Chapter 254 Winner!
"How is this possible?"

Looking at Josh who was half floating in the air in the arena with a pair of light golden wings flapping slowly behind him, all the spectators were speechless!

They really can't imagine what happened just now, or they can't believe what they see now!
Half a minute ago, it was still as cold as winter, but half a minute later, the two levels reversed. At this moment, they seemed to be in the hottest volcano, with the constantly gushing magma, the constantly spinning and gushing flames, and the scorching fire. Hot, telling them it's all true!
They grew their mouths and couldn't say a word. They looked at Josh in a daze as if they saw some incredible person.

Dual-element mages are not very common in Muya Continent, but when dual-element mages want to show their power, they are basically at a very high level, in order to show incredible combat effectiveness.

It's not really incredible that the sixth-order Josh can do this. At most, it can only show that Josh is a genius.

Because Weisen also has two attributes, but he is more proficient in using one magic element, and the effect of using the other is not as good as wind element, these are nothing surprising.

Maybe when Weisen is interested in the future, he can also study the magic element of another attribute he possesses, so that it can achieve the same terrifying effect as the wind element.

What surprised all the game spectators, including those kingdom rulers, was that Josh's two magic elements were actually opposite!
What kind of consequences will the opposing magical elements have?
To put it simply, the two magic elements pull each other, because their attributes are seriously opposed, which will lead to serious compatibility problems. In the history of Muya Continent, the growth of opposing dual-element magicians is simply a history of blood and tears.

Because very few people can grow to a very high level, but once they grow up, they are definitely some powerful existences!

Although they are not as good as magicians with three elements, they are far superior to dual-attribute magicians. The destructive power of the two opposing elements is even more terrifying than the compatibility of the two.

However, there are too few such people, and there are even fewer who can grow up, but now a guy like Josh appears out of nowhere, and everyone is shocked beyond words!
The fourth prince of Augustus is simply not as strong as a human being, but combined with his age, he is more like an elf!
Ice element and fire element, the use of two different elements, the seamless exchange of two different elements, this kind of magic skill that has never been seen before makes everyone mesmerized.

Even if they are warriors, they are deeply impressed by such incredible magic.

“Is this why Josh can’t get the elements of magic elements?”

Ilka stared at Josh standing in the center of the arena, his eyes were deep.

He is a magician himself, so he naturally knows how much magic two opposing attributes can do to a magician. Although he is not such a magician himself, he is the king of elves.

He has read all kinds of materials, and he has known all kinds of related magic history books.

He knows how difficult it is for magicians with two different elements to grow, because they don't have a complete set of special meditation methods of their own, and the magic elements entering the body will be due to the incompatibility of the two elements. directly cancel each other out.

If it is more serious, it will directly cause magic effects in the magician's body!What are magic effects?

A fireball technique that produces an explosion or burns is a magical effect. Two different and opposing purest elements produce a magical effect in the body, which is like killing a magician!

Ilka guessed, could it be that Black should have discovered this problem at the time, so Josh was not allowed to practice?
But soon he shook his head and secretly vetoed this guess. Black is a fighter. Although his achievements are very high, he is a fighter after all!

Black may have a lot of experience in fighting the magician, and he has fought this guy a lot, and the outcome can be regarded as a [-]-[-] split.But Ilka doesn't think this guy really understands magicians, he's probably just experienced in defeating or killing magicians.

"Yes, that's why he couldn't get the magic element. Every time the magic element entered his body, it just spilled out."

Black didn't know what Ilka was thinking, and his eyes were also on Josh, with a proud smile on his face.

He is indeed very proud that his child has grown to this point, even if the child does not take the same route as himself, so what?

"But the two opposing elements entered the body, didn't they cause any harm to his body? They all spilled out directly?"

"What do you mean?"

"When two opposing elements enter a person's body, it is easy to have a special magical effect due to their mutual opposition. They will directly harm the magician's body. But why did this child, Josh, just spill out?"

"How do I know this, I'm not a magician!"

Black smiled a little stiffly, he really didn't know the truth.

It's true that he is a ninth-level fighter, but he is a fighter and not a magician. He doesn't understand these things at all, and he feels that Josh may not understand these things himself.

Not to mention that Black really guessed right, Josh really didn't understand these things at all, and the black-bellied Akatosh never told him about these things at all.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult for an opposing dual-element magician to appear, but they don't know why. This knowledge is basically held by the elves, and Josh knows that it is a ghost.

And Josh is not a dual-element magician at all, this guy is a four-element magician!

Black secretly criticized, of course he would not tell Ilka about this, even though the two of them are friends, they are both rulers of the empire.

Four-element magician, this is too weird and strange, and Black doesn't want to say these things.

