The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 269 My face is printed on the badge

Chapter 269 My face is printed on the badge
"I said Josh, how crazy were you playing last night?"

Standing in the teleportation array, Black looked at Josh's listless and exhausted face and asked with a headache.

But anyone could tell from the look on Black's face that this guy didn't mean to be angry at all, because he heard what Kane said about what happened last night.

Turning his head and glanced at Ilka not far away, whose face was as black as ink, Blake almost wanted to laugh out loud.But fortunately, Black can still restrain himself. No matter how he thinks about Black, he doesn't feel that he is at a disadvantage. He is really comfortable in his heart now.

Ilka is not the case, he is really angry and wants to beat someone now.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened last night, but looking at Josh's listless and obviously overworked appearance, Wesen's unlovable state, combined with what Ian and himself said plus Putting on the necklace around Elvira's neck, Ilka had a bad feeling.

Could it be that his own daughter, Ilka, doesn't want to think about it at all. Although Ilka is not very opposed to Josh and Elvira's follow-up development, at least it must conform to the tradition of the elves!

The elves never advocated 'get on the bus first, pay the fare later'.

Josh didn't know what these two old guys were thinking, he was so sleepy now that he didn't even bother to pay attention to what Black said.

Of course, Josh also admitted that he played a little crazy last night. Without using mental power to control himself, Josh's performance surprised him.

The whole night, he hardly slept or meditated, and Natasha catered to him all the time.

However, as a warrior and a woman, this inherent advantage is not comparable to Josh, a magician, so Natasha is a little tired now, but at least she can't tell it, and Josh's troubled face is You can see it at a glance.

Although Josh ignored Black, Black didn't care at all.

He greeted Ilka with a smile on his face, regardless of Ilka's increasingly ugly face, Black took Josh and others across the teleportation array, and they had to go back after the game.

It has indeed been out for a month. Although there is no need to rush back for the rest of the time, you can stay and enjoy the carnival after the competition, but Josh somehow took the blame without knowing it, which led to the people from these two countries ruling Those who don't have the mood to stay here at all.

Ilka has to think about what will happen to Josh and Elvira in the future, as will Blake, and he still has a lot of things left in Augustus that he needs to deal with.

Josh is similar to Blake, but Josh is relatively relaxed. In Rivendell, Josh has dispersed all the power, and he only retains some very important decision-making power.

In comparison, Josh is easier than Blake. I don’t know how much, but Josh’s own things are not too few, such as paying Spielberg and the others the corresponding rewards, and going to Middle-earth to clear the unfinished business. Things get done and stuff like that.

Even Josh may need to go to the world of mummies to find the two Bibles. Josh silently counts and feels that he has a lot to do!Shaking his head, Josh Gan didn't bother to think so much at all, so let's take one step at a time, after all, he has to fill in the holes he dug.

"Hey, how do you feel that the four-nation invitation is over, and I still have to be busy with my affairs."

Shaking his head, Josh was too lazy to think about these things that made him feel troublesome, so he declined Black's invitation to rest in Kaiseras for a while, and Josh directly took his guards to sit on the teleportation array again, I went to a city with a teleportation array closest to Rivendell.

Same as when he came, when he went back, Josh also drove the carriage all the way back.And Josh took this time to take a good rest. Josh's feeling now is quite like a line in Cloudy Sky - the little tiredness after the passion fades away.

Of course, Josh is not mentally tired.

Although he is a liberal arts student, Josh doesn't have any literary and youthful feelings. He is just lamenting that magicians and warriors work hard, and they really come here and lose once.

After waking up, Josh rubbed his still sore waist, and then took a look at Galen with a smirk on his face and Natasha who rolled his eyes. Josh made a decision.

"Galen, remember to call me when you go to exercise early."

"Which time have I never called you? Except at the beginning, you followed along, and you decided not to go afterwards, okay. Now you know that you are wrong?"

"Wrong? How is it possible, it's just that I don't want to use magic, okay, otherwise."

Before Josh finished speaking, Natasha grabbed his ear, and Josh shut up decisively.

Thinking about it, Josh also feels quite ashamed. If magic is used for this kind of thing, although the effect may be very good, Josh always feels very weird.

"Let's not talk about that, by the way, Galen, has that guy Hosdner come back?"

"Not yet, he has been away for half a month and has never come back. If it wasn't because of the contract, I wonder if something happened to him."

"Is that so?"

Josh rubbed his chin, Galen's contract didn't give any indication that Hosdner was fine at all, and Josh didn't think there was anything in the world of assassins that could compete with this guy.

Josh's first reaction was, isn't this guy crazy?

