Chapter 265
What revelation Josh hid was not too important or too important. To put it bluntly, it was just a product of the boredom of these two great emperors.

For the two of them, it can be said that there is nothing in this world that can really attract them before heading to the land of the gods.

They are now basically maintaining the stability of their respective countries while taking care of their children. They really don't care about the rest.

The appearance of Josh can be said to have given them a lot of fun, because Josh is the only four-element magician in the entire continent!

Black was reluctant to say these things at first, mainly because an existence like Josh was too special.

He didn't think the other great emperors thought of him, because except for the one from the Orc Empire who was really not very familiar with him, the other two could be said to be Black's children.

Black's main defense is still those aristocratic forces, and these aristocratic forces can be said to be one of the most terrifying forces in the entire continent.

The existence of aristocratic forces is to maintain the stability of a country, but one thing must be clear, that is, these aristocratic forces cannot be of one mind with the king or even the emperor.

Every noble has its own different interests and needs, which is why they keep getting closer to the four sons of Black.

Although they couldn't make Blake leave the political arena, one of his sons would always be a successor in the future, right?

They find a person who meets their own interests and needs, and then fully support it is also considering their own future, and they even use some terrible methods for the future of their family.

Don't think that there are no powerful people in these aristocratic families, and don't underestimate the powerful desperadoes in this world who also have the desire for machine guns.In the history of Augustus, there has been a story of a prince being assassinated.

Of course, the furious emperor not only killed the noble family, but also killed the guy who did it, but it's a pity that such a thing was remembered by those nobles.

Because the interest group that the aristocratic family belongs to can be said to have received unexpected benefits.

The risk is extremely high, but when the benefits outweigh the risks, these aristocratic groups only need to throw out a few unlucky cannon fodder to benefit them infinitely, so they will definitely do so!

Josh, a four-element magician, will definitely make them feel uneasy!

In the world of Muya Continent, nobles have a lot of things in their hands.One of the most critical points is talent, which includes many types, maybe powerful talent, maybe political talent, maybe military talent.

Commoners simply cannot get enough knowledge, so they are really not even a little bit comparable to these nobles.

Even though they may enter some colleges to study later, they can't catch up with those nobles at all at the beginning, and even many teachers will not compare to those nobles in their attitude towards them. How can they surpass those noble children in such an environment? ?
So Blake had to be more careful. If Josh really encountered an accident, even if he really wiped out the entire aristocratic interest group in a fit of anger, it would be too late for Josh to do anything.

Not only the nobles in his own country, but also the nobles in other places, Black must be on guard.

To put it simply, those foreign aristocrats thought that 'I am serving the country by doing this', and then inexplicably troubled Josh and even hired some powerful guys to erase Josh. Guys, it's hard to say yet.

"What's the matter, Ilka, is what Josh said true?"

Black saw that Ilka was seriously manipulating the four different elements. His performance was not as relaxed as Josh's, and even some sweat leaked from his forehead, which made Black ask a little strangely.

"Don't worry, I seem to have discovered something amazing! God, this is actually possible!"

Ilka didn't answer Black's words directly, he is now seriously controlling the elements.Because he is not a four-element magician, it is very difficult to control elements that are not his own, even if he is a ninth-level magician!
Slowly, according to the information that Josh provided to Black, to be precise, it should be the information that Akatosh provided to Josh, Ilka began to simulate slowly.

At the beginning, Ilka didn't think too much about it, and directly drew a lot of magic power. As a result, he found that he couldn't control the elements that didn't match his own attributes.

After thinking about it for a while, Ilka immediately reduced the number of elements he controlled, until he thought he could control them perfectly, and then Ilka slowly brought them together again.

At this time, Ilka also had to lament the difficulty of controlling the four elements, because he seemed to realize that as long as there is something wrong with one element, they will overflow.

Slowly, as if feeling the existence of each other, these magic elements began to become a little resistant, because there is a special cyclic relationship between magic elements.

They restrain and accommodate each other. Ilka knows the restraint and compatibility relationship between elements very well, so he immediately tried it according to his own ideas.

Josh didn't tell him these things, but Ilka had seen Josh's Seraphim, so he directly simulated the arrangement of Seraph's elements - the earth element is the innermost, then the water element, the wind element and fire element.

Ilka worked hard to control his magic. He didn't dare to output too much, because it would cause the magic elements to be impacted and overflow.

He didn't dare to output too little, because he couldn't control the repulsion of these magic elements at all, but Ilka was very lucky, he almost finished it in one go!
"It's incredible! It's actually true!"

Ilka stared blankly at the light ball containing four magic elements in his hand. He never dreamed that he would do such an experiment.And most importantly, he actually succeeded!

Black also carefully looked at the ball of light in Ilka's hand. He always felt that the ball of light was so weak.

"Um, interrupt, Ilka. Is your light sphere only around the second level?"


"But Josh has already reached the sixth level."

"I used the first-level magic elements and magic power, and they came together to directly reach the second level. What do you think? And I'm not a four-element magician. It's pretty good that I can control these magic elements. How about you?" What do you expect me to do?"

Ilka rolled her eyes at Black, sure enough, warriors don't understand magicians at all!

