The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 255 Josh, you bastard!

Chapter 255 Josh, you bastard!
Josh won, which was taken for granted and beyond everyone's understanding.

After all, seeing a magician with two opposite attributes appearing with his own eyes is indeed too incredible.What's even more unbelievable is that this guy seems to use both attributes pretty well, and they are almost impeccable except for the different emphasis.

The frightening defense and control power of frost magic, as well as the berserk attack power of fire elemental magic, completely exceeded other people's expectations.

Ordinary people are shocked, but they also feel that it should be taken for granted. After all, Josh is the prince of a great empire.

But the rulers of those kingdoms and empires really couldn't understand why this kid was so young, especially after more than ten years of low tide, but he didn't seem to have any influence. Josh's use of magic was simply It's the same as a magician who has studied and used it for many years!
Josh is a genius, and this topic has basically been recognized without anyone doubting anything.

But these rulers are very strange, how did Josh achieve this step?In fact, Blake even had such doubts. He really couldn't understand why Josh performed so well.

There is no such thing as camouflage magic in the Muya Continent, but trying to hide this kind of thing from a ninth-level powerhouse is like a joke.And not to mention anything else, just Josh's unique character will never be imitated by others.

But Josh's use of magic was beyond his expectation. Josh didn't look like he had just studied for a few months.

They didn't know that Josh had actually been practicing magic for many years. After all, as a void magician, Josh had entered so many worlds to practice magic. It was no joke.

Josh's unbelievable victory caught the attention of countless people. He is a rookie, and it is the first time for a young man to participate in the four-nation invitation. He actually directly defeated the previous champion, which really made countless people unbelievable .

However, they didn't have much hope for Josh to win the championship.

Because Josh's opponent is too strong, so strong that it is suffocating!

After Josh's match ended, the final promotion match began. The two contestants were the eldest princess of the Elf Empire and the prince of the Dwarf Empire.

This battle could have been a highly anticipated battle, but the ending left people dumbfounded!Because the Eldest Princess from the Elven Empire didn't spend much effort at all—it was just the same as before, easily defeating the prince of the Dwarf Empire.

This battle was not as fierce as the audience had imagined. What impressed people the most was probably the ghost-like speed and the unbelievably weird and changeable attacking methods.

The prince of the dwarf empire didn't defend for long at all, even though his defense was excellent, he was defeated in less than 5 minutes!
The eldest princess of the elf empire miraculously broke through the battle armor of the dwarf prince, and directly put a dagger at his throat, bringing this seemingly equal battle to an end!
And Josh's opponent naturally also appeared, that is the elf princess Avella.

"God, this elf princess is really too strong! Terrifyingly strong!"

"Yeah, no matter who it is, the battle is resolved quickly. It's too scary. Why haven't I seen her before?"

"Have you met His Highness Josh before? Isn't His Highness Josh not strong? I'm afraid they were unwilling to participate before, just to make themselves stronger and then make a big splash."

"His Royal Highness Josh is incredible, especially because he is a magician who opposes dual elements, ice and fire. His future is so bright!"

"Of course, it's a pity that Her Royal Highness Josh is out of luck. If there is no Her Royal Highness, I am really optimistic about Her Royal Highness Josh."

"Yeah, what a pity."


Because the final is coming, everyone in the street is discussing the final.

Among them, there are really very few people who are optimistic about Josh. Although Josh performed well enough, Elvira's performance is even more frightening. They all sighed that Josh was born at an untimely time.

And because of the upcoming finals, more and more people flocked to Kars City.

Because there is a super carnival after the end of the game, this carnival lasts for about three days, of course, if you don't like it, you can leave early.

In fact, the main purpose of this kind of carnival is to find the other half for those young men and women, or to find a favorite object on this carnival night to have a wonderful experience worth recalling for a long time. To put it bluntly, it is for the contestants A platform for relaxation and indulgence.

If the girls at the orgy were more reserved, they might be able to find a guy they liked for the rest of their lives.

If they just want to experience different flavors, then this night can be crazy enough. The lives of nobles have always been indulgent, and Josh is very clear about this.

Josh used to yearn for this kind of life, but now he doesn't have so many thoughts - he didn't even handle a Natasha, and he went to mess with some women, isn't that the same as digging his own grave? alone?

Although Josh likes to cheat people, he has no intention of cheating himself.

With more and more nobles in the city of Kars, it became more and more popular for Josh to rent the theater.

Although at first the nobles didn't know what was being performed inside, but seeing the orderly queuing audience at the door and the imperial guards maintaining order, they all planned to go in and have a look.

As a result, the screams never stopped, especially those noble girls who were so frightened that they fainted.

