Chapter 271 Overdue
"Damn it! Josh, this place is full of fucking sand! Are you sure you're in the right place?"

"It's impossible to go wrong. You know that the Void Gate has never had any problems in this regard."

"But why haven't we walked out of this damn place for so long?"

"How do I know this? I dare not use teleportation magic in such an unfamiliar environment. Wouldn't it be bad if the thing gets stuck in a mountain or some rock?"

Josh looked at Galen helplessly and sighed.

To be honest, he has been walking in this damn desert for two days now, looking at the flying sand all over the sky, Josh is really depressed.This ghost place is really hot and uncomfortable. Josh is really not very familiar with this ghost place in Egypt.

After Josh briefly described his conditions to Alexios in Assassin World, Alexios thought for a while and agreed.

Although he doesn't really believe that a person who has been dead for an unknown time can be resurrected, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't want to see his friends and relatives again.

Even though they have passed away for nearly a thousand years, Alexios always thinks of those people who impressed him the most in his sleep, and the ones who appear the most are his parents, his somewhat annoying brother , and his sister.

It's a pity that they didn't have the help of the scepter, so they couldn't resist the passage of time, and finally died one by one in front of Alexios.

Alexios knew this was inevitable, but he was also in great pain, and he had to force himself to adapt slowly.

But now, suddenly, in his eyes, a guy who is extremely mysterious and powerful at the same time told him, as long as you give me your life extension and follow me at the same time, I will resurrect all your friends and relatives !
Alexios really couldn't resist such a temptation.

To be honest, if Alexios is completely silent about life after another 1000 years, I am afraid that Josh will not be so easy to convince him that he has lived enough!
Otherwise, he wouldn't have handed over the scepter of his life so calmly to the woman who appeared in the prophecy.

But now, Alexios has not reached this step, he is not silent about his life, he has not gone through a ruthless millennium, so he agreed to Josh's request.

But he has one request, and that is to go and see the outside world with Josh.

Josh naturally agreed to this request.

Anyway, Alexios's family may leave the world of assassins in the future. In this case, Josh thinks it's better to let Alexios get used to it first, and let him experience his other strengths by the way.

But what Josh didn't expect was that when they stepped through the void gate and came to the mummy's world, they looked at the wind and sand all over the sky in bewilderment and were at a loss.

Of course, fortunately, he entered another world from one world, and Alexios began to believe what Josh said.

But it's a pity that Josh's trip didn't seem to go smoothly, and the Egyptian wind and sand had worn away the patience of Josh and the others.

Finally, Galen, who couldn't stand the damn environment, roared out. The damn sand kept getting into his shoes, which made him very uncomfortable.

There was nothing Josh could do. He really wanted to use teleportation magic, but he didn't know the way in this world.

It would be fine if he rashly used the teleportation magic to get stuck in the mountain or rock, but if he accidentally passed it directly into the sand, Josh would bring everyone to experience what it was like to be buried alive.

"Okay, don't talk about my dear, and Galen. Everyone is very irritable in this weather, but you can't help it if you argue. Why don't you try to fly or let Hosdner drive us around?"

The hot weather and the wind and sand all over the sky really made people irritable, and Natasha could only persuade her.

Although they would not be thirsty or hungry and then die in the desert, but such a broken place can neither take a bath nor rest well, no matter how you look at it, it is not very beautiful.

"The world limit of this world is not bad, it has reached the level of almost the sixth level. But this is to count the believers in this world thousands of years ago, as well as the legendary god of death. But my inheritance tells me that the god of death is actually It’s just part of the world’s will, and there’s no need to care about it at all.”

"So does this have anything to do with us not using magic or dragons?"

"To put it simply, there is no supernatural power in this world now. Using Hosdner, his warning is too big and too easy to cause a sensation. Using flying magic is similar. Don't forget what I use elemental light wings kind of."

"So we can only walk?"

"more or less."

Josh sighed helplessly. In the past, he entered other worlds basically in one step, and he didn't need much effort to find his goal.

But the relationship is that Josh can meet people, language is used for communication, and even Josh can directly use magic to get what he wants.

But now there is no ghost here at all, and Josh doesn't even have a way to communicate.Is it possible to communicate with those lizards and scorpions?Josh is not a Druid, he simply doesn't have such ability, so he is really helpless now.

"Are we going to Cairo?" Alexios, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked when Josh was trying to find a way to find out the direction.

"Yes, damn Cairo!"

"I think I have a way to take you there."


Josh was a little surprised at this moment. He stared at Alexios in a daze. He didn't expect that this mercenary actually knew where Cairo was?
The same was true for Galen and Natasha, and their gazes made Alexios a little embarrassed.

