Chapter 270

Alexios was sitting in a bar drinking helplessly. This was the third month he had been in this ghost place.

Three months ago, he was basking in the sun on the beach in Greece, looking at the turbulent ocean, recalling the time when he drove the Adrestia and galloped the sea with his friends Barnabas and Herodotus. Scenes.

Reminiscing about his family members who have passed away long ago, and reminiscing about the Icarus who has been with him for many years.

Now the pattern of the world is becoming more and more unfamiliar, even he, who has lived in the world for an unknown number of years, can't see it clearly.

He used Ysu's artifact to see the future thousands of years ago, but that future is different from the future he knows now!
The Church of the Hidden Ones, a name he had never heard before, suddenly appeared above the entire European continent. It swept across the entire European continent like a hurricane!
And the people in this church are all very scary. This level of horror seems to bring Alexios back to a thousand years ago!
Thousands of years ago, people could use various special abilities, but with the passage of time, such abilities became less and less.

Up to now, I am afraid that he is the only one who can still use the skills that existed thousands of years ago, but the people in this church have also mastered such skills, which are even more terrifying than what he knew thousands of years ago!
"Could it be those gods, have they returned? Have they pursued eternal success?"

Alexios, who has entered Atlantis and even lived in it for an unknown number of years, of course knows what kind of existence these gods are.

However, they have all left, and may even be dead. These gods are not eternal, even if they are very powerful.

Sighing slightly, Alexios continued to look at the sea, the future was already in chaos, and he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Alexios has a bad feeling, this strong sense of warning has been with him all his life, even after he has lost the Spear of Leonidas.

Standing up quickly, Alexios intends to leave here, but as soon as he left, he found that at some point, several guys in black robes and black hoods appeared around him, and more importantly, their There are also some special masks on the face!

Alexios had heard of these guys, he was already a top assassin, and it was very easy for him to inquire about the news.

And he is not just an assassin, he is more comprehensive than these assassins, but he knows that he is no match for these guys!
The reason is very simple, because there is a terrifying giant dragon hovering above the heads of these guys!

Malaka!Alexios has encountered countless troubles in his life, and has encountered countless legendary creatures, but none of them made him feel invincible like this giant dragon!

To Alexios' confusion, they seemed to be looking for him.

This shocked Alexios incomparably. He hid in the shadow of the world, watched the world change constantly, and waited for the prophesied person to appear. He felt that he had been very careful, but he did not expect that It was still discovered.

"Are you Cassandra? Or Ah sorry, I forgot that name."

The giant dragon landed, and his huge body filled the beach with smoke and dust.

Even so, Alexios didn't dare to try to escape, because he felt a terrible aura locked on him, and if he dared to try, he would be guaranteed to be attacked by terror.

"Alexios. I am Alexios, and Cassandra is my sister. She has been dead for over 1000 years."

Since there was no way to escape, Alexios gave up and came to answer the dragon's questions.

To be honest, he never dreamed that he actually encountered a giant dragon. Isn't this something imagined by his younger generations in some novels?
"Oh, it seems right. Alexios, it took us a lot of time to find you. But fortunately, we finally found it. Someone wants to meet you, so please come with us."

"Meet me? You are from the Church of the Hidden Ones, right? Who wants to see me?"

"Josh, you will know after meeting. Don't worry, although Josh is a bad guy sometimes, he is still good."

This giant dragon is Hosdner. After he came to this world, he released the mission. As a result, it only took them three months to find the trace of Alexios.

At this time, Alexios' complexion is not very good, Josh?The Pope of the Church of the Hidden Ones?The god who claims to be walking in the world?He is looking for me?

"You will know when you meet."

"I want to go to Rome with you?"


"Can you not go?"

"What do you say?"

In the end, Alexios still failed to withstand Hosdner's oppression, and followed them to Rome.

Although Alexios experienced what is called flying, he was not in a good mood to be honest.

Even though Giovanni and Mario, the two giants of the Church of the Hidden Ones, came out to chat with him a few times, his heart was still very heavy.

He guessed that His Majesty Josh had taken a fancy to something of him?For example, this scepter that can change shape at will while providing itself with endless vitality?
During these days, Alexios spent more than three months, but during these three months, he also discovered the difference brought about by the Church of the Hidden Ones.

For example, in the area around their base camp, the social development here is extremely good, although this church is very similar to the Christianity of Order that he personally wiped out before.

