The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 263 What Did I Overlook?

Chapter 263 What Did I Overlook?
The smoke dissipated slowly, quickly revealing the scene inside.All the audience were eagerly waiting. They really wanted to know who would win, whether it was His Highness Josh, who was like a demon, or His Highness Avilla, who was nimble and quick.

In their hearts, they still prefer Josh to defeat Elvira.

Josh is too scary, he is constantly refreshing people's perception of him, whether it is the terrifying large-scale frost magic or the light-weight element replacement, turning an ice field into a sea of ​​fire in an instant, or the terrifying giant, it makes everyone People think Josh is almost invincible!

You must know that Josh is only participating in the four-nation invitational competition for the first time, and his future is simply unpredictable!
In contrast, Her Royal Highness Princess of the Elven Empire was not as eye-catching as Josh, probably because as a ranger, she dealt with opponents lightly and quickly every time, and did not waste even a second.

What's more, she also showed unparalleled talent, whether it's fighting spirit or magic, she has reached the sixth level!
If she learns a skill alone, I'm afraid her level is more than this!No matter what the ending is, both of them are the most leading young generation on Muya Continent.

"No matter who wins, they are the most respectable people. But I still think His Royal Highness Josh has a better chance of winning. After all, his state is at the seventh level!"

"Yes, I also think His Highness Josh has a better chance of winning. I really didn't expect His Highness Josh to be so powerful."

"That's right, if that matter is true, I'm afraid His Highness Josh is truly incomparable!"

"What's the matter, buddy? Does His Highness Josh have any other stories?"

"I don't know about it, because I work in Bianier (the biggest bar in Kars), and I once overheard Prince Kvilia say that His Royal Highness Josh is a waste after drinking too much."

"Damn, this guy who lost the game and humiliated His Royal Highness Josh! Does he want to lead to war?"

While the audience was waiting, no one noticed that on the highest stand, Bonot looked at the two Black and Ilka with black faces like ink, and finally Bonot couldn’t bear it. He couldn't help laughing out loud, which made Black and Ilka's face even more ugly.

As two ninth-level powerhouses, it is very simple for them to know what happened below. No matter how far away or surrounded by smog, there is no way to block their sight and hearing.

What's more, the two people who are fighting below are their children, and both of them maintain a very cautious posture and are ready to save people at any time.

Especially Ilka, Josh's strength really made him dumbfounded, the giant with the four elements mixed together is really terrifying!

Others can't see it, but as the emperor of the elf empire, who is known as the most powerful magician in the entire continent (on the bright side and outside the land of the gods), how could he not feel it?
No matter how well Josh hid it, he still felt it right away in front of Ilka!
To be honest, he thought that his perception was wrong at first, but when he deliberately questioned Black angrily, Black's embarrassment and hesitation directly made him conclude that his perception was absolutely fine!

He had sensed that something was wrong a long time ago. He had felt it when Josh used the Elemental Light Wing for the first time, but he was just not sure. Now he can be sure that Josh is not an opposing elemental magician at all, but Fucking four-element magician!
God!A magician who can cast four elements at the same time, no wonder he has been useless for more than ten years, feelings are the reason!

Because the four elements never appeared in the history of Muya Continent, Ilka naturally determined that this was the reason.

Josh's four-element giant directly increased Josh's strength by a whole stage!
This is not a question of how many times the increase, but directly makes Josh's strength at the beginning of the sixth level directly reach the beginning of the seventh level!The improvement at this stage has basically brought to an end the journey of his daughter Avella's four-nation invitation.

Ilka doesn't have any special feelings about this. As long as you try your best, the result is not very important. Just try harder next time.

Ready to shoot at any time, in case Josh didn't control his strength and directly killed his daughter, Ilka suddenly remembered that his daughter had some bullshit promise?

Fortunately, Josh was very measured. His terrible sword missed directly and did not hurt his daughter in the end. This made Ilka breathe a sigh of relief, and it also made Black breathe a sigh of relief.

Black is also guarding against Josh's sudden wrongdoing, and of course he also has the idea of ​​being careful with Ilka.

In case the bastard Josh really accidentally killed the elf princess, Ilka suddenly attacked him, of course he must protect his child.Of course, he also knew that this possibility was very small, and Black was more interested in seeing if the situation could stop Josh's behavior.

"It seems that Josh's control over this giant is still very good."


At the same time, the two breathed a sigh of relief suddenly looked at each other, Ilka said with a smile, and Black also smiled.

The fight between Josh and Elvira was really accidental, but fortunately everything is over. This time, Josh won the first place in the individual competition for Augustus, which is still undisputed of.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. When the two of them were still talking about what they had, suddenly they saw that Josh was releasing his giant state, and started chatting with Elvira. Even Elvira had already surrendered Yes, Ilka was a little surprised that this strong girl actually gave up, so her promise...
What made Ilka even more incredible was that after Josh completely released the giant posture, he actually walked over to help Elvira up?And Elvira actually agreed?

