The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 274 Are Magicians Strange?

Chapter 274 Are Magicians Strange?

This guy O'Connor is quite honest, perhaps because of the attitude of the warden who can decide his life and death towards Josh and the others, O'Connor didn't dare to do anything bad.

For example, punching Jonathan, or running away while taking a shower.

O'Connor is certainly not an idiot, nor is he so self-righteous that he can run.

As a former soldier, his observation ability is definitely strong enough. He can naturally see that Josh and the others are not people like him, whether it is their dress, or the demeanor they show inadvertently, or the temperament they show. can be compared.

Except maybe the guy with the braids on top of his hair, which made O'Connor feel slightly better, but only slightly.

In this group of people, except for the thief and his sister, there was no one else who did not make O'Connor feel pressured.

"This is hell. Now some rich and powerful family children, why do they all like to take risks so much?"

O'Connor complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it in front of these people.

With the money Josh gave him, he left this damn prison without hesitation, then found a clothes store to buy a set of clothes, and then found a barber shop to have his hair and beard cut like a wild man After looking around, I finally found a hotel, took a good bath and ate something.

When he took care of everything and appeared in front of Josh and the others, they were stunned, especially Evelyn looked at O'Connor blankly. It was obvious that this woman had suffered from nymphodosis again.

But this time, no one said anything about her. After all, O'Connor had changed so much.

The saying that a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle seems to be appropriate everywhere.

It's just that O'Connor wasn't very used to Evelyn's eyes. He even signaled Josh with his eyes: Are you sure it's okay for this woman to act together?
something wrong?How could there be a problem?Josh nodded directly to say that there is no problem, don't worry.

Just kidding, if there is a problem at this level, I am afraid that Josh himself feels that he can stop messing around. He is at the sixth level without counting the Seraphim, let alone the seventh level when he turns on the Seraph!
Even if the duration of his seventh level is not long, it is enough.

However, the Seraph state made Josh feel more and more, why is it so like those Uchihas who opened Susan?But soon Josh was too lazy to think about these things. He meant to imitate others, and he should.

"Wardfalk? Didn't you say that you have prepared the equipment? Why is there nothing here? And why didn't you even buy a boat ticket? How can we get there without taking a boat?"

As he was getting ready to go, O'Connor decided to check his equipment.After all, he is a soldier, and it is normal for him to check what equipment he has missed to see if there is anything missing.

But what stunned him was that Josh directly spread his hands and said that they didn't need that thing at all!

What made him swear directly was that this group of people had no intention of taking the boat at all.God, how are you going to get there without a boat?walking?
I'm afraid that if you walk in the desert until you are about to die, you may not be able to walk to that damned city of death!

At this moment, O'Connor felt that he might as well be locked up in a prison. Instead of going to die with these guys and staying there waiting to die, he was going to die anyway. Of course, he chose a relatively comfortable one. It would be better to die.

At this moment, O'Connor directly put Josh and the others and Evelyn into the same unreliable list, and he was already thinking about whether he should find a time to sneak in when no one was paying attention. Just slip away, he really doesn't want to die!

"I said no problem, so it's no problem. As for how to get there, it's very simple. This is not something you need to worry about. All you need to do is lead us to find that ghost place in the desert."

Josh shrugged helplessly, he could understand O'Connor's doubts.But Josh really felt that there was no need to make such troubles. It was not that Josh had encountered that river when he came here, but Josh didn't think about it so much at the time and ran down the river to Cairo.

Now Josh was basically sure that he had indeed crossed and landed near Hamna Tower, but they didn't realize it at all.

In this case, Josh felt that it was much easier to handle. He only needed to teleport directly to the upper reaches of the river, and then let O'Connor lead them into the damn city of death.

"Then what are you going to do? Just wait in this hotel? Or go find a magician to teleport us there?"

O'Connor complained helplessly, and even Evelyn and Jonathan looked at Josh curiously.

They are all from civilized countries, so it is impossible to believe in magicians. They are just very curious about what Josh is going to do.

What they didn't expect was that Josh unexpectedly took a serious look at O'Connor, and then said strangely, "How did you know you were going to teleport there?"

"Diament! You are absolutely crazy!"

O'Connor looked at Josh blankly now, and finally couldn't stand the corners of his mouth twitching.