But Alexios, who already knew the definitions of 'order' and 'chaos', didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Without order, the society would be in chaos, and the people would be in dire straits.There is all order, and society has no vitality, no progress.

But this can't make Alexios more happy. The life of semi-house arrest always makes him feel uncomfortable.

He used to be a mercenary, and he longed for a free life. Although the people in the church in Rome did not restrict his activities, he was not stupid. Even if he lost Icarus, he could still feel it. Wherever he goes, people will follow him.

"When will such a day be the end? Didn't His Majesty say he wanted to see me? Have you forgotten me?"

Alexios shook the cup feebly, his face was full of bitterness.Suddenly he felt a palpitation, Alexios quickly raised his head and looked around, only then did he realize that everyone in the bar had disappeared.

"Malaka! What's going on?"

"It's nothing, I just want to see you, relax."

Just when Alexios was about to get up and run out, suddenly there was a strong distortion in a blank area not far in front of him, as if even the space was about to be shattered!
And in that distorted place, there was a voice.

This voice sounded very young, and Alexios also heard some amusement from this voice.As the distorted space in front of him continued to change, he finally saw someone walking out of it!

hell!How could someone get out of here?

The young man looked at Alexios' surprised look and smiled slightly, and then introduced himself: "Long time no see Alexios, well, maybe it would be better to call you a falcon trainer or a mercenary? By the way , my name is Josh."

"Josh, is that His Majesty Pope Josh?"


Josh nodded slightly, looking at Alexios in front of him, Josh suddenly wanted to play some pranks, just like he used "long time no see" instead of the more conventional "hello", this guy Josh I have always had a funny heart, just like now.

"By the way, Alexios, I wonder if you have recovered the eyeball that you stuffed into the sheep's asshole?"

"What? Oh! Malaka! How do you know about it!"

Seeing Josh's smirk, and recalling what Josh said, Alexios immediately remembered, wasn't this what he did back then?

Back then when Alexios was still on Kefalonia Island, when he defeated the one-eyed man and saved Barnabas, he just stuffed the one-eyed man's special obsidian eyeball into a sheep's asshole!

But how did this Josh know?
Alexios stared blankly at Josh, and suddenly he thought of a very scary thing, that is, this guy probably existed as early as that era!But in order to be more sure, Alexios chose to try it.

"Um, do you know how many legendary creatures there are in this world?"

"I know, but didn't you kill them all? By the way, did you convince your biological father or kill him. Otherwise, according to common sense, it should be him who has lived to this day instead of you."

"I persuaded Pythagoras, and he gave me the scepter."

"Is that so?"

Josh nodded, he suddenly felt that this world could not be the one he used to play games in, right?

After all, it was Alexios who appeared instead of Cassandra, and the choice of Pythagoras was also unexpectedly consistent with his own.But soon Josh shook his head, why bother him so much?Thinking about so many useless things will only increase your troubles.

"Your Majesty Josh. Are you from that era too?"

"No, I'm not from this world. I came to this world just for something very useful to me, that's all. And, you should also know, who are you and the god of this world? Some people."

"Yes, I understand."

Alexios nodded, he was not so strange about Josh's origin.Because gods like Josh are existences from outside worlds, and judging from Josh's actions, this guy is probably just here to engage in faith.

After all, Josh neither managed a regime in this world, nor interfered with its development, but simply created a religion.

This is considered polite, the previous gods simply did not treat people in this world as life.

"Your Majesty Josh, what can I do for you?" Alexios asked after thinking about it.

"Well, there are indeed a few things I need to ask you." Josh nodded, then gave him a serious look before slowly speaking: "First, I need your scepter."

"What! It's impossible! You know that."

"Don't worry, after listening to what I said, you are questioning."


Watching Alexios calm down slowly, Josh nodded and continued: "Second, I hope you can join me, of course not here. Instead, go to my world, of course the teacher of some subjects, I need you Rich practical experience and combat skills, of course, in order to make up for your lost vitality, I will find a way to help you replenish it. After all, a dead person cannot be a teacher."

"Leaving this world?" Alexios froze for a moment, he had never thought about it.

Josh nodded, and suddenly said mysteriously: "You are a mercenary, a legendary mercenary. So according to the rules of mercenaries, if you pay, you will be paid."

"What kind of reward are you going to give me?"

"Well, how about I try to revive your friends, and your relatives? Including Icarus."


(End of this chapter)

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