The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 260 The Scary Seraph

Chapter 260 The Scary Seraph

The senses of elves are always extremely precise, and they trust their intuition exceptionally.

I don't know how many elves' lives have been saved by this wonderful feeling. It's probably because the Creator's preference for elves gave them so many and incomparably excellent talents.

Anyway, Josh felt that the race of elves was just like a bug. It seemed that the elves in Skyrim Province were a little low, and the elves in other places were not all tall.

Skyrim Province does seem to have some special prejudices against elves as a race. Anyway, Joshinian used various mods when playing, but the actual effect is still the same as that of a bird. It really gives the human race an elf's ears. Only in that way can it conform to Josh's aesthetics.

Although Josh didn't know what this female elf looked like, but considering that she was very attractive to Wesen, and combined with the appearance of elves in this world, Josh felt that she must be pretty good.

Good looks and super talent are not comparable to those elves in Tianji Province.

And those elves in Skyrim Province don't seem to have any special perception ability, but these elves in this world do!

Elvira gathered enough fighting spirit, and Josh fell from mid-air, which made her feel that it was a good opportunity, even though Josh had no intention of giving up.

She didn't know the actual effect of Josh's light wings. Even Wei Sen, who had fought with Josh before, didn't know where Josh's magic power came from afterward. They all ignored the light wings, which can seriously consume magic power. It fell, and it never occurred to Josh that his light wings could actually be restored.

Elvira had watched Josh's match with Wesson before, and she knew that Josh suddenly burst out with a powerful and full of magic power at the last moment, but she didn't care because the elf ranger had restrained the magician in the first place.

In her opinion, Josh falling from the sky was originally a performance.

It's a performance where magic power is exhausted. Elvira is unwilling to give up such an opportunity. To be honest, Josh's tenacity is beyond her imagination, and her consumption is also very high.

Especially when Josh flew into mid-air and kept looking for opportunities to bomb her, she was also trying to attack Josh with constant consumption of fighting spirit and magic power.

Her and Josh's magic power output is basically the same, although she thinks she can win if she continues to consume it.

But if an elf ranger wins a magician, then there is really no honor at all. Elvira wants to defeat Josh, and defeat him straightforwardly.

If Josh knew what Elvira was thinking, he would probably laugh out loud.

Strictly speaking, Josh's performance since participating in the competition is really like a slave, anyway, he doesn't care so much in order to win.

Facing Elvira's attack, Josh was not afraid at all. Instead, he hoped that Elvira would still have enough magic power and fighting spirit!
Wei Wei closes his eyes, because Josh's magic transmission point lies in his eyes, although others can't see it when the magic power surges, but at this moment Josh knows that if he opens his eyes wide, he will definitely be like a light bulb !
When a magician is running their magic power rapidly, their control will become weak, and at this time their eyes will shine as abnormally as a light bulb.

Although it doesn't affect the vision, it will make the magician's opponents alert. You have been using your magic power like this. Isn't it telling me that you are going to amplify your moves?

Josh didn't want such a funny and embarrassing thing to happen, so he directly chose to close his eyes slightly, so that the strong light would not flow out too much, at least it was not very clear that there was a magic shield blocking others from seeing.

Josh condenses magic power very quickly, which is also related to the fact that all his magic elements are sealed in his eyes, and Josh's magic doesn't require him to do anything at all, it only needs to be released once and then input magic power continuously. All right.

The reason why Josh condensed his magic power was only to make his Seraph reach the highest rank at one time. If he ascended step by step from the initial form, something would be seen if he didn't keep it intact.In the most primitive state of Seraphim, all four elements are clearly visible!

However, after being sublimated by Josh, the Seraph was tightly wrapped. After eating it, I could feel that there seemed to be some wind elements in it, but I could only clearly feel the full and wrapped fire element. And the strong water element contained in it.

Elvira's speed was very fast, although she felt something was wrong, he didn't stop.

She was as fast as a flash of light, and she had already appeared on Josh's flank. The dagger in her right hand stabbed at Josh fiercely with a powerful wind element fighting spirit. Josh's reaction was very Quickly, even though he was a little embarrassed now, he still took a step back and erected an ice wall in front of her.

But in the next second, this woman actually appeared in Josh's other time. Her left hand had already condensed an ice pick at some point. Under the powerful magic power, Elvira defeated Josh's magic shield in one fell swoop, and then she Immediately disappeared in place, because Josh's fire dragon flew out roaring!
Don't be surprised at all why Josh's casting speed is so fast. Elvira was already behind Josh when she reappeared. At this moment, Josh has completely lost the protection of the magic shield. In her eyes It's almost the same as the magician who died first on the spot, there is no difference.

But I don't know why, the more this is the case, the more anxiety in Elvira's heart becomes more serious!

She gritted her teeth and tried hard otherwise she was thinking wildly. In her opinion, she might have been disturbed by some special magic of this magician, and victory was clearly in sight!
But the next moment, a ray of flame suddenly appeared on Josh's body, and this ray of flame was spreading crazily!In the blink of an eye, this ray of flame has completely become a sea of ​​flames!
The frightening thing is that these flames didn't spread out, but completely gathered on Josh's body, and then kept getting bigger, crazily bigger!

