The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 267 This is probably a friend

Chapter 267 This is probably a friend

"A gift from my father?"

Josh looked at the necklace in the box and suddenly wanted to ask if you were sick?

You give what Blake gave you to his cheap son?Then in the end, the unlucky son was the cheap son, and Josh really didn't want to be this unlucky guy.

And this necklace, not to mention anything else, is equivalent to a priceless treasure in terms of its symbolic value!
It was the first birthday gift of the eldest princess of the Elf Empire, and it was given by Emperor Augustus. Even if it was an ordinary glass ball, it could arouse a lot of people's interest in collecting it.

Not to mention that this thing is made of the magic crystal of the eighth-level monster. Even if you don't know the specific function of this necklace, but relying on these two points alone, it is enough for countless collectors to empty their pockets and even rush to buy it. !

After hesitating for a long time, Josh closed the lid of the gift box with a painful face, and handed it to Elvira.Elvira took the gift box in doubt. He could see Josh's distressed face, and naturally guessed that this item was very valuable, but she didn't know why Josh had to return it to her.

"Why not? I can see that you like it very much. It should be very valuable."

"Are you an idiot? You are giving me what my father gave you, and I sold it later. What do you think will happen to me? How do I feel that you are hurting me?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean that. Me."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I believe you, you elves are like this, and Ian was almost as idiot as you back then. I will wait for the money and the gem, so it doesn't matter."

Josh shook his head with a sigh. I'm afraid this woman really didn't mean to harm him, but she was too innocent.

This kind of pureness is a problem of human behavior. If this necklace Josh is really taken away, not only Josh will be unlucky, but she herself will be in bad luck.

As for the money and the gem, Josh is not in a hurry.

money?Josh is indeed lacking, but after playing the Guardian for a month in Kars City, Josh's small pocket has swelled up a bit, and Josh believes that it will continue to swell after returning.

What's more, Josh can really trust the elves' reputation. The elves are very faithful to their promises. As long as they don't involve personal life and death issues, they will do their best to fulfill them.

So Josh is not afraid of Elvira's repudiation, and the identities of the two of them are also here.

Elvira was silent for a while, and finally nodded and put away the gift box. Then she looked at Josh carefully and curiously. Josh gave her a really strange feeling.

Josh doesn't want to be like other people at all, and when he sees her, he will always show some different eyes.

It’s not that these eyes are evil. Elvira’s living environment is in the kingdom of elves. The elves in this world have a very good character. At most, they show expressions of surprise and love.

However, she was troubled by her mother's stories since she was a child, which made her resist these special things.

Because of this, coupled with her own identity issues, she has no friends at all.

I'm afraid that the closest people to her are her parents and younger brother, that is, her two mentors. Over time, her character has become like this. If it wasn't because Josh defeated her head-on, I'm afraid she wouldn't really look at Josh.

But when she got in touch with Josh, she found that Josh seemed different from others.

Because this man from the Augustus Empire never seemed to express any special eyes to himself. The way he looked at her was the same as looking at ordinary people. This feeling made her very strange.

Elvira stared at Josh, how could Josh not feel anything, Josh really didn't understand what was going on with this woman.After a long time, Josh really couldn't stand this look, he touched his nose and looked at Elvira suspiciously.

"I said, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that there is a big difference between you and the people I have come into contact with."

"Isn't it strange? Everyone's life is different, so the personality they create will also be different, okay?"

"Is that so?"

Elvira listened carefully to Josh's words, did his living environment create his character?
Elvira really doesn't know Josh's character very well, but in the short contact with her, she feels that Josh seems to be greedy for money, but Elvira also thinks that Josh is very nice, but her promise
Shaking her head, Elvira didn't think about it anymore. She stroked the silver hair in front of her eyes, and asked curiously: "I've heard your rumors, are they true?"

"Otherwise?" Josh stretched his waist. Anyway, it's still early to chat with this woman and it's just a good time to pass the time.

"The rumors are all true. After all, I don't think I will be called a waste by others for more than ten years in order to hide my strength. I am not a masochist."

"I'm sorry to bring up your sad things, I'm just curious"

"It's not enough to be sad, the uncomfortable time has passed. Don't worry, I can persist for so many years, will I still care about what you said?"

Josh smiled, he really didn't care about these anymore.Josh's vision has broadened, and Josh's mood has naturally changed a lot.At least he won't be like some bitter and bitter protagonists, who said I was a waste, and now kill you all.

Of course, what happened to Bayek and Aya would not happen to Josh.

