The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 272 Unreliable Brother and Sister

Chapter 272 Unreliable Brother and Sister
Early the next morning, Josh walked out of the room refreshed.

Although last night Josh realized that he might have gone the wrong way, but under Natasha's comfort, Josh had a wonderful night, and naturally his mood improved a lot the next day.

Anyway, I've already missed it, so it's useless to worry about it, just like what Josh thought before, anyway, it's useless for him to go in and get two Bibles, I can't understand it.

Since this is the case, it would be more comfortable to come with Evelyn and the others. As for whether they will be discovered by Alexios and they will have to go back the same way?
This Josh didn't care, he found out when he found out, Josh's face was thick enough and he wasn't afraid of being found out about these trivial things.

Holding Natasha's hand, they walked into the restaurant together. Galen and Alexios had already been sitting here, and it looked like they had gone out to exercise in the morning on the eighth floor.

Alexios is going to teach in Josh's territory, the first thing is to have enough strength.

Although the current Alexios has a strength close to the third level with his thousand years of experience, but such a level is not worth mentioning in Josh's eyes.

Alexios needed to relearn some things, the most typical being fighting spirit, and Galen naturally took on this task as his duty.

In his words, anyway, I have already taught so many people, and it doesn't matter if there is one more.

Alexios did not refuse, and even showed a stronger mental state when learning these new things than Giovanni and the others at the time. Alexios lived in the era when the gods of their world had recently left. , he is naturally very interested in these god-like abilities.

Josh pulled Natasha and walked directly towards them. Alexios stood up naturally and sat next to Galen, letting Josh and Natasha sit together.

However, Josh noticed that Galen looked at the two of them strangely, which made Josh a little puzzled.

"What's the matter, Galen? What does that look mean?"

"Can you two please keep your voice down?"

"What? You bastard! You're still eavesdropping?! You're doing such wretched things with such an upright look?!"

"Shut up! Don't forget that I'm also at the fifth level! The sound insulation in this ghost place is so bad! You bastard didn't make an enchantment yourself, do you think I won't be able to hear you?"

Josh's face turned black, what Galen said was really okay, they lived next door, and Galen was really 'forced' to hear the movements made by Josh with his fifth-level level, this point But Josh himself ignored it.

"I also said that you are still there after I'm done, why do I feel like you are like that."

"Will you try again?"

Faced with Josh's threat, Galen bared his lips, and directly changed the subject and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"I already have an idea about this, let's go to the Cairo Museum."

"Oh? Looking for a pair of unreliable siblings?"

"Yes, and get out that unfortunate Mr. O'Connor by the way. I don't know the way, and I don't know the damned ancient Egyptian. I need their help."

Josh would not tell Galen about the possibility that they and they might have walked back directly from the city of the dead.Even Natasha Josh didn't say anything about it, although he didn't care much about being discovered.

But it's better for him to pretend to be confused than to tell them stupidly now: 'Hey, we might have a problem'.

"Oh? You're going to follow the story? I thought you were going to throw this story into hell again."

"Just kidding, do you think if we join, this story will still be the same as before?"

"That's true."

After talking nonsense for a while, Alexios and Natasha got used to it without knowing it. They ate something and got up and left.

At the time of [-], although Josh was not too unfamiliar, he was definitely not familiar with it. Anyway, it was only a few years after the end of World War I.

As for the rest, Josh didn't think much of it either.

This world is not too peaceful, but the peace and unrest are just like nonsense for Josh. How does the level of technology in 21 compare with the level of technology in the [-]st century?
Josh is not even afraid of the level of technology in the 21st century, but is he afraid of this?
Josh randomly found a kid and gave him some money, and the little guy took the initiative to lead Josh to the location of the museum.

Except for Alexios, who was a little wary of this kid's accident, everyone else looked indifferent. After all, Alexios had been tricked by such a kid who led the way.

All the way, Josh and the others came to the museum, but they found that there was no one here, but except for Alexios, the others felt that the people here seemed to be in an office upstairs, so they walked directly upstairs up.

