Chapter 275 Living Fossils

The desert is very hot, even if the wind blows, it will be hot in bursts, but in this desert, seven people are walking towards its center.

However, these seven people didn't seem to be affected by the hot weather here, and they didn't even sweat a little after walking for a long time.

If anyone leans into them, they will definitely feel that the surroundings are extremely cool, it doesn't feel like being in the desert at all!
These seven people were Josh's team, but compared to how uncomfortable Josh was when he left the desert, they were much more comfortable this time.

Because the idiot Josh finally remembered that he seemed to be able to use magic and change the environment around him, so just a little bit would make him extremely comfortable!
Naturally, Josh received a lot of stares. Even Natasha, who loved him the most, couldn't help but look at Josh speechlessly.

Under the reminder of Alexios, even though his words were interrupted by Josh, Galen and Natasha were basically sure that they came out of this ghost place.

Although they didn't blame Josh for taking them back and forth, after all, no one could confirm where they landed in the vast desert.

And it wouldn't be a big deal to professionals like them even if it happened again, but when they came out, they suffered a lot from the desert.

Josh also rubbed his hair helplessly. He was indeed an idiot and forgot to use magic, which caused them to suffer so much in the desert.

But this time, after Evelyn asked: Why don't you use magic to make the surroundings cooler, so that Josh immediately remembered that he seemed to be able to do this.

"Damn, I really deserve to suffer."

Josh smiled helplessly, he really forgot about this kind of thing.

When he was in the Muya Continent, he had never encountered such a difficult weather, and when he participated in the Four Kingdoms invitation, he basically used magic to fight, which also made his reaction a little slow, and he didn't even think about it. .

But these are all indifferent, because O'Connor didn't find a means of transportation, so they can only move forward on foot.

I really don't blame O'Connor here, because Josh teleported far enough at one time. Simply put, he teleported too far. As a result, there were no cities nearby, not even a place to buy camels.

It's not that O'Connor didn't ask Josh if he could teleport back a little bit, but Josh shrugged helplessly and said, "If you think we're stuck under the sand or inside some wall or rock, we can try it. "


After thinking about the consequences of doing this, it seems that it is no different from those corpses dug out of the ground or in the sand?
O'Connor shook his head resolutely and said forget it, he went to dig the mummy with Josh and others, not to be a mummy himself.

And he is very sure that if such a thing happens, the four in front of him do not include Evelyn and Jonathan who are like him, and they will never have any problems, but I am afraid that the Muggles in their mouths will not be able to explain clearly. He didn't want them to be dug out from these magical places hundreds of years later, and then studied for a long time as some murder case.

So they chose to walk directly. Although they were a little tired, they didn't seem too uncomfortable, especially under the influence of Josh, a magician, they even felt that it was much more comfortable than being a camel!
Riding a camel is not an easy job. You must know that riding a camel not only hurts your butt, but also endures wind, sand and sun.In contrast, although I am so tired now, I don't suffer that much. As for the safety issue?
There is a magician and a few guys who don't know their occupations, but they are easy to mess with at a glance. No matter how you think about them, there is nothing wrong with them, right?

"Josh, what are your plans for going to Hamna Tower?"

Although the journey was a bit long, they were not in a hurry.If Josh and the others were in a hurry, I'm afraid the three of O'Connor would not be able to bear it, so they slowed down as if they were traveling, and Galen also took this opportunity to ask Josh about his plan.

Galen's question directly made the three of O'Connor prick up their ears. Although they had heard Josh say that their goal was the two legendary bibles, who knows if they have other goals? The world is not that simple, if they put it in the past, they might only look at it with contempt, but now they have to believe it.

"Didn't I say that a long time ago? My goal is those two Bibles."

"Of course I know this. How do you resurrect someone without those two bibles? I mean that mummy that has been dead for 3000 years. What are you going to do with it? Do you want him to come back to life?"


Josh touched his chin, Josh was thinking about the value of this guy's existence.

I have to say that this guy Imerton is actually quite tragic, and he couldn't see it in the first part, but as the subsequent part continued, it really showed that this guy was really unlucky.

For the one he loves, he gave almost everything after death, but the one he loved failed at the end and gave up on him, which led him to directly choose to kill himself.

