The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 276 The Worrying Josh

Chapter 276 The Worrying Josh

Reviving Imerton Moyton is actually very simple. You just need to open the Bible of Death and read the contents.

However, the revived Imerton at that time was just a mummy with thinking and memory, but without any language ability.

In the original book, Imerton relied on the power of the curse to suck those Yankees into mummies, and then slowly restored his appearance 3000 years ago. Josh has nothing to say about this.

After all, those Yankees can be regarded as their own death, disturbing the sleep of an undead and then being cursed is also their own fault.To put it bluntly, they are just a group of tomb robbers anyway, and when they die, they die, and there is nothing worthy of sympathy.

But now Josh feels that he may not be able to use these Yankees. The reason is very simple. The speed at which they set off to this ghost place is obviously not comparable to those Yankees who are still floating on the boat, so let Moyton To recover enough language skills, I am afraid that Josh will have to figure out a way by himself.

"Do I still have to wait for those Yankees to come and die?"

Although Josh felt that he really didn't care about the lives of these tomb robbers, it seemed that he couldn't help but capture them one by one to sacrifice.

Josh is a void mage and a four-element mage. He is not a necromancer or a warlock. He really doesn't think he can sacrifice a living person.

As for Imerton, after his resurrection, will he think about taking revenge on the world, and then directly use his big move to destroy the whole of Egypt first?
This Josh doesn't matter. If Imerton really has a brain problem and dares to do this, then Josh will definitely make him regret being resurrected.

"Although I'm not the Holy Mother, you are at least resurrected by me. Strictly speaking, all these shitty things you have caused should be counted on me. I'm just a plot smasher, not a world destroyer."

Josh has never been a world destroyer. Otherwise, with his current strength, there is really no difference between these worlds with very low world limits and gods. As long as he wants to, he can destroy these worlds with very low world limits, and The kind that can never be restored.

But Josh has never done this, and he doesn't even plan to do it in the future.

Josh is not a psychopath, although sometimes he will use the threat of force to achieve his goals, but Josh has saved the future fate of many worlds so far!

If Imerton wanted to take revenge on the whole world after being resurrected by Josh, then Josh felt that he should deal with him well, and he didn't even rule out the way of forcibly extracting memories to get what he wanted.

As a professional, Josh became less and less fond of doing things to ordinary people, but Imerton was not an ordinary person.

If Imerton chooses to revive Anna, whom he has loved all his life, and honestly find a corner in the world where they will not be disturbed, the two of them will live a good life together.Then Josh might not help him a bit, since Josh has Natasha, he seems to be able to understand Imerton's feelings.

"I don't know what will happen if I inject my life force directly? Hermes Trismogitis' staff can provide a strong life force. If I extract the life force from it and pour it into Imerton's body, it will also I don't know if it will work or not?"

Josh was thinking all the way, the staff of Hermes Trismogites was the treasure in the hands of Alexios that continuously provided him with vitality, allowing him to live from ancient times to the present.

Although Josh doesn't know where the limit of this thing is, Josh can also think that the life level of this thing should be limited.

Otherwise, the so-called gods in the world of assassins, that is, the pioneers, would not be able to leave the earth to find eternal life. Obviously, this thing has no effect on them.But it fell into the hands of Pythagoras and Alexios, and that was what kept them alive.

It's not that Josh hasn't checked this thing, indeed it contains a lot of life, and it's a continuous stream.

But it's a pity that the vitality level here is very low. Simply put, this thing has no effect on Josh. It can only be regarded as a good medicine for ordinary people and useless for professionals.

But Josh can be sure that even if this thing is right in the Muya Continent, there are probably a bunch of professionals who would rather not practice and use this thing to continue their lives.

After all, although the vitality here is low-level, it is enough for you to watch countless days and nights in this world.

"I hope it should be enough. After all, Imerton only drained three or four people and basically recovered."

Thinking of this, Josh is too lazy to think so much, enough is enough, then Josh can relax a little.If it’s not enough, then I’m sorry, just leave it like this, or I’ll just help you so that you can’t even go to the Styx, and you want to use us to achieve the curse?
Go dreaming, idiot.

Walking in the desert was not very comfortable, and in the end Josh felt that he didn't know how long he would go if this went on—especially with a few ordinary people, so they couldn't speed up at all.