God knows what Ilka is thinking now, when will her daughter agree to contact a man without fighting?
He had some strange feelings in his heart. Could it be that his daughter really planned to fulfill that ridiculous promise?
Just when Ilka was uncertain, Elvira directly planned to tell Josh about her own affairs, but Josh interrupted her before she finished speaking!
Ilka's face turned dark, because this guy Josh actually started scolding directly, he actually scolded his daughter for being crazy!
If Ilka, who said "build your future on the strength of force" before, agrees, but you call Elvira crazy, are you sure you speak through your brain?
Ilka's face was a little dark, but fortunately because at least Josh's decision was in line with his own ideas, just ignore a bullshit promise, and now he saw that Josh felt that this kid seemed really good, even if he was a little greedy for money .

But what Josh did later made Ilka and Black's faces turn black like ink at the same time, and Bonot laughed out loud!

Josh you bastard, what do you mean?Is this what honor looks like to you?And do you think money is not as good as my daughter?

Blake even rushed down and beat up Josh, the bastard. Are you crazy about money?
Black's IQ is absolutely fine, he has already understood what the so-called promise is, but Josh just gave up like this?Don't you know what good it will do you if you marry an elf princess?

Amid Bonot's hearty laughter, the two great emperors remained silent, while the audience present looked forward to it.

As the smoke dissipated, Elvira finally accepted the dagger handed over by Josh by mistake, and then cooperated with Josh to carry out the performance.

After the smoke dissipated, all the audience present were full of disbelief when they saw such a scene!

Josh's advantage was too great, and even such a big movement was made by Josh, but they didn't know what happened to make it happen.

However, after the referee entered the arena for negotiation and confirmation, the referee immediately announced that Elvira was the champion of this year's Four Nations Invitation Singles Tournament!
And why to silence the doubts, the referee also announced the reason why Josh failed, of course, these are what Josh himself said.

"It's a pity, His Royal Highness Josh missed the stab because he was not good at swordsmanship, and then lost without magic power to continue fighting. What a pity!"

"Yeah, it's really a pity. Her Highness Elvira's luck is really good, but sometimes luck is indeed a part of strength."

"His Royal Highness Josh's magic is too terrifying. If His Highness Josh used it earlier, it might have ended long ago, and there would be no such result."

"Maybe His Highness Josh didn't want to hit His Highness Elvira too hard. After all, the relationship between the two countries is very good."

Regarding the result announced by the referee, all the audience talked a lot, and they all felt sorry for Josh, because Josh's loss was really too unlucky.

But if you think about it, Josh, a magician, can't be much better at natural swordsmanship, and if the terrifying giant doesn't consume much, I'm afraid they will all believe it.

Although it was a pity, they still gave Elvira a warm applause from the bottom of their hearts, because this girl was able to last until Josh's mana was exhausted. Even if Josh pretended to be big, but as a qualified noble Gentleman, they don't have any doubts about Josh's actions.

If it is unusually cruel to a lady, especially if such an occasion is not a real battlefield, then Josh may be questioned to a certain extent.

Unfortunately, they were all wrong. Josh had nothing to do with what they thought. Josh simply didn't want to have anything to do with this troublesome woman.

This kind of mind is full of 'the person I want to marry must be the strongest in XXX' or this is something like 'I will marry whoever can beat me', Josh really avoids it.As for why he made such a promise, Josh couldn't believe it at all, even if you were the princess of the imperial family.

Looking at the cheering audience, Josh breathed a sigh of relief. This is all over, right?

This time, the Four Kingdoms invited Josh to receive the goods in general. It not only promoted his own reputation, but also the reputation of the territory, and Josh even helped him win a lot of votes for his magic shadow business. , a professional actor in this world.

Of course, these guys have to go through some negotiations, but Josh has the initiative, and he is not worried about what will happen when these guys negotiate later.

And most importantly, Josh reached an agreement with Natasha, and accidentally helped Akatosh get the magic stone and [-] gold coins. What makes Josh dissatisfied?
Stretching slightly, Josh raised his head and looked towards the highest stand, where the rulers of the four great empires were located.

But what Josh didn't expect, at this moment, Ilka and Blake's faces were full of silence, and Josh even saw some angry looks on their faces, while Bonot laughed loudly, As for the orc emperor?

Well, Josh doesn't care about that great emperor at all, anyway, he has a normal relationship with several other great empires.

The reason why they can continue to exist in this world is, on the one hand, for peace and stability, and on the other hand, it is also because they have made contributions to the Muya Continent.

Josh rubbed his head. The reactions of Ilka and Black were beyond his expectation, which made him suddenly feel a little uneasy.

"Is it true that I overlooked something?"

(End of this chapter)

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