As for the strength of this guy, Josh really didn't take it to heart.

Although the movie said how powerful and terrifying this guy was, that was the case in Josh's eyes.

The limit of the world is like that, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to surpass this world. After all, he is a native, not an outsider like Josh.

So I really don't care whether Imerton revives Josh like the original book, the main thing is what he can bring to me.

After thinking about it, Josh has the answer. Since this guy is not a threat, Josh doesn't need to care so much.

"Let him come back to life. After all, I don't really think that you can really resurrect people just by reading the contents of these two books. Then the soul and life are too cheap. Well, it seems to us Life is really cheap."

Josh spread his hands and said something that made O'Connor and the others extremely horrifying, not to mention the fact that the mummy came back to life, just Josh saying that life was very cheap to them was scary enough.

At this moment, O'Connor and the others suddenly realized that these guys' disregard for life was even more terrifying than O'Connor, a soldier.

Not to mention that they were right. Although Josh seldom kills, it doesn’t mean he hasn’t killed one. Although Galen was only a recruit before being taken away by Josh, he was at least a captain. No, the bloody level of the cold weapon era is not comparable to that of the hot weapon era.

Natasha is similar. In the world of assassins, she has performed many missions in order to train herself, and countless people have been assassinated by her.

As for Alexios, well, this guy is a fierce guy. Josh knew from the chat with him that there is basically only one mercenary who troubles him and ends up dead on the street.

Especially in his era, life was not worth mentioning at all, and slaves were the foundation and symbol of the era, so Alexios was almost the person who solved the most lives here, but he lived for thousands of years and slowly The bloody smell on his body was smoothed out, and he really couldn't see anything unless he looked carefully.

"In other words, you plan to resurrect Imerton, and then teach him to teach you how to use this resurrection magic?"

"That's about it."

Josh nodded and admitted without hesitation that the purpose of Josh staying with Evelyn was to understand the language of ancient Egypt, and then try to cast the magic of resurrection.

But after learning about this magic and letting Imerton tell him the principles of these magics, Josh felt that he could almost learn it.

Even if you really don't understand it, at worst, go back and let Akatosh learn it.

This lazy dragon basically hid in Josh's body during the day since he had intimate contact with Natasha, and left very consciously at night and slipped away to nowhere.

Josh didn't bother to care about him so much, anyway, in this guy's words: I'm tired of seeing what's so good about your human mating—in your mind, there are things that your little bean sprouts hope to use Long enough.

With this bastard's contemptuous eyes, Josh really wanted to strangle him to death. This bastard didn't think about it. His previous performance was really good, but what about now?

Can Akatosh's size be compared with before?
However, this guy's ability to understand magic is really superb. Josh felt that even if he couldn't learn it, it didn't mean that this guy couldn't learn it.

"Are you going to resurrect someone?" Evelyn was a little dumbfounded, but her IQ was definitely super high, and she had already learned a lot from the few words Josh and the others had said.

"Yes, the purpose of our trip to the legendary city of the dead is very simple and clear. It is for the two bibles. More precisely, it is to study the functions of these two bibles, and then help Alexios revive his friend and relatives."

Now that he has an idea in his heart, Josh is not afraid to say these things directly, but after he finished speaking, Jonathan looked at Alexios with a pitiful face, and then patted him on the shoulder: "I'm sorry, buddy, for The tragedy you face."

"Uh, thank you. But I wonder if you made a mistake. My friends and relatives all died normally, and nothing more tragic happened."

Alexios shrugged, accepting Jonathan's comfort, and then he emphasized: "They have been dead for more than 1000 years, that's it."

"." Jonathan's face became stiff, as did O'Connor and Evelyn. 1000 years?hell?Do you look like you've lived for over 1000 years?

But Alexios seemed to remember something, touched his chin and continued: "Oh, no. What year is it now? I was born in about 480 BC."

"." O'Connor and the others stared blankly at Alexios, and finally Evelyn asked with a twitching corner of her mouth: "It means, you experienced the Peloponnesian War? Are you Greek?"

"Okay, but correct me, I'm a Spartan!"


"Oh, yes. My maternal grandfather was Leonidas, king of Sparta."


O'Connor and the others were heartbroken. Who are these guys?Are they all living fossils?
(End of this chapter)

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