The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 259 Something Is Not Right

Chapter 259 Something Is Not Right

Elvira's answer was extremely simple, just like the previous answer to whether the referee was ready, it was still so bland.

It seemed to be a matter of course, but this attitude made Josh's face even more depressed. He was basically sure that he was being bullied!

At this moment, Josh suddenly came up with a picture in his mind - a funny-looking bald man said to a man full of righteousness: I thought only someone like me would rebel, but I didn't expect a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes like you How could he betray?
Well, mutiny and everything else is nonsense, and Josh himself is not bald.He was just wondering if it was his sinister who said it was good?How did Josh end up being bullied by himself?And it's still an elf who made a fool of himself?
Josh's expression became more serious, Josh couldn't do anything about being bullied, after all, this guy always wanted to bully others.

What's more, this female elf probably didn't mean to be sly, but she was forced to have no choice but to expose her other abilities, right?
Similar to Josh, Josh only used a single ability at the beginning, and even made his own strength similar to that of his opponent to confuse others, but later he couldn't pretend that he could only use his own ability step by step. The strength is revealed.

The ability that Josh revealed is the ability to oppose the dual-element magician. After all, Josh likes the words ice and fire very much, and he also knows how rare and difficult it is for magicians in this world to grow. Josh made it This is also considered intentional.

In fact, there is another kind of people who exist as extreme as Josh, and their road ahead is not necessarily easier than that of opposing dual-element magicians, that is, people who practice fighting spirit and magic at the same time!

There are quite a lot of such people in Muya Continent, much more than opposing dual-element magicians.

But such a person can come out, and in the end, he can continue to grow, which is actually similar to the opposing dual-element magician.

It's easy because it's so hard!It is not impossible for magic and fighting spirit to coexist. Facts have proved that these two things are actually the same in essence in the end.

They are all weapons that can provide extremely powerful energy, and at the same time, a good medicine that can improve the level of life.

It is exaggerated to practice one alone to improve the level of life, but what about you practicing two at the same time?The answer is that one plus one equals two!

It's lucky that the two things don't conflict. Do you still expect it to be greater than two?
But even if it is equal to two, it is an extremely terrifying existence. Just imagine that the lifespan of a normal professional at the third level can reach 300 years, but a person who practices both fighting spirit and magic can reach 600 years. What an incredible thing this is !

Note that this must be at the same time, otherwise there will be no effect at all, and life will only choose the higher side to move closer.

The result of practicing at the same time is that they pull each other and grow very slowly, which is similar to that of opposing dual-element magicians, but the power they grow up is not so easy to understand.

"Damn it, magic in the left hand and a sword in the right hand, isn't this something that the protagonists of the novels only have when they bless their halos? Is this really what happened to me?"

Josh cursed secretly, not to mention that he was facing an elf ranger.

Josh has already experienced how terrifying the speed of the elf ranger is. Josh can barely defend, but now this woman can not only attack Josh with speed and fighting spirit, but even blast Josh with magic from time to time. This simply made Josh want to cry.

"Did I meet the child of luck in this world?"

Josh wasn't sure if he had the idea of ​​the son of luck. Anyway, Josh felt that if there were no accidents, this woman would be one of the most powerful people in this continent.

Think about it, this woman is not only an elf, she is talented and has a long lifespan, and now she is also a goddamn master of both magic and martial arts, and both of them have reached the sixth level at a young age. If this is not the protagonist, what is it?

Sighing, Josh stopped thinking about it.

If I really think about it, I am afraid that my luck is many times better than this woman. Then, a single void magic surpasses her by many times. Besides, Josh also found the ancient god of this world in the wizarding world. Akatosh, the wing of the sky, I am afraid that this luck is really incomparable to others.

"Anyway, I don't plan to keep it anyway, just play it seriously!"

While thinking about it, Josh was on guard. Josh had already figured out what to do with him so much. Anyway, he didn’t have the means to deal with it. If it was impossible, Josh would just turn himself into an iron king for the [-] gold coins and finish the job. You have the kind of thing that you can break through, which is protected by the four elements!
Thinking about it clearly, Josh would not be polite to you at all. With the surge of magic power, Josh directly used the elemental light wings to let himself float up gently. At the same time, the magic power of the four elements in the elemental light wings began to pour into Josh Xi's body, Josh directly attacked Elvira.

The next moment, the entire arena was filled with flames alternating like afterimages, ice and floods mingling.

All the spectators are watching this battle obsessively. This battle has completely exceeded their expectations. In their eyes, this game has completely surpassed any previous competition they have experienced.

In the past, it wasn't that there were no sixth-level professionals participating, but in the past, there really wasn't any competition as fierce as it is now!

A magician who opposes dual elements, a ranger who practiced fighting spirit and magic together, what a terrifying scene!

Josh's identity as an opposing dual-element magician was enough to surprise them, and now there is an elf with both magic and martial arts. These spectators and the rulers of other kingdoms can only sigh with emotion. The members of the royal families of the four empires all Is the fuck a monster?
"I didn't expect the little girl Avilla to grow to this point. It's incredible that she succeeded."