So he decisively asked Galen to release Hosdner to travel instead.

Galen didn't have any objections to this, anyway, as long as Hosdner didn't object, he wouldn't object either.

As for some knights in other worlds who think that their mounts can only be ridden by their own women and themselves, Galen does not have such an idea, and Hosdner is Galen's partner and does not count as a mount.

So Hosdner's appearance once again startled O'Connor and the others, but they seemed to have gotten used to the actions of Josh, a group of living fossils, not to mention that they were representatives of big hearts.

They recovered after being taken aback, and Jonathan even looked at Hosdner seriously, and even wanted to poke him.

"Is this a giant dragon?"

"if not?"

"A living, flying dragon?"

"Need him to bite you?"


As if to match Galen's words, he suddenly turned his head to look at O'Connor and the others and grinned at them. The ferocious face and the sharp fangs made Jonathan afraid to say a word .

Dragons have never been a good thing in the western world, especially when Hosdner still looks so scary.

Soon something even more shocking happened. Josh walked over and touched the giant dragon's head. As a result, the giant dragon seemed to be enjoying himself, and then Josh jumped directly on top of him doing.

Not only Josh, but Galen, Natasha, and the guy named Alexios also jumped on it.

God!Is this going to ride a dragon?They are not unfamiliar with the taste of flying, but riding a giant dragon?
This kind of thing is rarely dreamed even if it is a dream, but now it seems that this kind of thing is really going to come true.

Glancing at each other, O'Connor and the three quickly climbed onto Hosdner's back in a hurry. The skin of the giant dragon was quite hard, which made them feel like they were on a steel plate, perhaps even stronger than a steel plate. Be tough.

"Everyone is seated firmly, we are about to set off. O'Connor, come over to my place, where do we need to fly!"

It didn't take long for Hosdner to take off directly, because Josh was not worried about causing any panic because he was flying in the center of the desert and towards a place where there was basically no one.

What's more, he has found all the people he is looking for, so he doesn't have to be afraid of scaring away all the people in this area because he appears with a giant dragon.

Hosdner's flying speed is very fast. Originally, they didn't know how long the journey would take, and they didn't even have a lot of time. With the help of Hosdner, they arrived in less than two hours. That piece of Hamna Tower hidden under the heavy sand dunes.

But when Josh and his group came here, Josh suddenly stopped and looked around curiously, as did Natasha and the others.

The style of Josh's 'unusual' people immediately caught O'Connor's attention, and he remembered that there was a group of barbarians in black clothes near this area!
It seemed to confirm O'Connor's conjecture, and it didn't take long for them to feel like an earthquake—it was the effect caused by the galloping horses, and they could clearly see it within their line of sight. Guys in black clothes and face scarves rushed towards them with various weapons.

"It's really stupid." Seeing this scene, Josh couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth even though he had been prepared.

"I think it's okay, our world seems to be almost like this."

Tasha thinks it's okay. The Soviet Union has a cavalry company, which has existed for a long time. Although the equipment of these people seems to be a little behind, they are more in line with this era.

"Your world is almost inferior to the technological age now, well, how can there be such a thing, dear."

Josh spread his hands and said casually, now Josh doesn't pay attention to what time it is in Marvel, and he doesn't bother to count it, anyway, it doesn't matter if he goes to see it when the time comes.

Josh and Natasha spoke in a low voice, so they didn't attract the attention of O'Connor and others. In other words, these guys in black clothes and riding horses don't look like good people at first sight, let O'Connor and the others It brought a lot of pressure, even if they were surrounded by a group of strange people, they didn't feel at ease.

In their cognition, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one shot or one shot. If there is, then just make up for it.

Although Josh and the others look very powerful, there are too many opponents. How can you, a magician, handle this shot?

If Josh and the others knew what the three of O'Connor were thinking, they would definitely laugh out loud, except for Alexios, of course, but neither Galen nor Natasha would have been afraid of being shot. Such a thing hurt, let alone Josh.

The reason why Josh let them come here is that he admired these guys more. If Josh was willing, he might be able to make this group of people disappear in an instant.

The kind that doesn't leave any traces.

(End of this chapter)

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