But when they woke up, they asked to watch it again. Those soldiers who sold tickets didn't know how to express their strange feelings. Anyway, you sell tickets for me, so just don't affect others.

Not to mention those male nobles, they are all crazier than mercenaries, if they didn't know the prince of the Augustus Empire standing behind the theater, and he was also the finalist invited by the Four Kingdoms this time, They all have plans to grab it!

When they watched these ghosts one by one, their blood boiled like any other. The male nobles began to fantasize that they would be heroes if they joined the army!

And those female nobles, one by one, are also thinking about the mighty performance of these soldiers.

The soldiers who came to the Kingdom of Kars had the deepest experience. When they first came, they found that the people in this city were very friendly to them. After they learned the reason, they also went to see the ghosts.

They were also very moved because it was simply a portrayal of their life, and now these aristocratic nobles also respect them very much, which made them even more moved.

At the same time, he also has great respect for Josh and the Emperor Augustus in the phantom who is full of respect for the soldiers. The simplest thing is that they will be bowed by soldiers from different countries when they walk on the street. This is Josh and the others. Totally unexpected.

Blake was very happy with such treatment, and Josh was also very happy.

It's not these things that make him happy, but the fact that the theater's money doesn't seem to stop. Although it doesn't make more and more money, after all, Josh only has a few performances, but the stable daily income still makes him very happy.

Of course, this is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that he reached the final, which has completely exceeded the agreement between him and Natasha. No matter whether he wins or loses the final, he has no pressure, especially now that he is holding Natasha in his arms. It's even more impossible to see that this guy is going to participate in the finals the next day!
"Sure enough, what's the point of fighting and killing? It's more realistic to hug the person you like and do some shameless things."

Hearing Josh's shameless words, Natasha, who was held in Josh's arms, rolled her eyes directly.

She pushed Josh a little, only to find that Josh was hugging him very tightly, so she gave up. Of course, this was the reason why Natasha didn't use her fighting spirit, and Josh didn't use any magic power.

"You've reached the finals, Josh. Don't you have any ideas?"

"what idea?"

"Of course the champion!"

"Of course I want to fight for it, [-] gold coins."

Holding Natasha Josh in his arms, he sighed, [-] gold coins are really a lot!

Josh himself has never seen so much money, and the [-] gold coins will be of great help to the development of the territory. Of course, Josh must fight for it, otherwise he would really have exposed so much strength in vain.

"Just these ten thousand gold coins?"

"Otherwise? If it weren't for the ten thousand gold coins, I would have retired long ago and wiped out you little succubus. Who would want to work so hard?"

"If Akatosh heard it, he might be angry."

"He can't hear it. It took me a lot of effort to drive him out so that it won't affect the world of the two of us."

Holding Natasha Josh feels really comfortable, and Josh likes this kind of relaxation from the bottom of his heart.

Josh himself doesn't know when he started, but he especially likes to hold this girl. Josh thinks it probably started when this girl grew up.

When he was in the world of assassins, Josh felt that his feelings for Natasha had begun to change, and Natasha had the same feeling for himself.

Emotional matters have always been between two people, and only when both parties recall the attraction will they be rewarded, otherwise there will be no licking the dog and nothing will be left in the end.

Of course, it’s not that there are stories about licking dogs and licking dogs, but how much heartache those people have during the licking process is not clear from the prairie above their heads.

Josh can only sigh, brother, you have to be strong.Of course, the same is true for being cowardly. Fortunately, Josh has changed. Josh didn't lick before, but he was inexplicably cowardly.

Touching the graceful figure of the girl in his arms, Josh became more and more distracted. Although he could control himself, he didn't want to do that.

Josh felt that sometimes it was better for him to follow his heart. He was a human being, not a machine, and a magician would not always control his desires.

"Natasha, we are tonight."

"But aren't you going to participate in the competition tomorrow?"

"To be honest, whether it's the champion of the final or the [-] gold coins, I don't think I can compare to you!"


Josh didn't give Natasha the ability to continue talking. He had already kissed Natasha directly, and Natasha didn't resist her and chose to cater to Josh.

Slowly, both of them felt a little hot, and the clothes on their bodies gradually became thinner, but at this moment, an uninvited guest directly crashed in through the window, which directly shocked Josh and Natasha.

But this uninvited guest didn't react at all to destroy other people's good things. Instead, he looked at the disheveled man and woman on the bed with an angry face, and roared at the top of his throat:
"Josh! You bastard! Who told you that I can't hear you! If you don't help me get that thing, I will always occupy an OB position at your critical moment to watch you, believe it or not?!"


(End of this chapter)

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