However, when Josh pushed away the museum director's office, Josh happened to see Evelyn and her brother Jonathan looking at a piece of torn paper that had been burned in a corner, which made Josh He rolled his eyes, but Josh didn't care.

The torn piece of paper was obviously a map to the City of the Dead. Josh had originally thought that this map might soon be reimbursed when he came, but he didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

But Josh won't have any idea of ​​"why didn't I get up earlier", not to mention that there are remedies for this, and compared to saving this map early, Josh thinks it's better to spend more time with Natasha .

"Who are you?"

The curator of this museum naturally also noticed Josh and others who walked in. I have to say that these guys really surprised the curator of Terrence.

Whether it's Josh, Galen, or even Alexios, they are all handsome, but they have different styles, and there is a beautiful woman like Natasha among them.

Such beauties are not seen in Cairo at all, and Terrence is also very curious about the identities of these people.

They looked like rich kids from Western powers who came here for an adventure tour, but Terrence also knew that they would not say anything to him on the eighth floor, but he didn't expect Josh to say an answer that made his eyelids twitch. .

"I'm going to Hamna Tower."


Terrence's face was very exciting. Just before these young people came in, he destroyed a map leading directly to Hamna Tower. Just when he was complacent, someone told him: Hey buddy, I'm going to The city of the dead.

This feeling made Terrence very speechless, where is Hamna Tower?
It's the city of the dead!There is a very terrifying mummy buried there!

Is it because the ghostly name City of the Dead arouses the desire of young people to explore?Or is someone promoting Hamna Tower as a tourist attraction?
"I'm sorry, I've never heard of this place, although I don't know where you heard the name from, but I advise you to go back to England. Hamna Tower is just a legend, don't be told Lied to."

Josh and Galen's English has always been using Hermione's London accent, so Terrence thinks that Josh and the others should be adventurers who came from England.

And even if Terrence knew that Hamna Tower was there, it was absolutely impossible for him to tell Josh and the others.

You must know that this guy is not just a curator of a museum, he is also one of the members of the pharaoh's guards who are responsible for letting the world never know and never discover the damn city of death. What he is doing now is fulfilling his mission duty.

"But it really exists."

Evelyn naturally felt very close when she heard Josh's spoken language, and she also came from England.

So she completely ignored Terrence's flaming eyes, and waved at Josh and the others the map in her hand that had been burned off at one corner.

"Shut up! This is all a lie!"

"If you hadn't burned a corner, we could go find it."

Josh didn't bother to pay attention to what they were making noise there. He glanced at the map in Evelyn's hand and thought for a moment before asking, "Where did you get your map?"

"Um, my brother got it. By the way, my name is Evelyn, Evelyn Carnahan, and this is my brother Jonathan."

"Josh, this is Galen, Alexios, and Natasha."

After briefly introducing himself and the others, Josh immediately noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the woman's eyes.Seems to be a little nympho feeling?
Josh swore that this was the first time he saw such an expression on a woman, he had only seen it on some men.

But think about it, the living environment of this ghost place in Egypt is indeed not as good as that of a metropolis like the UK.

So it's normal for the aborigines here to look more difficult for Evelyn to accept. Josh and the others are already high-level guys, even if they are thrown in a big city, they are enough to attract attention, let alone in this ghost place.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?"

"Oh, I'm very sorry! Are you planning to go there too?" Eveli quickly realized what she was doing just now, and asked Josh with a blushing face.

"Of course, the purpose of our coming here is that Hamna Tower."

Josh nodded naturally, his purpose has never been hidden, and Josh originally planned to set off with them, so he was happy to have a good chat with this woman.

Soon, they left the museum under Terrence's aggrieved and helpless eyes, and Josh directly expressed the hope that Evelyn and the others would join him in the adventure.


"Because what I need is not the treasure inside, but the two books inside."

"**** and the Bible of Light?"


It's not that Josh is not interested in those treasures, because Josh clearly remembers that ghostly place collapsed in the end, and it is absolutely impossible for Jonathan and the others to get those treasures, so it will naturally be cheaper than Josh in the end. .

"It's a fool not to take advantage of it. It's a big deal, just leave it to them like the original book?"

(End of this chapter)

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