Chapter 264 Wait and see
He really didn't know what Josh had overlooked. He just had such a feeling. After thinking hard for a long time, he didn't get an answer. He simply didn't bother to think about it. Anyway, even if there was something, he would talk about it later. Now he should enjoy the game more. Celebration after the end.

Josh and Elvira accepted the cheers from everyone on the scene and slowly left the arena. Although Elvira seemed a little depressed, Josh didn't seem depressed because of missing the championship. The two of them People's mentality seems to have changed, but no one cares about these details.

Various well-known song and dance troupes slowly poured into the venue after the two left, and the closing performance began amid the cheers of the audience guided by the passion of the commentator.

Josh, who had already stepped into the stands, pursed his lips. Isn't this too crude?
If it was in Josh's previous life, this kind of performance would definitely not be so rushed, nor would it be so monotonous.

These people don't even watch it. How many of them are seriously watching the show now?Everyone is there to talk about the champion of this competition.

Of course, Josh didn't know that this situation was entirely caused by his and Elvira's amazing performance.

Every song and dance troupe basically has some reputation in the mainland, and their prices are not low. If it was the past, these audiences would also watch the performance seriously when cheering for the champion.

But now, these audiences have seen Josh's phantom [-]%, and they haven't recovered from such a performance.Coupled with the fact that the previous final was so thrilling, they really didn't have the mood to watch it.

After finding Natasha and the others, Josh walked over directly. As for the woman Elvira, she no longer knew where she was, and Josh didn't bother to care about her so much.

After making it to Natasha's side, and casually dealt with some other nobles who came up to congratulate Josh, Josh looked at Natasha with a smirk.

"You know what? You look terrible like this."

Natasha flicked her hair casually, how could she not notice Josh's smirk?

She could even feel what Josh was thinking, and Natasha wouldn't be shy because of this kind of thing. Instead, Natasha just teased Josh directly.

"Is it scary? No way, others say I look harmless."

"It's definitely because that person is blind, or you can't even blush when you speak."

"I think it's the second."

Josh didn't care about Natasha's teasing at all, and directly said the second option.

To be honest, Josh himself doesn’t think he has anything to do with the word harmless to humans and animals, and he tells a lot of lies, especially in other worlds and this world, but his purpose is still good in the end, he doesn’t Mood to deceive people maliciously.

"Congratulations, Josh, it seems that this time is relatively smooth, but it's a pity that you didn't beat that woman."

Galen also smiled at the side, Josh actually reached the final this time, which was completely beyond the expectations of their small team.

Josh couldn't use his strongest fighting ability, so they didn't have any hope before. Even if Josh entered the finals, they had nothing to do. They can only say that Josh was lucky.

"It's okay, but you made a mistake with your knowledge, and I didn't lose."

"Not lost? What do you mean?"

Josh's words made Galen a little confused, haven't you already lost?Or you admit it yourself.

Especially when Josh conceded defeat, Akatosh, who turned into an eagle with Galen and the others, flew away angrily, and now he doesn't know where he went.

"That's what it means. I didn't actually lose, I just didn't want to win."

Josh shrugged casually, and looked around at the nobles who were talking about him softly, but they didn't mean to eavesdrop on what Josh said, so Josh thought about it and told them about his situation. Save them guessing.

"It's really because I don't want to win, because that female elf is simply crazy!"

"Crazy? What do you mean?" Natasha asked very curiously when she heard what Josh said.

"Let me guess? Is it the type of legend that if you beat me, I will marry you?" Galen also thought about it, and guessed based on Josh's unhappy look.

"Ouch, how do you know?"

Josh glanced at Galen a little strangely, can anyone guess this?
Josh touched his chin. It seems that Galen knows himself better than he imagined. After all, he has obtained part of his memory, so it's nothing if he can guess.

"Is that true? If you win her, you will marry her?" Natasha also asked very puzzled. She couldn't figure out why someone would do such a thing.

"Who knows, she said it was her promise, but I really have no interest in this kind of woman who puts power first. I have won you now, I married you, and if I lose to You are dead, do you still want to kill me? Or if another man wins me in the future, you will go away with others? Pull it down, I don't want such a shitty thing to happen to me. "

Josh shook his head in disdain, although Josh himself knew that Elvira was an elf, and it was basically impossible for such a thing to happen as an imperial princess.

But Josh is really not interested in this kind of thing that can give him a "green" feeling, and he doesn't even bother to touch it.

Josh is actually quite simple to say, he doesn't care what you were like in the past, anyway, he doesn't have any special plots.

