Chapter 273 O'Connor

"Are you sure, you really don't want that gold?"

"Otherwise? My goal is only those two Bibles."

While walking towards the prison, Jonathan slipped up to Josh again and asked him, which made Josh roll his eyes.

This guy is really greedy. Josh really didn't understand how such a guy, together with his unbelievably innocent sister, managed to live in this ghostly place until now.

You must know that Egypt is not a peaceful place, whether it is now or in the future, anyway, it is so chaotic in Josh's impression.

But Josh didn't bother to care so much. In his memory, these two guys were still alive until the last mummy. This is probably one of the typical representatives of a lucky explosion.

Jonathan was obviously a little worried, after all, that place was said to be full of gold.

Although judging from the clothes of Josh and the others, he felt that these people really seemed to be the ones who were not short of money, but he always felt a little strange in his heart, but he couldn't tell.

In the end, Jonathan, who couldn't figure it out, didn't bother to think about it any more. They had already arrived at the gate of the prison.Prisons in Cairo are not a good place. Of course, no matter where the prisons are in this era, they are all dirty and smelly.

Moreover, there is no order in this kind of prison. The biggest officer is the warden. This guy is like a king in this place.He can completely decide the life and death of any prisoner here, even if he wants to, he can let a capital criminal leave the prison alive.

However, the emperor in the prison was not feeling well right now, and he agreed to Josh's request decisively without Josh asking for any reward.As for the part in the original book where O'Connor was hanged on the gallows, the bargaining with Evelyn and the others never happened.

As for the reason, it was very simple. After Josh found this guy, he actually expressed interest in Natasha, which made Josh very angry.But Natasha comforted Josh with a smile and told him not to move around, and then walked over by herself.

"Are you interested in me?"

"What do you say, miss? As long as you want, I can release all the prisoners here for you."

"is it?"

Seeing the shameless look of the damn warden, Natasha was not angry.

She smiled slightly and put her hand behind this guy, then suddenly exerted a little force and a weak fighting spirit directly invaded his body, this guy immediately felt some uncomfortable feeling.

At this time, Natasha had already left him, and then she took out a handkerchief out of nowhere, wiped her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in what you said at all. But I think If you don't listen to me, I'm afraid you will die miserably."

The warden looked at this beautiful woman and didn't care at all.

But as Natasha's voice fell, he suddenly felt something swimming in his body, like a living worm. The most frightening thing was that this thing was slowly extending towards his heart!
"What the hell is this?"

"Well, I don't know how to explain it specifically. To put it simply, I left something in your body, and these things can end your life directly when I want. If you want to count the time limit, probably About 100 years."

Natasha tilted her head as if she was thinking, but what she said made the warden sweat coldly.

This era is still relatively feudal. Even the warden can't stand the fear of facing this position, especially Natasha seems to have activated the trace of fighting spirit in his body deliberately to test the effect. As a result, this classic The warden felt like he was about to suffocate!
He knew that this was not an illusion at all!If that sharp pain is an illusion, what else is real?So this guy resolutely yelled loudly after Natasha stopped a trace of fighting spirit control.

"I'll arrange it right away! Let that guy leave immediately! I swear! And I will never have any unreasonable thoughts about you, lady!"

The speed of the warden's compromise was so fast that even before Evelyn figured out what happened, this very rude and lecherous guy actually surrendered immediately.

At this time, the warden's face was pale, and he even considered whether he should leave this ghost place quickly.

It was terrible. If it was just an ordinary woman who threatened him, she might be on his bed at night.

But this woman who looks so beautiful is not an ordinary person at all!She is simply an extremely evil wizard!

Threatened by a wizard and cursed by him?The warden even thought of committing suicide at this time.

Natasha looked at the warden amusedly, shrugged her shoulders indifferently, then walked up to Josh and gave him a look of "look at me!"

And Josh was naturally not an idiot, and immediately gave Natasha a thumbs up. This scene made Galen roll his eyes continuously.

'This couple is really annoying. '

Galen and Alexios thought of this sentence almost at the same time, but of course they really couldn't say it.

At this time, Galen was missing Akatosh, a guy with a particularly bad mouth. If he was around, he might come out and spray Josh a few words. This damn sour smell is really bad.