Elvira's dagger with fighting spirit couldn't stop at all. She felt the horror of these flames, but the inertia and her own impact made it impossible for her to make any changes between the lightning and flint, but she also She doesn't intend to change it. In her opinion, this is just another magic shield. It's okay for her to leave if she wants to.


The wind-attribute combat energy pierced fiercely into the flame covering Josh's body with a strong cutting force, as if just as she had thought, the flame seemed to be a magic shield, and her attack failed again this time.

Without a sigh, she was used to such a battle with Josh without success.

Elvira planned to pull the dagger away and leave the place. After all, standing in front of a magician is a very dangerous thing, but what she never dreamed of was that she couldn't pull out the dagger again no matter what!
Faced with such an abnormal situation, Elvira didn't dare to control her dagger anymore, she had to be careful of Josh's counterattack.

She immediately moved away from Josh's position, but what she didn't expect was that Josh didn't seem to have any intention of attacking her at all, and the prince from Augustus still had his eyes half-closed and didn't know what he was doing.

Josh did not intend to attack Elvira. He was concentrating on controlling his magic power at the moment. Although he was a little regretful about Elvira's withdrawal, he didn't express much. After all, even if he really launched an attack, he might not be able to fight If it comes to her, it's better not to waste this magic power.

Concentrating on controlling his magic power, he was completely swallowed by the flames at this time, and his behavior also made all the spectators present feel strange.

How could he be playing well, but suddenly stop moving?Are you going to keep defending like this?
"What about His Royal Highness Josh?"

"I don't know, maybe it's some kind of large-scale magic? The magic of His Royal Highness Josh is very scary."

"Yes, it's very scary. He just destroyed an arena before!"

"Wait a minute! What's that?"

"Damn! What is this... what is this?"

Originally, these spectators were still communicating strangely, but the next moment Josh's change really stunned them all!
Not only them, even Blake and the others were taken aback by what Josh came up with!
What is this?
The flames that originally spread over Josh's body suddenly changed dramatically, their color gradually faded and at the same time, it began to show obvious human characteristics!Whether it's the facial features or the body, they even slowly showed the characteristics of hair!
This change seems to have lasted for a long time, and it seems to have become like this in just a moment.In the terrified expressions of everyone, those Lie Yan (raging flames) have completely turned into a giant with a height of about 20 meters and no body underneath!

This giant has a clearly visible face like Josh, a body with hands, and even this hair!

But everyone can feel that these are all changes from the fire element!
At this moment, Josh was standing in the giant's body, and he had slowly opened his eyes, as if telling that the giant was Josh, and the giant also opened its eyes at the same time as Josh.

In an instant, a violent and strong magic power spread throughout the arena, even the defensive barrier in the arena was shaken by this terrifying magic power, and many people saw that the barrier had begun to appear The slightest crack!
This defensive barrier is a magical barrier that resists attacks below the seventh level, and it is completely placed in front of these contestants whose strength is around the sixth level.

But now, these barriers are starting to shake and break!All of a sudden, everyone had some scary thoughts!

"Could it be that His Highness Josh has been hiding his strength until now?"

"Is this possible?"

"Look at this enchantment! His Highness Josh, he has completely used strength beyond the sixth level!"

"Oh my god! Who the hell is Your Highness Josh?"

These spectators were beyond shocked. Although Josh had given them too many surprises, emotions and shocks along the way, he had never given them the feeling of 'this guy is not human at all. 'Thoughts!

so horrible!

Not only were the spectators stunned by Josh, but even the emperors were similar!
Among them, Blake swallowed even more. He knew that his son was a four-element magician, but he had never used this kid before. He thought Josh was going to die, but now this kid actually did it for them!
And Bonot and Ilka were similar. They looked at Josh blankly. In the end, Ilka couldn't take it anymore. He turned his head and said to Black fiercely: "Bastard, Blake! What kind of monster is your son?" ?He is not a dual-element magician of opposites at all! He is. Forget it, I’ll go to you tonight and you’d better give me an explanation! And you’d better explain it to me! And what exactly is this thing?”

"This. I don't know." Black sighed, and he was discovered. In fact, Black didn't know that Ilka had already discovered something was wrong when Josh used the elemental light wings.

"I think it's best to wait for him to finish playing, and ask him carefully."

Boruo couldn't understand what the two guys were saying, but he didn't bother to care about it, he thought this game was really interesting.

And Josh in the arena didn't know what he was doing at this time. It was a rare use of Seraph that made him feel very comfortable, and he didn't even notice the cracking barrier.

He pulled Elvira's dagger out of the flames, and threw it at Elvira. The dagger landed at Elvira's feet with extraordinary precision. Josh showed a smile:
"Come on, after tasting the desserts, it's time to enjoy the main course."

 Thanks to book friend Huang Xiyun, book friend 20170423150808650, the lonely silent man, the old fish, and Daoist Qingyang for their rewards ~ thank you ~ thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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