Although Josh also yearns for a bigger world, Josh will take good care of his one-acre three-point land while heading to a bigger world. It seems that Josh can't go back to the previous world , then treat the present world well.

"Can you tell me your story?"

"My story? Isn't that what my story is?"

Josh touched his head, why is this woman so curious.

But Josh didn't care. He looked up at the moon that was slowly emerging, and said slowly, "Actually, my story is very simple. It's just that my luck is a little bit better."

"for example?"

"For example, I accidentally found an academy during my travels again. The principal of that academy helped me solve my own troubles, so I could use magic again. Well, and I got a territory with good autonomy, and some Some great friends, and together we made it our home."


"Yes, Rivendell. But to correct you, Rivendell is just the name of a city. My territory is very large. As for the name of my territory, there is no exact name yet."

Josh casually and simply narrated some of his own stories. Josh is indeed not a very good narrator. His stories seemed dry in his mouth without any ups and downs, but Elvira could hear Seriously, it seems that she doesn't care about the way the story is expressed, only the content inside.

"So, that General Andre, in fact, you couldn't beat him and then attacked him, causing him to be seriously injured?"

"Yes, to correct you again, his name is Galen, Galen Crown Prince."

"What a strange surname, it feels like the king's guard."

"Indeed, but there is no need to care about it. My friends and I care about never discussing the issue of surnames. Because there will always be various troubles in it. I am Josh, he is Galen, we are That's all, friend."

"It's very imaginative, how did you become friends."

"Well, it's probably because of my charisma."

The story of Josh and Galen is of course impossible to tell the truth, but there are some factors that Josh must conceal.

However, Josh adapted it and said it without any problems. At the same time, Josh also found that this woman seemed to be a little too naive.

She is very smart, and she can understand some of what Josh said right away.

But she doesn't understand many things that are common sense in Josh's eyes. In Josh's eyes, Elvira is not as witty as her younger brother Ian. Many of her right and wrong ideas are almost derived from Same as textbooks.

"That maid, Natasha? Is she your lover?"

"Well, to be precise, it's my girlfriend. Well, I like her very much and she also likes me very much, and she is not my maid, she is my good friend, do you understand?"


Elvira sighed, although there is no word girlfriend in this world, it is not difficult for Elvira to understand the meaning of this word.

And even if she was Josh's lover, she wouldn't say anything. Her mother said that things like the human world were normal, although her mother didn't agree.

But her father Ilka told her that each race has its own way of life, which may be incomprehensible to us, but we should also give it some respect.

Of course, even the elves would not respect them even for the behavior of the orcs.

The two chatted a lot, whether it was something Josh saw in books or some interesting things he saw in other worlds, Josh would adapt it a little and tell the girl.

This girl gave him the feeling that he was somewhat similar to him before.

Of course, what Josh meant was that their living environment was a bit similar, but the treatment was different.

Josh was ignored because of his practice, and this girl had no friends at all because of her own death, but Josh still saw their commonality in this girl, and Ian relationship, so Josh has been chatting with her.

The girl also listened very carefully. What Josh told her was completely new to her, which made her feel novel and indescribable at the same time.

She has never been so close to her peers, even though Josh is actually younger than her, but Josh beat her, and Elvira has long put Josh on the same position as herself.

In particular, Josh said that he was similar to her when he was a child, and he had no friends but brothers and parents, which also reminded Elvira of her current situation.friend?Elvira savored this word carefully, maybe this is the taste of a friend.

The moon slowly reached the top of the tree. They had been chatting for a long time, even though the carnival had already started for a long time. During this period, Ian and Kane came over and both showed the expressions of seeing a ghost. Josh and Ivy La didn't care.

But now Josh was planning to leave, and as time got later and later, and there was a beautiful elf beside Josh, Josh's heart gradually became hot.

Of course, Josh has no interest in this fairy-like ice cube beside him, and Natasha is all in his mind now.

"Avella, it's nice to meet you, and I'm very happy chatting with you. However, I think I'm going back, I'm a little tired."

"Now? That's really a pity."

"There is no need to be sorry, it's not that we can't meet in the future, we are friends, Rivendell welcomes you. By the way, put that necklace on, it's very beautiful."

"A friend?"

Elvira murmured a few words silently, looked at the back of Josh who had got up and left, and at the same time waved at her with his back turned, and looked down at the gift box, Elvira smiled.

friend?This is a friend.Elvira smiled, her smile seemed to tear the ice that protected her instantly, and spring back to the earth.

"Maybe, I can visit Rivendell in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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