"If this world is similar to my previous world, I think I can find that position. After all, I have been to Egypt before."

"Have you been here before?"

"Yes, here I taught a kid how to train an eagle."

"Don't tell me, that kid's name is Bayek?"

"You know this as well?"

Well, now Josh knows why Bayek can also control the eagle. This guy taught him feelings.

In fact, in Odyssey, Alexios said before his death that he had traveled all over the world, so it is not impossible that he came to Egypt to teach Bayek.

Then it's not impossible for this guy to have a detailed map of Egypt in his head, and if that's the case, Josh won't wander around foolishly.

They directly asked Alexios to lead them the way, and although this mercenary was a little unfamiliar with Egypt, he still found a correct route.

Under the leadership of this guy, plus Josh and others are not ordinary people, they only took half a day to arrive in Cairo!
This made Josh, who was leading the way indiscriminately, feel a little ashamed, especially when this guy actually said: "If Icarus is still there, we will be more relaxed."

This made Josh really angry. Icarus was Alexios' eagle, the little guy that even Josh would like and envy.

To be honest, Josh also wished he had such a thing, but it's a pity that Josh didn't get the eagle, but got a dragon, and he was a lazy dragon. It's absolutely impossible for such a thing to do.

Alexios used to be a mercenary, and he was absolutely good at observing words and expressions. He immediately noticed Josh's ugly face.

This made him a little strange. Although he had only known Josh for two days, Josh did not give him the feeling of those high gods, and he also thought that Josh was in the same era as himself, so he had a good understanding of Josh. I got a lot closer.

"That... did I say something wrong?" Alexios touched his nose and said a little embarrassedly.

"No, don't worry about it. He's just a little envious of you, because he doesn't have an eagle but has a dragon, but that dragon is very lazy in Josh's words." Natasha naturally knew what Josh was thinking, she smiled He hugged Josh's shoulders, and then explained something to Alexios.

"Dragon? Is that the dragon that took me to Rome?"

"No, that's Galen's companion, his name is Hosdner. And Josh's dragon is a more powerful guy, he can control his size and even change into other creatures, it's Hoss Dana's father."

"Is that so?"

Alexios nodded, then stopped asking further questions.

After being envious for a while, Josh stopped thinking about these shitty things. At worst, he would use Icarus' genes to clone a new eagle in the future, or simply let Alexios teach himself how to train an eagle.

He is now thinking about the plot of the mummy story. To put it simply, Evelyn, a female archaeologist who specializes in archaeology, doubts her brother's accident. He simply said that this guy stole a key. He dared to go to Hamnata, the legendary city of death, to make a fortune, and finally started a magical journey.

To be honest, the whole plot is actually quite funny. A brother Jonathan who is so funny, a heroine who has done nothing but make trouble, plus a protagonist who is unlucky to be hanged at the beginning, Josh really doesn't want to take them with you.

But Josh had no choice but to take them with him. First of all, Josh didn't know the damn ancient Egyptian language at all, and secondly, Josh didn't know the way at all.

Josh has already experienced what a bird looks like in the desert, and he really doesn't want to be a headless fly running around in it anymore.

The languages ​​in the Sun Bible and the Death Bible are both ancient Egyptian, and Josh can only rely on Evelyn as a woman to help him translate.

Could it be possible to find the expedition team of the Yankees?Josh vaguely remembered that there was also an archaeologist in that team?

But after thinking about it, Josh felt that it was better. Leaving aside how to join the team, Josh himself didn't like the group of Yankees.

Instead of spending time and getting in touch with those sky-high guys with upturned noses, it is better to let the protagonist in the movie lead the way simply and conveniently.

"After all, the keys and everything are with them."

After making a decision in his mind, Josh directly found a hotel to live in. He spent the night in the wind and sand last night. Although he could use cleaning magic to keep himself clean, he didn't know if it was a psychological effect. Xi always felt uncomfortable.

"It's already like this anyway, it's better to take a good rest first, and then set off the next day."

Lying on the big soft bed, Josh stretched out comfortably. This ghostly place is much more comfortable than the desert.But what makes Josh a little strange is why he threw himself directly into the desert this time. Before entering the void gate, he was basically close to the protagonist, or very close to certain places.

Suddenly, Josh's face froze. After all, there was nothing wrong with the Void Gate before, and there shouldn't be any problems this time. Then there was only one possibility he could think of.

"Hey? Could it be that the place where I f-cking crossed over was that damn city of death?"

(End of this chapter)

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