Not to mention that this is really possible, Hosdner's familiarity with the world of assassins is probably not bad, although it is limited to Italy.But in that world, Josh allowed Ezio and the others to expand outward when they had the opportunity. After so many years, I don’t know what to do?
"How about? Let's go and have a look?"


"Of course, it's not too far from Rivendell anyway, so let's go and have a look. Well, let's talk to O'Brien and the others before we leave."

"up to you."

Galen said it doesn't matter if Josh has an idea, and Natasha doesn't care even more. As long as Josh is worthy of her, no matter what Josh decides, she will support it.

In this case, without further ado, Josh poked his head out and explained a little to O'Brien and the other guards.

It has to be said that after the continuous popularity of the phantom and the series of battles invited by the Four Kingdoms, these guards have become more and more respectful of Josh.

Even O'Brien, who was not willing to come to Josh's place at the beginning, has changed a lot. This is a common problem in the Muya Continent, and powerful people always have more right to speak.

But Josh didn't care about these. After taking Galen and Natasha out of the car, he waited for O'Brien and the others to go far away, and Josh found a hidden place and opened the gate of void directly.

The silver void door with such complicated runes opened again, and Josh couldn't help feeling that he really liked the feeling of being able to freely enter and exit other worlds.

The stories in each world are different, some are familiar to Josh and some are unfamiliar to Josh.

Josh prefers to get into the stories he is familiar with, whether it is a comedy or a tragedy. Of course, if it is really a tragic story, Josh will turn him into a comedy.

Although Josh's actions were meant to interfere with the normal development of the world, Josh felt that as long as the limit of that world was not high, it didn't matter what he did.

He really couldn't bear a tragedy he had seen before, and it was staged in front of his eyes again, even if it destroyed the mode of operation that the world should have.

After passing through the void gate, Josh and the others found themselves standing in the middle of a church, and in front of their eyes was a group of dull soldiers.These soldiers stared blankly at Josh and the others, and then they all let out high-pitched roars, and all attacked Josh and the others.

"What is this scenario?"

Josh and Galen stared blankly at the soldiers, they couldn't figure out what was going on.

However, as a magician who has just been out of the arena for less than 24 hours, especially when he doesn't have to limit his abilities, Josh directly shows the magic posture he is most familiar with.

A rune imprisoned with void magic directly imprisoned all these soldiers in place, and he really didn't understand what was going on.

This is the world of assassins, that's right, Josh felt it very clearly, especially when Josh entered this world, the turbulent power of faith came directly to Josh, which made Josh feel refreshed.

But what the hell are these soldiers?Why do you attack us as soon as you see us?Did I enter the wrong controlled area?

Josh touched his chin and thought for a while. He looked at the struggling soldiers, but the sharp-eyed Galen pulled Josh's clothes.

"Look at that badge, isn't the picture on it yours?"


Looking closely, there was indeed a silver badge on the chests of those soldiers, and the badge was really his own portrait.

Although it is a bit abstract, it can still be recognized at a glance. This made Josh let one thing happen. He did not go to the wrong place, but Josh still felt a little ashamed.

Did you really print your own face on the badge?Did you print your face on those gold and silver coins?Although I feel very ashamed, Josh thinks it seems to be pretty good. It seems that the development here is still good.

"What happened here?"

Just as Josh was thinking wildly, suddenly a voice that seemed familiar to Josh sounded.

I saw a handsome and tall man walking in. Although this man looked very relaxed, his tight body carried a trace of fighting spirit, which showed that he was not so relaxed.

But as he slowly walked in front of these soldiers, he was suddenly stunned when his fighting spirit had reached its peak. It took him a long time to ask in a daze, "Your Majesty Josh? And Your Excellency Galen?"

"Otherwise? Ezio, long time no see!"

Josh smiled, he didn't expect to meet Ezio in this ghost place, the guy who Josh planned to let him be Natasha's teacher, but in the end they could only become brothers and sisters.

I took a good look at Ezio, the third-order level is not bad, after all, the limit of this world is not high, and he can reach this level shows that he is very serious.

Hearing Josh's affirmative answer, Ezio immediately knelt down on one knee without saying a word: "Please forgive me and my subordinates for being rude, they have never seen His Majesty."

Ezio's approach directly stunned the soldiers who were still struggling. They looked at Josh in disbelief. This His Majesty of the Church, who is called the "God Walking in the World", seems to be too young .

At the same time, they were also very frightened. What they did could be hanged.

But fortunately, His Majesty didn't seem to have any bad thoughts about their recklessness. With a wave of Josh's hand, the restraints on these soldiers disappeared immediately.

They immediately followed Ezio's example and knelt on one knee, and looked at His Majesty frantically.

"Okay, get up, Ezio. I have something to do here, by the way, where's that silly dragon of Hosdner?"

(End of this chapter)

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