The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 268 Finally succeeded

Chapter 268 Finally succeeded

"I said Wesson, can you stop drinking. Josh and Elvira may have gone back, and you should know that they don't like this kind of banquet."

In the banquet hall, Wei Sen was a little drunk and violently drinking. This kind of thing usually doesn't happen to elves, and he also attracted the attention of many people.

Wesson ran here excitedly to congratulate Elvira for winning the championship, but unfortunately he didn't find Elvira but he saw Kane and others.

Out of politeness, he stepped forward to greet Kane and the others, and most importantly, he also saw that kid Ian was with Kane and the others.

Just when he was about to ask Ian where Elvira was, it was a coincidence that he happened to see Elvira and Josh went downstairs together and went out together!
hell!When did Elvira get so intimate with a man?
Weisen felt that he was hallucinating, but when he turned his head to look at Ian, Ian's look of seeing a ghost seemed to tell him: Yes, you read that right, I was also scared!

Wesen suddenly had an indescribable feeling that he didn't know what to say, and he stared blankly at the backs of the two people as if petrified.

It took him a long time to slowly recover. He turned his head and looked at Kane, as if he was asking Kane what your brother and Her Highness Elvira were going to do.

How did Kane know what Josh and Elvira were going to do, and he himself was taken aback by the speed of the progress of these two people.

In the end, Ian couldn't stand it anymore. He really couldn't stand Wesen's appearance, so he hesitated for a while before explaining.

"My sister has something to ask Josh about. They probably plan to go out and have a chat."

"that's it?"

"Right, that is it."

It may be that Ian's words had an effect, and Wei Sen's complexion looked a little better.

Although he was still wondering why Elvira wanted to talk to Josh about something, but he didn't think it was a big deal, and they should be back soon.

So the few of them chatted together, maybe the simple-tempered Dennis brothers didn't have any special feelings, and the other people and the elves all looked worried.

10 minutes, 10 minutes, half an hour passed, and the banquet started at this time, but the two people still didn't come back, and Wei Sen's face became more and more ugly.

"You guys chat here first, I'll go find something to drink." Kane seemed to be a little hungry, he directly talked to the people around him and left quickly.

"I feel a little hungry too, I'll be right back after a while." Ian did the same, he stood up quickly and caught up with Kane, as if the two of them were going to find something to eat together.

Of course, the two of them were not hungry at all, they just used this excuse to run out to see what Josh and Avilla were doing?
In the end, they saw a scene that stunned them. Josh and Elvira were talking happily!And it seems that the two of them are very close!
God, how is this possible!

Ian and Kane stared blankly at the pair of men and women in front of them. At the same time, they also noticed that some men and women were coming here in different directions, but when they saw the two people inside, they immediately fled here. Kane knew right away what the hell this place was for.

Although Ian was a little slow to react, he was not stupid. Looking at his red, hot, pointed ears, Kane knew that this elf who was as mischievous as Josh knew.

Grabbing Ian's ear, Kane took the little guy away from the scene.

"We didn't see anything just now, we don't know anything, and we haven't been to this garden, you know?"


"Do you want to see Wesson commit suicide?"

"ok, I get it."

Ian originally wanted to say that elves shouldn't lie to people, but he was much more witty than his sister. After weighing all aspects immediately, he directly agreed to Kane's request.

Then the two guys, one big and one small, returned to the banquet hall pretending to be nonchalant, complained that they couldn't find suitable food, and they chatted again.

It's just that they all noticed that Wei Sen was a little absent-minded, especially his eyes were always looking towards the door.

This made both Ian and Kane very helpless. Both of them expected that if Josh and Elvira didn't plan to do anything, they would come back quickly.

It's a pity that reality dealt them a cruel blow. One hour, two hours, the time has passed quietly, and Wei Sen's expression is getting more and more desperate.

In the end, he actually took the initiative to drink with the Dennis brothers. God, how does the elf drink compared to the dwarves?

I don't know how much they drank, even the Dennis brothers felt the elf's abnormality.

An elf actually took the initiative to fight with them, and four of them alone?This is not in the arena, how could this elf be their opponent?Kane was also very helpless, he could only persuade him.

"Do you think it's possible, Kane? I'm not a fool. What did you guys see when you went out?"

"Go out? How is it possible? We didn't go out."

"Really? Probably."

With a wry smile, Wei Sen picked up another glass of wine from the waiter, and then drank it down without hesitation.

The spicy alcohol entered his mouth, then slowly slid down his throat, and finally entered his stomach. The whole process was uncomfortable, but Wei Sen didn't respond at all.

As a magician, Wesson shouldn't drink at all, but he wants to forget everything he saw tonight.

He was severely injured by Josh and directly gave up the third and fourth qualifying matches, but he came to the banquet with his injured body, just to meet Elvira and congratulate Elvira, but he I saw the things I least wanted to see.