But he will pay more attention to the things he will live with in the future. In the era of information bombing together, he has seen many "strong hat" incidents.

He was really annoyed by these things, even though he had never encountered them himself.But in his heart, he felt that since they were all together, why should they be messing about?

It's not suitable to break up, and it's over, dragging and hurting each other, it's really disgusting.

So he will never touch things that might make him sick, no matter how noble the other party is.

To put it bluntly, Josh's own status in this world is probably already outrageously high, and Josh can travel freely in various worlds, so why bother to find some uncomfortable things for himself that are uncertain?

"So that's the case, it seems that I did not make a mistake." Galen nodded, it seemed that he really guessed right.

"So, what about the ten thousand gold coins? And the stone that Akatosh wanted?"

Natasha doesn't care about these things, or she doesn't care about what the elf princess promised at all. Instead, she cares more about what Josh can get, which is what makes Josh most comfortable.

"Don't worry, I have already negotiated with her. I will let her win, but I will give you all the rewards, but the money may be less."

Josh shrugged. He felt a little pain when it came to money, but it didn't matter. This time, the Four Kingdoms invited him to earn enough money. If there is no problem after the meeting, he should be able to make a lot of money.

And after this time, Josh decided to fully support the continued development of the Specter business in this world.

Josh is also thinking about how to keep those talents in his territory. There are really no other talents like this in this world. Josh must treat them kindly.

Keep this group of people, and continue to transfer Hollywood stories and turn them into phantoms that fit the setting of Muya Continent, then Josh will definitely make a lot of money!
This is not a joke. The gold-absorbing ability that Specter has shown so far has completely exceeded everyone's imagination, including Josh.

After talking nonsense with Galen and the others for a long time, Josh and the others left here without saying a word after the performance.

After the game is over, the carnival will follow. Josh is not very interested in this, but as the No.2 in this competition, Josh still needs to be famous, even if it's just tonight.

Now Josh is still very much looking forward to the coming of the night. This guy now looks like Natasha's eyes, and even Galen can feel the heat.

This couldn't help but make Galen pouted, and Natasha was a woman even if she was calm, and she herself was a little embarrassed by Josh.

"You're such a pervert."

"Thank you, whether in the phantom or in reality, I have always been."


As the performance came to an end, almost everyone left the arena. Among them, Black and Ilka, the two guys whose faces were darkened by their own children, also left early.

But they didn't separate. Ilka had too many questions to answer, so he followed Black directly to Augustus' palace.

After dispelling all the entourage, Ilka directly found a place to sit down and asked Black in the dark: "Tell me, what's going on with Josh. Don't talk to me because the two elements Do you think I will still believe the result of the confrontation after seeing his giant posture?"

"Didn't you say you would wait until the evening to ask? And I also said, you can ask that guy Josh."

"No! You tell me everything you know now!"

The relationship between Ilka, Bonot, and Blake is actually quite similar to the relationship between Josh, Ian, and Dennis. They have known each other since childhood and have a good friendship. This relationship has been with them until they sat down. There is no change in the position of their respective emperors.

Among them, Blake is the youngest, and Ilka is the oldest.

However, this age gap did not cause them too much estrangement. Their relationship was very good, but they were not as mischievous as Josh and the others.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you that I know, and you can help me see if Josh is lying to me, after all, I am not a magician. It is understandable that the kid has his own secret, but don't lie if you don't want to say it what."

After thinking about it, Black finally agreed to Ilka, organized his language and said directly: "Josh is a four-element magician, that's right, he told me this himself. The reason for the inability to obtain magic elements, Actually, I already told you."

"Is it because of the unbalanced elements?" Ilka frowned, which was the excuse Black used when he said that Josh was an opposing dual-element magician.

"Yes, what I told you is basically what Josh told me, but I just concealed the fact that he has four elements."

"Did the four magic elements leave his body directly because of the unbalanced absorption, which caused the elements to oppose each other and could not be stabilized?"

"Yes, that's what Josh told me. That's what his teacher said."

Black nodded, and Ilka seemed to be lost in thought.But soon he started to try, he took out four magic crystals, these four magic crystals are four colors, and these four colors of magic crystals Black knew at a glance that, like Josh, they were four different elements, and what Ilka has to do is to try to see if what Josh said is right.

Soon, under the control of Ilka's magic power, the magic elements in the four magic crystals were slowly pulled out from them, and slowly began to gather together.

"If you want to know if Josh is hiding something, let us wait and see now."

(End of this chapter)

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