The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 266 Let's Go Out and Talk

Chapter 266 Let's Go Out and Talk
While Black and Ilka were talking about Josh, Josh followed Kane towards the banquet hall with a displeased face.

He already knew that he was going to attend a damn carnival dinner tonight, so he didn't rush to do any weird things after the game.

It's just that when the dinner party was about to start, Kane ran to Josh and told Josh 'brother, you can only go by yourself', so Josh felt unusually uncomfortable.

It would be fine if Josh just brought a few guards, but the problem is that Josh brought his friends and people he likes, now you let me go and leave all my friends here?

Josh almost didn't plan to go directly at that time.

But in the end, under the comfort of Galen and Natasha and the persuasion of Kane, Josh finally agreed to take a look.

In any case, Josh is the No. 2 of the four-nation invitation this time. If he doesn't go, the organizer of the four-nation invitation will be ashamed.

In Josh's eyes, he doesn't care about embarrassing the Kingdom of Kars, but Kane told him that even the Augustus Empire will be questioned because of his actions, which may affect some of his reputation in the country , It may also have some bad effects on his tie, which made Josh finally decide to take a look.

"Anyway, it's just a boring hook-up party. Go and have a look and come back. By the way, I'll find that Elvira. I don't know when my gems and gold coins will be delivered to me."

Helpless, Josh could only put on the noble robe and leave with Kane. God knows why the Kingdom of Kars is so hard-pressed, and only invites contestants and people with noble status to participate.

But it's not that Josh can't understand them. After all, it's just a small kingdom, and it needs to expand its social and interest chain.

And there is no lack of plans to let the married nobleman enjoy a good night. Just imagine if a nobleman brings his lover over, and because there are no relevant regulations, the lover joins him in the carnival. You will feel extremely uncomfortable.

"It's a pity, Josh, you were almost the champion."

Just when Josh was thinking wildly, Kane suddenly spoke.He really felt that it was a pity for Josh. He was about to win the championship, but in the end, because of the exhaustion of mana, he let others come back. I am afraid that this kind of unlucky thing would be unbearable for anyone.

"Actually, it's nothing to me. I've achieved my purpose here, haven't I?" Josh smiled, and he really can't talk nonsense about this matter.

"That's right, your goal has indeed been achieved. Congratulations, Josh. You also honored the Augustus Empire. It's just a pity for Weisen, because he was beaten like that by you and couldn't participate in the third and fourth qualifying rounds." .”

"Maybe he himself is not willing to participate. Don't we already know the purpose of his invitation to the Four Kingdoms?"

"That's right, but I think he should be very envious of you now, after all, you have fought against the goddess of his dreams."

Josh smiled and didn't answer Kane's words. Wesson probably knew Elvira's promise. After all, they are all elves. If they didn't know, Josh might not believe it.

And Weisen regards Elvira as a goddess, if he knows that he has won Elvira, I am afraid that his life will not be so comfortable.

Chatting casually along the way, the two of them soon came to the banquet hall. Hesitating that only two of the four great emperors came at present-the dwarf king Bonot and the orc king, so the banquet has not officially started yet.

Josh saw Ian and Dennis brothers who were mixed with his other two brothers at a glance.

The entrance of Josh and Kane immediately attracted the attention of the audience. After all, these two are the princes of the Augustus Empire, and these two are powerful representatives of the younger generation. After communicating with the two of them, even many noble girls boldly showed their enthusiasm.

But neither Josh nor Kane are interested. Kane has been married for a long time, and to put it bluntly, this guy's lover is no worse than these girls. Naturally, he has no interest.

As for Josh, it was even simpler. He just showed his face and retreated after staying for a while, so naturally he didn't have time to chat with them.

After casually dealing with the people who came up to strike up a conversation, Josh and Kane quickly ran to Liszt and the others, and they naturally noticed these two people, especially Ian, who looked at Josh with a strange expression, which had to be Get Josh’s attention.

"I said Ian, what's the matter with your eyes?"

“It’s nothing Josh, that, my sister is looking for you.”

"Your sister? Elvira? What is she looking for me for?"

"I don't know, she's waiting for you in a corner on the second floor. Speaking of which, are you treating her? Well, I mean, she's become a little weird."

"It doesn't matter if it becomes weird or not. It's really troublesome, so I'm here."

Elvira became a little strange, isn't that normal?

In Josh's eyes, this woman has always been very strange. Even the Ranger has never put down a hood like her. Josh complained in his heart. As for Josh, he actually won the battle. Josh was in no mood to publicize her affairs.

Turning around, Josh walked directly towards the second floor. Even if Elvira didn't look for him, Josh would still look for Elvira. After all, Josh didn't get any of those rewards.

It's better to discuss it with this woman than to wait here all the time.

