The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 256 The Eve of the Finals

Chapter 256 The Eve of the Finals
In everyone's anticipation, the day of the finals finally arrived.

This can be said to be a carnival day in the Muya Continent, because on this day, not only can you witness which country's army can get No. 1, but also know the ranking of a country's strength.

At the same time, it can also witness who can go to the end and who is who among the young generation.

Of course, many people are also complaining about the contestants in the so-called 'young generation', many of whom are older than the spectators.

However, in fact, the age of these contestants is completely linked to their own level, and the stronger the strength, the longer it will be obtained, so they can naturally be counted as the younger generation before the age of 50.

After all, like Josh, not everyone can directly soar from the second-level magic power to the sixth-level magic power within a year.

In the eyes of these rulers who understand his experience, the speed at which Josh advances is completely a miracle beyond common sense!
However, in fact, Josh's promotion is not so exaggerated.

After all, with void magic, he can freely enter and exit other worlds. The most important thing is that the time in other worlds is not consistent with that of Muya Continent. Josh can be regarded as a coincidence, but his progress speed is still very exaggerated.

Even if he had been in other worlds for less than ten years, it would be God's blessing for ordinary people to go from the second level to the fourth level in ten years, but this guy jumped to the sixth level in one go!
Among them, if it wasn't for the help of void magic, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do this step.

Void magic is the root of his fortune, and it is also the thing he dared not expose in Muya Continent.

God knows how much trouble Josh will have if these magics are exposed in Muya Continent. Simply entering into other magic worlds is enough to attract countless magicians, not to mention the difference in time.

On the day of the game, Josh also got up early, but this guy looked like he had taken the fire element potion, and his whole body was in a state of explosion at any time.

This made many people very strange. What happened to this prince who usually looks very kind?
Even Galen couldn't figure out what was going on with Josh. He glanced at Natasha, who was smiling, and then looked around for the one who would basically follow Josh around today, but he didn't see it today. Akatosh.

Galen rubbed his head, really not sure what happened.

Josh is in a very bad mood now, especially when good things are interrupted, it is enough for him to be annoyed.

In the end, a certain person who didn't know how to live or die actually threatened him that as long as he did some things he loved to do, someone would definitely be in the OB. No one could bear it!

Josh is not an exhibitionist, he doesn't like being caught by a peeping tom.

And Josh also hated others threatening him very much, so last night a certain bastard dragon was directly taught by Josh, even though Josh was almost naked, he got up and fought this cheap dragon without hesitation!

After teaching this cheap dragon a lesson, Josh felt a little better, but only a little better.

One good thing was interrupted, and neither Josh nor Natasha would be able to return to the previous state immediately, so a good night was wasted like this.

Such a good opportunity is missed, can Josh not be depressed?I'm afraid no one will be comfortable changing it, right?
In this way, Josh came all the way to the scene of the game with a sullen face.Because it is the finals, and there will be a carnival, so today's game time is quite ample.

There are two games in the morning, the team's first No.2 battle, and the third No.4 qualifying battle.

To be honest, Josh has no interest in the two games, because no matter how far the Augustus Empire is played, there are three or four stable contenders.

This is not to belittle the Augustus Empire, because the Augustus Empire was unlucky and was beaten up by the Dwarf Empire.

God knows why those guys who are less than 1.5 meters tall are so powerful and have strong defense, and the speed of explosion is not too weak, except that they are a little shorter.

The elf empire was also unlucky, they encountered the last orc legion they didn't want to encounter.

The army of the Elf Empire has always been known for its flexibility. They are good at guerrilla warfare and magicians cooperate with soldiers to attack. However, magicians are not allowed in this team competition, and they are just to check the strength of the soldiers in the army.

Because the contestants in this elf empire didn't complain much, but to be honest, they didn't pay much attention to this ranking. After all, in the individual competition, the most watched competition, the number of times they won the championship can be said to be the highest among all empires. The most, the biggest honors are taken away, do you still care about these?
The first match was the third and No.4 qualifying match in the team competition, the Elf Empire vs. the Augustus Empire.

There is no hatred between the two countries. On the contrary, the relationship is still very good. In addition, the third and fourth ranks are not the No. 2 competition for honor, so the two sides are not too fierce. Basically, So far.

The audience also knew the relationship between the two countries, so although this game, which can be regarded as a performance, was not fierce, it received enough cheers.

Everyone knows that this is just an appetizer, even the final of the team competition is about the same!

In the end, the Augustus Empire performed better. After all, the elves did not perform very well without the attack from behind the ranger and the help of the magician. The Augustus Empire won No.3, which is considered a good Achievement.

The team competition is not like the individual competition, but any country has to start from scratch step by step.

So this No. 3 surprised Blake. In his opinion, this No. 3 is enough. Humans can’t compare with those dwarves and orcs in individual strength. ability.

The matches for the third and fourth places were relatively peaceful, and the finals after that seemed a bit bloody.