His eyes were blurred, and Wei Sen wanted to find another glass of wine to drink, but soon he froze.

Because in the door that his eyes focused on, a familiar figure suddenly appeared, wearing an elf-style robe, silver hair, and this unbelievably beautiful face.

"His Royal Highness Elvira? Her Royal Highness Elvira!"

Wesen rubbed his eyes hard, and shouted out excitedly after he was sure that he saw correctly.

Your Highness Elvira, are you finally back?At this moment, Wesen was so happy, so happy, Elvira also heard his voice, hesitated and walked towards him.

"Hello, Weison, I'm sorry that I didn't visit you after Josh hurt you, and I hope you forgive me." Elvira's expression was still indifferent and cold, and she couldn't tell that the person who was with Josh before was she.

"No, I'm fine, thank you for your concern, Her Highness Avella." Even with Avella's attitude, Wesson was still very happy, as if he was completely sober from the wine.

However, Weisen suddenly discovered that there was a silver necklace around Avella's neck at some point, which made him very curious: "Your Highness Avella, this necklace is"

"Josh sent it to me."

Looking down at the necklace on her neck, the corners of Elvira's mouth suddenly turned up slightly, but she quickly calmed down again.But this detail was clearly seen by Wesson, and what Elvira said was very clear, and it was impossible for Wesen not to hear it.

From Josh?Can it make Elvira smile?

Weisen was like a bolt from the blue.In fact, this necklace was not a gift from Josh, but in Elvira's knowledge, she had decided to take it to make up for Josh's failure to get the gold coins.

It's just that Josh didn't want it. In Elvira's opinion, it is no different from what Josh gave, and Elvira also found that it seems to be really good to bring.

Wesson's eyes looked a little empty, and even Kane, a bystander, couldn't see it. Finally, Kane thought about it and asked: "Your Highness Avilla, since you are back, what about Josh? Where is this kid going?" gone?"

"Your Highness Kane, in fact, you can call me Elvira just like Josh. Josh said he was tired and has already gone back. After all, he is just a magician, and he may not be very good in physical strength."


"Okay, everyone, please forgive my presumptuousness, I am also a little tired. I had a good time tonight, and I hope you have a good time."


The Dennis brothers and Kane brothers, including Ian and Wesson, all stared blankly at the female elf in front of her. Didn't she know what she was talking about?

Or does she simply not care what other people know?
Ian swallowed, raised his head slightly and glanced at Kane, just as Kane also looked at him, the expressions of both of them were taken for granted and a little unbelievable.

Just when Elvira herself didn't know how ambiguous what she said was, Josh had rushed back to his residence, and he was very excited.

This damn four-nation invitation is finally over, this damn carnival dinner is finally over, and now he's going to do something he's happy about!
Rushing into his room, Josh happened to see Natasha sitting on the bed reading a book. Josh jumped on Natasha without saying a word, ignoring her exclamation, and threw the book in her hand to the Then he kissed her deeply.

Natasha was taken aback by Josh, but soon she didn't care, and even took the initiative to hug Josh.

Slowly, the clothes on the two of them began to become less and less, and their enthusiasm became higher and higher, but soon Josh stopped again, and then the magic power surged.

"What's wrong?" Natasha asked curiously.

"I'll set up an enchantment first, I don't expect another bastard to rush in!"

Natasha chuckled, what Akatosh did that time really frightened both of them.

"By the way, didn't you attend that dinner party? Why did you come back so soon?"

"It's not interesting, you know, I don't like those social dinners, so I chatted with Elvira there for a while and then came back."

"Avella? Is that the female elf?"

"Yes, I don't know how this female elf was taught. Except for IQ, there is nothing wrong with it. EQ and dealing with people are terribly low, but I feel that she is also quite pitiful. Except for the difference in talent, everything else is the same as before. Pretty similar."

Josh shrugged and said directly about his experience tonight, although he knew that talking about other girls in front of a girl was not something a smart person would do.

But in the face of Natasha Josh, he didn't want to hide anything at all. Rather than being found to be lying and causing all kinds of embarrassment in the future, it would be better to tell them all directly.

Natasha suddenly stood up and walked behind Josh, looking at Josh affectionately. She didn't feel any displeasure because of what Josh said before, but asked very seriously: "Is she pretty?"

Josh, who had just finished setting up the barrier, was stunned for a moment when he heard Natasha's words. After thinking for a while, he nodded seriously: "Very beautiful, after all, elves are..."

Natasha put a finger on Josh's mouth, then took a step back, raised her bare hand slightly to remove the last layer of tulle covering her body.

The graceful body made Josh's body stiff, and Natasha smiled slightly: "Am I pretty?"


Josh gasped heavily, and didn't answer Natasha at all. He had already roughly pushed Natasha onto the bed.

This night, the moon and stars were scarce, and this night was destined to be unforgettable for Josh.

(End of this chapter)

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