating me for a long time, do you really think I'm easy to bully?
Holding grudges can be regarded as one of Josh's characteristics. This guy was really pissed off by Wesson.The air element and the water element are compatible, and there is no restraint, but the two elements will appear in different forms in the hands of different people.

The water element in Josh's hand directly turned into frost, which can be regarded as a combination of offense and defense, but to be honest, Josh is not very satisfied with the aspect of offense.

Maybe in the low-level world, Josh can trigger a frost storm at will, and he can achieve the effect of ninth-level magic or even higher-level magic in the high-level world.

It is not too much to say, among the worlds that Josh has been to, I am afraid that only the world of Marvel, Runeterra, the profane world and Middle-earth can withstand Josh's magic.

In other worlds, any magic is really a nuclear bomb-level effect, even surpassing the nuclear bomb to reach the legendary-level weapon effect of Requiem.

But in the world where Josh is now, the limit is so high that Josh himself doesn't know where it is.

So Josh's magic here basically appears in the form of this world, so the lethality of frost magic can be said to have dropped sharply, only the control effect and defense effect are exceptionally excellent.

And Wesen, Josh's opponent, is a descendant of the Yinyue family, one of the three major elf families in the Star Empire, and the winner of the last four-nation invitational individual battle champion. His wind elemental magic is not only powerful, but also his speed is abnormal. Come on, that's why he was able to crush Josh for more than ten minutes.

Josh couldn't touch him at all, and although he couldn't do anything to Josh, he was really holding Josh down and hammering him.

Josh's Ring of Frost and the Tomb of Frost couldn't touch him at all. Even if some snowflakes finally fell on him, before Josh had time to do anything, he just blew them off. It's really amazing careful.

"It seems that I must give you some surprises, what an annoying guy."

Taking a deep breath, the magic power in Josh's body surged wildly, and this time he didn't plan to keep anything at all.

Being beaten up for more than ten minutes is still the kind of battle where you get hurt if you are not careful. It really annoys Josh. Although Josh has changed from a Langbi mage to a resistant mage, it just shows that he will leave Central Asia Or the Mask of the Abyss.

He may even simply replace it with a code, a big mask, an ice stick, time, etc., but this doesn't mean he won't have a hat!

Josh has always been a mage with dreams. Even if he plays an old version of a vampire, he will choose a hat and think of the second person.

Josh's magic power surged wildly, and this torrent of magic power was naturally felt by Wesson. Although he suppressed Josh for a long time, Josh didn't have any big problems. After all, Josh's defense was very powerful, and he didn't do anything good. There is a way, but Josh's offense really doesn't work.

It's not as good as his defensive power at all, and even Weisen can directly say that Josh's offensive power and his defensive power are not at the same level at all!

However, Josh is also at the sixth level. Josh's weird attack method and his defensive power left a deep enough impression on Wesson, so he didn't dare to be careless.

While Josh was still concentrating his magic power, Wesson unceremoniously attacked again, and a terrifying storm swept directly towards Josh. Countless wind blades directly condensed into a berserk dragon under Wesen's magic , roaring towards Josh.

This giant dragon composed of violent elements directly cracked the ground in the arena. If it wasn't for the protection of the barrier, even the stands would suffer!

Josh naturally felt the power of this magic, and frowned. Josh cast a Frost Mausoleum directly on it. He didn't want to be disturbed now.

The howling dragon directly collided with the ice tomb, the violent impact even made the barrier tremble, and the flying ice shards all over the sky made it impossible to know what the ending would be, even Wesson was not sure.

Josh's defense is too amazing, especially for this magic, he dare not guess.

The first time this magic appeared was Josh used it to attack. He directly turned Dennis into ice (they didn't know exactly what happened).

The second time was even more exaggerated, and it was also a symbol of Josh's continuous progress. Josh directly used a scattered snowflake as a magic mark, freezing an orc prince!
The last time was before this match, Josh shocked countless people and directly used this magic on himself, successfully protecting himself from being hurt!

A magic, whether offensive or defensive, can be said to be brought to the extreme by Josh, which is enough for everyone to remember Josh.

There are really few people who can use offensive magic as defensive magic, and they are all powerful!
However, Josh's previous opponents were all fifth-order powerhouses. He was not a sixth-order powerhouse like he is now, and he was also the champion of the previous session!
Everyone was very worried about whether Josh, the prince, would be in trouble, but with Wesen's magic blowing, the ice chips and thick fog that blocked everyone's vision soon dissipated.

Josh stood intact in the ice tomb, although the ice tomb that protected him was already scarred and began to drop broken ice.

Seeing Josh, who had nothing to do with it, Wesson sighed and sighed sincerely: "Your defense is really terrible, Josh."

Josh walked out of the ice curtain slowly, nodded with a smile: "I know."

"But defense alone, you can't defeat me!"

"I know this too, so I don't plan to keep it."

