The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 257 Troubled opponent

Chapter 257 Troubled opponent

Josh dared not say that he would definitely win the championship.

Everyone can see how terrifying Josh's opponent is. Josh doesn't think he can beat her without being able to use the four elements or void magic.

But it's time to fight for it. Josh will definitely fight for it. At this point, Josh also feels that he should work hard.

At least ten minutes, don't lose so badly, right?This woman named Elvira had eliminated all her opponents within 5 minutes.

"If you can use four elements, then it will be much easier. I will deceive her first, and then use a combination of different elements to deal with her. This will catch her off guard, and the odds of winning are much higher."

"If you use the four elements, won't all the things you have hidden for so long be exposed? Then you may really have to go back to the emperor's capital and stay with the emperor. Also, don't say anything in such a place. This kind of thing, idiot."

Kane naturally heard Josh muttering to himself. After looking around, he was relieved to find that no one noticed him here, and then gave Josh a lesson unceremoniously.

Indeed, Josh possesses four magic elements, and if anyone else finds out about it, Josh may not be at peace.

The four magic elements have never appeared in the history of Muya Continent. Now that there is a guy like Josh, Kane doesn't know whether it is luck or misfortune. All they can do is let Josh try his best. It is possible to grow up, let's see what step Josh can make in the future.

Josh knew that it was Kane's kindness, and he didn't refute him or anything. He nodded honestly and began to concentrate on watching the game.

There is still some time before the competition that Josh will participate in. Josh, who has nothing to do, will naturally watch the current competition.

But looking at this guy, he immediately fell asleep and fell asleep. There is no way such a game is really boring and bloody for Josh.

In addition, Josh himself didn't pay attention, and that bastard Akatosh annoyed Josh that night so that he didn't sleep well all night, so Josh simply fell asleep at this time.

When this guy finally woke up from his sleep, he found out embarrassingly that it was already afternoon, and the third and fourth place competitions in the individual competition were almost finished!
This made Josh blush, he didn't even think that he had slept for so long!

"You finally woke up? I thought you were going to sleep until the finals, and then be the first contestant to miss the finals because you fell asleep!"

Seeing that Josh finally woke up, Kane breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't complain to Josh angrily.

To be honest, he really didn't expect Josh to sleep so soundly. Before Black came over and asked about Josh's situation, Kane also said that there was no problem and he would call him when the time came.

But then he found that he seemed unable to wake up the bastard at all, and even the girl named Natasha, the bastard's lover, couldn't wake up this guy. Kane panicked at this moment, he I'm really worried that the bastard Josh will miss the final because of sleeping!

Just when Kane was hesitating whether to ask Blake to come and have a look, the bastard Josh finally woke up, which made Kane heave a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong, but in Josh's state, can he really participate in the finals?
"How crazy were you playing last night? I heard that your room was very lively last night!"

Seeing Josh who was usually chomping and pouring water into his mouth, Kane asked angrily.

He had inquired before that Josh's room was very noisy last night. As a person who has been there, Kane naturally thought of whether Josh had gone crazy with this girl named Natasha last night.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't do anything last night. No, I wanted to do something last night, but I was interrupted by a bastard." Josh said vaguely. There is nothing embarrassing to say.

"Hehe, it seems that the order in Kars City is not very good, right?" Kane didn't believe what Josh said, and taunted him directly.

Josh took a sip of water to make himself feel better, rolled his eyes and said calmly: "It's really not good, it can't be compared with my territory. Well, so I think it's still a small amount in order to save money. It would be better to hire some foreigners”

"You try?" Kane glared at Josh, and he asked with some concern after glancing at Josh's state: "Is your body okay? Can you still participate in the competition?"

"Basically there is no problem. To be honest, I thought I fell asleep just now. I found out later that I actually entered a state of deep meditation, so you guess there is no way to wake me up, but now it is completely fine."

Josh stretched his waist and looked at the arena. The game was still going on. The two sides were the princes of the dwarf empire and the princes of the orc empire.

Wesson was supposed to participate, but this guy declined this competition because of his serious injury, so the organizer had to replace him.

But even if the players are replaced, they are still selected from among the four empires. To be honest, whether it is a team competition or an individual competition, it basically becomes a civil war between the four empires in the end.