As for Ian looking at himself with weird eyes behind him, then turned his head and told others how his sister became weird, and Josh even ignored it.

He can't control other people's mouths, and he also believes that Elvira should not tell about his loss. That promise puts a lot of pressure on Elvira.

When he came to the second floor, Josh looked around and lost interest.

If the first floor belongs to young people, then the second floor belongs to those middle-aged people. The activities here are basically the rulers of some countries and some older nobles.

When they saw that Josh came up, he didn't go up to chat with those young people, but nodded to him from a distance.

Such an environment really made Josh feel much more comfortable. These people are much more sensible than those young people downstairs. They will not intentionally get close to you or alienate you.

While letting you feel their existence, it won't make you feel rude, no wonder Elvira chooses to go directly to it.

Randomly grabbed a waiter, Joe, and inquired about it, and Xi quickly found out where Elvira was, and it didn't take long for Josh to find Elvira, who was sitting alone in the corner.

To be honest, if Josh hadn't hammered this woman face to face for more than half an hour before, Josh would not have recognized her right now.

The race of elves has indeed received unique preferential treatment. What appeared in front of Josh was a woman with long silver hair, an exquisite face and a pair of sharp ears, and a perfect figure under a set of robes unique to elves. , looks exceptionally beautiful.

But Josh couldn't help shaking his head, it was too cold.

This woman's expression is the same as her hair color, giving people a very cold feeling. Josh had this feeling when he fought her before, and now the feeling is even stronger, even though she is indeed Josh She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Shaking his head, Josh walked directly towards her. A cold woman can indeed arouse the desire to conquer some men with special hobbies, but it's a pity that Josh didn't have such an idea.

Elvira also saw Josh, so she stood up and nodded slightly towards Josh.

"I heard from Ian, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I have something to tell you. Go out with me, it's too boring here."

Josh was taken aback by Elvira's invitation, he didn't understand what this woman meant at all.Looking around, it seems that it is quite quiet here, and the ventilation facilities are good, so it is not stuffy?
But considering that his reward was still in the hands of this woman, Josh nodded indifferently, since he didn't like to attend this banquet anyway.

"As you wish, ma'am."

"Let's go."

The two went downstairs one after the other and walked directly towards the outside of the banquet hall. This made the eyes of the nobles who didn't know how many along the way stare straight. Isn't this damn fast?

This is going out?The party hasn't even started yet!

Kane and the others also looked at the two in a daze, and it took him a long time before he silently sighed for his friend Wesson in his heart.

And Ian's mouth grew even bigger. He rubbed his eyes vigorously and opened them to take a closer look. When he saw the backs of the two of them about to go out, Ian didn't know what to say.

Josh naturally also felt the strange eyes of these guys, some were envious, some were jealous, some were surprised and angry.

But Josh didn't bother to talk to them. After chatting with this woman, Josh might go back directly. Who would entangle with these inexplicable guys?
Strolling to a small garden behind the banquet hall, Josh looked around at the quiet welcome and nodded slightly.

Although this place may become an unspeakable place at a later time, it is still very good at this moment.

They found a stone bench at random, and both Josh and Elvira sat down. After loosening the aristocratic robe that made Josh feel a little tight, Josh asked, "What do you want from me? Now You can tell me."

"Yes, I want you to tell me something about your reward."

Elvira nodded. She noticed that Josh didn't look at herself with any special eyes, especially the kind of eyes that disgusted her, which made Elvira feel a lot better.

"My reward? I just came here tonight to ask about this matter. It seems that we want to go together, so where is my reward?"

"I'm sorry Your Highness Augustus, my father hasn't given me the reward yet."

"You can just call me Josh. Ian and I have a very good relationship. You are his sister, so you can just call me by my name. When will His Majesty Ilka give you the reward?"

"This... I'm sorry Josh, I can't guarantee it. I will definitely ask my father to get what you need as soon as possible. Of course, if it is about gold coins, I can think of a way."

It's hard to believe what it's like for such a frosty woman to talk so much at once, but it's a pity that Josh doesn't feel anything.

There is only one sentence in his mind, she will think of a way for gold coins?Josh was curious about what she could do.

"Avella, uh, can I call you that?"

"of course."

"Avella, tell me about your method."

Elvira hesitated for a moment, but soon she took out a small box that she had prepared a long time ago.

This thing looks like a gift box, but judging by Elvira's expression, it seems that this thing should be quite precious, right?
As a result, Josh opened the gift box that Elvira handed over after thinking about it, but to his surprise, there was actually a necklace inside.

"This is a birthday present from His Majesty Black to me when I was born. It is said that the necklace is entirely made of an eighth-order magic crystal. I think it should be worth a lot of money."

 Because my friend is getting married, I am the best man, so the latest update time is not very stable - so tired

(End of this chapter)

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