Black sighed with emotion. He knew Elvira was the same as Ilka knew Josh. He knew how difficult the path this girl chose was.

"Isn't that kid Josh the same? His path was just as difficult, but didn't he also succeed?"

Ilka smiled, he was proud of his daughter, but Josh deserved his praise as well.Anyone who has been treated as trash for more than ten years, but can still grow up to become the pride of the younger generation, will be praised by everyone.

"I said, you two just don't let these two children be together. It's disgusting that you two guys are boasting like this. It's not as good as the phantom that Josh made."

Boruo Te watched the two men brag about each other's children, which made her a little uncomfortable. You must know that his sons were all eliminated.

And Boruote also felt that there was nothing wrong with his idea. Wouldn't it be better for two monster-like guys to be together?
"Avella has her own ideas, and I will not interfere with her choice." Ilka smiled slightly when she heard what Borot said.

Black also smiled and replied: "Josh is still young, let's talk about it later."

Borut rolled his eyes, ignoring the two tall guys.

They turned their heads and looked into the arena, and began to concentrate on watching the game. Although this kind of game is really meaningless to them, it is also a good feeling to see the children's hard work, just like their father when they were young Watch them the same in the stands.

In the arena, Josh and Elvira can now be regarded as firing with all their might.

Josh's ingenious use of fire elemental magic and ice elemental magic is very powerful, but Elvira is not a vegetarian, her magic and fighting spirit are both at the sixth level, which gives Josh the feeling that he is fighting two people .

Moreover, there are still two fighters and magicians who cooperate with each other to beat him together. Josh uses frost magic to control Elvira, but she will be counteracted by her fighting spirit, and Josh will be used by Elvira when Josh uses fire elemental magic. The magic shield blocks it.

This is nothing, the most important thing is that this woman's speed combined with her fighting spirit always poses a threat to Josh.

Several times, Josh cast a spell on Elvira, but it missed and the woman slipped behind him and directly broke his magic shield. When Josh's ring of frost covered it, the woman had already retreated. Well, when Josh blasted with a fire element magic, Elvira, who had nowhere to hide, directly used the magic shield and fighting spirit together.

When blocking Josh's attack, several water dragons rushed towards Josh, which made Josh have to gather a magic shield again to resist.

This back and forth was simply a serious test for Josh's magic power.

Fortunately, Josh didn't intend to keep his hand, and had already activated his elemental light wings.

Otherwise, Josh and this woman who was born with "two tubes of blue" can't fight at all. She can use her fighting spirit when her magic power is gone, and she can use her magic power when her fighting spirit is gone. As long as she has physical strength, Elvira can keep fighting with Josh. , and will the Ranger lack stamina?
"At first I thought I was cheating, but now I find that my cheating function is too low, and the other party has paid more than me."

Once again resisting Elvira's attack, Josh's magic shield broke again.

I don't know how many times this is, anyway, since Josh was able to use magic normally, it is the first time that Josh has been broken so many times by the same person.

This made Josh extremely annoyed. When he couldn't use the Void Shield, Josh's magic shield really disappointed him a little.

This made him wonder what would happen if he used the earth element?Shaking his head, Josh was too lazy to think about these troublesome things.

Anyway, it has reached this point, and Josh is basically sure that if he doesn't use Seraphim, he won't be able to deal with this woman.

There is no way to lock her with his own magic, and this woman runs faster than fleas. Josh really has nothing to do with her, so the only way is to make her unable to break through his defense at all, and he is slowly thinking of a way.

"Really, why are women now more fierce than each other?"

Josh flew in mid-air to avoid the woman's attack again, and then landed.

It's useless to stay in the sky any longer. This woman can always attack Josh. In addition, she has the element of wind. There is no problem for her to rush to the sky in a short time. The consumption is not too big. Josh can't Like asking for trouble.

What's more, Josh's seraphim has not evolved enough to be used with the elemental light wings. Rather than falling from the sky, it would be better for Josh to fall down by himself.

Dispersing the elemental light wings casually, Josh has basically used up the magic power in it, and Josh has no intention of using his own magic power to maintain it.

His whereabouts made Elvira a little strange. At first she thought that Josh was planning to give up, but after seeing Josh casually put a magic shield on herself, Elvira knew that this young man from the Augustus Empire The prince has no intention of giving up.

The fighting spirit is gathered, and although the continuous attack consumes a lot of energy for Elvira, she has two powers with the same quality and quantity, so she can continue to fight.

It's just that she didn't expect this human prince to be so powerful, which made her feel a little interesting.

Like Josh, she doesn't have the habit of talking nonsense when fighting, and what's better than Josh is that she won't think about it when fighting, and she won't miss it when she sees her!

In an instant, the gathering of battle energy was completed, and Elvira once again launched an attack on Josh, but this time, she always felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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