The Dwarf Empire Legion that won the previous team competition finally defeated the Orc Empire Legion after a bloody fight amid the cheers of the audience. The most important thing is that none of these reckless people survived , Even if they themselves survived in the end, less than 20 people survived.

It was extremely tragic, so the emotions in the morning were carried over to the game in the afternoon. In the arena, the two of them were basically injured all over their bodies, but neither of them chose to admit defeat. Who knows if there will be one in the end? The prince fell in the arena.

This kind of thing has not happened before, but the last time it was an accident, a prince of the dwarf empire died at the hands of a member of the royal family of the elf empire. diplomatic tensions.

Fortunately, in the end, the joint action of Ilka and Boruote finally resolved this crisis, but this kind of thing is enough to be embarrassing.

This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that the children of the royal families of the four empires died in the invitation of the four countries.

"Which of them do you think will win?" Watching the game, Josh suddenly asked Kane curiously.After all, Kane has participated in more invitations from the Four Nations, so he should be more familiar with these talents.

"I don't know. It has already reached this point. It depends on the will of both parties. Neither of them has kept their hands."

Kane shook his head, he couldn't explain clearly himself, and Josh had no choice but to give up.

After eating the last food, the game finally came to an end. The final result of the game was that the prince of the Dwarf Empire made a mistake and was caught by Bumred.

Both of them are already in a state of exhaustion, any mistake will be fatal!Unfortunately, Bumled made a mistake. He defeated the prince of the dwarf empire. Just when everyone thought that another member of the royal family of the four great empires was about to die in the game, Bumled finally stopped.

This was completely beyond Josh's expectations. With the style of the two countries' competition in the morning, it is not impossible to call them mortal enemies, but Bumred actually resisted the temptation of "killing the prince of the enemy country", and finally He also silently pulled the dwarf prince up, which made Josh suddenly look at this guy differently.

Shaking his head, Josh stopped thinking about these messy things. Now that this game is over, it won't be long before it's his own game!
It was very rare that Josh actually experienced for the first time what it was like not to be the first to play. You must know that he has always been the first player in the competition during these months.

Not only is he the first in terms of time period, but he is also the first in terms of the order of participation.

As a result, Josh made it to the final under such circumstances. I am afraid that this is something that no one thought, including Josh himself. go here.

"Are you ready, Josh? Next is your game, and it is also the last game of all the four countries' invitations. How do you feel?"

"If you're just asking me if I'm ready, I'd say yes. But if you ask me how I feel, I can only say that's the way it is. I'm not a favorite anyway, am I?"

Kane's question made Josh shrug helplessly, but he didn't feel anything special, anyway.

Whether it was against an idiot prince in the first game, or facing a mysterious elf princess now, Josh felt that way.

nervous?It's a little bit, after all, it's only natural for Josh to be a little nervous when facing such a formidable opponent for the first time.

pressure?It doesn't exist, although Josh is extremely jealous of [-] gold coins, and Akatosh's 'relic' is also very precious, but Josh can't afford to fight with his life.

And Josh may not necessarily lose, the opponent is a ranger, and it is right for Tianke to be a magician like himself.

But Josh is no ordinary magician. From the game to the present, until the semi-finals, he revealed that he has two attributes and elemental light wings, and his biggest killer, Seraphim, has not been used yet.

As an elf ranger, you are indeed faster and stronger than me.

But my Seraphim can resist attacks of around the seventh order, and Seraphim also has decent attack power.Josh felt that as long as he wasn't killed directly, he still had a chance.

"I still have some backhands left, I'm really sorry if I don't try to see the effect."

Muttering something secretly, Josh smiled and walked directly to the entrance of the arena. At this time, the cheers in the arena had reached their peak under the guidance of the commentators.

It was the first time Josh saw and heard the deafening cheers and cheers. It must be said that even a calm person like him was a little bit excited.

"This is probably the charm of competition?"

Tilting his head, Josh saw the mysterious elf princess standing at the entrance of the arena in the distance. She was still dressed in a typical ranger——

Simple tight-fitting leather clothes, and this cloak with the emblem of the Elf Empire on the back, wearing a hood, looks mysterious and elegant, but Josh can feel the aura of repelling people thousands of miles away across the arena get.

"What a troublesome opponent."

(End of this chapter)

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