Probably the reason why no members from the two countries made it to the finals, and they all hope to win honors in the team competition.The dwarves were better, they were restrained at the beginning, but the orcs didn't hold back from the beginning!

When the first dwarf was knocked over by another orc with an ax because he stopped his hand, the entire dwarf army was enraged!

You must know that dwarves are not good-tempered guys. They are bold and enthusiastic, but they also have the same violent temper as orcs. How dare you hurt my brother?Then I will kill you!
As a result, this game directly became a real war!

Those bloody scenes stunned the audience for a long time, but no one knew who suddenly shouted: Kill those orcs!Then the whole place started to boil!

All kinds of cheers cheering for the dwarves resounded throughout the audience. It felt like returning to the theater to watch the guardian.

Not to mention, I'm afraid that all the audience present, including those orcs, may have seen the spectacle of the Guardian. It's hard to say whether they have been misled by this specter.

"Josh, I didn't expect the influence of the phantom to be so great. It actually made the scene like this?"

Kane, who was sitting next to Josh, naturally heard the cheers, and even the soldiers behind them were also cheering.

This made Kane laugh. He liked Josh's phantom very much, especially at the end. He felt that sentence was simply the best compliment to him.

"It really has a great impact. I think I can still make a fortune when I return to the Augustus Empire."

Josh naturally smiled, and he didn't expect such a scene.

The high popularity of Specter could affect the support intention of many spectators in the finals. Josh really didn't expect that, although it seems that they are not very friendly to orcs, so what?

None of the people present are blind, so who can blame the orcs for doing this first?And Josh is still thinking about how to promote Specter after returning.

"By the way, Josh, I have already convinced my father, and he agreed to my request. Within three months after returning, he will allow Rivendell to have his own teleportation array and be able to reach all the places in Augustus. The place where the teleportation array is!"

"Really? How did you convince him?"

"Father is actually very concerned about your Josh, and he also believes that you can develop your territory to a great extent. He is willing to help you promote your things, including the things you have produced."

"That's really a thank you to him."

It was really good for Josh to hear the news. Although he couldn't completely relieve his depressed mood, at least he got better.

Having a teleportation array is simply a great thing for Josh, as Kane said, he can completely promote his things to various places.

In the Augustus Empire, the cities with teleportation arrays were basically big cities. They might be economically developed, or they could be resource-rich or military important areas.

Of course, there are also cities where the Magician Guild is stationed or the city where the Knights Guild is stationed, which is simply a great gift for Josh!

Kane and Liszt will work in Rivendell in the future. Anyway, Josh will not give them a limited time limit. They can come and go as they want, and it is more convenient to have the teleportation array.And Josh sometimes has to go to other worlds.

For example, in the world of Middle Earth and the world of Marvel, which has been fixed by him, Josh probably won't be in the territory for a while.

At this time, the teleportation array played a big role. When Josh came back, he could say that he went to other cities to visit and study, and he didn't have to keep talking about Hogwarts, which didn't exist in this world.

Who knows what if Kane and the others are suddenly interested one day and want to visit this school?

Josh doesn't want such a painful thing to happen!It's enough to fool Black once or twice, and anyone will become suspicious if there are too many times.

To be honest, Josh felt that Black might not fully believe what he said, but he couldn't find any other reason to explain why Josh suddenly regained control of the magic element.

"By the way, Josh, what do you think of the final?"

"What do you think? Of course, I'm trying my best to see if I can win the championship. What else can I do?"

"Yo? Are you awakened? It seems that I don't need to advise you anymore. You must strive for such an honor."


Josh rolled his eyes, honors are all bullshit.Can this thing be eaten?Does it work?
It's useless except to take it out to pretend to be a batch, not to mention Josh's current achievements, he can really ignore this so-called honor, he is already glorious enough for others to remember.

"What's wrong? What did I say wrong?"

Kane didn't care that Josh said he was an idiot. Brothers like Josh were too familiar with Josh's character, but Kane couldn't figure out what he said wrong.

"Honor or something, is it useful to me? What I care about is the [-] gold coins!"

"Are you short of money?"

"Please, you don't manage a territory and you don't know how important money is! You need money for your daily expenses! And you need money for construction and these messy things, okay? !Why else would I be promoting my product, why else would I be promoting my territory?"

"Really? I really don't know." Kane touched his head, he was really not familiar with these things of managing the territory.

"Oh, okay. Let me give you a simple example and you will understand." Josh sighed, thought for a while and said.

"After you and Liszt came to my territory, basically you can only rely on your own work to get wages. If I have the [-] gold coins, your income will be higher, and your life will become easier. If I don’t have one, so you can only spend fifty silver coins a day at most, and then use what you eat, it’s all up to you.”

"It means that if you have money, we will have money?" Kane is still very smart, and he understands it when he thinks about it.


"Then you must win that championship! Got it?"


(End of this chapter)

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