To put it bluntly, if the ball of light created by Ilka is placed in the Magicians Guild, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!Because does this mean that the four-element magician will have a route to take in the future?
Of course, there are no other four-element magicians in Muya Continent except Josh so far. Are they also unable to condense magic elements like Josh?Moreover, Ilka can also conclude that those magicians who oppose dual elements can even use this method to try to practice!
But soon he shook his head and scattered the ball of light casually.

These results are not his at all. As an elf, let alone a great emperor, Ilka doesn't bother to steal other people's knowledge. The most important thing is that the knowledge is the secret of his good friend's son!
"Josh didn't lie, he just said something that didn't need to be told to you."

"Oh? What is it?"

"It's about how to arrange these magical elements. I think he probably thinks that you don't understand these things at all, so just don't bother to talk about them. After all, you are just a warrior."

"This little bastard!"

Blake scolded with a smile, he didn't care whether Josh lied to himself or not.

It's normal for Josh to have his own secrets, what kid doesn't have his own?As his father, Blake didn't have the idea of ​​prying into his secrets, but Josh was too special and he was a little worried, especially the pressure from the college.

"It's a pity. If Josh were my son, he would probably have a higher achievement in magic."

"Fart! If he was your son, the nobles in your country would have asked to exile him a long time ago. He has a chance to find that academy, and a chance to become a four-element magician."

"That's right." Ilka sighed, but soon he returned to normal: "Can you tell me about the Magic Academy?"

"Of course." When it came to the Magic Academy, Black's expression also became a little serious: "Josh, this guy, he accidentally found a portal during a trip, and ended up directly entering that academy."

"The portal? And then?" Ilka rubbed his chin and thought.

"Then he met the headmaster, what's his name. Forget it, he didn't say the name. According to his description, the headmaster is very strong. Oh, by the way, the school is called Hogwarts, and the headmaster helped him solve the trouble, it seems It is based on some relics of Sky Wings."

"Akatosh? So that's the case." Ilka nodded with some understanding. "By the way, how about the students in that academy, has Josh said anything about it?"

"I have seen the students in their school." Black's face became a little strange when he said this: "The college signed some agreements with Josh, that is, I hope Josh can help them arrange their students, and they have to Said that the students of this academy are very strange."

"Sign the agreement? Has Josh revealed his identity? And why are their students so strange?"

"Josh told them his identity, which is why the principal was willing to help. And their students, to be honest, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen them. Those students are basically civilians, and all of them are very talented. good but”


"But they are very poor at the level of magic, and their level is also very low. However, they have shown a terrifying knowledge in other aspects. Some people are good at construction. Josh's territory is established by the engineering team created by those students. Yes. There are people who are good at enchanting and alchemy, I swear I have never seen such imagination and knowledge reserves like him, the phantom is made by that guy."


"Yes, it's the magic crystal, which stores the images. Josh called him Phantom. And the guy who shot Phantom didn't even have any magic or traces on his body, but they had a lot of knowledge about how to shoot, how to shoot, and literary creation. Talent, there are really few people who can compare with them.”

Black said everything he knew in one breath, while Ilka was completely silent.

He really couldn't figure out what kind of college it was that would teach students knowledge based on their specialties, and the scope of knowledge was so broad.

After a long time, Ilka sighed: "It seems that the headmaster of Hogwarts is a great person. We are all thinking about how to improve our own level, but his students seem to have no idea at all. Focusing on cultivation talents, but maximizing their original talents one by one, it seems that this is a qualified headmaster."

"Maybe." Blake also nodded. He had only experienced such a feeling. It is true that the principal of the academy that Josh mentioned is really a remarkable person.

"He reached an agreement with Josh. I guess he may be interested in Josh's future, as well as the empire behind him. I hope we can protect those students who leave the academy."

Ilka nodded, and only in this way can the explanation make sense.

Like Black, although he is also very curious about the headmaster of the college, he will not visit the door in person, not to mention that he can't find a place. As an elf king, he visits a school. Although he doesn't care about such things, his subordinates Those aristocrats will not allow it.

Shaking his head, Ilka doesn't think about these things anymore. Anyway, there are many magic academies or warrior academies hidden in this world, and there are also many powerful guys who don't want to come out to fight against the empire. Ilka Erka didn't have much energy to focus on it, he could only sigh that Josh's luck was really good.

"By the way, what do you think about my daughter?"

"Your daughter? Elvira? Didn't you say that promise was bullshit? Why are you bringing it up again now?"

"That promise was made by Elvira's mother who told her too many stories about her age when she was a child, and the purpose of her making this promise was just to prevent others from harassing him. Also, although I really don't want to Acknowledge this promise that is not even bullshit, but don't forget that she is an elf!"

Speaking of her daughter, Ilka's face was not much better.

The elf's promise, that thing is very precious!
Especially Elvira, who in his eyes is no different from young children. Their fancy and persistence for promises are often beyond imagination. will be tangled.

"Then what do you mean? Tell me first, Josh has a woman he likes, and it's impossible to be as loyal as you elves."

"I know, that girl's name is Natasha, right? Forget it, no matter what, let's meet and get along with them tonight. It's best that Josh can go too far and let Avilla stop this idea directly. "

"Hey? You guy, I actually think it's not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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