He has to wait for Josh to have enough self-protection ability to think about it. Of course, he may not need to think about it at that time. When he grows up to that point, Josh will definitely experience a lot of battles. By then, everyone will probably know it. .

In the arena, Josh didn't know what the others were thinking. He had already started to slowly stop the output of magic power.

It's not because his magic power is exhausted, he has already deployed the elemental light wings, so there is no such thing as magic power exhaustion.

You must know that just now Josh seemed to be venting his unhappiness before, and he was directly outputting all his strength regardless of consumption.

Anyway, with the elemental light wing, Josh is not afraid of this magic power. To put it bluntly, I will have another tube after I consume this tube of magic power. Have you ever played with me?

So under Josh's full output, and the fact that he was frozen by the ice before, even the protective measures of the arena - the defensive barrier seems to have some problems, although it has not completely broken, but some small However, it can also be seen from here how terrifying Josh's destructive power is.

He couldn't even stand the enchantment, let alone his opponent Wei Sen!

To be honest, Josh was quite worried that he had accidentally killed Wesson. After all, he didn't give others any time to react with such a sudden change of tactics, so no one would be able to stand it.

What's more, ice and fire are two extremes. When the temperature is extremely low, the temperature suddenly becomes extremely high. No matter how strong Wei Sen is, he will be tricked.

The point is that Weison originally flew not too high in order to save mana, but he was directly swallowed by Josh's fire pillar. In addition, Josh was outputting with all his strength. If he didn't stop at this time, I'm afraid Wesen would not even have ashes left.

As Josh's magic power was cut off, the scorching flames slowly dispersed, and the roaring flames like a dragon slowly receded, revealing Wesen who had been swallowed by the waves of fire before.

To be honest, Wei Sen doesn't look very good now, his tired and embarrassed appearance doesn't show his previous arrogance at all.

Wesson's reaction was already very fast, and he really didn't react when Josh suddenly changed the magic attribute.

But when he was swallowed by Josh's magic flames, he immediately tried to blow the flames away, but because he was not prepared to fail at all, he had to pour all his magic power into his magic shield to resist this terrible attack.

Josh's magic power is still sufficient, and his magic power is also full.But what he didn't expect, Josh seemed to have too much magic power!
The magic power needed for defense is much more than the magic power needed for offense. Josh had to defend with all his strength even though he was outputting all his strength. As a result, he almost exhausted his magic power in a very short time!
If a magician's magic power is completely consumed, it means that the magician has already lived to the end!
Wei Sen felt that Josh's magic power didn't seem to stop at all, and he felt a sense of despair. Now he finally knew what Josh said before!

hell!Why is this guy's magic so exaggerated?And why is this guy actually an opposing dual-element magician?
Wesson couldn't think of such things. He only had despair in his mind now. He didn't know how long he could last, but he knew that he had already lost.

"I didn't expect me to defeat his brother, but in the end I fell in his hands. It's really ironic."

Weisen tried his best to support the crumbling magic shield. He had already started to feel dizzy. This is not a good sign. This kind of situation will only happen when the magic power starts to be overdrawn. Weisen can't remember how long it has been since this happened. situation.

"Avella, it seems that I can't enter the finals, and I have the qualifications to fight with you. I used to think about defeating you."

Weisen's head became more and more dizzy, and he even started to mutter to himself. This is something that is simply incomprehensible to a magician. A magician must remain calm and sober. Weisen is already a little unconscious now. up.

At the moment when Wei Sen was about to faint, he suddenly felt the pressure on his body suddenly decrease, and the raging flames retreated and dissipated quickly like the ebb tide of sea water.

The fresh air entered his nostrils with a hint of anxiety, which immediately made him feel as if he had been reborn.

The soft sunlight slowly fell on his body, unlike the previous scorching flames, this sunlight was so gentle.

The cool breeze blew through Wei Sen's hair, and the refreshing and soft feeling was not like the howling ice before. He suddenly had a brand new experience, an experience he had never experienced before.

"Is this what it feels like to survive a catastrophe?"

Wesson shook his head. He half-knelt on the ground and was very embarrassed. He greedily breathed the scorching air and felt the gentle sunshine and soft breeze.

He knew that he was rescued, or he knew that His Highness Josh had let him go.

Raising his head slightly, Wesson saw the magician with a pair of pale golden wings standing in mid-air, his eyes that also exuded pale golden light, and the raging flames around him.

Weisen felt as if he was looking at an oil painting, an epic oil painting.

"It's really a beautiful picture scroll." Wesen murmured softly.

"To be honest, I really don't like your surprises."

"The winner is - Josh Augustus from Augustus Empire!"

The referee quickly announced the result of the game, and cheers resounded through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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