"Just now, what happened?"

The warden personally took people out to find them, while the Evelyn brothers and sisters who stayed in the office stared blankly at Natasha. They didn't understand what happened just now.

It seems that this unusually beautiful woman walked over and patted the warden, and then said something inexplicable, and the warden gave in?
"It's nothing, I just used some tricks. Well, it's just a trick that is especially useful for dealing with such a guy." Natasha spread her hands and explained with a smile.

"Well, can I learn it?"

"This, I'm afraid it's difficult. After all, it requires some talent. I think it's more suitable for you to study ancient literature."

"I think so too."

Evelyn nodded indifferently, she never really thought about learning these things.She just thinks it's very fun, maybe she can try it in the future, but if the other party rejects you so tactfully, Evelyn will naturally not spend more time on it.

Not long after, the warden brought up a guy who looked very spoiled in a hurry.

"Is it this guy?"

Josh glanced at the bearded guy, then turned to Jonathan suspiciously.

Although Josh felt that he might have found the right person, it's still best to confirm with the person involved, knowing that Jonathan had some 'experience' with this guy.

"Yes, it's him."

Although Jonathan was also puzzled by what Natasha did directly, he felt that this woman probably learned some special fighting skills.And he is indeed the best person to identify this guy. His map was stolen from that guy.

"Hi, buddy. Here we go again."

"Damn it, it's you! The bloody thief!"

Although O'Connor was a little confused, a group of guys he didn't know. No, there was a guy he knew.It wasn't a big deal though, and he knew he might be saved.

The greatest possibility of saving themselves is that they want to know the information about the city of death, Hamna Tower.

And when the warden looked at the group of young people again, O'Connor could see the fear.

O'Connor was even guessing that these young people might not be descendants of that family, right?Based on this idea, O'Connor's performance is quite witty and honest.

"Gentlemen and ladies, since the person you are looking for has been found, may I?"

"Go ahead."

Josh waved his hand and let the warden, who was a little dazed by fright, leave here, but the warden didn't leave directly, but stood there with a embarrassed expression on his face.This made Josh look at him curiously.

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to leave?"

"No sir, I want to ask. Inside my body."

"Don't worry, that thing won't affect your life. Of course, if you want to do something bad, we can also use that thing to kill you very conveniently. It's that simple, you go down first."

Josh casually explained that Natasha's fighting spirit is not very high-end, it can only be said to be full of skills.Josh can use magic to do better than her, of course, Josh doesn't think it's necessary, it's enough.

Not bothering to look at the warden who turned his head three times with a bitter face, Josh directly fixed his eyes on O'Connor, who looked like a savage.

O'Connor also looked at Josh. Josh's pure London accent made O'Connor think that this guy also came from England.

"You, gentlemen and ladies, are you looking for me to know about Hamna Tower?" O'Connor asked cautiously.

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think we should save you?" Josh shrugged naturally.

"Actually, we didn't plan to find you, but it's a pity that the map was destroyed, and basically we couldn't see the original route, so we can only find you. Do you remember the route in the past?"

"of course."

O'Connor nodded, of course he remembered that place, and he also encountered some strange things at that time.

For example, the yellow sand that kept chasing him, which left a deep enough impression on O'Connor, of course he couldn't forget these contents.

"Can you still take us there?"

"Of course, but I'm afraid we can't walk in the desert like this."

"None of these are questions. There is only one question, and that is whether you can take us there. But I think we have the answer now."

Josh already had the answer. In fact, Josh already knew the answer without asking, but in order to show that he didn't know him too well, he chose to ask appropriately.

Touching his chin, Josh thought for a while and said directly: "You don't need to worry about equipment, we will prepare it for you, and you don't have to worry about anything else, all you have to do is lead the way, is that okay?"

"I think I get it, but I think I'd better take a shower and change first, which is where I am."

"Of course, it is necessary!"

Josh directly agreed to his request. This guy smells really bad now, and his current appearance is really no different from a savage.

If Josh took such a guy out, without saying anything else, Josh would feel ashamed when he saw it.

"I don't want to walk the streets with a savage."

(End of this chapter)

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