"You mean, you didn't shoot with all your strength?"


Josh shrugged casually, he was in a much better mood now, so he was also happy to chat with Wesson.

Although Wei Sen couldn't understand that Josh was still looking bitter and bitter (Sima's face) just now, why did he change his appearance this time, which made him very vigilant, but Josh's words also made him very angry.

You haven't been attacking with all your might?Are you kidding me?
This time, Weisen didn't intend to continue chatting with Josh at all. He condensed his magic power and whispered a few words at the same time. The huge wind element gathered again to wait for Weisen's orders at any time.

Seeing Wesen's appearance, Josh smiled indifferently.

He is indeed in a much better mood now, and it can even be said that he would like to thank Wesson for his help. If it weren't for Wesen's wind dragon attack, Josh's ice shards scattered all over the audience, Josh would not have been so Get ready.

Josh planned to use Glacier Storm directly, but the front of Glacier Storm was too troublesome, making it impossible for Josh to sing and release at this level, let alone instant cast.

It is really troublesome for Josh to keep the runes scattered without being interrupted by Wesson, because it has to be done at the same time.

The arena was so big that Josh couldn't estimate it without using void magic.

But now, the ice chips that were blown all over the field by Wesen's strong wind gave Josh a chance. He directly completed the arrangement of the runes in the ice tomb, and now it's time for him to trouble Wesen !

"Having hammered me for so long, it's time to taste what it's like to be hammered!"

Apart from anything else, or that Josh didn't bother to interact with Wesson at all, he directly activated the rune he had arranged by using his magic power!

In an instant, the entire arena felt like winter was coming!The abnormal cold made all the spectators a little unbearable, and it also made Wei Sen more vigilant!

Wesson knows that Josh and this magic are definitely very dangerous!

So he unceremoniously used magic to harass Josh. At the same time, he also put his magic power mainly on the magic shield. Wesson's wind element magic shield may not be as hard as Josh, but under his full resistance, it is absolutely There will be no problems!

The ice was howling, the blizzard was flying, and Wesson's magic had no effect on Josh at all. In a moment, the entire arena seemed to have returned to the coldest winter!Especially the ice tide that was constantly revolving around Josh like a whirlpool was even more frightening!
"It's so scary! What kind of magic is this?"

"Magicians above the fifth level like to use magic that suits them. His Highness Josh is a magician of the sixth level. This kind of magic must have been created by himself?"

"It's terrifying! If this kind of magic is placed on the battlefield, it will definitely be the most terrifying weapon!"

"Don't worry about this, His Highness Josh's identity and strength are not allowed to go to the battlefield."

Josh's magic is very terrifying, and Weisen is also very uncomfortable now, so he has no choice but to use his magic power to make himself fly!
If he stayed on the ground, he might really not be able to bear it, especially the continuously flowing vortex seemed to swallow him up.

But he can also see that Josh's magic consumes a lot of mana. I'm afraid Josh will have no mana in a long time!

Flying is not an easy task for him, especially after the battle with Kane, he himself is not willing to fly easily.

But the situation is different now, if he doesn't fly, he will definitely suffer!
What's more, from his perception, he knows that Josh's magic will definitely consume much more mana than his own. Weisen is a wind elemental magician, and he saves mana in the air, but he doesn't fly either. Too high and consumes too much mana.

After ensuring his own safety, Wesen lowered his head and glanced at Josh who was still on the ground, and Josh's terrifying magic finally had to sigh: "I have to say, Your Majesty Josh, your magic is really amazing!" It's an eye-opener!"

Josh didn't care about Wesen's condescending look at all, and smiled slightly: "Really? As long as you like it."

"But it's a pity that your magic consumption is too high. And it doesn't have the ability to deal with flying opponents. I'm afraid this is your strongest attack mode. Apart from it, your other magic is useless to me. See Wake up and I've won."

"It's true that I don't know much about ice elemental magic. However, I think it's enough for me to use it to this point."

Hearing what Josh said, Wei Sen suddenly had a bad feeling.

Josh's words sound like he's about to admit defeat, but Josh's appearance doesn't seem like he's about to admit defeat at all. It's enough for ice elemental magic to go this far. What does that mean?
Suddenly, Wei Sen's pupils dilated instantly, because he saw a pair of wings of light appearing behind Josh!
And this pair of light wings is not the color of the water element at all, but a pair of light golden wings that exude hot heat!
What's even more frightening is that the icy lake vortex that was constantly surging towards Josh had stopped long ago, but Weisen sensed that Josh did not stop the input of magic power, and these magic powers had quietly changed!
A change that can shock everyone!

I don't know when, the icy lake that was like a cold winter disappeared, replaced by a sea of ​​flames like magma in the depths of a volcano!
The fierce and crazy pillar of fire that spewed out instantly swallowed Weisen, who was not flying high, and the lava all over the field kept jumping, as if the doomsday was coming!
"I told you, as long as you like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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