Chapter 261 One Sword

Although it is not appropriate for Josh to call the previous battle a dessert, after all, Josh himself is working hard.

But for some reason, when Josh used Seraphim, he always had a strange feeling.

This feeling once made him wonder if he was inflated or something. He felt that he was really incomparably powerful at this moment, and Elvira, who had caused him countless troubles before, seemed to be like that.

The most important thing is that Josh can suddenly perceive where the strength limit of the female elf in front of him is.

This kind of perception is very mysterious, and Josh himself can't explain why. He always feels that the state of his thoughts is a bit like the feeling he felt when he was watching Galen of the fourth level when he was at the fifth level.

Josh actually didn't know, because of Seraphim's reason, his strength had unknowingly crossed the ranks of the seventh rank!
The seventh level is also called a magic master for a magician. It can be said that it is the last stage under the demigod on the Muya continent!
Josh doesn't have any special knowledge about these things. He only knows that stepping into the seventh level is equivalent to entering an extraordinary stage, a stage where he is not allowed to enter the battlefield, and a stage where he can enter and leave other countries at will!A stage that countless people dream of but cannot enter at all.

It's a pity that Josh didn't know that he used Seraph less often.

But although it is rare, Seraphim has become his innate magic with the help of Akatosh after all, and he does not have the slightest sense of jerky when using it, and it can be said to be very proficient.

Akatosh, this guy, never told Josh about it. After all, Akatosh was the main god in ancient times, and it was not worth mentioning for him to raise a level.

And this guy has never seen Josh cast Seraphim at the sixth level. I'm afraid Josh doesn't know anything except that his attack power has reached the seventh level.

The current Josh is actually quite similar to a certain ninja anime he has seen before. As long as the bitter and bitter family in the comics opens the kaleidoscope, and can open the Susanoo, the immediate strength will be super doubled. , Of course, the consumption is not much less, blindness is normal.

Josh will not be blind, he will only be mentally exhausted.

But fortunately, with the help of the elemental light wings, his magic power is very full, and there is no need to suppress his mental power to create magic power, so there will be no mental power overdraft for the time being.

Feeling the magic power in his body a little bit, Josh nodded in satisfaction.

Then his expression changed, and the huge Seraph changed instantly. A triangular ice blade with extremely cold magic power slowly appeared on his right hand. If the Void Blade can't be used, Josh naturally chooses ice. blade instead.

The magic power surged, and Josh slashed directly at Elvira's position!
In an instant, like a landslide, a terrifying aura surged, and a silver ripple seemed to appear in the air, and as the ground was being torn apart, it rushed towards Elvira!
Elvira reacted quickly, she immediately dodged this terrifying sword!
The silver ripples directly hit the defensive barrier behind her, and the magic barrier that had already begun to crack instantly shattered like glass!And that terrifying ripple didn't stop, it actually rushed towards the auditorium!

Josh was stunned, and all the audience in the auditorium were also stunned!

Josh never dreamed that he would directly break the defensive barrier protecting the spectators!Josh didn't know how powerful his hand was, but it was enough to scare him.

Can break the enchantment that resists the sixth-level attack strength, may the power be low?
Fortunately, at the most critical moment, an infinite magical power directly resolved Josh's attack, which made Josh heave a sigh of relief. At least the aftermath of his attack would not radiate to those ordinary people, and it would not cause any inexplicable things The 'Four Kingdoms Invitation Tragedy' is over.

Raising his head slightly, Josh noticed that it was the elf king Ilka who made the hand.

But thinking about it, my cheap daddy and the dwarf king Bonot among the three great emperors are both fighters, and only the elf king is a magician, and only he can dispel Josh's attack in an instant.

"Let's end the game like this, Josh, you are very powerful. In this state, you already belong to the seventh-order category, and you have completely surpassed Elvira. Elvira, admit defeat."

After doing all this, Ilka gave Josh a somewhat complicated look, and then he immediately recovered and turned to his daughter and said.

Indeed, the gap between the sixth level and the seventh level is not comparable to that between the fifth level and the sixth level.Just like Tier [-] and Tier [-], this doesn't belong to the same stage at all!
Josh touched his head, he never expected the development of the plot to come to this point.

Is this the same as unplugging the other party's power, or seeing the opponent in the same Internet cafe, while still knowing each other, calling his parents to file a complaint, and causing the opponent to be arrested for secretly surfing the Internet?
Josh rubbed his chin and thought wildly. Just as he was about to cut off the output of Seraphim, Elvira suddenly raised her head and looked at Ilka, and said in a very serious tone: "No! I refuse!"