And Evelyn and Jonathan are not much better. They both looked at Josh seriously, and then glanced at Natasha and the others behind Josh, who seemed to be taking it for granted. They suddenly felt that they had encountered a psychosis or something. .

"Okay, Bi made such an unbelievable look. This world is huge, and it's only natural that you haven't seen many things. I can even tell you responsibly that the legend of the city of the dead is also true."

Josh didn't care about the eyes of these people and explained casually, and then a trace of silver luster suddenly appeared on his body, and soon a silver halo appeared in front of O'Connor, Evelyn and others, accompanied by various All kinds of runes make them immediately think whether they are dazzled.

"Don't rub your eyes, you have no eyes and flowers, get ready to go."

After setting up a zigzagging path, Josh watched the three of them rubbing their eyes vigorously and said something weakly, then he walked directly into the aperture and asked them to come in quickly.

The three of O'Connor looked at each other. After looking at Josh, the three companions had already stood in. After some hesitation, they still walked in suspiciously.

In an instant, a dizzying feeling directly invaded their brains, which was as uncomfortable as motion sickness.

But fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly. It took only a few seconds for them to realize that they were no longer in that hotel room, but in a vast desert.

"This is teleportation? Falk! This is unscientific!"

O'Connor stared blankly at the desert in front of him, and he even gave himself a hard slap to make sure that it was absolutely impossible to be some kind of hallucination.Because he hit himself so hard that his face was a little swollen.

Josh looked at O'Connor like a fool, this guy is really ruthless.But this guy also has a big heart. After being shocked, he looked at Josh with a fanatical attitude. Josh has seen this kind of eyes a long time ago, and it doesn't make much sense. Evelyn and Jonathan also use similar eyes. Looking at Josh.

"Is this magic?"

"Otherwise? What do you think is the power of this era, or what technology can allow you to travel hundreds of kilometers to this ghostly place in an instant?"

Josh shrugged, let alone this era, even after a hundred years of development, it is impossible to have such a technology.

Of course, except for some times when the technology tree is a bit slow and the IQ is off the charts, it is more likely, otherwise this kind of instant teleportation is really impossible for anyone to do.

Looking back at Natasha and Galen, Josh found that they didn't feel anything at all. Thinking about it, they seemed to be used to this kind of teleportation and naturally didn't feel anything. It was just that Alexios was a little uncomfortable, but Josh also noticed that this guy had begun to observe his surroundings.

"But, isn't magic something that only exists in novels? How could it appear in reality?" Evelyn was still incredulous.

Soon she suddenly thought of something: "Or? You already existed, but you are just hidden?"

"It's okay if you have to think that way."

Josh nodded, not to mention that there are really many magicians in the world who are hidden among the crowd. It may be an inconspicuous guy or a prominent person, just like the wizarding world.

A school is completely hidden in England, and no one has even discovered it yet.

"You mean, magicians really exist? And you're not the only one?"

"How strange, these people behind me are not ordinary people, okay? Besides, there is a wizarding academy in England, and there is also one in the United States. It's just that you Muggles can't feel or see it at all."

"What's a Muggle?"

"Ordinary people without magical powers."

After casually telling them some settings of the wizarding world, Josh didn't bother to explain anything.But even this little bit of information was enough to surprise them. As for whether they would look for it?

Josh doesn't care at all, it's not a product of this world anyway, it's a ghost if you can find it.

Looking left and right, Josh was thinking about finding something to travel, and Josh really didn't know where to go for the rest of the journey.

Although he teleported to Hamna Tower, he didn't remember the route at all when he came out. Besides, in Josh's eyes, all the routes are the same. How can he find the way with all the fucking sand?
But at this time, Alexios, who had been observing the surrounding situation, suddenly looked at Josh suspiciously, then hesitated and asked, "Um, Josh Your Excellency, have we been here?"

Josh's face froze, but he quickly recovered and pretended to be ignorant and said, "Is there? Why don't I remember?"

"But, why can you teleport directly to this place so skillfully. And although the desert in front of you looks the same, I'm sure."

"Okay, Alexios, if you want to see your friends and relatives sooner, please shut up first, please?"

"Yes, Lord Josh."

(End of this chapter)

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