To be honest, this is probably the first time that Josh heard a complete sentence from her. I have to say that this woman's voice is really nice, but Josh didn't say he was not interested in her voice.

Josh looked at this woman in amazement, even if she couldn't beat her, but still insisted?Do you think I will be reluctant to do it?

Please, I'm not Weisen's licking dog, okay?

Josh rolled his eyes, his eyes half-closed, a little bit like a guy named Wang Dahammer he had seen before, and turned to look at the Elf King Ilka.Sure enough, Ilka's expression was not too good at this time, he didn't expect his daughter to reject his proposal.

"You will not be his opponent!"

"If you don't try, how will you know?"

"Avella, you"

"Father, this is my decision!"

Watching the conversation between the father and daughter, Josh shrugged speechlessly.

It seems that I wanted to do this mixed-win approach, but failed.But Josh wasn't too disappointed, so let's just hit it. Seraphim's attack just now gave Josh a lot of confidence, especially in his perception that this woman is really not his opponent.

Ilka seemed to think of something, finally sighed and nodded helplessly, took a step back and sat directly on his chair. At the same time, his magic power surged, and a barrier like transparent glass instantly enveloped The entire auditorium!
Josh's strength is very strong, and the previous enchantment has been completely destroyed by him, but this is not difficult for Ilka.

It is very rare for others to set up a barrier that can withstand the attack strength of the seventh level, but for a magician of the ninth level, a protective barrier that can resist the level of the seventh level is just something that can be done easily .

"Are you sure you want to fight again?" Glancing at the birth of a new barrier, Josh turned his head and asked Elvira's position.



"When you defeat me, you will naturally know!"

Elvira has never been a talkative woman, she is like an iceberg, giving Josh a cold feeling.

She was full of decisiveness in speaking and doing things. The moment her voice just fell, Elvira launched an attack on Josh!
She almost gathered the strongest fighting spirit and used her fastest speed. In an instant, she came behind Josh and stabbed at Josh's Seraph fiercely!

She knew that if she didn't break this weird-looking elemental giant that protected Josh, she might never meet Josh for the rest of her life.

But it's a pity that she was able to pierce the flame before because Josh's seraphim was condensing. Josh had to condense slowly if he wanted to release a complete seraphim at one time, which gave her a chance and gave her an illusion.

This time, her dagger didn't even pierce Josh Seraphim's skin!
And Josh's reaction was not slow. Although he didn't seem to move with his arms crossed, Seraph released a terrifying flame in an instant, forcing the woman to step back immediately.

The flames flying all over the sky turned into eagles, constantly forcing Elvira's direction of movement. Josh felt very subtle at this time, and he had never experienced this powerful feeling a few times.

Although it consumes a lot, Josh likes it very much.

He even had a feeling that as long as he hit this woman with his sword, the match would be over immediately!

He thought so, and he did it directly!
The eagles in the sky forced Elvira to a corner, Josh's Seraph moved, and the ice sword with a deep chill pierced the sky, and fiercely moved towards Elvira's place with terrifying magic power Stab it!


Like an earthquake, the ear-splitting roar and the intense vibration seemed to make the entire arena shake. If it wasn't for the enchantment arranged by Ilka, the spectators of this match would have suffered!

The smoke filled the air, and everyone seemed to be able to see only a giant standing there exuding a pale golden light, but everything else was invisible.

"What happened? Did His Highness Josh take the elf princess?"

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense!"

"It's terrible. No wonder the powerhouses above the seventh rank are not allowed to enter the battlefield. Your Highness Josh, I'm afraid one person can destroy an army!"

"Yes, it seems that the elf princess, hey"

All the spectators watched this scene in horror, it was terrible!

Such power is something they have never seen before, and they have never felt it before!Is this the power of high-level professionals?Is it the power of a top professional?
They talked a lot. While marveling at Josh's strength, they were also thinking, could it be that His Highness Josh killed the elf princess?

If His Royal Highness Josh really does this, I am afraid that such a peaceful day will come to an end!Many people quietly raised their heads to look at those at the top of the stands, but unfortunately their expressions were already serious and solemn, and they didn't show any expressions.

While they were arguing, Josh, who was shrouded in chaos, slowly began to cut off the output of Seraphim's magic power.

Enough is enough, Josh will not be so stupid as to really kill flowers with his hands, his sword completely missed, but the huge impact still injured the elf princess, who was sitting on the ground violently panting.

"It seems that I won." Josh smiled slightly, because he was still inside Seraphim, so he didn't go forward to help Avilla.

Elvira was silent for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly: "Yes, I lost."

(End of this chapter)

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